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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I really miss him hosting that show.. It was one of my favorite shows at the time.
  2. One that I don't think is around anymore was Red Rock,Native lands. I used to love going there..
  3. The real change will come when we remove the cloud of election tactics which try to use geography to place it rather than concentrate on where it exists most.. Any time I hear things that concentrate on the north and south or the civil war, I pretty much lose taking it serious.. it's 2020 and the migration of people from the north to the south and the south to the north alone, would have an impact if it were the case.. I've lived in a place where racism is actually keeping people down and moved to an area where people hear it is from the media.. Just about every street in the town you'll find a good mix of people of different races.. The plant i work at is where a lot of them work together with each other.. have lunch together,do things together on the weekends,ect.. Where i came from a white person stuck out like a sore thumb. there was no diversity.. Where i live now is a good example of diversity and how things really should be... The media bothers me because a lot of my life experience doesn't line up with where they are trying to lead me to..I know where a lot of the problems are and used to be confused as to why they were ignoring them. it's a frustrating world and a lot of people that don't know any better get lead along.. ETA: Let me just add this because I want to be clear,I'm not talking about the current event with BLM..I'm not up to date on this particular situation..I'm just talking in general about things in a bigger picture over time... I really don't think a lot of change will come from this one incident more than it will recognizing where the problems start from today,not 400 years ago..
  4. If you ask me, asking for defunding is like asking for more bad cops to join.. More pressure on the higher ups to enforce policy is how you weed out a lot of the bad apples.. Start paying cops less is the same impact you'll get when you start paying teachers less.. Less good teachers.. Our town was full of clout cops..Someone knows someone and them getting in over someone more qualified.. our police used to be so corrupt.. One guy finally got busted for pulling women over, writing a bunch of tickets and then giving them an option to make them go away.. We got a new Chief of police and he cleaned out all the old out of shape favoritism corrupt clout cops and laid down the law and we ended up with real police.. Now our police all look like they are in the shape of navy seals rather than dunkin doughnut cops just doing their job when they feel like it.. Corrupt cops put a fear into the community.. I know quite a few of the police in town now..Some were from before and many were after the big clean up.. them older ones have some doozie stories of how bad it was and how tight the reins are on them now compared to before.. Our town at one point was the worst drug problem town in the country.. a lot of that has gone down also.. Those sitting in the council chairs control the money and the rules.. everything flows down from there..If they are corrupt it's just going to trickle down and get worse along the way.. I won't go into the corrupt head of the school district in our town.. But we had pretty much the same results when funds got shifted from the skimming he was doing and getting those put back into the system. I wish they could just swoop in and clean Chicago up like they did here.. That city council needs some real pressure put on it that will trickle down..
  5. It even goes more step down than that.. Each state, each county, each city and little towns and burbs.. Our town is a county seat which we have all three stations in our town.. I've actually seen and heard with my own eyes and ears in town, someone pulled over by the state police and the local police show up and pretty much push the state police off.. It was like, ok I got this,you can go now.. real smartassy like too..hehehe I don't think they care for each other too much when they start stepping into each others areas..
  6. I'm still watching Sailing La Vagabonde everyday.. This is probably one of my favorites, He's just one of the cutest lil guys ever..Lenny
  7. Listening to some of Elayna C playing and singing and doing some covers. She's from a channel I watch called, Sailing La Vagabonde, which is my favorite You tube Channel.. If you like ocean sailing,it's a really great channel and so relaxing and nice escape..
  8. I am considered A responsible adult by it's legal definition.. I'm an adult and responsible for my three children and my childish husband.. hehehehe
  9. I think going after churches is an easy blame rather than looking at where the real problems are.. Take a look at a city like Chicago..Because cities are where the largest problems are, where the most good could be done.. Cities will pump money into certain areas while tearing down the inner cities.. I remember in one summer Chicago closing 50 school mostly in the inner city areas.. Closing schools removes after school activities, outside areas to play like parks and courts and pretty much removing anything for kids to keep from being idle.. This in turn leaves them open to little options and ups the odds of getting absorbed into the gangs.. meanwhile pumping money into the nicer richer areas of the city.. People outside of the inner city areas aren't even aware of what really happens in the inner cities,other than what the media shows,which is always violence and crime and just bad..never any of the good.. In my opinion, it will never go away because it's just too good of a business for the media to keep stoking the fire showing how good it is in this place and just how bad it in over in that place.. you don't have mass shootings in the inner city, they all get clumped together as gangland.. Racism thrives most in our cities and it starts from the top down.. the war between the north and south is long over.. it's thriving and most impactful in areas where the most people are .. In cities you have Italian areas, Polish areas,China town,white, black and so on.. A good perspective of what I'm talking about with the inner city which I call the forgotten city within the city, you can see in a documentary called, More than a bullet which you can find on youtube pretty easily.. I'd post the video here,but there is a lot of bad language and it would probably be removed anyways.. It might be ok to link it I guess though.. More Than A Bullet I used to live in these areas when i was younger and still went back to visit before all this social distancing happened.. It's a good documentary that shows where a lot of the problems stem from today and how media isn't helping a bit in making it any better..
