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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Tilla is pretty much handling the financial part of second life, when the money leaves them it turns into a payout which will trigger a 1099 Misc if it reaches the threshold.. If it goes into paypal that would be dealing with a third party service and if over 600.00 will trigger a 1099 K form. Remember, the government is doing all this to go after the rich and not the little guys..Because well, the rich is well known for all those 600 dollar or less transactions they be doin all the time.. hehehe I've been listening to this guy since the covid shutdown back in 2020.. He's really good.. He has some good advice about what to look out for and some information about the 1099 k forms that people will be getting from their paypal and other third party services..
  2. 1099's are non employment income forms, so there really isn't an employer.. It's important to keep track of all your expenses and income.. the 1099's forms are only income that has been reported.. You have to watch the ones reporting the income as well to make sure that what you have and what they have matches up.. They could overshoot you on income.. Anyways, the 1099 form you get from LL or tilla should be a 1099 Misc form. Where the one you get from Paypal should be a 1099 K form.. a lot is gonna come down to where things end up on the form and in what boxes.. Also it's going to depend on if anything new has been added for those kinds of situations.. there are a couple of ways to deal with income getting combined into another form like a 1099k that may be grouping even more income from other payment types coming in to make up that income.. The worst case scenario would be having to write off the one from Tilla as an expense from the gross income.. but that will suck because it will show a larger gross income than showing it as the same income.. Hopefully they have it all worked out this year.. I mean they have 80k new employees.. I sure hope they all aren't on audit duty.. hehehe
  3. Thank you. I had a feeling it was something like they had moved and just not updated the MP link.. That's good to hear. Ya, I don't shop at events anymore myself Although I will go to them..The prices for some of the stuff at events is just silly overpriced for mostly B rated items.. Really events and MP are just a way I find new in world stores and ya, the mod copy and full perm places.. I much rather get out of my house and in the world more.. I feel much better doing business with someone that has an in world presence more than anything..
  4. Does bump show with an avatar bumping into another avatar? I thought it was just from being bumped by one of their objects or something they hit you with.. I can remember getting bumped pretty good and looking to see who it was and nothing showing up from someone bumping into me, where it would show if they hit me with something.. Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.. it's really been awhile since I even looked at that feature.
  5. It looks like there is no way to get it now,since it was an event item and the main store seems to be closed.. I mean unless they moved it.. I looked on the MP and it's not in their store there either.. _______________________________________________________________ On a side note and not anything to do with the store above because they do have an MP and may still have an in world store and just not updated their in world link on the MP.. But I am noticing a lot of Sellers are just doing events only now and not even having a store in world or on the MP.. I'm gonna start looking at these Sellers a lot harder and adding them to the list of stores I'm not going to be doing business with anymore.. Because really, they don't even have an actual business in second life.. Pretty much just a fly by night flea market stand strolling in with temp stands.. It's a very hit-N-run way to do business.. Good luck getting a redeliver or cross your fingers for support.. The investment for them keeps getting less and less, the prices for us keep going up and up..
  6. Yes there is the limit and a good reason to really look more towards some modifiable products than no-mod for some things.. You can get creative with some modifiable products and combine things to take up one attach point.. A good example would be, you have modifiable hair and a modifiable hat.. you can edit and combine those to use up one attach point if both are mod.
  7. Thank you, I'm gonna have to give that a look at, it sounds interesting.
  8. I was just being silly with the blinding a whole club play I did. A lot of people have in their minds that most griefers know what they are doing, when a lot are not pro's. There is all kinds of levels of that.. The griefing part of it was really never my point.. I do think though, that it is better to have to have them go find those things out and set them up, rather than have them built into a feature that at a click of a button would be overreaching into someone else's account.
  9. That was just being silly about if we could blind everyone.. An alpha only blocks the body, it won't block name tags floating above our heads.. If they are dumb enough to keep their mesh body on.. then lol
  10. I wouldn't need a full body alpha now.. I would just need to know how to block someone..
  11. Ceka cams into a club and Blocks and Blinds everyone to her presence.. like a microscopic virus she moves invisibly amongst the unknowing crowd rubbing her evil hands together plotting. what to do, what to do..
