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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. If no roll was announced then no roll was needed. I logged in and was able to set up my parcel's EEP once the status changed over to Monitoring. The Rolling Restarts (which have yet to occur) are unrelated.
  2. Backing up your settings means nothing in this instance. The entire viewer/install folder is what I backed up as a precaution and is a precaution I always take when such a major update comes. Meh - either way, you're apparently stuck now.
  3. The update was not "forced" at all and if you'd made proper backups you'd not be having much of an issue The primary culprit for the FPS drop appears to be a "fix" implemented for Water reflections - a "fix" that can be turned off in your settings, see my earlier response with a link to the relevant forum post The Firestorm team had rather little choice in polishing up and releasing an EEP enabled viewer - fuss at Linden Lab for that feature set.
  4. The setting referenced here fixed the FPS drop (for the most part) for me.
  5. Heh, so by the end of the day the AUR (Arch User Repository) entry for Firestorm-bin ought to be up to date. Ought to be interesting to say the least.
  6. Server Channel has/had nothing to do with how the TP Routing permissions were affected (or not) by varied Group Roles and permissions. The trick with Estate Managers and Groups is a bit ... convoluted to say the least.
  7. There are on screen keyboards that allow you to swap to an old fashioned T9-Multitap layout and functionality. I use one myself - I find it much faster than plinking out a response with the "full" keyboard or even the swipe through function some of them have.
  8. I've had several cellular phones, ranging from the older flip-phone and early single body types to modern smart phones. Why do you think the T9-Multitap system was developed? Heck some of those even had rudimentary Predictive text. Past a certain point there was no need whatsoever to tap on the same button several times to select a letter, number or symbol. What I cited above is the known, technical limitation of the time - that is not something one can "agree to disagree" over. What we can agree to disagree over is the laziness that followed once that simple, 160 character limit was no longer an issue.
  9. Yeah, no. Not even then. That absolutely irritating practice got its start thanks to the same limitations Twitter had when it was launched - 160 characters per SMS. Unlike today where systems allow for much longer messages through MMS. Back then, it was "tolerable" and "understandable" as a way to circumvent the limit .... there is no excuse now.
  10. Yeah, funnily enough what is being described with the Group Owner role .... is not something I have noticed behavior wise. Rather, wasn't when I used a Landing Point. I - as Group Owner and Group Creator - could not circumvent the Landing Point from outside the Region. In case it makes any difference: The parcel is Group Owned/Deeded, not simply set to the Group.
  11. .... The behavior being described has been the case for at least the last five years or so. How do I know? I've had my parcel in a PE region for about that long and had a Landing Point set initially.
  12. RL, I tend to gravitate to vocal and textual communication and anyone actually paying attention when conversing with me in person will note that while I may be looking in your general direction, I am not looking at you - because unless I am closer than two feet to you, I can't see you clearly enough. I have no choice but to go on vocal tone (and what I call "microtone" - subtle shifts in vocal tone) for "face to face" communication and to take things as directly as possible when communicating via text (part of why I remind some that whatever they read into my responses belongs to them). I avoid phone calls as much as possible unless they are from friends/family. SL and Online .... is a mixed bag. Environment depending I'll gravitate to either voice or text as need/availability demands. Fast paced things (such as most games/MMOs)? Voice. Period. SL or slower paced games? Text works well enough. RP? Mixed bag there and for different reasons that have more to do with character separation and such.
  13. .... Seriously? The comment reads like a piggyback off of your own while calling the way such notifications function to attention.
  14. A note on crashing (at least on Linux systems, couldn't hurt to double check if on another OS😞 When I have crashed, it has only been the main process that goes down - SLPlugin(insert number here), SLVoice and any Dullahan instances remain in the background and must be manually terminated through the task manager. If you crash, check your Task Manager before relaunching and logging back in. Terminating any hanging SLPlugin and SLVoice instances should also terminate any hanging Dullahan instances. You will need to make sure of this as if these hang, it can cause some wonkiness for the next viewer instance.
