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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I've tried moving whole houses & sky platforms before, so I know what you mean. There are always a few pieces missed & left behind. I'd suggest writing down the coordinates for the middle of your platform & then dropping a box right there. Then put boxes at the corners of where you plan to move it - on the ground first & then up to the level where you want your platform. Then move the box that's at the center of your platform to the new center position & write down the new center coordinates. The numerical differences between your new center point & your old center point will be the same differences for everything you're going to move. As an example, let's say your new location is a 100 m North & 70 m East of your old location. Then eveything you move will also be 100 m North & 70 m East of where they used to be. (Rounded figures are easier to work with, so try to avoid too many decimals behind the decimal point if possible.) Now try to hot-link & move everything. You know you're going to miss some things, but the differences you recorded will help you put everything into relationship in the new location. Adjust the platform from the Edit menu first to make sure it's exactly where you want it to be. Then change the coordinates of all the pieces you missed, so they will move right to where you want them. Adjust any other bits that are off a little the same way. Delete the positioning boxes, & now you're done.
  2. If LL did do away with the Premium vs. Basic system, they wouldn't have to provide stipends anymore, which might be a small advantage to them. What if instead of the system they have now, they offered their dumbed-down, limited use Basic viewer for free & then charged $5 / month to use the "Advanced" viewer. Maybe customer-service options like Abuse Reporting & buying lindens would only be possible with the "Advanced" viewer. If this package also came with the 512m of "free" tier, if would basically be a new form of Premium membership. If these people could then buy tier in units of 512 m, instead of having to double land-holdings at every upper increment, I think more people would buy more land & LL would be happy with all the Tier revenue they'd be getting. Alternatively, they could avoid a monthly charge & just charge a $20 a one time fee to download the "Advanced" viewer. (Edit to correct typos & add last sentence)
  3. I just got done dancing at a crazy impromptu dance party in DV8's Riot Room. The owners introduced some new cool boots today & they change the Profile Picks reward every night at midnight, so some of the group members were gathering for free & discounted clothes & boots. Just before the Riot boards got down to $L 25 each, some people started dancing. Even after they went up again, some of us stayed & danced to the radio stream. The DV8 Deviants are a fun group of people who like wild styles in clothes. Check out the store some time, especially if you like cyber-gothic styles. (Edit to add 2 more pictures)
  4. On the one hand I like the automated reselling of abandoned land, because it's given me the chance to buy a nice roadside Mainland lot for $L 1 /m. On the other hand, I know it's going to devistate the Mainland land market even worse than Linden Homes hurt the low-prim rental home market. I got out of the rental home business after people started buying Linden Homes. Now, many landlords are stuggling to fill nice apartments that are as cheap as $L 1/ prim / week. It seems like LL sees where some residents are making money, then figures out how to undercut them, so they get that money directly instead. Right now the land bots & barons may be busy buying up cheap land to resell, but what do you think is going to happen to them when all but the very best land is going for $L 1/ m or less? (Edit to add word.)
  5. I'm glad to read this thread because I've also started setting up a small shop of my own, rather than just renting shop space, being limited in my prim use, & having to pay rent whether I sell anything or not. I was lucky to have unused tier in my land group, so owning another lot will only cost me the Show In Search fee & whatever advertising I do. Since I enjoy landscaping & decorating, I'm using a few 1 prim plants to create an over-grown garden around a small low-prim building. (My theme is Sleeping Beauty's castle, since my shop name is Briar Rose.) The garden area gives me a place for larger & outdoor items. I might use it for a few No Copy yardsale items too. Inside the building is for furniture. Copies of the building are for sale if anyone wants it. - I love the idea of the decor being for sale whenever possible, though my plants are my own & not for sale. I like to give away freebies, but I'm going to have most of them inside only a couple 1 prim objects. I'm tyring to make my prims count as much as possible. The traffic in the region seems good so far. Even unfiinished & undadvertised, I've sold a couple items already. 8-)
  6. I have also found adult toys in PG lands. When you AR them, there will be a choice to send a picture with the report. Make sure you do that. Then you also have to report the owner of the object. Often the owner is no longer in SL, so you can't copy the name from their profile. What you can do is find the tiny button to the top left side of the AR report window that automatically fills in the owner's name when you click on the item. This way the person who rezed the object is the one who gets reported - not the landowner or creator of the object.
  7. You state in your post title that your items are on your cart. Perhaps they are still in your cart & you need to complete your purchase? Look in your purchase history & see if the items have been sent to you yet. If they haven't been, try to complete your purchase. When you get to what looks like the final page of the process, scroll down to the bottom & click one more button in the lower right hand corner.
  8. I don't know, but might it be possible to wear a pose ball , adjust it to the right place & then have someone sit on it? Would that be the basic process for a Dragon avatar, for instance, that allows someone else to ride them? Would that be the basic process for a dance chim or sex-jewelry?
