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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I could supply the reply I got from support in case it helps anyone but as it didn't help me (I had already done all these things as I always do to try to force down my chronically lost inventory ranging from 4000 to 10,000 items -- hello!). 1.) Open your viewer. Clear the cache. Press Ok. Close the viewer. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923#Section_.2 2.) Open the viewer but don't log in-world. Your viewer should have an option to specify where you want to login. If you don't see this option, please turn it on by clicking on preferences. The option will be located on the General tab. Log in to a low traffic region like, "Pooley". http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Setting-your-preferences/ta-p/700131 3.) Do not move your avatar. Open your inventory window and wait for the item count to stop climbing. Once the inventory is completely loaded, please take a note of the item count. Verify that your avatar is completely rezzed and then you can move your avatar. 4.) Do a filtered search for your missing items. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Advanced-inventory-management/ta-p/1376385#Section_.4 5.) Check your lost/found/trash folders to see if the missing items were placed inside by mistake. 6.) Open any coalesced items that are in your inventory. Sometimes lost inventory can be found inside other items. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Building-tips/ta-p/700041 7.) If you are still unable to locate the items, please log out and continue with the remaining steps. 8.) Please download the most recent and official version of the Second Life viewer. Once you are done troubleshooting, please feel free to log in with the viewer of your choice. https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ 9.) Turn your computer off. Turn your internet off. If you are using a modem and router, please turn both devices off. Verify that your computer or laptop is connected directly to the internet with a wired (ethernet cable) internet connection. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Wifi-and-satellite-connections/ta-p/1296823 10.) If you are using a router, please make sure the router is connected to the computer with an ethernet cable. Turn the internet modem and router on. Once the internet is connected, please turn the computer on and open the official viewer. Repeat steps 1-6. 11.) If you are still unable to find the missing items, please reply with the following: --Please list some of the items that you are missing. --What type of internet connection are you using? --What was the item count that you took note of the 1st and 2nd time? Linden needs to step up and realize this is not PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer) and not "Not On My Machine" but, you know, their patch. Fanboyz, too.
  2. I was inspired by seeing Saul Goodie make two cafes (first this one then the lastest is HyperCafe) then I saw the one called Hope and I decided to finish my listserve "Charming Little Cafes and Bars in Second Life". This is like my already-existing "Sacred Places in SL" which has many of the different religious sites. You can pick the up the sandwich board for the cafes' list here in Ross by my own little charming cafe, the Oz Cafe with the Wizard of Oz gatcha items from HANDverk and others in the 8f8 Garden Folly which is among my favourites. Note it's in "beta" as I am still adding and correcting items and I want to get descriptions added to all them. Ideally, people will have their own already on the land or will send one. You can modify the sandwich board with your own labels and textures, then just keep it in place with the scripts and it will update regularly. The critera is just as it says on the can: Charming -- i.e. not a big black box with loud trance music -- there's a place for those types of clubs and they have other ways to get noticed. This is more about the out-of-the-way quaint or offbeat or interesting places. Little - not giant barns with wet t-shirt contests and line-dancing pose balls. It should be a quiet place by the side of the road or themed or from some RL country group or something like that. I'm not going to draw a size dimension although I'm thinking it's mainly 512 or 1024 because I see people have put charming small cafes on 4096s with lots of decorations. Cafe - if it is seating for your rentals business or really your own posse's hangout that's fine but make sure it stands out and alone as a cafe in its own right and that it is open to the public. I have a lot of good ones already just from looking in the regular search/places look but I need to find more so send the landmarks to me in world. Prokofy Neva
  3. Hi, this is a cool little place but actually the link you gave doesn't take you there but takes you to the ground. I figured it was up in the sky and finally found it here.
  4. I filed a ticket about this. The first time came after paying a gatcha machine, getting a message of what the inventory was, then the "can't create inventory" and nothing shows up. The second time I already had the item in inventory but when I took it out inworld to try to pull it out of its box I got the 'can't create" message. I'm on the bog-standard regular SL viewer.
