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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Don't make me break out my prim puppy av, hunt you down in SL and pee on your foot.
  2. That's even worse. I can't use mouselook. And if anyone ever tells you, you can't joust without using mouselook, tell them you have living proof it can be done, then send them to me.
  3. What part of LL already does all of this do you not comprehend? Apparently all of it.
  4. LL already does that. SL is NOT a game. It is a creative platform where your imagination is your only limit within the TOS.
  5. Fantastic build. Too bad I won't get to go tour it. I'm getting a touch claustro just looking at the images.
  6. They are not legal adults in the US. They can't be allowed access to adult things because of federal and state laws. If you want SL to be shut down faster than you can shake a stick at it, go for it. I'll be empathizing with the families of the LL employees as they wait for their loved ones to be released from prison. If that is what you really want, have at it. Count me out.
  7. I keep reading the name as 'one time human'. Like, once they were human but not any more.
  8. If you mean children under the age of 16... hell no. SL is a platform for adults, not children. Always has been, always will be. Teen Grid doesn't count as it was a separate grid. I've raised 6 children, I don't log in to SL to raise more!
  9. LL has done exactly this in the past. Chances are they will do it again.
  10. Sounds like it may be bake fail. You can work through the wiki page or you could ask for help in the support group but they'd probably give you the same link, unless there's something going on I'm not aware of with the latest release or an LL bug which may or may not be on the Jiras. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_bake_fail ETA: If all else fails, call @Whirly Fizzle at BR-549.
  11. If I block a creator and/or that creator's rep, I won't be doing business with that creator. That is set in stone. If someone pushes my button(s) hard enough for me to want to block them, they deserve it and I want nothing further to do with them or their business. I will take my business elsewhere as I do in RL. In my case, not blocking them will do more harm than good.
  12. Lyrics here: http://www.rkdn.org/titanic lyrics.htm
  13. Well I did tend to avoid the biggest, most popular places. Then I got burnt out on clubbing. Got to be where it was like RL with almost nothing but sports bars. And after co-owning/operating a few, I've pretty much gotten over it. lol
  14. I've been in SL since 2004 and there are tons of people I've never met at the clubs I went to. Used to be in CST, been in PST/SLT since October 2006. So you must be across the pond from me which would explain why we never met inworld. *waves* Hi.
  15. Let me know when you're ready to swap off and I'll chase you around the forum for a bit. Hope everyone has their cameras ready. This should be an epic first. Wolf chasing lion. I mean... because really... the bear was just too slow.
  16. Yes, LL decides whether or not to offer nonprofits "discounts" or reduced prices, however, LL did make the decision to offer reduced prices to nonprofits and LL still must abide by both California and federal laws regarding nonprofits because those laws also govern those who do business with nonprofits. LL is doing business with this particular nonprofit by allowing the nonprofit to purchase regions and maintaining those regions on LL's servers for a monetary exchange. My point is both sides have to abide by the state and federal laws governing nonprofits. I can see where LL just might not be in compliance itself. Yes, I have had experience working with/for a national nonprofit organization and have held a minor office or two. ABATE of Mississippi ABATE of Louisiana Texas ABATE CMT/ABATE of Tennessee and most recently ABATE of Oregon.
  17. Mouse over the name in the post, click ignore at the bottom of the popup, check the appropriate boxes on the page that comes up, click update preferences. Done.
  18. There are at least one or two professional DJs (who actually worked on the airways in radio before streaming was even a concept) running around in SL DJing... why isn't anyone asking them?
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