  9. WTF? LL should have enough sense to clean up the land & reconnect all those odd little lots into usable ones before trying to resell them. They don't even have to be a big as 512 m. A bunch 4x4m ad lots lining a roadway are unsightly & prevent people from using larger lots behind them effectively. They're even worse sitting in the middle of otherwise good, flat usable land. On the other hand, it is possbile to have a tiny shop or home on a 12x12m lot, especially if one uses a 10x10m hollow box for the walls of a simple building. I think that when LL goes to resell abandoned lots, they should try to reconnect tiny & odd-shaped parcels into at least 12x12 m squares. They could also add those abandoned 4x4 m or 8x4m roadside lots to the public road, in order to discourage ad farming. P.S. Edit The land-cutting seen in the picture is probably a tactic used by people who don't want to pay for land, but still want to use it. Another trick is to landscape the land so it looks nice to you & allow anyone to walk onto it or even move objects onto it, then abandon it. When abandoned land stayed idle for many months, this was a useful trick, but now that land is being quickly put back on the market and those people are probably going to be surprised when an unsightly building takes over their free garden spot.
  10. I routinely ignore anyone online or in SL who has 69 in their user name. Explaining to you that this was not a good name choice is not being rude. It's simply expaining why you may not be drawing the kind of friendships you say you want. User names usually say alot about a person,..or least we tell ourselves they do. If someone has a name like LifeForJesus they'e probably Christian. If they have a name like Satan666, they're probably not. If they have a name like Freaky69, they're probably more interested in sex than anything else. DirtyLucine69 looks like that too.
  11. I think you probably meant to write "1750 to 1780". The Rococo period came out of the Baroque period & reached its heigiht in France during 1730's, the reign of Louie the XV & XVI. (Think the court of Versailles.) You can try searching on "Baroque" & "Rococo" on the SL forums, but I recommend looking on the internet first, so you can weed out the outfits that are obviously not correct for the time period. There is an appropriate & inexpensive black & white striped dress on SL Marketplace named after the "Sleepy Hollow" movie with Johnny Depp. There are also some good outfits at the Versailles & Coure de Provence sims. If you find a modifiable cloak that isn't shinny enough, you may be able to make the prim ruffles shinny. Good luck.
  12. I found the same problem a couple times recently. I tried to TP to land that was listed as being for sale, but was set down in a nearby lot instead. I can only assume the owners of the land didn't think to change their land access permisions.
  13. The only poem I wrote for Second Life is more of a chant than a poem. Play, play, play all day Make the real world go away Go away and let me play SL is where I want to stay
  14. Conifer Dada said: "One way to safeguard your main avatar / resident is to keep them as Basic and have an 'administrative' alt with the Premium account, which can deal with land etc., leaving your main free of any money worries." This seems to me to be the ideal way to handle the desire to have a Premium account, though like most of us I never thought of such a Machievelian manuver when all I wanted was to own some land of my own. When you own land, you can teraform & landscape, and your tier will likely be less expensive than leasing Estate land. If, on the other hand, you can only afford a 512 m lot or aren't sure you want a long-term commitment to Linden Labs, then don't go Premium. The weekly stipend is nice, but it doesn't ballance against the threat of losing your avatar & his or her inventory. If someone wants to try Premium & is afraid of the risk, then do as Conifer suggested above. Create a land-owner alt & a land-owning group. Then add all your other avatars as officers in that group, giving them all the rights of ownership & none of the risks. They can set the land to Home, rez stuff, teraform, change the music & everything, but they will never be thrown into "Debtor's Prison" for non-payment of fees.
  15. The Pheonix viewer lets you sort by a few fixed catagoies, but unfortunately doesn't make any finer distinctions within the "Body Part & Clothing" catagory. Within that search field, you have to use the visual icons to distiguish a glove from a tattoo, skin or system skirt. The best you can do I think is make folders & sub-folders for different kinds of outfits & types of clothing. I have a folder for Dresses & within that are subfolders for Casual dresses, Formal dresses, Short & Sexy dresses. I have a folder for Separates, & within that are sub-folders for Pants, Tops, Skirts. I have a folder for Accessories, & within that are sub-folders for Gloves, Stockings, Hats, Scarves, & etc. I also have folders for different styles of clothing, all within the Clothing system folder. - Of course, I'm a Virgo who loves to have everything as organized as possible. The problem with searching for say "glove" in your Inventory is that items with the word "glove" in their description may not be what you want & some items that are gloves may not have the word "glove" in their title. Usually, this technique will work ok though. - If you want to use this system, try to change the name of your clothing items to reflect what they really are.