  15. "Fresh" - Just Inked. "Faded" - Been a little while since the ink was done. "Worn" - Quite a bit of time has passed. If the above is not obvious, not the creator's fault. if the above is not being used as noted, that is the creator's fault.
  16. Oy .... It is as if some do not understand the information being imparted and believe that the system can just be changed/fixed on a whim - laboring under the mistaken belief that what they want altered/"fixed" is somehow not tied up in other functions in a manner that must be very carefully approached ... Oh wait ...
  17. Want group chat "fixed"? There's only one way to do so that won't involve a complete overhaul: Remove the ability to chat at all. Groups were never intended for the uses they see now. ETA: To be a bit clearer, they were intended to be used for Land Management - hence the ability to donate tier to Groups, set a Group to a parcel/Deed a parcel to a Group. Their secondary purpose evolved a bit later as Shop/Club/Event organization and Advertisement/Gift/Landmark/Notecard distribution. Reiterating the above, with a somewhat finer point: They were not intended to be used as CS Portals, or for any form of generalized chatter (to name just two present 'uses').
  18. Noted - it is still not something that the Power Management settings can actually do.
  19. Separate post here, tackling something a bit more directly. How some use a particular term when talking about their hardware and settings is quite irrelevant - each term has a specific meaning. They have these meanings for a reason. If you misuse these terms you will (rightly) be given more than a bit of "side-eye" while those doing so likely laugh (at least internally) at you. Changing your power settings within your Operating System is ... changing your power settings from within your Operating System. That's it. What does this mean? It means that - and bear with me in case I am going too fast for you - you are altering how your system uses the hardware within expected norms or within manufacturer's specifications. If doing something that simple and safe causes your hardware to burn out then your hardware was not up to the job - simple as that. Burning out your cooling fans goes under the same canopy, though burning those out ought to be a warning that you're pushing your hardware too hard. It can also mean you need to dust more often. Some of this goes hand in hand with making sure each program you use is set up properly for your individual machine. Generalized settings/presets/recommendations are nothing more than suggestions and should be tweaked so that your individual PC runs each program to the best of its ability without causing additional stress. This is sometimes going to mean altering settings using utilities outside the intended program and that's perfectly fine. Pay attention and be smart about what you do and you won't go burning out your hardware. Oh yes, and the above is more or less why most computer hardware has a range of usability - a set amount of time (usually measured in years) that the hardware is expected to function, barring defects or other issues. The shortest/minimum time assumes working the hardware at or near the manufacturer's upper limits for normal use (this includes setting your Power Management to the High Performance profile) whereas the longest time assumes you're being extra careful with the hardware. On average the actual time until a part fails is somewhere between those two values. If a part fails before that minimum time, there is generally a defect, some environmental issue or even user error at fault. It really doesn't matter how many times some rant, rave and rail against the above - it doesn't change what is.
  20. You can say the exact same thing, countless times over and it won't be true - at all. You can try to move the goalposts even further, it won't make your assertions true either.
  21. Plenty of methods, depending on exactly what you are attempting to do. Flickr is nothing more than an Image Hosting service and is not a part of Second Life nor affiliated with Linden Lab, so an outage or issues with Flickr .... has little to do with Second Life.
  22. That's a question you're going to have to answer on your own. The reiteration was to combat the completely mistaken notion that telling your Operating System how to manage GPU performance/power settings when a specific program is launched is not in any way whatsoever Overclocking it. ETA: The reason why you'll have to answer it on your own is simple enough: Each person's reasons for Overclocking will be different - similar but still their own. As a personal example: A few months after being gifted the PC I currently have, I went into my BIOS and changed the Clock Speed of my RAM from the stock speed (2133Mhz) to a bit under what the RAM itself was rated to be 'stable' at (3600Mhz rating, 3200Mhz being what I set it at). Fast forward to the start of this month and after an initially bungled purchase for a RAM expansion (mismatched CLI rating) and I had to reset the RAM clock speed to factory for it to be stable. Why did I increase the RAM clock speed initially? I only had 16 GB of RAM and I tend to leave certain things running in the background. The higher RAM clock allowed processes to be done a bit quicker without needing to touch the clock settings for the CPU.
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