  10. I'm glad you said it, because I didn't want to spend all day in here.. hehehehe I know when i was younger and living in the city, We didn't care what race the cops were..Black White Hispanic or whatever.. Bad cops come in all shapes sizes and races. It was the cars that made us stop whatever we were doing and look like a deer caught in the headlights.. They all put the fear in me.. hehehe
  11. 25L to add a partner 1/2 your stuff to remove them.. hehehehe
  12. You know she's probably always been tough as nails.. I bet I could sit and just talk with her all day.. Just the life experiences alone would have me so glued.. There is sooo much to learn from our elders..She's seen and heard it all I bet..
  13. It is a real hair puller.. I've heard so many times people not thinking they were getting it and just stopping there.. When i went back to work last week.. I said to one of the guys at work, How are you liking that money? It's kind of nice getting paid more to do nothing than work isn't it? Jokingly I said it.. He said, all i got was a card and there was nothing on it.. I never got any money.. I said ,WHAT?! I said the company filed for you, your money is there..Didn't you do your weekly certifications.. He said he couldn't figure out how to get his user name and password. I was like, OMG! \o/ So I told him to come to the office in the morning and we'd get him all sorted out.. He had like $6,100.00 coming to him.. Boy was he happy..hehehehe
  14. Ok, here is a story that just happened today with a friend of mine that I just got off the phone with.. She had been out of work since march.. Like a lot of people that were filing their unemployment, it left a lot of people confused.. She went and filed back in march and had an agent call her asking for a certain amount of pay stubs.. The agent told her she had to have them in by the end of the day or it would mess up her claim.. Well, back then I was helping her with getting her claim made..We tracked down her stubs because she was a temp and a lot of the temp services use cards..so that took half the day right there.. Anyways, we got those and sent those in.. I thought we were done and she was all good.. She never called me or anything, let alone I never called her this whole time either..just being busy with our own lives.. I'm thinking she's all good and well when i left.. She ended up calling me this morning asking if she would be able to file again, because things were getting so tight and it wasn't looking like work is going to start back up soon.. I said,what do you mean file again? You should still have more than enough of a claim to be set for a good bit more.. She said,that claim never went through.. I said, Sure it did, all you had to do was send in the stubs and you were good to go.. She told me they sent her an appeal letter saying she could appeal the results and that she had only so much time to appeal.. I said, No no no! Don't tell me this whole time you haven't been doing a weekly certification. You have haven't you? She said no, I kept waiting for a response from that one lady and she never responded so I thought I was refused.. I was like OMG! OK girl,here is what you have to do.. Log into your account on their web site and I'm gonna walk you through.. She said OK.. So she logs in and I tell her to go to her dashboard and down to the left look for weekly certification.. She goes in reads off the questions to me and I tell her yes or not to each one.. I say, ok now click next and see what it say's to you up at the top.. She clicked next and up at the top it said, You should expect to be paid for this week.. Would you like to exit your weekly certification, or would you like to continue.. I told her to click continue.. She was already getting excited thinking she is getting paid for the past week.. She clicked continue and it asked her if she would like to certify for the week of March 6th or something like that..I forget the date.. it kind of puzzled her for a minute..Then she said to me, It's wanting me to certify for way back in march.. I said ,yes it is and it will ask you when you are done with that ,if you want to certify for the following week also.. What's going to happen is ,they are going to have you certify for all the weeks you didn't do a weekly certification and then send it all to you at one time.. I think she broke her phone when I told her that.. She is ecstatic and so happy and crying right now..It took a good bit to finally get off the phone with her.. I just wish I knew sooner that she didn't really do anything this whole time, just thinking she wasn't getting her benefits.. I'm still kind of in awe and feeling like a Zombie myself right now.. It's making me want to double check on other people I helped get their benefits going.. I sure would hate to find out there are others out there living on such a thin thread over a misunderstanding because of the site being so confusing.. I feel Terrible but also ,so happy for her at the same time.. What a morning, I tell you.. I'm just so happy for her ..
  15. This was the one that I meant to grab..hehehe
  16. I quoted this, because a Linden did respond to this thread back then.. It's on page 5.. ETA:Wrong quote..I haven't read that one yet..I'll grab the first one that showed up that I mean to quote and put it in a new post since I have no idea how to copy and paste them so all the information like dates and times and names show up....hehehe
  17. There is an easy answer to this.. If someone feels it is, then do something about it.. If someone doesn't feel it is, then don't do anything.. Arguing over if it is or isn't, won't get the laundry done.. It's a pretty old thread.. I'm sure if it was AR'd, it was back then..If it's still there then it either got missed or wasn't something ARable..
