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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. There isn't a costume he could find that would make me trust him.. That ship sailed long ago.. hehehehe
  2. He's obviously found a way to use voice, maybe even without being logged into SL.. I think that's outsourced, so he may possibly be coming in through a back door or something.. Especially, If he's showing up on old accounts that have been banned.
  3. For me , it all comes down to there being no way in hell of me ever trusting that guy? I don't care how good the avatars look..That guy is way too emotionless, like on a scary level..
  4. I wonder what he would do if you cut off voice for a couple of months.. hehehehe You can't get rid of me! Can you hear me? I said, you can't get rid of M..... Voice has been disabled in this region. Damn, they found my kryptonite!
  5. I'm not putting anything on my head that dulls my senses and enter any world that he ever makes.. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I'm not the dullest one either..
  6. I can't believe they are already doing a prequel.. Honestly, the series felt very complete to me.. This just feels like a money grab the whole way.. I mean wait 20 years or something.. Hollywood just has to ring the rag of every drop..
  7. Don't forget to send eight of them back.. hehehehe
  8. *Throws you a bottle of tequila and grabs your ice cream* That ice cream looks too good to pass up! Now I'm going to get some real ice cream out of the fridge, because of this thread!
  9. I don't have a theme song..I just have songs I like pretty much. SL is too day to day to really find a song that fits.. I pulled the ones i had on here because they just were not a good fit, I don't think.
  10. No matter what I'm doing unless it's typing up a letter, My left hand is always on the far left of the keyboard, my right is always mostly on the mouse. That's SL or most of the programs I use, So it's much more comfy for me to stay uniform with other things i do.. I guess it comes down to which way someone is used to the direction they sweep over the keyboard. I sweep right with my left..
  11. I've been working on my land most of the day trying to get the most out of my 1/4 sim with some sort of beach going.. I think I'm going to switch the beach area to an inverted rather than bowing out like it is now.. I want to get more of a hidden bay thing going like Maya Bay.. But I just wanted to see what it would look like this way.. I love swimming in SL so I want more water than beach.. hehehe This is what I'm going for and have a good idea how to get there after all the buying stuff and researching today, so we'll see I guess tomorrow.. hehehe This is May Bay. Which If I can get it half way there, will be so relaxing of a place to swim and take the edge off a bad day.
  12. Ya the whole babe and momma thing and sexy and everything else but my name ,is just from first meetings.. Friends, we give each other nick names and casual names.. Like at work, I didn't care who it was, I called everyone Maynard.. hehehe it was just my way of saying hi.. I get in a mood where I just say Maynard, even to my kids.. They know I'm in a good mood when i call them that. hehehe The reason I even said anything at all about it was, it's a daily thing.. I've had three of those types of IM's already today and I haven't even left my sim one time today.. I have no idea where these people are finding my name.. lol I had just gotten out of one and came in to catch up on threads and seen where the topic was at and felt, Hey I'm there right now! hehehe I love getting a little flirty now and then, but I don't think it should be what holds up a friendship.. there needs to be a better foundation than, wow we have good flirt chemistry.. hehehe
  13. I was just terraforming my land because I'm working on making this really beautiful beach area.. I wanna make it like my own little maya Bay or something similar.. I noticed this stream i have on is playing good music that really has my creativity flowing and keeping me so into this project.. I didn't really realize it until this SOS song came on.. I'm not really an 80's music person unless it's good music. Like get the hair bands away from me.. I'm on the other end of that bar.. I usually like soul music. but this song really just opened the door to music that really opened me up.. maybe because it's my aunts and uncles and fathers era and I heard it so much when I was little.. This is really relaxing and thick. by thick I mean, where you can hear so much going on at a time, but working so well together.. I think it helps to distract from the world and really keeps the busy part of the brain busy while the creative side relaxes and does it's thing.. it eats up those multi tasking thoughts I guess is what I mean.. That's the kind of music I'm really enjoying right now that really keeps me on track and lets me get lost in things. Just listen to it and tell me what you think.
  14. I just go cold if someone tries to get me to do anything I don't want or try to push a conversation into something more intimate, when we may have started off talking about beaches or mesh heads or photography or whatever.. I don't give a crap what gender they are, it gets really old.. I hate when someone IM's under false pretenses thinking they are going to pull something over on me and get me into a position where I'm gonna feel like they have committed time into me, as if I led them on and owe them some sort of quicky or whatever it is they were after.. If I could biotch slap someone over the internet, it would be for that. Instead, I just close the IM and go about with what I was doing and act like the IM's aren't dinging anymore.. I'm at the point where, if someone throws hugs or kisses at me, I start saying to myself.. Not this crap, C'mon already. At the end of the conversation yes, but through out it just makes things very awkward. Just don't. And call someone by their name.. it's not Baby Sexy, sexy momma hot Mom or anything other than their name. Going cold in my opinion works better than anything.. as much feed back as it gets when they've figured it out , you would think you shot their puppy. hehehehe Vent over
  15. I honestly think all those autotune singers really do miss out on the joy and benefits that comes with being an artist, able to actually sing a song at any moment and really feel what true artistry feels like.. I mean, they would never get the kind of permission Alicia Keys did for this wonderful song.. That's one hell of a perk there.
  16. The only reason I look these up is because, For the life of me I can't remember them or keep up with them.. lol A big reason for that is, people just don't spell things out nowadays.. hehehe
  17. Well SL did boom during the housing market crash.. But even during that, it was way less expensive to use SL during that period, than it will be during what's coming.. SL is High dollar even in good times nowadays. I could buy everything in a triple a creators store, for what it costs for a few outfits nowadays. I'm sure a good reason for that probably has a lot to do with the work that goes into mesh vs just creating outfits in photoshop.. Still there are a lot out there that just buy someone else's mesh and slap a color on it and sell it for even more.. lol
  18. Ok I had to go back to around the time I first heard it.. It may not mean the same thing today, but it started out as CApture Role Play. I remember mazes being involved and wanted to try out the mazes. Mah ebidence from the archives. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/317/48/128981/1.html
  19. This one is interesting to me, because I can see two meanings in it.. To live twice could mean that creating is an escape and it's like another life. It also could mean, you are born again in your creations or you live on, in your creations.. That's what I get from it.. hehehehe
  20. You know how sometimes they'll use two letters from one word and sometimes leave words out? I think it means this.. CApture. to the mutha f'ing. Role Play hehehehe
  21. Oh ok. So many acronyms in the world. that I'm forgetting the ones that I did know.. hehehehe
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