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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Congratulations!! \o/ Glad you found something you really like hehehehe Is that the AK ADVX Andro Head?
  2. Ya, that's what was going through my mind also.. Then figured I best look back on one of the images that were posted up in one of those threads and seen it was there.. Ya, the Per month was there during that thread.. But yea, it doesn't seem like it always was.. Either way, it's water under the bridge now.. hehehehe
  3. I know I tried finding the link about the inventory change and for the life of me couldn't find it.. If it wasn't for someone coming in here saying something, I'd a never known about it.. But from the sound of it, my inventory is so low and sub directoried to death , that I didn't have much to worry about anyways.. Still it would have been nice to know something like that was gonna happen, maybe have a popup in world show up with a link to the blog, like they do with region restarts.. If we don't catch a blog or luck out with someone posting something up with a thread, we're pretty much out of the loop on important things..
  4. If you right click your toolbar you should see an option for Toolbar Buttons.. Click that and look for a button called Phototools.. You can drag the Phototools button to the side of your screen or put it at the bottom with the rest of your buttons.. When you have it placed, click the phototools button and you'll get the phototools window to pop up.. At the very top of the window you'll see a bunch of tabs.. just make sure it's on ENV, which is short for environment.. You will see 3 drop down tabs.. Sky, Water, Day Cycle.. The one you want to scroll through is Sky.. That will take you through your EEP's you install as well as the default wind light that come with the viewer.. It's great for taking pictures when you want to try out different lighting.. I wish I could remember how I got personal lighting button on my screen but can't remember how I did that.. hehehe That one is really nice to play with lighting and things as well. you can find that in the menu at the top of your viewer called, World, click then scroll down to environment, a menu should pop out and you should see an option for personal lighting.. click that and that window will pop up.. in that window you'll see a moon and sun with the little moon and sun on each of them.. You can move the little ball around and see how it changes the moon and sun positions and changes your lighting in each different wind light/EEP. You can get way more involved, but that's the basic toy in the personal lighting to get you started in that if you wish to play with it. whatever you do with those sun and moon positions, they will reset each time you change to a different wind light.
  5. Scratching what I said.. I didn't notice it saying 24.99 per month until now.. I wonder if that was added or always there.. gonna have to look at older images to see.. hehehehe
  6. We were just talking about this in the Zen inventory thread like last week.. We were wondering if they had did anything yet because the couple of us talking about it didn't notice any changes.. If I remember right, they said something about June 20th and having inventories organized or some may notice things in different places in their inventory.. That it wouldn't impact everyone, but sounded more towards those with less organized inventory.. I'm just really going off scattered memory of what was said, and all that I can remember.. It didn't sound good though. That might be like you said and having something to do with this.
  7. This is supposed to be the best Elvis movie yet.. It's not supposed to be like the biography's like the others.. From what they say it's more of an outside looking in from his managers view.. Something like that.. But the guy playing him from the reviews I've seen say, you get so fooled from how much it seems like he isn't even trying, that you forget he isn't Elvis.. After looking at the trailers, I'm starting to get what they mean.. I've watched them a few times and each time I see it and hear it more and more.. This should be really good and we're gonna get it soon as it comes off of pre-order..
  8. I think a lot of creators do do that with having the alts.. Myself ,I never even knew there was a limit.. But I don't think I've ever even gotten above 70k items.. But I'm not a creator either.. I was building things for a few years and know things can accumulate.. But I didn't really ever hear of a limit before.. I wonder if it's something new or new'ish, this limit..
  9. I would have dumped my note cards and landmarks,add images and other things that accumulate, before throwing things away I bought.. If there are 300,000 items in there, she would have made a dent getting rid of those first since they count as an item each one..
