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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Someone that is worried about being stalked, should probably keep having a gun to themselves anyways.. It also doesn't hurt to have a dog or two that will either, make enough noise to wake them up, or as a good defense for an intruder. A dog barking,especially if it's a really huge sounding bark, is usually good enough to have someone getting the hell away from the premises.. Plus they are just good healthy fun to have around anyways.. hehehehe
  2. Mark Who??!!! 0o The only mark I know is that,somethin somethin Zoro guy. See, I can't even remember his whole name, for Pete sake!
  3. Honestly, i save a hell of a lot of money and more times than not, end up with better results when I piece my own look together, rather than shopping off the rack for a whole outfit.. The way things are nowadays you could pay 4 grand for panties and a freaking tank top that are stuck in a fatpack.. lol I could put a hell of an amazing outfit together just getting individual pieces for that price.. I think it's easy to get stuck in the event swing and shop off the rack each weekend.. But really events these days are just the inworld malls of yesteryear.. The malls always had that stuff you had to sort through to hopefully find the good stuff.. hehehehe
  4. just post the skin you have so we can try it out and see if we can get it going for you.. they must have a demo for it.. We'll get you going one way or another.. it's that or it's not a skin that works on an evo or evo x mesh head.
  5. The one that feels like it's trending most right now, but not up there with the top bodies yet, I would say is Reborne.. It's getting more and more included, from what I can tell when I'm shopping for things.. The one I wish would get more attention is Kalhene Erika, but that whole application thing messed them up I believe.. They really need more triple A creators on board before they can really get any steam going.. I'm hoping the ship hasn't sailed yet for that body, because I really do think it's well done..
  6. For me Events are mostly for getting landmarks anyways.. I mean it's like looking at one item they put out vs everything else in the store.. If something is well made, I'll give a look at their store. If it's a rehash, then I don't even bother.. They aren't even making their own stuff anyways ,so I just skim passed those. A couple land marks here and there and you have a good shopping trip going on.. Don't make the events your trip.. Make them like the catalog that gets your favorites built up.
  7. That is like all kinds of problems that carry through to the rest of your whole body.. Ya, we were meant to walk on the balls of our feet and not impact the joints.. We're not even supposed to be impacting our heels. It's supposed to be like a spring in our step, not a thud, thud thud thud.
  8. I dent kell them anythen when theh trey teh recret meh.. eh jest scrrem lek em crezy tell theh ren eweh Lek thess weks lek eh chem
  9. I'm trying to find the eye adjustment, unless the one in the animation window is it.. Has anyone been able to get it to use more than, up, center, down, left, right? I've been trying to see if it will fine tune any more than that, but not had any luck so far..
  10. Make sure you are not wearing a hairbase and then try switching back and forth from evo to Evo x and see if that helps.. It could be your hairbase that is throwing things off.
  11. There isn't a BOM option in the lelutka hud for skins, only for the eyes.. It will show that in the notecard under, what is Evo x I'll paste the line from the note card. We have entirely removed the Applier option for skins as with Bakes on Mesh and the stacking option it provides; we don't see the point of cluttering your Second Life experience with additional scripts. You will still be able to create and wear materials for the heads via Appliers as an up-to-date Linden Lab did not offer us the material option for Bakes on Mesh. Furthermore, we kept ALL HD LAYERS (Brow, Eyeshadow, and Lip) so you can continue to enjoy all the beautiful content created, no matter if you are in Classic or Evo X mode.
  12. I've been binge watching , The Crown. I would say above all, it's been a huge lesson in what the crown means, which I really wasn't too sure what that was beforehand. It's been an amazing story so far and what an amazing person She really is.. What a learning experience, with the amount of history.. I really don't have enough words to express just how enjoyable the series has been so far.. I'm glad that I came to it late and have 5 seasons to watch, which I'm almost finished with season two. It would have been hard waiting for the next episodes.. If you are looking for a series and haven't seen this one yet, I highly recommend it..
  13. I have to redo this because I messed up.. It won't let me edit that post for some reason so i'm gonna fix it in this one. I meant the photos and the textures need to be full perm before dragging them to the notecard. I just knocked down 2,458 items to 15 note cards putting my photos and textures on note cards.. The pain in the butt is setting all the permissions on the photos and textures.. That took a good while.. I know darn well they'll be set to full perms from here on out before I let them collect up like that again ..hehehehe
  14. Other than getting holy water all over everyone in the room.. hehehehehe
  15. Most games I see out these days have another team already working on the next version of the game.. Lifespan for most is like 3 to 5 years.. They get their target audience and then resell them the next version after it's ready for the market. ETA: I would compare SL more to steam or Upaly or something with many versions of things than just a thing on it's own..
  16. It's my fault and I'm sorry for going there at all now.. I should have picked different subject matter for my post and should have known not to touch Christianity, unless i was ready to really get back into discussing Christianity.. I should have kept it short and sweet rather than lazily grazing over my own personal experiences. Hopefully things get back on track.. I apologize to everyone in the thread for the derailing of it.. If the mods do anything, hopefully it's just removing the ruckus I've created.
  17. I just came across this video. O.O Tell me this won't wake you up. I know it scared me half to death when I finally noticed it.. I jumped out my skin.
  18. I'm not quoting word for word, other than when they were talking about kicking them out of the garden.. Even that was a re-translation. It all is really.. The book has been tampered with so much and so much lost in translation and words meaning different things over different times than they do now.. So many different people interpret it in their own way.. I just used that to throw a wrench in things sometimes when someone would come at me hard.. The biggest reason I stopped buying into the burning is this.. The burning is also in other religions older than this one.. Some not even around anymore.. It was more than just the beginning that brought me to that.. there is the book of life and also the quick and the dead and a bunch of other stuff.. hehehe I think the biggest thing that really caught my attention was, the transition that Satan made from the very beginning over seas, then to america.. Just the different variations, I was like, what the hell? o0 I used to be really sharp at all this, but really pretty lazy about it nowadays.. As you can tell. hehehehe
  19. I think it was doing Star track, lords of the ring, Harry Potter and Star Wars
  20. I think maybe we should switch the search for things that aren't cults.. Then I bet we'll narrow it down.. hehehehehehe
  21. I find comedies are my favorite thing to watch.. Even then ,sometimes I'll be in a mood where I feel embarrassed for someone in certain parts in the movie and have to either skip passed a certain part or just not watch it.. Where that came from ,I have no idea.. It seems fine the first time, but if I know it's coming i avoid it for some reason.. It's not happening to me,so I don't understand it really.
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