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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. OMG same! Literally on the dot and it was already gone! We have several monitors going in our home (my husband, because he DJ's in world, has 3 on his desk alone) and I could not believe that it went like literally in a second! Whomever the person is is super lucky. Well, here's hoping that the new beach areas coming up have enough homes on them to make at least a few of us happy in days to come!
  2. I haven't rp'd in eons. I did only sporadically for the first year or so depending on where I was but for the most part, I always was who I am for real. I'm not good at pretending in general. I prefer making real connections with people and like people who do the same. I find it difficult to continue friendships in world with those who do not open up to some degree about themselves. I can goof around with those who roleplay if I'm somewhere that's appropriate and am able to go along for the ride for short periods but eventually I'll tire of the banter. I can't keep up the facade of caring for the story.
  3. There are several houseboats still showing as unclaimed in Beluga...
  4. I'm still refreshing. I nearly got a houseboat but it slipped by
  5. I just decided Porthole is quite nice, I like the houses overlooking the harbor houseboats. Would be nice to get one of those
  6. Yea, my alt is inworld over in Beluga. I've been refreshing anyway
  7. Oh right, duh. Ok it's been so long since I was somewhere that happened I totally forgot!
  8. How can you tell there's a restart? I've always wondered this
  9. Oh goodness, anyone in Florida yes please be safe! I lived there for a few years, am all too aware of how terrible it can get even in a minor hurricane. Hope all of you are taking good precautions, especially if on the coast ❤️
  10. Yes the holiday is Monday, however, a lot of us in the US also take Friday or 1/2 day on Friday
  11. I'll admit they are good for photo shoots. I'd never delete them from my inventory because several of them are extremely unique looking. I have quite a few rare gachas from them. Lorena, Sofie, Anis, Liu, Tara, Madlen, Rita and Emily...if anyone can find those in the Marketplace (at least a couple are Bento) you'll be getting a totally different look than everyone else walking around although, not quite as up to date in the animation department. Now that I wrote that, I'm going to have to break a couple of those out and play around with some of my most current appliers and see how well they stand up to them 😊
  12. Maitreya has not had an update in many years. Many. Genesis, pffft to that too. Once they split off and Genus took off, they have kind of fizzled out. Genus started out with a lot of difficulties but has become IMO is a beautiful head and is now my favorite - especially the Strong version. Personally, I find the fit of the Genus head and Maitreya body to be pretty good most of the time, depending on the applier (and lighting) being used. I use Belleza's Freya sometimes also but Maitreya still is best overall in spite of it's lack of updates. Both bodies fit most heads well although again I have better luck with Maitreya with all heads (I have a LOT of them) I'm eyeing TMP even though it has a poor rep for support. I bought it for my male alt and OMG it IS good looking. I'd been struggling getting him to look good for years and he finally has the appearance I'd been hoping for. I'd assume the female version is equally as good looking but of course, not as many options for clothing/fitting heads, etc.
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