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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I don't think those exact thoughts, but I have occasionally had the odd impulse to pee on my landlady's bedroom floor. I suspect I may have been observing the behavior of our dogs & getting bad ideas from them. (No, I didn't actually do it.)
  2. I haven't been able to log in since before 10 am this morning. Still no luck. ?‍♀️ (My wifi also keeps shutting off, but that's not SL's problem.)
  3. General = what you might expect in a G rated movie, safe for work, safe for your kids or parents to see over your shoulder. Moderate = what you might see in a PG rated movie, most like regular real life, nudity may be ok in public, sex is only ok in private. Adult = what you might see in an R rated or Adult movie, RP may involve sexual or violent subjects, sex may be in public places, Not Safe for Work.
  4. If you play in SL regularly then it's worth it to go premium, especially if you join at a discounted rate. The best deal is when the 3 month package is half price. At this rate going Premium more than pays for itself in your linden stipend. The 1/2 price for one month sale is good too, but maybe not as good as paying for an annual Premium account. 1. The most obvious benefit is getting a weekly stipend, especially since Linden Lab raised the fee for buying lindens. 2. The ability to own land is good benefit, especially since you can now get 1024 m of mainland, which also provides more prims/land impact than it used to provide. 3. Greater customer support is a good benefit. The potential downside of being a Premium member is that if you have an outstanding debt on your account - such as unpaid tier on your land - your account can be frozen until your debt is paid. The fix for this problem is to be careful that you're paid in full, don't accidentally renew on land you don't actually want, and keep an alt with a Basic account which has full permissions over your objects and any groups you run. The free gifts that Premium members get are not a useful benefit, in my opinion, since they tend to be overly primmy.
  5. I got this warning recently & found my sub-folder for "Historical & RP" clothing had accidentally gone into the Trash. I thought I must have accidentally drug it there, since I had been deleting clothing. I was glad I got the warning in time to rescue this folder. - *Always check your Trash before emptying it.* - I've been warned before that having too many sub-folders creates the chance of some being accidentally deleted by the system. This happened before with my "Shoes" folder. I still need my sub-folder system though, so I'm trying to get rid of more inventory in general. 50,000 seems like a pretty safe amount, but I'm not quite down to that & I still have many unopened packages.
  6. First it's not about the cost of the ring. $ L 1500 is $ 6 in RL money. That's alot of lindens for some people in SL, but for others it's nothing. What really matters here, as some have already said, are the feelings of the new guy. (There are also a possible issues of chat spam, script lag, rendering cost, & bling with some rings, but I'm assuming these aren't big issues for you.) Don't wear the ring around the new guy, or if you do, don't tell him it was a gift from the last guy. Let the new guy buy you a ring if he wants & tell him it's wonderful if he does. Don't buy your own engagement right, just wear whatever other jewelry you like. If the new guy expresses an interest in buying you a ring, but can't afford an expensive one, help him find a less expensive one. It's the thought that counts, not the cost of the gift.
  7. This Time Portal sim sounds like a great idea. Be sure to invite owners of other historical RP sims to have ad boards with teleporters or LM givers in them. That's only 1 prim & a great way to cross-promote your sim's shops with the historical RP sims in which people can use their merchandise.
  8. Yup. The prim increase for mainland (maybe islands later too?) is discussed here: Second Life Mainland LI / prim allowance increase
  9. I love Happy Clam Island for friendly & inexpensive rental land. This is a younger hippyish group with psytrance music. Very active, friendy group. Moderate rated land. Happy Clam Island website
  10. Try going Basic for a while and see how you like it. You can always go back to Premum again if you change your mind. Before you do though, add your 60 groups you want & one extra profile pick. They don't take these away when you go back to Basic, but you won't be able to add more until you go below 42 groups & 9 picks.
  11. Only if they give you that option. A friend can give you the ability to see where they are inworld & TP to them, but most only do that for partners or those they trust not to TP to them at inappropriate times. If someone does give you that ability, it's polite to ask if they're busy & if it's ok to TP to them. There are also ways to see where a person is when they are in the same region with you. Click on the People tab to see who's nearby. You can then double click on their name to cam on them. If you can tell where they are by camming on them, you can then click on their dot on the map & TP to them that way.