  5. I fully support the OP's concerns, and Emerald/Phoenix/Firestorm continues with the same duplicity it has for years. There was one right answer in this interchange: "Yes, you're right, we should change to opt-in instead of opt-out." Blather about REG API's doesn't cut it. This is all you need to know as to why you should not be using Firestorm as a viewer.
  6. Most people are not practitioners of BDSM, Phil. That's the truth and I don't have to prove that because you can Google it. It's in any study of human sexuality. What's going on here from Freya is just an old and stupid story -- trying to "normalize" BDSM and turn the tables on people who are liberal and make them think it's illiberal to condemn the violence and oppression of BDSM, which is inherently illiberal.It's a game of disruption that is part of the whole sick BDSM psyche. People like Freya get terribly energized to come on the forums and do battle with people she/he thinks she can "show up" or "skewer" or "prove wrong". It's not worth wasting time on. Then there's the silly selective cherry-picking of statistics claiming violence is down, and gaming is up, and gaming doesn't cause violence, well, except when it does as with reclusive gamer mass killers. All of this was argued 15 years ago on the Alphaville Herald and nothing new has occurred except that BDSM has succeeded in commercializing their culture with the book. The minute they try to appear at bus stops in real-life cities with other humans on chains like dogs, however, as they do routinely in Second Life, I think they'll find themselves at the police station, which would be the merciful outcome rather than a lynch mob. BTW, good for Carlotta sticking to her guns and continuing to argue for women's rights and true liberalism in the face of the usual authoritarian mob and cunning Alinskyisms and all the rest.
  7. The self-righteous prig is definitely not the OP, but Freya with her agenda here to shove BDSM on everybody as some "normalcy" when it is not. It is a violent sect and should indeed be condemned morally in fact in the name of modern liberal democratic life and women's rights. That these natural senses of revulsion that most people have are converted into stodgy conservativism by people practicing a medieval culture is of course one of the hypocrisies of Second Life.
  8. That the vulgarity and disturbing violence of BDSM known as a sect in SL and other virtual worlds spread into real life and popular culture in 50 Shades of Gray doesn't exonerate it or justify it. It's wrong and sets back 50 years of feminism and women's rights. The idea that people who condemn this very, very archaic and old-fashioned medieval behavior of BDMS from the darkest ages of humanity are "old-fashioned" themselves is for the birds. Of course it's not "old fashioned" to complain about oppression of women. That women "choose" this is in question, given the enormous number of people harmed by these relationships and cases in real life of torture and criminality. It doesn't fly. You've got an agenda to exonerate and justify something you personally like. We are more than entitled as a society to raise serious questions about your claims, starting with the claim that people choose this "lifestyle" from a place of free choice and not sad dysfunction and trauma.
  9. It's fine to shame people who take away others' rights and who deceive them with opposite-sex avatars. More than fine.
  10. All of this is irrelevant because those of us opening up search and having to see vulgar child pornography or distressing BDSM smut that degrades woman (do strip away all the baloney about "power exchange) have not CHOSEN to do so. ALL L WE HAVE DONE IS OPEN UP SEARCH. These ugly disgusting sites open up AUTOMATICALLY as events or places. The Lindens of course could remove that function. We could manually open search with our search terms and take it from there. What's happening is that this content is surfaced due to the Lindens' algorithms and is pushed into our face FORCIBLY. That needs to stop, because no one should be forced to participate in BDSM against their will.
  11. It's interesting you're even calling them "women". So often I open search and without having selected this option, I am shown a CHILD with a flat chest, and with an adult performing a grossly lewd act on the CHILD. I abuse report this constantly as do others; it's back every week. I am tired of being FORCED to view content I don't want that goes to the top of search just to keep 'adult" ticked off so I'm not blocked from my own land when I fly around to respond to tenants' requests. This is one of my huge annoyances and I think until 100 of us band together and mass abuse report every night to get their attention, we will not solve this.
