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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Yes, you can have and use adult furniture in Belli, just not out in your yard. A quick cam around will show plenty of BDSM items inside Belli houses and skyboxes. The rules for adult content are the same as in other Moderate regions, except that we can't advertise it or run a business in Belli.
  2. Maybe a New Orleans French Quarter theme would be good for Adult regions? I'd be very surprised if LL does more than finish off the unfinished parts of Zendra though.
  3. If you use Firestorm, someone in the support group might be able to help. There are a couple of weird ways that ghost prims might be created. One is by torturing and slicing a prim until it suddenly seems to disappear. I did that once. It wouldn't show up as invisible, but did show as an object in Area Search. I couldn't grab it to delete it. Someone from the Firestorm group came over to help me find it & eventually I was able to return it to myself from the Objects on Parcel window (or something like that). I've also had exactly the same problem you describe on my land and never could get rid of it. Maybe you can put an object like a vase or shrub there?
  4. I've been in SL for about 14 years. There are days when I love it, but also days like today when it seems boring and pointless. I went to look at the new Linden Home regions. I'm glad the Moles added a nice shoreline, but once I've seen it I'm bored again. I went to a couple stores to look at sale items, and quickly got bored with that too. The only thing that didn't feel boring was giving advice to a lady who wanted to know where to find LaraX clothes. I guess helping someone else makes me feel like I did something worthwhile. Sometimes I get in "the zone" if I'm building, decorating or cleaning out inventory, but alot of the time I can be bored in SL as well.
  5. Sometimes we need to take a break from SL & do stuff in RL for a while. There's nothing wrong with you if it doesn't feel like you're having fun. If you don't like creating stuff, do you like listening to music? I find trying on some items from inventory while listening to music, deleting & sorting to be relaxing. I'm guess I'm weird, but I like that better than going to SL clubs.
  6. Peeve: Bad Demos. No HUD in this one, so no way to see different colors. Balls attaching in weird places. (I assume the creator expected me to attach the demo to my hand.)
  7. Sex clubs would have to be in an Adult region. Residential only already exists in Belleseria. I doubt the Moles want to go around checking if a parcel is purely residential or commercial. Normal people sometimes want to have a residence above their shop, whether that's an upper story or in a skybox. They might also want their shop in the sky and nothing on the ground.
  8. What if Mainland 2.0 were made entirely of 1024 m, 2048 m and 4096 m parcels, and these required Plus, Premium or Premium Plus accounts. What if one could pick either an empty parcel or one with a limited set of buildings that don't count against your Land Impact (as in Bellisseria)? Would folks prefer themed neighborhoods with buildings included or empty parcels where we can use our own buildings?
  9. I'd love to see a link to that comment if you or someone else has it. It's true that nudity is permitted on Moderate regions and that Bellisseria is Moderate. Nude beaches, strip clubs, and "sky-clad" rituals are all permitted in Moderate regions, unless the region owner says otherwise.
  10. I have not heard of either of these bodies. Omega applies are also not used much anymore now that the major bodies use BOM (Bakes On Mesh). The Belleza Venus, Isis, Freya and Jake bodies are still Omega compatible with a free script, as far as I know, but hardly anyone is selling Omega appliers now and I read on the forum that the Omega shop is gone now. If you're used to using system layers on a system body, BOM works the same way on a BOM enabled mesh body. What kind and shape of body do you want? There are some good inexpensive or almost free options that I'm sure have better support than the ones you listed.
  11. There is room for a small pool, but I don't think we're supposed to have nudity outside in our yards. It seems like it should be ok with parcel privacy on, but I haven't heard a clear answer about that. I'd like to be able to get an even tan while sunbathing on my upstairs deck or on a pool foatie. I think you can warn people that your home is protected, especially if the sign is on your property and facing inward toward the fence. 😁
  12. Maybe so they can use Slink hands and feet? 🤣
  13. Is there an African Swallow region? If not there should be one in the Mediterranean regions.
  14. Given the new water regions and the fact that house parcels have not been added at Subtle Joy, I'm agreeing with you now that the Medi community region will probably go in here. I hope it will have a nice beach. ⛱️
  15. Save some Land Impact for a skybox for your adult toys if you like. You can certainly have them in the house, though.
  16. A couple stores are sponsoring give-aways for the new body. Carol's Store is one of them. Stealthic might be the other one?
  17. I'm surprised that a big fruit-named store only had 3 listed LaraX outfits on a recent notecard they sent out in group notices.
  18. I love the Amazon series Upload and Black Mirror stories that have used the same theme of putting human consciousness into a computer generated world. I don't believe such a system or Star Trek style teleportation could actually capture a person's soul, but it's fun to imagine being able to live in a digital world such as SL. For anyone who uses SL, I highly recommend watching Upload. You'll see the similarities between that world and SL.
  19. Frozen veggies retain much of their nutrients, but canned ones tend to have vitamins leach out into the cooking water. Canned goods have also gotten more expensive lately due to the increased cost of metal cans.
  20. Anti-peeve: Mixing plain yogurt with the salad dressing for packaged salads and then using half as much of their high salt, high oil dressings.
  21. Thank you, @Love Zhaoying, for creating this thread. It's interesting to see which famous people interest folks and how they imagine they would react to SL.
  22. 7/11 was originally open from 7am to 11 pm, but some close earlier due to the risk of late-night robberies. Many other stores close earlier for the same reason, depending on the crime rate where they're located. Many of the larger grocery stores in my city are open from 6am to midnight and will have one or more security personal on duty. Target (a large store similar to Wal-Mart) recently had police help in craking down on theft by customers. Daylight "smash and grab" robberies, especially of jewelry stores, have been up lately too. Food deserts are a real problem in low-income areas where people may not always have a car and public transportation might not run late or reliably.
  23. Turn on "Show Parcel Boundaries".
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