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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. True, however, most of them are not political propaganda machines in the way that Faux News is. I'm not talking about television networks. Fox is a network, Fox News is not. It is a part of the Fox network. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News If you aren't familiar with Murdoch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch I stopped watching the news over 30 years ago because there has never been any really "truth in reporting". Every writer gives their stories their own spin even if they make every effort not to. It's human nature.
  2. Did you even read the article? Fox News is a political propaganda machine. It is not a real news station, regardless of what Fox News claims.
  3. SSNs are for tax purposes in the US same as your tax file number. Up until more recent years your SSN was not considered to be a form of legal ID. That has changed. There was a long time, for a while, where you had to provide your SS card as part of the verification process whenever you used a credit card at any store which, at that time (no longer) was a violation of federal statutes. I don't remember exactly when it changed. I just know I never believed it to be a good idea and still don't. Especially after having my SSN stolen and some jackanape tried to claim me as their wife on their federal tax returns a few years ago and I've never remarried. Now I can't file my taxes until the IRS sends me a new PIN every year for the rest. of. my. life. Thanks a lot @$$hole.
  4. There are many reasons it is commonly referred to as Faux News rather than Fox News. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2009/nov/12/fox-news-obama-administration
  5. Another region based on combat/violence? No thank you. There's more than enough violence in the real world and combat sims in SL are a dime a dozen. Maybe focus less on combat and more on social interactions?
  6. I am so relieved someone else finally gets what I've been trying to say. I was beginning to think I was the only one not wearing blinders.
  7. I'd never heard of it either but I'm not into the cyberpunk thing. The fans were contributing by paying for rentals. LL said because nonprofit, rentals are no longer allowed. Without the income from the rentals, the nonprofit can't afford to keep the sims regions open. Depending on donations is folly. It is rare that enough donations are pulled in to 'save' a region and keep it up and running.
  8. I once said "I don't have to do anything!" to my dad. His response was, "You don't have to breathe." Not exactly a good thing to say to a child who had to be reminded to breathe normally when stressed.
  9. I don't disagree but when there is a shortage like there is, no one should be allowed to have more than one until enough are deployed to cover the demand. Once the initial demand is met then if someone wants to have more than one, go for it. Otherwise, they're just being greedy pigs and don't give a damn about others. If that's how they want to be seen, that's on them.
  10. Hmmm. Apparently verbal assault and verbal abuse don't exist for some people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. There are also those who snatched up more than one Linden home using alts and are in possession of two or more. I seem to be the only one that sees that as wrong.
  12. The law of averages must have run out for me. I had a drop in today. He got the boot very quickly and I managed to keep from falling off my chair laughing. Guys, you're wasting your time dropping in on me in my skybox. I'm very quick on the ban trigger.
  13. What about the alts of the alt's alts and their alts? Don't they deserve a little recognition, too? ...
  14. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
  15. Living in the US, I expect to have to provide documentation whenever financial transactions take place. It wasn't until after I'd become an adult that providing proof of who you are became the norm when writing checks or using a credit card. About the only time you do not have to present photo ID at banks is when you are making a deposit. Any other transaction, you must have photo ID. That is not my point. My point is having to agree to a financial account that is not needed or wanted, just to be able to continue logging in. Clicking that agree button constitutes signing a contract. A contract that I must agree to if I want to continue logging in for a FINANCIAL account I have no use for. A legal obligation for a service I will NOT be using. And even if my financial situation does happen to change in the future (highly unlikely) that is the point at which I would be willing to agree to the Tilia ToS. Not knowing what the future will bring is precisely why I object to being forced to sign a contract, in order to remain in SL, for a financial account. This is my @$$ that is being put on the line by LL, financially, when I hardly have a pot to piss in.
  16. I never said a word about the car. I was not addressing the reason behind the need or desire to withdraw funds. I was addressing the questions asked ONLY.
  17. Shouldn't that be Queen A with alts being Queen B, C, D etc?
  18. What kind of bs is this for a virtual world? Source of inworld income? I don't freaking have one ffs. What's my relationship with a stranger? Someone I've never actually met? There is no relationship. FFS. Now I do want to know what specific laws LL is supposedly complying with because the more I learn about this, the more it reeks of LL pulling another fast one.
  19. I will NOT sit down and shut up. In the US, coercing people to agree to something they don't want or need is legally actionable.
  20. No need to apologize for something you haven't done. I was making an apparently rather poor attempt at teasing you.
  21. Well no wonder you've been snippy lately. You haven't been taking enough long enough walks!
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