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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. My alts usually like my posts and I usually like theirs, unless we're in disagreement about something. Alycia gets some wild ideas sometimes. 🙄
  2. I'm sure you'll be sure every penny is spent appropriately. 💰
  3. Actually no. I just have a Facebook friend who's part of the Tin Foil Lobby. Btw, aluminum foil is generally preferred over tin foil for lobbyists, not as is widely thought because it's cheaper, but because tin is primarily produced by China and a few smaller Asian counties. What they don't realize unfortunately, is that aluminium is primarily mined by Russia, the UAE, and Canada. Don't even get me started on where the bauxite used to make secondary aluminum comes from. No matter what they do, the foil hat people can't get away from supporting the New World Order conglomerate in some way.
  4. You also have to bring your own tinfoil, BYOF. Anyway, the Tinfoil Hat Club and the Council of Judges are in opposition to each other, so the only way someone could be in both groups is by having a super secret, double-agent alt in one or both of them. (Then they can also leave scorn laughs on their own posts to boost their forum rating) 🤫 ...Oh, I think I might have let too much slip about the "fight club".... No, no. "Fight Club" is actually another name for SL Wrestling. That's what I'm talking about, not the FIC. 🥹
  5. You have to go before the FIC, which meets at a super secret location inworld, only accessible by invitation.
  6. In other words, you're position is, "Hi. I'm paranoid. Wanna be friends? Unless you're one of those horrible forum people who only want to attack me, a SL oldbie, or an alt."
  7. They might have multiple avatars or one that can be any gender.
  8. Women over 40 can still have babies. My Mom had me when she was 42. (Most just prefer to have them when they're younger.) Men over 40 may have kids already too, so they might not be wanting more.
  9. I think they would look to see if we were actually picking on someone unfairly, but most of the time, we're not.
  10. Those ice cream cone pictures? Yeah, no. 😂
  11. Dog-years don't equate to human years in a straight correlation. The first year brings a wolf to what is socially equivalent to being a teenager among humans. For dogs (essentially domesticated wolves), the first year brings them to physical maturity, when they could get pregnant and have their first litter, which is also equivalent for a human teenager being able to get pregnant and have a child. Teenagers are physically mature, but not yet socially mature. After the first year in a dog's or wolf's life, then we could compare their expected lifespan to a human lifespan more directly, for instance 10 years for a dog vs. 80 years for a human. Avatar lifespan might be similar. Do we mature faster in the first year of our avatar's life? Do we go through a prime when we're more active, settle down in our middle years, and then become either wise or senile in our old age? If 1 year in SL is equivalent to 4 years in RL, then I'd be 52, which sounds about right. 😄
  12. If the majority of forum members were laughing at my posts, I'm sure I'd feel bad too. I might even ask for my thread to be deleted. Luckily, I don't think I've said anything yet to warrent such a response.
  13. I don't think we're allowed to discuss anything but "First World Problems" on this forum.
  14. Remember when the waterway between the Chalets and Newbrook didn't exist yet? The first few regions there didn't have water in them initially either.
  15. I disagree. Sometimes one just wants to change their name.
  16. So last names still so status, either for being a SL oldbie or having enough money to buy fake status. 😄
  17. Only oldbies know which are the really old last names or which ones came in at different times.
  18. Ah yes, gamifying of the forums is definitely what we need. Otherwise the forums will die. 😄
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