  12. I've used both, and it is inexplicable why some proposals are turned down. Given how much they repeat the same sites, this makes no sense. The Moth Temple is the Linden's own build, yet they won't put it in a "Chat Hot Spot" and won't consider our Moth Temple Preserve for the Destinations. I have other builds in their destinations that were chosen by the Lindens, not submitted. It's very frustrating. They don't answer if you aren't chosen, and they don't offer ways to solve whatever problems they have in not including you. Then there's this: you must take a very high quality picture. I can't do that given my lower-end grapic card and the generally poor view I get of SL. I have to bring in other people to take photos. They shouldn't require a photo, but just use the one already in the land description and just require a landmark.
  13. There's a problem with all these airy considerations by people who like making rules for others that don't affect them. You can't have a skybox over 4096 meters from the ground IF you want to have a teleporter on the ground that enables you to go up and down and visitors to go up and down via a screened list or group (or indeed simply kept open). So that's the limit due to scripting limits for the "hack" that is sitting an avatar up into the sky. Of course, people can live without teleporters but and just "set home" but many people want them especially for visitors.
  14. As a land owner and rental companies owner, I can't at all accept your idea -- and you're just not thinking it through. You're only thinking of how to make life nice for yourself in your own chosen recreation of riding around in a blimp. But that's only you, not hundreds of thousands of other people, and this is a shared rule where rules have to work for everyone. If you make the orb "skin tight" from the ground up, on the perimeters of the parcel, they bang away and send home anyone who happens to even slightly ding them, if they are on a boat, say, and the land owner owns some of the water next to the Linden water. It means the ground and waterways are miserable in the way you find the skies. I as a landlord do not allow security orbs or ban lines on the ground for this reason. I require that they be up in the sky, 500 meters or higher. This is the height where generally most people don't see a build. I used to have 250, but people with higher draw distances could see it and it blighted the view. If I put it at 500, you can fly at 250 in a balloon and plane and won't be bothered if the range is set correctly. But I don't see how I could demand that LL police this at any height -- it's not practical. In general, I'd like to see something else happen completely -- the total deprecation of bounce scripts -- period. Philip Linden once even contemplated this but his staff overruled him. No one should be banged and bounced home like they're in some war game (which Second Life is *not) just because they happened to come near your property. That's a weapon, and that's overkill. A slight bounce away like ban lines is sufficient but I wonder if that is really necessary. Really, why do you need banlines? If you want privacy in your humper bunker, there is something else you can do now: turn off "avatars can see me". That means anyone else on any other parcel cannot see you -- period. So it means you have total privacy because you have invisibility.
  15. Spring has come to Hidden Lakes Island in the beautiful sim of Hite, so come and enjoy it! Accommodations for all budgets! $50/50 prims (or ask for $100/100) for a small cottage on the docks. Teleport to No. 9 in Hite  A furnished cabin with a skybox attached -- or place your own.  Teleport to No. 5 in Hite A large lake house on the waterfront - $500/400 or $650/500 or ask to place your own home.  Teleport to No. 8 in Hite Bed and Breakfast in charming large cottage with locked skybox of your own.     Teleport to B&B in Hite Ask to change some or all of the furniture if you like. This is one of the nicest areas of Second Life with a beautiful harbour next door and Botany's Grove in the SL Public Land Preserve two sims away. You need an SL Vacation! Prokofy Neva
  16. Inadvertent tier-ups is one of the ways Second Life bites hard, and loses customers, and they really should just bill people with less steep step-ups. If you had a parcel deeded to your group on a homestead sim, that would *not* affect your tier bill, it would only be a matter of paying cash to whomever you rented it from. Islands and homesteads are "0" in terms of the tier they use. So what must have happened is that somehow in shifting around or deeding land on the Mainland, you tiered yourself up even by just adding a 16 m square or something. The system does have fail-safes and does tell you very visibly and explicitly what will happen right on the about land panel -- it will say whether moving/buying land around from group to group will tier you up and cause you to have a higher bill, or not. That's why you have to be careful when moving a parcel around from one group to another or changing anything about the size that you first add tier to yourself so that it is available for use, then attempt to buy the land to move it. it's helpful even to have two groups to move back and forth. But don't leave them under-tiered or Linden Lab will seize that land not covered by your tier. It's confusing but just think of it as a ladder that you have to have a foot to step on at every level.