  12. No they really aren't.. I try my best to look at something for what it is, Not what others feel it should be.. I responded when she used both terms, and I'm still standing where I was at the beginning when I first replied.. It's the reason I even made the comparison from the get go. Have you read the whole thread? Because what you are asking now, I pretty much went over in my very first post on like, page one.. hehehe
  13. I'm not finding an option in the Legacy hud to change the opacity anywhere..With the body not being modifiable like a few of the others are..It would have to be a hud option to be an option for just that body.. If it's something worn then it more than likely can be done with the other bodies as well.. It would be interesting to see the image or any of the images you are finding that are doing this.. I'm curious as it gets now..hehehehe
  14. I was just looking through youtube and kept seeing things on my page about a certain fighter.. I figured someone was on the computer and on youtube, because I don't usually see things like that on my page.. There was something about this man crossing the Sahara desert 7 times.. I was like heck with it I have to know why someone did this.. My god, the life of this person is just really amazing.. From when he was a little boy working in wet sand mines al the way to getting put back in the desert to die, but making it back every time, then becoming not only a world champion, but the best ever.. In my eyes they could make a movie out of everything before the professional fighting and have an amazing movie.. Him just explaining one trip across the desert and what it takes to even achieve that let alone getting sent out there 6 more times.. I have to share this.. I Truly hope they make a true to life movie of this man.. I could see it inspiring people.. I can tell just by listening to him that he is a truly humble person. The Violent Path of Francis Ngannou
  15. That age of Aquarius or whenever that sexual revolution age was where everyone was running around half nude and just having sex anywhere they damn well pleased..
  16. I''m just killing time for the kids to go to sleep so I can hit the grid without fear of them needing therapy from something that may run across my screen at any moment.. hehehehe
  17. That's what I've been trying to say since my very first post.. I only posted all of that stuff to show what it really said..
  18. I don't seem to find the same thing written in mine. there is rude and then there is abusive. What Are Valid Reasons for a Restraining Order? Learn About the Four Types of Restraining Orders A restraining order, also known as a protective order, is a court order that is meant to protect a specific individual, known as the “protected person.” Judges issue these orders to tell people to do or not do specific things that could endanger the protected person. A restraining order is meant to prevent instances of continued or threatened stalking and domestic violence. If children are involved in situations with a restraining order, the victim is granted full custody. For example, they can be used to protect the individual from the following actions of another individual who is deemed dangerous in this situation: Contacting, calling, or sending any kind of messages Stalking Threatening Attacking, striking, or battering Destroying personal property Harassing Disturbing the peace of the protected people The four most common types of restraining orders include the following: Emergency This type of restraining order can be used any time of the day or night in a domestic violence case if a law enforcement officer asserts reasonable grounds to believe the person who needs to be protected is “in immediate and present danger of domestic violence” based on the complainants “allegation of a recent incident of abuse or threat of abuse by the person against whom the order is sought.” Temporary Temporary restraining orders (TROs) are short-term, pre-trial temporary injunctions. To get a TRO, one party must convince a judge that they will suffer immediate irreparable injury unless the order is issued. The nature of a TRO is that it only lasts until the court holds a hearing on whether or not to grant a preliminary injunction. It will expire after 14 days unless it is extended for another 14 days or unless the party against whom the order is directed agrees that it can be extended for a longer period of time. No-contact With a no-contact restraining order, the individual being restrained by the order is prohibited from making physical contact or verbal communication with the victim. The requirements can include the following measures: Prohibiting physical contact between the party the order is directed against and the protected person Prohibiting the party the order is directed against from coming within a certain distance of the victim Prohibiting the party the order is directed against from communicating with the victim through phone, email, postal mail, text, online chat, and other types of communication Prohibiting the party the order is directed against from entering the victim’s family home or residence Prohibiting the party the order is directed against from possessing or purchasing a firearm Prohibiting the party the order is directed against from selling marital property Requiring the children of the party the order is directed against to be removed from the jurisdiction Domestic violence A domestic violence restraining order is a type of restraining order that goes into effect after the parties have held a hearing on the facts of the case and the party the order is being directed against has had an opportunity to defend themselves before the judge. The goal of the hearing will be to determine whether the individual has committed domestic violence. This would mean they have committed one of the following acts: Causing or attempting to cause the victim physical injury Sexually assaulting the victim Causing the victim to fear that they or another person is in danger of immediate, serious physical injury Depriving the individual of their basic needs Controlling, regulating, or monitoring the movement, communication, activities, and finances of the victim Molesting, attacking, using force against, or striking the victim Stalking the victim Isolating the victim from their friends, family, or other sources of support Threatening or harassing the individual in person or through phone calls, emails, or other methods Destroying the victim’s personal property Disturbing the victim’s peace, such as through coercive control Restraining orders are an important way to protect victims from abuse. Unfortunately, abusive individuals often find ways to violate restraining orders, in which case the victim can benefit from an enforcement. The team at The Clark Law Firm can help victims enforce their restraining orders and prevent violations from happening in the future.