  12. I'm looking for opinions on this subject. Would buyers of mesh bodies like to be able to wear only the top half of their mesh body, perhaps while wearing a mesh mer tail or pants? Would creators of mesh bodies be able to easily make their bodies as top and bottom parts, as well as allowing the hands & feet to be detachable? Why would one want to wear only half of a mesh body if they can make part of it invisible anyway? Because being able to do so would lower worn scripts & rendering cost. Why should I have to wear invisible mesh legs if I want to wear a mesh mermaid tail or mesh jeans that would cover my legs anyway? If one is wearing a top that has long sleeves with a short skirt or shorts, might one prefer to wear the mesh legs for their favorite mesh body without wearing the mesh upper body? Might people like to wear the top half of one mesh body with the lower half of another one?
  13. If you post more information, you'll probably get better responses. Can you please clarify whether these items were bought for a standard body or a mesh head? How they are opened and worn will be different depending on whether they're made for a standard body or a mesh head. If you can post a link to the items on Marketplace, that will help too. Possible issues: 1. If the items you purchased came in a box, try wearing it & clicking on it. If that doesn't work, try rezzing it on the ground, right clicking it, selecting "Open" & "Copy to Inventory". If either of these steps work, your items will appear in your inventory in a folder. From there you can select either Wear, Add, or Add to Outfit to wear these items. 2. If the items you purchased came in a HUD, Wear or Add whatever object you received. You will probably see something on your screen when you do. Click on that. Your items will either go into a folder in your inventory or directly onto a mesh body texture. 3. If you bought these items on Marketplace, it's possible that you didn't receive them. Try IMing the creator to ask if they can help you. If you didn't receive them, the creator can resend them to you. If you did receive them, but don't know how to open the package, the owner may be able to help you open the package and apply the items. Always be polite in any correspondence with SL creators. Being polite and appreciative will get much better results than being rude or crabby. 4. If you bought these items inworld, see if there is a support group, if the creator's profile lists contact people, or if the creator has a preferred method to contact them. Then IM and/or send a notecard to the creator or her customer support staff and ask them if they can help you.
  14. Whenever you buy something on MP, it's nice to leave an honest review. If the product is good, then a good review helps both the creator & those who might buy it. If the product is bad, a bad review may dissuade someone else from wasting their money & time on buying it. Even free items cost us the effort to delete them. Also, if you think a freebie is actually stolen from another creator or if a cheapie is elsewhere a full-perm freebie that's supposed to be free, then put that information in your review.
  15. It's against the law to J-walk, but there are times one can do it without getting in trouble. According to the SL TOS, we need to have the legal right to use any mesh or texture we use in SL. Practically speaking though, using a mesh or texture for your own use & not tryng to resell it is unlikely to get you in trouble. When using someone else's mesh or texture, read their TOS rules carefully to avoid getting in trouble.
  16. # 1. Talk to people inworld. Say hello, tell them you're new, ask them what they like to do & where they like to go. # 2. Use the inworld Search to join groups for things that interest you. # 3. Use Search to find places you might like, then go exploring. # 4. Treat others here with respect & courtesy. Realize they may be in the middle of another conversation when you talk to them. Treat their homes in SL as you would someone's home in RL, which means not just walking in without permission. Don't make fun of how others look or speak. Don't be purposely annoying, rude or tasteless. Try to be appropriately dressed for the location you're in. If someone else annoys you, try to ignore or mute them, rather than letting a disagreement escalate. # 5. It's hard to make money in SL if you don't have experience & marketable skills. Rather than trying to make lindens when you're new, try to find groups, hunts, & other ways to get the stuff you like for free. Join the groups for shops you like in order to get their free group gifts. #6. Join a group that helps newbies or one that helps people learn how to build stuff in SL. Once you learn the basics of SL building, making stuff yourself can be alot of fun. Not everyone wants to make stuff though. Some are happy to buy things that others have made or just want to chat & not collect a bunch of virtual stuff. #7. If you're willing to spend $ 10 - $12 dollars for lindens anyway, you can get a Premium SL account for $ 11.25 for 3 months right now. When you consider the $L 300 you'll get each week & the $L 1000 you'll get after 45 days, this deal is effectively free. If you don't want to pay $22.50 after 3 months, be sure to downgrade to a free Basic account before your 3 months are over. This deal is only good before August 1st.
  17. Lumae currently has a cute Asian skin called Fae on sale for $ 100. This comes with appliers for Maitreya Lara, Slink, Belleza, TMP & maybe some other mesh bodies & heads. check the demo.
