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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. Based on the wording, I wonder if what's being described is a service that spams groups. In which case, the bot doing the spamming will have the normal group limits, depending on the type of account. That would mean the answer is the breedables spam bot only has a basic account, whereas some of the other spam bots have paid accounts with a higher group limit. Either way, promotion groups tend to lack actual customers. People treat them the same way as they do the spam folder for their email. I'd keep that in mind before spending time and money on them.
  2. Second Life has a bunch of different communities, rather than being a single location chatroom with a single community. It's a sandbox, rather than a game with set goals. That can make getting started a bit slow, but means you can do a lot more once you get the hang of the basics. It sounds like your main goal is chat rather than making your avatar look nice. Using the search function in the viewer will help find groups to join (groups let you talk to other group members anywhere in Second Life) and places to go. You can also check out this section of the destination guide for newcomer friendly spots: https://secondlife.com/destinations/howto/newbie The early part of the year is often quieter in Second Life, but the events usually get going as we head into spring.
  3. I've seen this happen with homesteads (where I don't think it can be fixed), but not with a full region. Do make sure you've set teleport routing to "anywhere" on all of the parcels. Also, landmarks can take some days to work properly for new regions. It might just need some time to settle.
  4. My recent abandoned land ticket took three days. It can be faster, but there will be delays if a lot of people are putting in tickets. I've been living on the same region for over a decade, so a few days to get the little micro parcels when I expand is not a big deal.
  5. It looks like the gifts come from marketplace wishlists, based on what's been said here. I have no list and was gifted money, which I then spent on shiny things.
  6. I get invited to do stuff by other merchants because they saw me at events and liked what I was doing. I got into those events by filling out applications like everyone else. I don't know what events run for adult stuff, but if you're at an event, visit the website and see if you can find out how to apply for next time. Join groups and/or Discords so you'll know when applications open.
  7. There's already no way to downvote people here. Most of the emojis are upvotes. Confused and sad are neutral. That means your forum reputation can only go up and all the people hitting the laughter are upvoting you. This isn't like Reddit where you can be downvoted to the deepest depths (and have your comments hidden as a result). I think there'd be a lot less controversy if more people understood that.
  8. Having seen endless people thinking they're being stalked, a common reason given for that is the lack of information in the bot profiles. This is the first time I've seen anyone say they know exactly what the bots are doing. So the solution for those complaints is simple: the information needs to be in the bot profiles with a link to the website, so people can see what information is being gathered. It should go without saying that the website should not include things that identify individual avatars. Most of the rest of the complaints either come from places that want to stop the visits (I'd suggest making it opt-in for private regions, but give people a way to opt-out at least) or the landing point is a bad choice for that region. That can be solved by having a contact person, so that people can get these things sorted out. This is advice for bots in general. It'd go a long way if all bots included what they were doing and who to contact with problems.
  9. Bundles of bots at the bottom of mainland sea are most likely playing games. They're not traffic bots because it's public land. Some disappear when approached so that people can clear them if they're in the way. Reporting the odd place with traffic bots that annoys you is one thing, but I'd suggest you don't make monitoring bots your whole Second Life. They're not going anywhere in general. Only in cases where they break rules.
  10. You don't need to know who owns the bots or club. Just select one of the bots in the report and explain in the description that this is one of many suspected traffic bots at the location. Include the club location. That's all they'll need to go check it out. In future cases if you have something where no avatars/bots are clearly involved, you can select Governor Linden as the one you report. They know that means "I don't have a clue" and not that Governor Linden has been a bad hamster. But this is for things like particle spam where you can't find the emitter. In this case, you have a bunch of bots, so just pick one.
  11. I'm in the public group for the expo. I don't see any notices with the raffle winners, so I don't think the information you want is out there. In general, this event is very much about the live events and focused on the people who can attend them. The rest is just sort of there if you stumble on it.
  12. All the currently named chalet coast houseboat regions, from Aquamarine to Anchor Management, have now been released. That leaves four more houseboat regions and two stilt regions to go on that coast, but they're not named and ready yet.
  13. The forum doesn't allow naming because they know how that would end, but there's no special protection for those involved. You can use their name inworld and contact your former neighbours if you'd like. But the hassle for a court case really isn't worth it for the sort of money that's usually involved in Second Life. The people got banned. I'd take that as a win and move on. As to what exactly happened and what you're trying to do now, I wasn't sure after reading the thread. It helps to tell people directly what happened and what you did when things didn't work as expected. We can try reading between the lines and make guesses, but those could be wrong. In this case, my guess is you might have clicked to report a problem and got sent to the jira website. That's the wrong one for what you wanted. You need the abuse report function. It's "report abuse" in the "Help" menu on Firestorm and should be similar in other viewers. Only "report problem" if it's a technical fault or bug, not for anything involving residents.
  14. The good products you want to find would also be gone. Most of everything would be gone. So you'd have to find it by searching inworld. Which you might want to do, but you can do that now if you like, without having to remove most products from the marketplace via a listing fee. What would solve the issue of unwanted results is search systems that have more options to customise the results. This applies to the marketplace and the inworld search. That said, you can already filter out free and very cheap products. Set the lowest price at something that's reasonable for the item in question and the results will be much cleaner.
  15. The easiest way is to put each item into a box and set the box for sale. The options for that are on the first tab of the edit window. Make sure you set the permissions of the box to match what you're putting in. Upload your product picture and put that on the box, so people know what they're buying. Include a notecard in the box that has your marketplace link. If you want to use scripted vendors, a lot of people use CasperVend, which has help on their website for how to make it work. I haven't used it for years, so I can't explain more than that.
  16. Liberty was also released from the houseboats, so they're not being released in order this time. Keeping us guessing!
  17. I believe that it means they can place parcels of all the themes in the same region, not that one parcel can rez all the themes. So you'd still have a Victorian house, but you could have a traditional neighbour (in theory... they don't have any regions like this right now).
  18. Having a listing fee would remove most of the items on the marketplace, because they don't sell often enough and/or for enough money to make paying a listing fee worth it. The things that'd remain would be expensive mainstream items like mesh bodies and houses in popular styles. This would actually make it harder for the original poster, because anything for system avatars would be gone. Just not enough sales in system avatar stuff to make it worth paying a listing fee.
  19. Never trust plants that want you to touch them. It's fungi you should trust.
  20. Stuff is happening. More naming of chalet coast houseboat regions and border removal, so I'd expect some releases soon. Regions are also appearing in the gap between chalets and newbrooke, going east from SSPJosie Banks.
  21. The green map squares are ghosts of old event regions. So their placement and appearance doesn't mean anything significant. Doesn't mean they won't add in a display region, but it's not connected to the ghost regions on the map. I've got my new Christmas Patch Bear (and there was a gingerbread pirate nearby) so I'm sorted for the season!
  22. Foxes are not quiet. They make a wide variety of sounds, including otherworldly screams. That's the joke of the what does the fox say song, because they don't have a single simple call.
  23. When this was first posted, it was around the time they were doing login maintenance. The first question would be if it was still an issue after the maintenance was complete.
  24. I think the VAT has only been removed from the membership fees. My land tier still has VAT added.
  25. Someone answered you to say that restarts only fixed it for a few hours. That means there wasn't much people could do outside of reporting the bug. The real question at the moment is whether the rolling restarts did something else to fix the underlying problem or if it'll just creep back again.
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