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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Wow. Someone finally managed to evoke a feeling of hatred in me. It only took 60 years.
  2. They already tried penalizing basics by taking away some of our groups recently. Very recently. So... have you dropped premium yet?
  3. Sure, if they've learned how to squeeze blood from a turnip. The more aggressive they are, the more they will turn people off because people will see it as being forced. If they were to try those sort of tactics on me all it will do is piss me off and make me not want to log in. They do a good enough job of that as it is. There were things LL could have done years ago that would have made things better. They didn't and it's too late now.
  4. Somehow, I have got to find a way to stop being an exception to the rule.
  5. Whoa. Something tells me you read my posts all wrong. I never mentioned any doom and gloom. I said humans aren't ready for globalization. Definitely not the same thing. I haven't forgone the possibility of colonizing another planet in our solar system. In fact I strongly believe it will be necessary to do so at some point if Homo sapiens sapiens (or whatever we will be called at that point) are to survive. The problem is the planet is overloaded and because we have become a throw away society we are using up our resources at a rate that will prevent any asteroid mining for more because there won't be enough materials (if any) to build the ships that will be needed. Keep in mind that I am First Nations and don't look at things in the same way most of you do.
  6. Hey, I was young and really didn't know any more about it than the average person at the time. So sue me.
  7. While I probably would not want to live forever, I certainly don't want to die. And who said I'd be coming back to planet earth?
  8. LL has never really had one. They lumped it in with customer service not realizing that the two are completely different things and are only related because they both deal with customers. Service and relations go hand in hand but they are not the same. Yes, I know, a lot of people these days don't see it that way but they are mostly (not all!) under 35 and never saw how business was conducted as it was when I was young. They don't know what they are missing or how bad they actually have it.
  9. Same. Never saw the cartoon but I've been saying that for decades. There is more to it but people don't want to hear the truth because then they would have to make changes in how they live and they just can't have that.
  10. No, you just miss details you need to have. You don't get the depth without the breadth. We're talking surveys here, not focus groups. ETA: Think Neilsen ratings. How many times have you ever been asked to participate in those? I've only been asked once and the questions were invasive so I didn't take part. The problem is most of the people who do, have very different ideas and tastes in what they watch from me. Very. Different. So the shows that I like and are worth a damn get cancelled while the fillers get the highest ratings. So Nielsen is missing out on a lot of information. You may have the opinon that info is valueless but what you think isn't the be all and end all. ETA2: And I probably didn't explain that very well. Hopefully you at least get the gist of it and understand.
  11. That is what marketing research firms, like the one I used to work at, are for. LL could get feedback from every resident, not just a handful here and there, which does not give an accurate picture. All residents need to be involved, not just some (or at least those willing to participate). This is one of many mistakes LL has never learned from.
  12. Somewhere around 40 years ago I had a conversation with my mother about re-incarnation. I asked her what would she come back as if it was real and she could choose what to be. She told me would choose to never come back and explained why she felt that way. Up until about 10 years ago, I disagreed with her. I wanted to come back. Not anymore. Not after after seeing where humans are heading over the past few decades. Right idea, wrong approach and it's going to get worse, not better because humans just are not ready for globalization. And as long as humans keep heading down the path we're on, we've doomed ourselves. Inevitable, I suppose since nothing lasts forever.
  13. lol Not what I meant. It was kind of a dig at myself because it's rare that anyone will give me a chance to be the caring, helpful person that I actually am. I tend to withdraw (that word!) because all too often my caring and help are rejected in the most unpleasant of ways and I've had about all of that kind of treatment I can deal with for one lifetime.
  14. Now how did I know you'd be along to say what I didn't say but was thinking? Annnnd back to chopped liver again.
  15. It's been 16 years and they haven't learned yet. I ran out of hope that they ever would. Needed it for other things that have a better chance of learning from mistakes and making changes accordingly.
  16. And you are so perfect that you never make a typographical error.
  17. Precisely. Oh... and... my normal career is accounting.
  18. Some residents seem to be determined to turn Second Life into Second Hell by treating older residents like a disease and new residents like special snowflakes.
  19. Yes, I knew he was a character in the books. He's mentioned in some that he doesn't actually appear in and of course, I haven't read The Silver Chair. Thank you for your understanding and respectfulness. 🌺
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