  16. I hope the LL folks responsible for these payment policies read this thread. I love Second Life, but policies like this cause them to lose Premium members. And it's Premium members who pay their RL rent & payrole. My boyfriend has had his account suspended several times for non-payment. He's also had his phone & internet service turned off & had his new motorcycle repossessed. When a person makes an agreement to pay installments for an item or a service & then stops making payments, this is what happens in RL. Ok, so your account has been suspended. - What do you do next if you want it back? 1. Phone Customer Service & explain what happened. Ask nicely for help. They may offer suggestions for what you can do next. Your avatar account & inventory may still be in the computer system somewhere. 2. Pay what LL says you owe them. Then downgrade your account to a Basic free account. This way you still keep all your Inventory. 3. If you ever decide to get a Premium account again or if ANYONE wants a Premium account, make sure you keep a Basic account alt & give full Edit permissions to your avatars for each other's stuff. This way if your Premium avatar gets suspended, your alt can probably still pay rent on rental property & may be able to take stuff your Premium avatar has left in world. 4. Remember there are big risks & reletively small benefits to being a Premium member in SL. That's not to say there aren't some benefits though. I'm happy to be a Premium member myself. - But I also keep track of my payments, try not to spend too much on inventory, & keep a couple Basic account alts for insurance.
  17. When th item is in your Inventory hover over it & select Properties. You should be able to change the permisions there. You should alo be able to change the Permission when you rez the object & go into Edit mode, at the bottom of the first tab. If neither of those options work, then perhap someone else has an idea?
  18. Before you invest in owning or renting shop space, you might want to ask other merchants how their sales have been lately. I don't think there's much demand for guitars in SL, but maybe if you have a good location & marketing plan, you can do ok. Maybe you can have vendors for other creators guitars & get a percentage of the sales? Reselling other people's stuff is a tricky business in SL since many people think you should only sell items you make yourself.
  19. Welcome to the forums. I voted for the JIRA even though I don't have a Mac.
  20. There are some good dark & futuristic freebie clothes at Lapointe & Bastchilde's freebie corner. Good regular outfits too. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Evocative/181/106/30 The White Armory has fantasy gowns, some of which could be futuristic magic-users (for female avatars obviously.) Join their group to get a free gown almost weekly or free suits of armor less often. They have male fantasy clothes too. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Emerald/160/130/25 Fire Horse has mostly male RP outfits, but not many futuristic ones. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rosemary%20Isle/126/128/26 DV8 also has good futuristic outfits. Join their group & watch their Midnight Madness boards & Lucky Chairs for good freebies. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lasombra/180/140/25
  21. As in real life, explore the things you're interested in to find other people who like the same things. Dance clubs are a good place to meet people. So are sandboxes, hunts & active groups with lots of people in them. On thing to be careful of with TPing to green dots, though: If there are just 2 dots on top of each other, DO NOT TP to them unless you're sure of where you're going. Otherwise you could well end up in someone's bedroom when they don't want a stranger popping in on them...and that is not a good way to make friends.
  22. A sandbox in SL is a place where people can rez & build stuff without having to own land & usuallly without having to pay. Some require you to join a group, but most don't. They all have different rules, so read the rules to decide which ones are best for you. If you leave stuff out, they all have some kind of delete or return policy. The longer the return time, the longer you can play or leave stuff out without it being returned to your Lost & Found folder This place has a large sandbox that I think is very good. They have private & semi-private platforms, so you don't have to be bothered by other people when you're building. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Skidz%20Isle/26/17/24
  23. Starr Heron said : "IDK but sure would love to have a Jack Russel" VKC has a cute Jack Russle.
  24. I sometimes use the Library for textures. I hope that doesn't transfer those textures into my regular Inventory like wearing Library clohting or hair does. I just found a new trick for storing Inventory. Instead of putting stuff inside a box, you can put it on a notrcard. Lable the notecard so you know what's in it, same as you would for a box. The advantage to this is that you can open a notecard anywhere to see what's inside & take out pieces, without having to rez or wear it. The disadvange of using notecards is that you have to box clothing (& maybe body parts) before putting them on it. Otherwise, you lose the icon that tells you what clothing layer the clothing is on. Another limitation of notecards is that you can't put temporary textures on them. I suppose this is to keep people from sharing temporary textures. You can use temporary textures on objects or clothing, however, then treat those objects & clothing normally. This trick saves alot of lindens because you don't have to pay $L 10 to upload temporary textures, yet you can still use them to create stuff.
  25. Keeping your inventory around 10, 000 is actually very good. There is some good advice above about keeping your inventory down, but it all takes work, which is not as much fun as buying stuff & opening packages. I've been boxing up some of my inventory, but then one has to lable the box to remeber what's inside. Boxing up seasonal decorations is a good way to start with boxing, since you know you'll only use those things at certain times of the year. If you're worried about accidentally deleting favorite items, you can save back-up boxes of stuff in-world too. Just don't end up like this woman.
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