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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Nah. It was pretty obvious he wasn't Sam.
  2. Because people still have hearing loss, both fully and partially.
  3. [14:54] [redacted]: Hi, you are beautifull, i would like to meet you. I have 1 500 000L$ so i can give you for example 50 000 L$ for "wasted" time, send me friendship Just because your display name says Dean Winchester, it doesn't mean you are Dean Winchester.
  4. There is a fix. LL could have, from the very beginning (before opening to the public), included the tools needed just as they did for prims. They could still add it in. They just don't want to spend the money it will take to do so at such a late date.
  5. No, no... you've got it all wrong. You stake them out over the anthill. You need 4 stakes and 4 sections of rope. A bottle of Perrier makes a nice touch.
  6. Um... I was here when all that bs went down so I don't get why you are telling me things I've known for years? Or are you confusing "2009 being the last year I created an alt" with "2009 being the last year I logged in"?
  7. I'm still not sure. Thanks for the excuse to finally use that one!
  8. @Scylla Rhiadra I may be confusing Sion with Ozimals and Amaretto. https://aplegal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/11-2-9-Doc-68-Amended-Complaint.pdf But these blog posts are an interesting read: https://slchickenblog.wordpress.com/tag/sion-zaius/
  9. I think most of what I remember was posted on SLU so... But I have found this so far. lol https://chickenfever.wordpress.com/about/ The Unofficial Sion Chicken Blog.
  10. I remember that. To get logged back in you had to hit just as the clock ticked over at the mark. I forget if it was 14 or 15 minutes but you had a very small window of time to hit that sweet spot. Some of us had to get pretty good at it. lol ETA: I bet @Whirly Fizzle would remember how long it was.
  11. If you had read what few other posts there are you would have seen that I didn't let my CWS experience stop me. I moved on and was working the runways in both SL and InWorldz for a quite while before there were deaths in the family in RL and the adhesive capsulitis set in, in my left shoulder. I couldn't even hold a pen for months. Lifting my arm to type was out of the question. It's been no secret for many years that Phedre is my alt. That was known on the FS support team and in the group which is quite large so while it may not be common knowledge, I have posted links to my blog and some of the images from it on the forums fairly recently. Granted, no one reads all the posts, but I didn't think about mentioning it until you posted about it. Sorry about that. LOL Kind of backs up what I said about being a nobody in SL.
  12. Umm... I know when it's from. It's my modeling account's WordPress. In other words, it's mine. It was my experience, not some stranger's. Phedre is one of my alts. ETA: AH. I did miss the part about CWS shutting down. That is good news. Thanks for that.
  13. I am past the point of being fed up with the people who tell me how and who I am supposed to be when they don't even know me. It is not the monsters we should be afraid of; it is the people that don't recognize the monsters inside themselves.
  14. I didn't assume Zeta was wrong. I asked for more information so I could see what she was talking about. If that is condescending then so be it. As for believing the whole world is just like the US, if you knew me as well as you think you do you would know that I do not. Classic case of my words being twisted around to mean something they do not mean.
  15. Let's take an inside look shall we? https://phedrelefevre.wordpress.com/category/phedres-phollies/
  16. That is one hell of a wild assumption. Perhaps it would be best if I just remained ignorant of how things are in other countries. And what the differences are between the US federal and state labor laws and the labor laws of other countries. On second thought... eff you, the horse you rode in on, the horse you ride out on and any horse you ever ride.
  17. I remember having all these plans to be somebody in SL. Make a name for myself and be known. Fourteen years later, I'm still a nobody. LL developed this bad habit of yanking the rug out from under me at just the right moment rendering all my hard work (and real money spent) into a waste of time and money. With the recent premium fee hike, they're still doing it. I've resigned myself to remaining a nobody since I just don't have the kind of money it now takes to launch any kind of business in SL. Oh, I'll still keep building when my 50L stipend builds up enough to be able to afford the needed materials (that should be around this same time next year) but as far as having an inworld store or an MP store... anyone want to share the winning powerball ticket numbers with me?
  18. How do you know it isn't as "rampant" in Nederland as in other countries? Got any links I can take a look at? I don't doubt that it may not be as prevalent as in some countries but I have the feeling it is worse than you believe. I'd love to see something that shows me otherwise.
  19. That is how it should be. In reality, in the US, it is not. I lost count of the number of times I was the best candidate for a position and was passed over because female and lost the position to a man. Only once did a company wake up and realize the mistake they had made. I ended up working for them for 10 years. I wish that company still existed. I'd still be working there and getting ready to retire. Something I doubt I will ever get to do.
  20. The way things were in 2004 was you typed in the first name of your choice then picked a last name from a list. I don't recall it having been a drop down list. The list was, I think, 25 names. You could refresh the page and the names would change. But if you refreshed a second time you got the first list. So a total of 50. It was still that way in 2009, except that may have been a drop down, that being the last year I created an alt.
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