  19. That's like my father ..My father will talk someones ear off.. I will too, but not like him.. Let me put it this way.. Jehovah witnesses won't even go to his house anymore, because he would invite them in and wear them out for hours to the point that they were wanting to leave and then would keep them there even longer.. A couple times is all it took before they must have told each other, you don't want to go by that house.. hehehehe
  20. Try getting a restraining order on someone because they were rude.. Think about what rude is and then think what it would take to get a restraining order.. Think about the minimal reasons someone gets blocked.. Bling, don't like looking at that avatar, said something I don't agree with. complexity. Your honor, he said looks like I'm having a bad hair day. Yes mam that was rude, but it was only rude. tit for tat is back and forth.. they say something rude tit, you react by turning them off tat..
  21. What's kind of wild for me is, in RL I'm an extrovert.. I'll start conversations in store lines with total strangers, or jump into conversations going on around me.. I'll jump up and talk to the whole room if I have an in.. I don't even have an ounce of stage fright..hehehe In world I'm like the total opposite in some situations, unless I'm in like group chat or general chat.. I literally never IM anyone, but in group settings I thrive.. As far as emotes go, If I am one on one with a person.. I much rather have a conversation than feel like we are running a scene of some kind.. I usually just act like they didn't happen.. They just kind of make me uncomfy because a lot of times they have to do with touching me out of the blue and in both worlds i don't like that unless I know it's coming.. hehehehe
  22. Because just being rude isn't the same as being a griefer.. Someone saying something rude is not a reason to start manipulating another persons account and view of the world.. If they are being harassed by someone, there is a rule for that and that will impact the account if the report sticks..
  23. I got bored and wanted to see how it compared to some of the other bodies that I have, as far as visible triangles, while using the Firestorm viewer.. I didn't test them with all the bodies I have like slink and the older Bellezas and others.. I'm a little bored, not a lot bored.. hehehe The ones that come with detachable hands and feet, I did with and without.. I left Peach at the top because it has the added demo brand tags so they added to the numbers.. The rest are ranked in order of lowest to highest visible triangles, with the raw system body at the top at 0.00 I'm also not sure what the m^2 numbers mean measuring wise, but I put them in there anyways. ETA: Grabbed the INITHIUM Kupra demo and put it right under the Peach body because Kupra has 6 demo tags adding to it's numbers as well.. Raw System Body Complexity 1600 VisTris 0.00 EstMaxTris 0.00 53 m^2 ---------------- Peach Body without feet and hands, with 2 demo tags Complexity 4877 VisTris 97.72k EstMaxTris 92.82k 53 m^2 Peach Body with feet and hands combo with plus demotags Complexity 11011 VisTris 222.34k EstMaxTris 191.27k 83 m^2 ----------------- INITHIUM Kupra Body Demo - plus 6 demo tags Complexity 6598 VisTris 519.82k EstMaxTris 462.96k 96 m^2 ----------------- Maitreya Body Complexity 6598 VisTris 176.37k EstMaxTris 152.51k 96 m^2 ----------------- Ebody Reborn Body Complexity 4554 VisTris 204.39 EstMaxTris 168.01 84 m^2 ----------------- KalHene Erika Body Complexity 5408 VisTris 210.91k EstMaxTris 199.94k 81 m^2 ----------------- LucyBody Complexity 10222 VisTris 216.11k EstMaxTris 197.33k 103 m^2 ----------------- PRIMA Elite Complexity 7138 VisTris 380.55k EstMaxTris 298.78k 121 m^2 ----------------- GenX SLUV Body Complexity 12624 VisTris 459.66k EstMaxTris 413.52k 162 m^2 ----------------- Legacy Body Female with hands and feet Complexity 15626 VisTris 767.45k EstMaxTris 670.53k 43 m^2 Legacy Body without hands and feet Complexity 10600 VisTris 219.98k EstMaxTris 65.97 41^m2 Final results of this test is, Me realizing I have way too many mesh bodies.. hehehe
  24. If you own land and it won't go over the prim or land impact limit, you can rez them there, or you can look for a sandbox that will let you rez it out.. But sandboxes usually have a time limit on them, so it will only be for a certain amount of time before it returns it to you.. Many times there is descriptions on the vendor or in a notecard with instructions for setup and requirements and the limits of things like skyboxes..
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