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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. People casually buying Lindens now and then instantly at whatever "best rate is," who don't place "limited buy" offers at what the list of rates and offers and market history, don't think much of the events of recent weeks and even become indignant and defensive if anyone complains. But a buyer's market isn't a seller's market, and good buyer's markets don't necessarily mean there will be any more sellers around in the future to keep making that buyers' market the joy that it is. Some years ago, the LindEx was at 250; it gradually made it back up to 248 as the point at which most cashouts would occur if they needed to occur within a day. That number crept up to 249 in recent months, then 250; today it is 263. That means if you cashed out L$10,000 at the rate of 249 Lindens to the US dollar weeks ago, you would net $38.77 after the LindEx fee. Today, at 263 to the dollar, you net $36.70 a loss of $2.70 for L$10,000. For the casual user, perhaps that seems like nothing, but if you have to cash out hundreds of thousands of Lindens to pay your tier, it adds up rapidly. I find it's impossible to discuss this topic freely with the thicket of fanboyz on the forums and others simply not familiar with the facts or in denial about them, and also the distinct possibility of removal of posts "for any reason or no reason." So IM me inworld or catch up on my blog.
  2. No, I've been in Second Life for 12 years. Have you? I've put out newsletters for years, reporting on the LindEx. Have you? I have watched the LindEx closely for years because I regularly cash out from it. Do you? It is indeed at its lowest point in history, full stop. Currently the offers are at 263, which is even lower than what I declared as "the lowest point in history" the other day. I marvel at the denial and false statements here. To what end?
  3. Would you feel the difference if it were $2000 versus $1400 and you had tier to pay? Oh, well.
  4. Hi, All my communities have real people in them, some have been there for years, and they talk to each other and visit each other. I do this by having open rentals unlike anyone else on the Mainland so that people aren't in bunkers with access-only and security orbs on the ground and lock-outs for the rest of the world. The fear of griefing and the belief that maximum security bunkers are needed for privacy are two myths I don't subscribe to have 12 years in Second Life. But trying to deliver a socializing experience that people have an ideal about is very hard and even a landlord with 24/7 presence capacity and staff may not deliver on this, your mileage may vary. That's because neighbours are on different time zones, people have different interests, etc. If you want to have a community that has actual get-togethers then you might want to try a private island themed community that has structured events where you can do this. There are numerous themes to pick from -- everything from furries to elves to tinies to Victorian, LGBT, Ultramodern, various language/country communities like German or Norwegian -- so look through the list with key words in both "rentals" and "places" in search. The address for my office is below and you might try the Flamingo Court rentals area in Juanita, Grote and environs where people are neighbourly but there are no organized activities as such except maybe a yard sale or something like that.
  5. Um, it's not a "natural fluctuation" at all. If you know anything about the history of the LindEx, you would know it is at its lowest point in history and has been trending down for weeks - it has lost more than 10 point positions. That's not a "fluctation," and no, I won't be "moving on". That thread is filled with denials for weeks on end of the type you're engagin in now. It's obvious to see now when people were claiming that it was "only" a point or two and "nothing". Now it is 10 from the "norm" it held for YEARS and back BELOW what it was *10 years ago*. To compare it to real life isn't rational, because the factors working here are more intrusive than Putin into the ruble/foreign currency market. I don't know any real-life governments, even Turkmenistan or North Korea, that burn 10 units of their currency each time someone buys fabric at the bazaar, or burns millions of their country's bills after each land auction.
  6. Um, $358 million worth of people doing that?
  7. Always discouraging new people, right Alwin? Sure, there are, but they are filled with biased and sometimes nasty oldbies with ideas about how things should be done. I could see a real advantage for a college that gave customized courses in what people actually need for their businesses instead of all the hippy theory of the open source cult that comes with the free courses.
  8. You're always welcome to try something like that and I'm all for charging fees for this hard job that should be customized more than in its. But there are already a number of very old groups offering these classes for free -- Builders' Brewery, Oxford sim in Caledon, various newbie helping groups. So that would be your competition.
  9. Um, maybe if a new thread is started, we might see less lies and denials than we've seen in that thread for the last 3 weeks?
  10. Look, this nonsense about the crashing of the LindEx -- let's be frank in calling it what it is -- is NOT about any "buydown". I realize a lot of self-serving types who either don't care or *want* their customers to have cheaper dollars to buy their stuff that they either a) don't cash out quickly or b) don't care if they lose money on are spreading this notion. And people who are just spreading hearsay and mean well are spreading it too. But let's use common sense and logic. Then there is $1.3 million US dollars trying to get out the door, that is NOT about any "buydown". That would mean 2,000 buydowns and there aren't that many. Plus, it's irrational to use cashed-out Lindens you'd lose money on now, and have to pay a fee on, to buy the buydown. You'd use your regular debit or credit card for that of course if you were at all business savvy. Sure, maybe some little old ladies who rent sims on Sundays and horde their Lindens bought some. But not 2000 such people. So it's about Project Sansar's beta opening wider and people escaping before the inevitable. And others taking advantage to buy cheap Lindens and play the LindEx. What's been truly annoying is to see all the denials and fanboyz stuff about this trend for the last 3 weeks visible in this thread.