  18. I learned that one from my husband actually, just from him calling other guys hardlegs.. hehehe Keep your eyes forward Hardleg! He's got another he likes to use also..Horned dog hehehehe
  19. Not lately on here, although I've met my fair share in the past, just as a lot of places on the internet.. I've just become more experienced in how to deal with them than before. There are a lot of people that can't handle the internet and tend to let their inhibitions go wild when they feel they are anonymous.. In RL people tend to be a little more cautious than they are on the internet, because they can't be reached out and touched or dealt with so quickly online. When people think they are safe they can be totally different person than when there might be a price to pay.. I can go to a bar in RL with my girlfriends and will have a bunch of hard legs bother us all night long.. But, If my husband showed up and sat down with us, it would stop on a dime. Because a real threat to them has been entered into the equation. online, it's best to ignore mean people soon as possible,because they can tend to eat up your time.. A funny thing that kind of cracks me up is something like facebook or other social networking places..Even people that know each other,will act differently online with each other, than when they are in front of each other in person.. I wouldn't worry so much about the people online as i would the ones in RL..Just know that more than likely most of the Aholes online, wouldn't say or do most of the mean things in RL as they would online.. Because of the Cojones factor that RL spins on it. Many don't have any RL Cojones. hehehe
  20. Let me see if I can remember how it goes.. It's early for me.. But someone mentioned the commandments earlier and it kind of got my mind going on a daydream for a little bit.. one thing lead to another and my mind was all over the board. I day dream a lot in the morning hehehe Aaaanyways, The commandments can make my head spin trying to figure out what is what today and then..hehehe Ask someone using the old testament to their advantage and claiming to be a Christian, where the list is of the 613 commandments.. You'll stump a lot of people even though they probably read them.. A lot only think there is 10 and many don't know anymore than where the ten are..hehehe There were 613 precepts Moses wrote 611,while wanting to write 613.. Two were spoken for the nation of Israel to know and not to be written down, making it 613. The reason two were spoken was God knowing in the future that other nations would translate them.. The Holy One said to the nations: You claim that you are my children? I do not know. However, I those who are in possession of my mystery are my children. The two Spoken being the mystery.. I always thought that was kind of neat..hehehe The Do's: 248 positive precepts, which correspond with the number of members in a mans body. The Do nots: 365 Negative precepts, which correspond with the number of solar days in a year. Not all applied to everyone and not all apply today.. I want to say like 244 apply today and 26 of those are only when in Israel. It's something like that.. This throws a lot of people for a loop. King David reduced the 613 laws to 11 Principles The Prophet Isaiah reduced the 11 Principles to 6 The Prophet Micah reduced the 6 Principles to 3 The Prophet Isaiah reduced the 3 principles to 2 The Prophet Amos reduced the 2 principles to 1 The Prophet Habakuk came along and based them all on one The ten commandments are part of the 613 and are not laws,but more guidelines. in other words, if you are a good christian you should willingly be living by them. Before the law,everything was on faith..During the law everything was based on works and rules.. Removing the laws brought everything back to being based on faith and the promise made to Abraham before the laws. Why did I post all this stuff? I don't know, maybe just trying to get some use out of all that time i spent reading up on it all.. I love pain? Maybe light pinches and spanks, but not really bad pain hehehe It's more than likely because, I'm back home cooped up again and looking for stuff to do.. hehehehe Ok, my head hurts now sooooooo, I'm gonna have to go get some tea now and maybe hop on my horse and do some barrel runs for a little while, because I have to shake all this off now...hehehe Everyone have a great day! \o/ Ceka ❤️
  21. Anything I upload to youtube since they changed the rules, I set it to, Not made for children..I don't care how safe it is..
  22. Yes, but there is also Ninja reaction time skill.. Many don't posses this rare intranet skill, like us in the way of the intranet Ninja. hehehe
  23. Ok,Lets see where this one ends up.. I'm kind of making this one up on the fly.. Two Jehovah witnesses, John and Steve, are meeting up back at the car after a long day of knocking at doors, trying to hand out pamphlets. John: Hey Steve, how did it go? Steve: Terrible. Not one person came to the door. John: The same here, not a single answer and not a single person outside either.. Steve: Looks like it's going to be another day of going back and trying to explain to the others. *Both get into the car and lay their heads back giving out a big sigh as they sit and think* John, feeling the frustration slaps his hand on his leg and say's, They are going to be so disappointing again..Man! Steve seeing John getting upset say's to him: Look John,there is always tomorrow, you have to stay focused and not let this get to you so much.. John: You know Steve, you're right there is always tomorrow, John sets his head back on the seat with a bit of a smile and feeling better.. Steve: I'll tell you what, do you want to hear a joke? John say's yes,yes I would.. Steve: Knock Knock. John: Who's The....Oh no no no, nice try!! You're not getting me with that one again..I'm not going to be the only one that walks in empty handed this time!!
  24. I'm just so glad Justin Bieber didn't get mentioned.. 0o Dammit !! I did it again! \o/
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