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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. One guy I know pointed out that the big reason they should come down and are coming down is because we shouldn't have statues of traitors in our towns... Racism we would be taking statues down all over the country, but the ones for civil war generals and such..those guys were traitors to the U.S... I thought to myself..that's a hard one to argue against..hehehe
  2. They are all pretty much little groups now compared to what they once were.. My husbands rugby team could whip the crap out of the ones in that video pretty quick..hehehehe
  3. You know what's funny is, I didn't know they actually had membership cards they carry on them.. I've had a couple run ins with some members, but they were by themselves.. On was in the grocery store in town.. I wasn't too worried about it because my husband was in the next lane over.. I was in the veggie section.. He was saying a bunch of crap and said something about being in the klan.. I said you buttheads are still around.. He whipped out his card.. Right about that time my husband came around the corner and seen this guy looking all mean and angry towards us.. He bum rushed up on this dude and said..What's up babe! As he stuck his 280 pound self between me and that guy.. I said,this guy say's he's from the Klan and I didn't believe him.. That's all I had to say and my husband said to him.. Git your little punk ass out of this store, because I don't want to have to go to prison for stepping on a little turd like you.. That guy hightailed it out of that store like his butt was on fire.. I have a really bad ass husband that will put the fear of god into the rock....hehehehe
  4. The Klan isn't anything worth getting worried about.. They are so knocked down to a stump.. Heck ,the largest section of the Klan was up north when they were at their strongest time.. They had more members in, I want to say indiana , but it may have been ohio..I think indiana.. Anyways, They had more members in that state than in the whole of the south combined.. The north Had way more Klan than the south when you combined all those states compared to the south states.. but they aren't squat now..
  5. That's just where they were born.,They aren't there anymore.. But they do show up once a year and put the town through a headache, just because it was the birth place.
  6. Illinois is considered a Northern state. I lived there and now in the bible belt about 30 miles north of the Alabama border and about 20 miles from Pulaski Tennessee,where the Klan was born. Want to see snobby, go the Wilmette Illinois.. It's all old money and huge mansions with like 14 bathrooms and Sistine chapel type paintings on the ceilings just at the entrance.. Huge places..
  7. Here is a good example of how the government holds back a people.. Three different occasions where we started to thrive, they stepped in to knock us back.. not just that but also in the education area and corrupt micro government and so on.. Take this and then look closely everywhere else that there is rampant problems with another people.. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of similarities.. This is why we trust no politicians or governmet..
  8. Exactly.. Dave Chappelle said it best.. in so many words..The racism in the south is just *MMMMwhaa* right there out in the open..hehehe In the north they keep it on the down low..A lot do anyways.. Not all..
  9. It's probably more a population thing than anything..But From the city which is Chicago where i lived, to the suburbs you had burbs that were White, burbs that were Black, burbs that were Hispanic,Italian,Polish and so on..Some burbs it was White areas Black areas Hispanic areas Indian areas Laoshon.. In the City it was areas, you can't just go taking a leisure walk through each others burbs or areas, not without looking like you just caught a herd of deer's attention..hehehehe The City,you just knew not to do it at all. I'm not going to get into the really bad stuff right now because it's getting close to bed time for me and I don't want all that on my mind and getting wound up.. Anyways, Towns around me it's a good mix throughout and living among each other.. Our house in town,we have black neighbors,white and Hispanic.. our tree went down in our front yard a few weeks back and my neighbors came out to help cut it up and we all stood around for about another hour or so just talking with each other about every day stuff.. Where i work,it's Black, White, Hispanic,well besides me also.. The only time people really give anyone a hard time, is when someone is being lazy at their job.. A lot of these guys hang out with each other on the weekends.. I know this because they'll be talking about their weekends on Mondays. This all just felt like it was gonna start up on north and south tug-o-war.. So i just felt like saying something before.. My perspective is.. if you put 5 gallons worth of people in a one gallon bucket..You're bound to have more tension. Where we live now, most people have room to stretch..hehehe
  10. For me it felt worse in the north than the south..But I'm just going from my personal experience..
  11. I would say my husbands size, but it would sound like I was trying to out do you..hehehehe I'm almost 5ft,so when they start getting up that tall, they all seem the same to me..hehehehe
  12. He is a full on party boy. You could tell he had this whole big speech planned probably before he got there.. then got cut off.. hehehe I bet he had to go take a steam afterwards to deal with the stress from being cut off after his motor got going..poor guy.
  13. And people wonder why I carry two guns and married a really big Samoan.. hehehe A lot of that is me kidding,with some seriousness in there..
  14. They should remove the one in DC as well..But they would never.. The great emancipator..pfft yea right.
  15. I liked the kill bill version of that video.. I can't find it anymore now..That was the best version..hehehe
  16. it's a 2007 video..hehehe We used to call it ,first suburban world problems.
  17. I learned to new words today..Well really I thought of the first one and just looked it up on google to see if there actually was a word like it.. Urban dictionary for the win..hehehe Eracism A movement to erase racism. My Eracism sweatshrt says "There is only one race - the human race. Everything else is just culture". And for the second words I learned to day.. maskadaisical Slacking off on wearing a mask in public places to prevent contracting coronavirus. Dude, we have to go back to the house. I forgot my mask and I can't get into Costco without it. Man, you are becoming maskadaisical! hehehe
  18. I have to ask this.. hehehe Have you ever messed with people and embraced the stereotypes put on you? I only did it to people I know.. Well ,most of the time anyways..Sometimes it was just to make someone feel like an idiot when they deserve it.. With my friends it would be stuff like, we're in my house and they would be checking something out and I'd say with urgency, Omg that's sacred! Most times they'd jump out of their skin with eyes bulging out.. Omg that's my Grandfathers sacred chair! hehehe My Father is really bad.. He gets really old school.. If someone asks him if he is Native American, Which he doesn't like being called.. He does this thing with his eyes where he kind of squints and looks off in the distance, with the most serious face, then his voice gets deep.. No.........I am not....Native American.. Then he'll jump right back to normal and say I'm, Chiricahua Apache or Nde.. He's really good at it.. hehehehe
  19. I came across this one again..It's so cute..
  20. It's actually, We still remain.. As much as they tried, We still remain. Here is a really good one You might find interesting.. It's one of my favorites really.. A Woman Chiricauha warrior named Lozen, One time with her Band led by her brother Victorio, were backed into a canyon by the U.S. military..Lozen knowing from past encounters they wouldn't move on them until morning, took a path out the back side of the canyon into the desert at night..The military advanced and made it into the canyon in late morning early afternoon.. Like Geronimo/Goyahkla, Lozen was a Shaman warrior..With her they were always out of reach from the U.S. military.. Aaaanyways, The U.S. military followed the Bands tracks out into the desert, where the Band had caches of water.. They led the Calvary in circles until they all died of thirst.. Not a shot fired.. Lozen was so in touch with her environment and senses so sharp that she could tell how far the enemy was away from the band, which kept them out of reach from the enemy.. Only when she had to stay back to help with a birth because the woman could not travel anymore, Did they catch up to the band and kill her brother.. That band incorporated with Geronimo's band where Lozen stood on the right side of Geronimo keeping them out of reach.. He gave much credit of their success because of her.. Why am I saying all this? I don't know, it's just a good tell I guess.. hehehe
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