  18. When you figure in the weekly stipend of $ L 300 & the $L 1000 bonus after you've been Premium for 45 days, the current Quarterly Premium account sale (ending August 1) is actually free. If you don't want to pay $ 22.50 after 90 days, be sure to either downgrade to a free Basic account before that or pay for the annual Premium account rate, which is the most economic in the long term.
  19. There are a bunch of good opinions & advice on this thread. I think the choice to wear a mesh body or not comes down to a few factors: 1. Will your avatar be naked, in beach clothes, or modeling for pictures? Then to look your best, you'll need the smoother, more realistic lines of a mesh body. 2. Do you have a slower computer or graphics card? Do you go to laggy sims? Then mesh might load too slowly to be practical for you. 3. Are you able to comfortably spend $ 10 to $ 20 on your avatar's appearance? If you can, then you can afford a mesh body. If you can't, then probably the only mesh body you can afford is the TMP freebie, which is extremely limited for clothing. By the way, you *can* wear standard mesh clothing on mesh bodies & fitted mesh made for specific bodies on standard bodies. If you wear a Maitreya, Belleza or Slink dress on your regular body, for instance, you'll need an alpha layer that works for that dress, which could be problematic. I wish more creators would include alpha layers for standard mesh with fitted mesh, so people with standard bodies can still wear these clothes. To wear any mesh clothes on your mesh body, just use the alpha cuts from your mesh body's HUD. If you do decide to get a mesh body, you don't have to wear it all the time. If you do, label your clothing folders so you know which outfits work for your mesh body. For instance, I add "- M* " to mine to indicate that they work with my Maitreya Lara body, either as mesh or as applier layer clothing. Here's a recent blog post I made on the subject, with pictures of my mesh bodies.
  20. Another good way to meet friends in SL is to join groups for things you like. Use the inworld Search function to find groups. You might find groups with other Egyptian people. Hunt groups are a good way to explore SL, find nice freebies, & make friends. When you only have a few friends, they might not be in SL when you are, but when you have a few active groups, there will usually be some chatting in the group chat that you can join.
  21. Flat shoes such as sandals can usually be adjusted to fit Maitreya Lara feet. Boots hide the feet anyway, so you can just take off your feet & wear the boots. For high heels, one generally needs to wear the shoes that were made for those feet, though I've found Belleza heels sometimes fit Maitreya lara feet. If you're buying shoes, try to get the right ones for your feet, but if they're freebies or shoes you have in your inventory already, it doesn't hurt to try them.
  22. I agree with the others here. Unless you just want the freebie version because you don't have money, skip TMP & go look at the demos for other bodies & heads. TMP mesh bodies & heads are overpriced, overly complicated, and under-supported.
  23. I second looking at the Mesh Body Addicts blog & comparison charts. Also try mesh body demos. The Mesh Project has free versions of their mesh bodies which are basically demos. These have very limited options for clothes & tattoos, so they're mostly good only for being naked or wearing the clothes that come with them. Their Shopping HUD & Style HUD are more difficult to use than for other mesh bodies & their bodies are not Omega applier compatible, but I recommend trying the free bodies for comparison to the others. The most popular mesh bodies for female avatars are currently Maitreya Lara, Slink & Belleza, so these will also have the most skins & clothing available for them. With Belleza you get 3 body shapes at the same time - Freya (curvy), Venus & Isis (standard SL female). Slink comes in either Physique (slim) or Hourglass (curvy), but the hands & feet must be purchased separately. I think Eve from Absolut Creation is a pretty good mesh body, but it's less popular so will have fewer outfits made specifically to fit it. This will be even more true for less popular brands. With all of these you can adjust some of your shape sliders to make your body taller or shorter, wider or thinner, bigger or smaller breasts & butt, arm & leg length, & hip width - but the detailed curves of your shape will depend on the mesh body you wear. Fitted mesh made for your specific style of mesh body will generally fit better then standard size mesh clothes, but even with fitted mesh, you may have to hide parts of your body with the alpha layer section of your body HUD. Applier layer clothing is "painted on" the mesh body much as standard clothing is on standard bodies. If you have clothing template textures that you made or bought, you may be able to apply them to your mesh body with one if their developer kits, but that's probably more work than you'll want to do. p.s. - Before you buy a body, join the store's group first to get store credit when you buy the body. I know this is a big deal for Maitreya, but I don't know if the other stores have similar loyalty programs.
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