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Raspberry Crystal

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Everything posted by Raspberry Crystal

  1. That darn swedish chef was an imposter!!
  2. @Liv Zerundi love those shots, your green and white scheme is so fresh and inviting!
  3. After seeing some great examples of older Linden homes makeovers around the forum I thought it might be nice to have a thread to gather those together. So if you are camping out waiting for a move to Bellisseria, or loving your established home show us what you can do! This is my Meadowbrook Overlook property, definitely a work in progress!. I was initially put off getting a two story place because I disliked the 'painted on' stairs but it turned out to be easy to cover them up. It took me 3 'abandon and hop's to find a spot I was happy with, two of those jumps led me to open water views. I have around 80 prims left after placing my major items so the decor should look a little less sparse soon enough
  4. Having recently moved into a Meadowbrook property I found your original post really inspiring, the latest look look evens better!
  5. Isn't there some sort of rule about this in (UK) football? Home team changes to their alternate kit
  6. I'd be weirded out by it, especially if it was next door! Choosing similar things is a different story, we can all be following trends without realising.
  7. You can't give your home to someone in particular. You can abandon it and it returns to the pool where anyone can grab it.
  8. Maybe they put up a big map textured decoy prim over a secret area? (Is that possible?)
  9. Don't forget that people abandon their homes at all times through the day @Gordon Nadezda but these could be from anywhere in Bellisseria!
  10. Lots of inspiration thank you! (I just spent a day covering up the stairs in mine!) Also I got a welcome from the neighbour, so I guess community is what you make it?
  11. "We took a great deal of effort to design our sim and if you want to view anything we advertised in marketplace, we've hidden it very carefully so you have more time to admire our landscape design skilllz whilst on the hunt"
  12. @RaeLeeH I think @Echo Kinsella was suggesting a free option. I can't see it happening due to complexity. I thought that chopping up a few large abandoned sites, and releasing them through established systems might be easier to achieve, though of course it is unknown how bad actors might choose to game the system in that case. You can buy plots privately for cheaper than the Linden's 1l per metre squared policy. As you can imagine, if someone is planning to abandon then getting a smaller amount is better than nothing. With a group allowance you can achieve 563m2 for purchase cost plus free tier. I understand what you are saying about people's complaints, Linden homes are free at point of purchase if you've already paid for premium.
  13. Thank you for the useful comments. I set up the slurl proxy as an insurance against further self generated problems
  14. Making more 512 plots available at auction would help as people could get an older Linden home and a mainland plot as well and get their full tier value for premium. I'm sure I will be corrected, but I haven't seen a 512 linden lot put up for auction sale for weeks, and finding a 512 abandoned plot to request is challenging / impossible. This leaves private land sales, and they can be expensive or hard to find. (not all private land sales are expensive though) If some larger inland plots were broken up into 512 sized pieces I'm sure they would be popular.
  15. Previously second life's online map links opened up Firestorm (if it wasn't already open) I downloaded second life's official viewer, now having two viewers on my system. The map links would then open up in the official viewer. So I uninstalled the official viewer, thinking the map links would now open Firestorm again. They don't. I have an error message suggesting I look for a microsoft app. How can I restore the link between the maps and Firestorm?
  16. Skybox = uncluttered space to whiz around with camera and check if your bits are hanging out of a new mesh outfit.
  17. I'm glad it isn't just me hallucinating! More furniture around, and interesting adaptations of existing homes in the 'old world'. (screencap is very much 'off-peak' 5:00am ish SLT) Liking this thread!
  18. Yes sorry, I should have been clearer! This above is the problem, the behaviour rather than the feeling.
  19. I found it hard listening to all that excitement when I didn't have my home yet, so I dropped out of chat for a while, it isn't the feeling that's at fault.
  20. @Marianne Little if that could be made to work it would seem like a solution (though of course expect complaints about half the number of prims!)
  21. I can't add to the advice given, apart from more new homes are being built ( and quickly occupied) each week. In six months or so it will be easier. Your old style home is gorgeous! Do you know you can also have free tier on an additional 512m2 mainland plot?
  22. I'm genuinely confused, I thought your 'bye felicia' image seemed quite mean as a response, but I am not that familiar with internet memes.
  23. A lot of these threads look like hit and run posts, but it is an easy way for people who don't understand the system to give feedback. I wish they would all be moderated together and locked. Anyone who really wants to stick around and get an answer can start another thread, 'hey why was my post moved?'
  24. @moirakathleen so beautiful, and you can be at home anywhere!
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