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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Oddly .... Logging out of the Marketplace and then back in worked just now for me - I can now get into my Dashboard.
  2. It would appear to be a wider spread, non-uniform issue. Thread.
  3. Still logged in on MP, getting the blank page on dashboard log in attempt. ETA: Now it throws the following instead of a simple blank page "An error has occurred. Further information is available in the server log." ETA2: Back to blank page. Also, in viewer browser is doing the same thing.
  4. Being on the same parcel is irrelevant to the behavior I described, which is why I asked the question. Being above a certain altitude - at least at one point - triggered the exact same behavior as being off parcel. ETA: Just tested and the originally observed behavior has changed. So, no idea what could be happening now.
  5. For the former this includes Online/offline status (cannot remember what else) and for the latter ... Well suffice to say in the older days issues with region presence caused an odd state whereby you could get in but could not get out of a given region (the latter except by logging out and back in elsewhere). Such issues could also cause ghosting (avatar seemingly still on the region even though it was logged out or went elsewhere).
  6. Double check to make sure you're not keeping other avatars from outside the parcel from seeing who IS on the parcel (should be in the land privacy settings/options). That can and often does cause what you're describing.
  7. That makes me wonder which end the problem really is on. Yes, it is a bit more likely to be on LL's end (since it does not appear to only be affecting a singular service) I do still wonder what the actual cause is. For reference, the email on said bank alt is a GMail address.
  8. Which mail services are ya'll using? as far as general IM goes, I just sent an offline to my banking alt and it shows up just fine.
  9. And there's one of my recurring peeves, manifesting once again .... I am getting quite sick and tired of it.
  10. Alternately if all you are doing is using one of the Library Presets for your Sky, use the Quick Preferences toolbar system (add it to your toolbar if it isn't there), hit the Sky dropdown box, pick one. Done. If the above does not work, right click on the desired Sky in the Library and apply it to yourself from there. By default (from personally observed behavior), Day Cycle defaults to None while the Sky and Water presets are set by the region. It is - in that capacity - not much different from the old system with the exception of it actually having Library entries you can select. This is putting aside the Knowledge Base articles on EEP (among other sources). So, not much need for (in viewer) notes.
  11. A pity I cannot respond the way I'd like to, to that level of .... Suffice to say, if that's how she's gonna be, better she not bother to show up at all, anyway.
  12. Today's peeve: Users that ought to be familiar with how previews and file systems work in a basic sense ... complaining that they don't work in a much different and rather impossible manner.
  13. Second Life is the program, not the company - that is Linden Lab The Editor is nothing more than a live preview, if you want to use what you've set up make sure you save it and then select/activate it from the Settings folder in your Inventory You can still import the settings from the Library - see above To put number two above a bit more simply: Expecting your settings to remain after you close the Editor without saving them so you can actually select and use them is akin to writing up a document in your word processing program of choice, typing up the document and then closing it, expecting it to be there for later use/alteration. You have to save it first.
  14. This thread reminded me that I needed to clean my own wishlist up a bit. I use it to keep track of tings I *might* or eventually intend to buy - the more recent focus has been on anthro mods. Found a fair few recently that look to be nice and I think I have all the parts needed!
  15. There was work done earlier to try and solve connectivity issues. The advice given on the Grid Status entry is to try to log in to your dashboard through a normal browser, then try again in your viewer of choice.
  16. My response: Wrong question. The correct question is, "What the hell isn't wrong with me?"
  17. Except those services are working. Rental search has - apparently - been moved to Land & Rentals.
  18. Close enough. Their "expected behavior" changed and caused some upset. Said expected behavior being that they were - up until supposedly some time today - able to use the Places category to find their own, paid, rental plot entries.
  19. The gripe appears to be concerning search being "broken" in some way .... when in their own images on the thread they've linked to several times now, one can clearly see a new category titled .... Land & Rentals ....
  20. AMD CPU (Ryzen 7 2700X), nVidia GPU (GTX 980 TI) and not noticing any sort of color/contrast distortion. Had to tick a setting to restore frame rate (covered elsewhere). Linux user (Zen Kernel, Manjaro Distro, XFCE Desktop Environment, nVidia Proprietary Drivers (DKMS package through Arch Repo)).
  21. There is no need to keep Resolved incidents at the top of the page. None.
  22. In agreement with one caveat: As stated in my earlier response, auto-collapsing the Quote block as opposed to wholly hiding it. Said forum does the latter in addition to the mentioned bits and boy oh boy does is mess with the thread flow! makes some responses seem .... disjointed.
  23. Another Forum I frequent does something rather similar to that ... and frankly, I personally hate it as it goes so far as to hide entire threads if started by someone you've put on Ignore. Such a function, built in that way, does not take into consideration that a thread started by an Ignored individual might well still contain worthwhile information or something worth commenting on/adding to. now a middle ground between such behaviors - hiding posts and auto-collapsing quotes - would be nice.
  24. Piggybacking on the song stuck in head peeve above: Casually listening to music (usually Pandora) with the express purpose of destressing/relaxing and a song comes on that triggers my "muse" .... making me want to go hunting for more to resolve the imagery I got!
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