  17. I can't imagine it would have anything to do with the people part of it. It must be some piece of technology or software that isn't working right and taking everybody a hell of a time to learn because it's buggy.
  18. integer glow = TRUE; integer bounce = FALSE; integer interpColor = TRUE; integer interpSize = TRUE; integer wind = FALSE; integer followSource = FALSE; integer followVel = FALSE; // Choose a pattern from the following: // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE; key target = ""; float age = 4; float minSpeed = 0; float maxSpeed = 0; string texture = ""; float startAlpha = 1; float endAlpha = 1; vector startColor = <1,1,1>; vector endColor = <1,1,1>; vector startSize = <.1,.1,.02>; vector endSize = <.1,.1,.6>; vector push = <0,0,0>; float rate = .01; float radius = .2; integer count = 50; float outerAngle = 0; float innerAngle = PI; vector omega = <5,5,5>; integer flags; updateParticles() { if (target == "owner") target = llGetOwner(); if (target == "self") target = llGetKey(); if (glow) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK; if (bounce) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK; if (interpColor) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK; if (interpSize) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK; if (wind) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK; if (followSource) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK; if (followVel) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK; if (target != "") flags = flags | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK; llParticleSystem([ PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, age, PSYS_PART_FLAGS, flags, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, startColor, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, endColor, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, startSize, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, endSize, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, pattern, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, rate, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, push, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, count, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, radius, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, minSpeed, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, maxSpeed, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, target, PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE, innerAngle, PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE, outerAngle, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, omega, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, texture, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, startAlpha, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, endAlpha ]); } integer gIsOnline = FALSE; integer gLandOwner = FALSE; key gKey = NULL_KEY; string gName = ""; float UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5.0; updateStatus(string s){ key k = llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()); if(s=="1"){ gIsOnline = TRUE; }else{ gIsOnline = FALSE; } } key getWhom(){ if(gKey == NULL_KEY){ if(gLandOwner){ return llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()); }else{ return llGetOwner(); } }else{ return gKey; } } doUpdate(){ llRequestAgentData(getWhom(),DATA_ONLINE); } updateName(){ llRequestAgentData(getWhom(),DATA_NAME); } enable(){ updateName(); doUpdate(); llSetTimerEvent(1); llWhisper(0,"Online status display enabled."); } disable(){ llSetTimerEvent(0); llSetText("Display Disabled",<1,1,1>,1); llSetColor(<0,0,1>,ALL_SIDES); startColor = <0,0,1>; endColor = <0,0,1>; updateParticles(); llWhisper(0,"Online status display disabled."); } default { state_entry() { llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), ""); enable(); llWhisper(0,"Type /ol help for a list of commands"); } on_rez(integer n){ llResetScript(); } dataserver(key req, string data){ if(data == "1" || data == "0"){ updateStatus(data); }else{ gName = data; llSetText("Getting online status for " + gName,<1,1,1>,1); //llSetColor(<0,0,1>,ALL_SIDES); startColor = <0,0,1>; endColor = <0,0,1>; //updateParticles(); llSetTimerEvent(UPDATE_INTERVAL); } } timer(){ doUpdate(); if(gIsOnline){ llSetText(gName + " is Online \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n",<0,1,0>,1); //llSetColor(<0,1,0>,ALL_SIDES); startColor = <0,1,0>; endColor = <0,1,0>; //updateParticles(); }else{ llSetText(gName + " is Offline",<1,0,0>,1); //llSetColor(<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); startColor = <1,0,0>; endColor = <1,0,0>; //updateParticles(); } } listen(integer number, string name, key id, string msg){ if (llGetSubString(msg, 0,0) != "/"){ return; } list argv = llParseString2List(msg, [" "], []); integer argc = llGetListLength(argv); string cmd = llToLower(llList2String(argv, 0)); if(cmd == "/ol"){ string arg = llToLower(llList2String(argv, 1)); if(arg=="on"){ enable(); }else if(arg=="off"){ disable(); }else if(arg=="land"){ gLandOwner = TRUE; gKey = NULL_KEY; updateName(); }else if(arg=="key"){ gKey = llList2Key(argv,2); updateName(); }else if(arg=="me"){ gLandOwner = FALSE; gKey = NULL_KEY; updateName(); }else if(arg=="help"){ llWhisper(0,"/ol on - activate online status display"); llWhisper(0,"/ol off - disable online status display"); llWhisper(0,"/ol land - display online status for owner of this land"); llWhisper(0,"/ol me - display your online status"); } } } }This is an online status indicator made in 2005 by Kex Godel. I know that scripts that listen for avatars and make a call for them periodically or whatever can be very laggy but I know that there are ways scripters can reduce this, I'm just not sure if that was done here. It's a very long and busy script for what it does. If it is laggy, are there any less laggy ones out there?
  19. If they're already charging to *convert* the Linden dollars to real US dollars, then why clip us *again* on the cashout? The reason is: because they can, and they need to raise revenue. Keeping in mind that you will pay Paypal a fee as well to get this money - er license to view virtual content - into your bank account, it starts to be really eroded. Of course, if you cash out in order to pay tier, mainly, then you don't have to pay those fees, after paying the exchange fees. The Lindens always mention these figures of $45 million or is it now even $60 million that residents "earn" in Second Life. But I'd love to know what percentage of that is going to tier payments, and what's left out. They never tell.
  20. o Make sure you have an add in the regular search/plances for $30/week o Make sure you have your land in picks and get tenants to put in picks as well. o Make sure you have your land category toggled down to "rental" o Yes, classifieds work but it takes awhile and you probably have to spend $1000 plus to get seen o Put an add on the Marketplace with a landmark for sale for $0 o Put ads in the relevant section of the forums here
  21. That's not acceptable that it "doesn't go as planned" even "sometimes." That's what we call 'a bug.' Logging into Second Life via the viewer ONCE should be sufficient. You shouldn't have to be forced back to the landing page on the web to re-log *every time you view a profile*. This is hugely annoying because you can't IM people or pay people in many cases until you push through that log-on. Unacceptable.
  22. I'm not at all doubtful that this is the reason because it makes perfect sense given the frequency of crashing. Other people with this exact same problem have filed tickets and not gotten answers which is why I didn't bother. They have been told this could be the reason as it is with other applications. The fact that Microsoft messages you on Windows towards the end of the process and then Windows says it is looking for a solution to the problem means that crashlogging IS being sent at least to MS -- but even before that there is a long hang so something else is happening. Hugely annoying. Yes on all accounts obviously because it's the same computer. I hardly think this is related to large inventory.
  23. I have the regular Second Life viewer and I have this problem worse than ever. I'm told the answer is simple: Linden Lab is apparently sending crash data even though we aren't given an opportunity to opt out of this. But that wouldn't explain why this hang occurs when I'm not crashing, but voluntarily logging out. So perhaps their system thinks I'm crashing and takes time generating crash reports. This is super annoying. There is a way to disable this but I haven't found it yet.
  24. When you can't get at a prim and find its owner, then use the name of Governor Linden to file the abuse report. Make sure to include a photo and explain the problem.
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