  10. My wine sure took the steam right out of the flow of this thread didn't it.. Sorry guys! \o/
  11. I just got back from another M.R.I. today.. as we were heading north they had a terrible accident on the interstate that had to have fatalities.. they had one side of the interstate blocked off for over an hour or more and gapers block on our side was over an hour and a half.. by the time we got up there, the last vehicle removed was a pickup truck that had to go end over end.. The cab was smashed and the front and back bent up so bad that the truck looked like a the letter Z on the flatbed they were towing it away one.. That wide guardrail that they used on road construction to stop vehicles from hitting the concrete dividers they put up.. it smashed the whole guardrail and still hit the concrete enough to go end over end like ti did.. That messed me up for the day, then having the M.R.I. after that.. When I got home, I grabbed a bottle of wine.. I never drink, but always keep a bolt around just in case.. It's been such a scattered rambled day.. Any time I seen things like that, I just think, in that one moment, what ever that moment was, someone had changed many people lives for good.. I feel for all their families involved.. Sorry, it may be the wine in me enhancing things.. I don't mean to ramble.. It was funny and did make me laugh and really needed it, So thank you
  12. Ya, The thing I had going for me was, they were losing people left and right so they really didn't have the leverage on their side.. I forget how many so called promotions and how many raises.. like 7 or something like that raises, just last summer.. lol I used to keep track but don't even care anymore.. Since the new company has taken over all that has been a constant on my mind is ,where do I want to go.. Even before the bumps and raises.. They fired like 600 employees during the covid shut down through email.. that was my straw to the camels back. Many needed to go, but so many didn't ..it was like they used a sickle and just cut heads.. I knew we were in trouble then. Even before they started to bump me up or give me more money, I was already ready to get out of there.. Should have quit while I was ahead..
  13. I would but until I'm released from the medical, Nobody else will hire me.. They know I want to leave too.. If I quit then I'm screwed.. staying I'm screwed.. But leaving would be like major screwed getting something I want.
  14. THIS!!!! Bleh, this sounds so much like my job, let alone how they do things at my work. you end up with getting bumped as they call it , but really it's just more workload.. You end up with 4 or five job titles never leaving any of them and having to do 4 or 5 different jobs while earning one salary which never ads up to the amount you end up having to do.. Meanwhile just as qualified people stand around watching you do the extra work load.. This is one of the big reasons I'm looking for another job on top of many other reasons.. Let alone, not counting how they have handled my work injury, but i was already beyond the point of return before that happened.. I would have been long gone if I didn't get hurt.. There isn't a number they could coem up with unless it was one year lifetime payment of never having to work again amount of money.. I swear this job just won't let me go. it actually keeps pulling me back in! ETA: We need a, THIS!!!! button , because liking a post sometimes just isn't enough.. I had to come back in and add the , THIS!!! because your post reminded me so much of my job that it distracted me from doing a, THIS!!! hehehehe
  15. Ok my other alt is able to log in now. I just tried it.
  16. I was about to try and teleport to an event, but I'm not moving now.. I tried an alt to see if they could get in and ya, no good.. I got the internal error on that one.. I haven't been kicked out yet though on the one that is in there..
  17. I have an alt in there at the moment.. I'm gonna see if I get it on another real quick... ETA: Yep, no luck on my other avatar.. I got the internal error thing too..
  18. Yea, I see people shave their dogs when it gets hot.. I'm like have you ever heard of insulation? It doesn't just work in the winter time.. I hate when people do that.
  19. Those are the new juicy bewbies.. I seen them at the reborne event.. I think they are the bewbies version of that maze leg squeezer thang..
  20. I thought you said something else at first.. lol
  21. Ya, When I used to cash out it was before Tilla was around so I should probably do a bit more research on how they do it nowadays then I guess.. hehehe I had the old system stuck in my head for some reason.. I completely forgot about Tilla for some reason ..
  22. You don't return them for a refund to linden lab.. You either buy lindens or you sell your lindens.. All buying and selling is done through the lindex exchange between you and other users.. LL is just the middle man pretty much charging fees. If you buy lindens there may be a sales tax depending on your state and if they hit you with a sales tax.. When you sell lindens ,if you sell enough lindens over a years time you'll be sent a 1099 form for the income tax, which is a different tax than the sales tax.. sales tax is a state tax on purchases. income tax is a federal and some states tax on earnings. If you keep good records you can many times cancel things out by itemizing and writing things off and weighing taxes you paid out. Also keep track of the fees you pay with each transaction as well..you may be able to write those off as an expense. a lot of things depend on where you get charged.. if you are using something like paypal keep track of their fee's and the exchange fee's that get charged through lindex.. I haven't cashed out in years so I don't know how they do all that these days.. ETA: if you think LL's exchange is crazy.. try doing someones taxes that decided to play with bitcoin for a year.. omg you will be pulling your hair out.. That's when I swore off doing other peoples taxes.. this was my last year.. hehehehe
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