  11. Putting an item on yourself and using "drop" is a workaround but it only works on prims, NOT mesh. Many things are mesh or part mesh now and will generate a message that they can't do that. I bet your problem is related to mesh. Mesh constantly generates that annoying notice "The owner of the land does not allow..." even when YOU are the owner. I wish the Lindens would change that message to "We haven't perfected mesh yet, so you may experience problems in placement." Usually you need ground or a prim board to place mesh. Most mesh will not go on other mesh.
  12. You would have to deed it to the group for it to work. There are no devices that work to bang people away from a parcel without being group-owned except for weapons which aren't allowed in most residential rentals. If a previous tenant keeps returning to their former rental, this should stop eventually but you could also use ban/eject to put their name in the ban list, much simpler IF the landlord gives out that power. Or you could ask her. Wherever you go? Really? This could be a problem of a parcel remaining in search, with persists for days after the parcel is removed. But check that on the land menu or ask the landlord to check. Not all landlords give out the power to ban and/or deed, and if they are like me, they don't allow orbs on the ground since they are a vile nuisance to everyone, but only allow them in skyboxes up in the air 500 meters or higher. All banning devices MUST give warnings to avatars. It's not their fault that they are just flying around and come near your humper bunker. They may only be your fellow tenant and they should get a warning. This became the norm in this industry years ago.
  13. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/sell.php?lang=en-US Please do not talk to me about "grandfather buydowns" because there aren't 2,000 of those.
  14. Very nice sky homes available, furnished, partly-finished or empty at Flamingo Court in Juanita, a pretty area with hotels, bed & breakfast, romantic views, horse carriage ride, adjacent to gardens and pond for strolling and hanging out with various activities like boating, picnics, fishing. No waiting for the group, self-join on site and then IM Prokofy Neva to have additional powers added and security turned on. $150/150 Teleport to St. Asaph Sky Home by Theosophy  $150/150 This is currently decorated with a "gentleman's" look with His Majesty and Elegance by Alysa items and other old-world items. Very spacious and versatile with living room, kitchen, bath, bedroom. Teleport to DaD Tuscany Loft  $100/100 - Sky home with integrated modern furniture Teleport to Inverse Puerto Rico  $100/100 - Garden, and bar in Arabian style Teleport to [BA]'s Morocco Garden  Also $300/300 prims in Wetheral - [ba] Marleybone Skybox with Gentleman's Chair, Moulin Rouge decor Teleport to Wetheral
  15. SORRY this is posted in the wrong section by mistake. These are for RENT not sale. Very nice sky homes available, furnished, partly-finished or empty at Flamingo Court in Juanita, a pretty area with hotels, bed & breakfast, romantic views, horse carriage ride, adjacent to gardens and pond for strolling and hanging out with various activities like boating, picnics, fishing. No waiting for the group, self-join on site and then IM Prokofy Neva to have additional powers added and security turned on. $150/150 Teleport to St. Asaph Sky Home by Theosophy  $50/50 Decorated with Bazar's Traveler and Storax items, very cosy, balcony view.\ $150/150 This is currently decorated with a "gentleman's" look with His Majesty and Elegance by Alysa items and other old-world items. Very spacious and versatile with living room, kitchen, bath, bedroom. Teleport to DaD Tuscany Loft  $100/100 - Sky home with integrated modern furniture Teleport to Inverse Puerto Rico  $100/100 - Garden, and bar in Arabian style Teleport to [BA]'s Morocco Garden  As for more/less prims which can be accommodated on most of these. Also retro furnished hotel rooms for $50/50.
  16. Just a note of thanks to another scripter, Scaler Rexen, who put together the two ideas of both recording the number of touches AND of enabling the chatting of numbers that then add up. He contacted me inworld and went through several iterations. Here is the script: key owner;integer moneySpent;string salt = "$"; // prefix before datainteger count;init(){ owner = llGetOwner(); llOwnerSay("Click and type an amount first with a dollar sign like this $10 to record your item purchase!"); llListen(0,"",owner,""); }track(string text){ if(llGetSubString(text,0,llStringLength(salt)-1) == salt) { integer add = (integer)llGetSubString(text,1,-1); llOwnerSay("You spent L$"+(string)add+" on a item."); moneySpent += add; }}default{ on_rez(integer p) { if(llGetObjectDesc() == "" || llGetObjectDesc() != (string)llGetOwner()) { llSetObjectDesc((string)llGetOwner()); llOwnerSay("New resident detected.."); llResetScript(); } } state_entry() { init(); } touch_start(integer t) { key id = llDetectedKey(0); if(id == owner) { ++count; llOwnerSay("You've added another item to your purchase count. [Lifetime: You've spent L$"+(string)moneySpent+" on a total of "+(string)count+" items!]"); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { track(msg); }} I'm making a thing with this -- it's a long story, but when I'm done I'll post it.
  17. If you don't have as the rules of your rental some language barring "traffic enhancements" like spamming objects, shouting objects etc and also don't have a rule against group spamming, you are not much of a landlord to start with and not considerate of all your customers.
  18. Um, it's not a violation of the TOS to *cut and paste chat from a group spammer into an Abuse Report*. Hello! I didn't say it was originating with a merchant's store. Most of the time it's avatars or their bots (bots are run by avatars, you know, they don't appear like the weather) invading popular merchant groups and then spamming their cheap yard sale. The landlord *of that rented space* where the yard sale is should be told that their customer is making money for themselves and others by spamming groups and ruining the businesses of others. That's all there is to it. Piety about the TOS or the propensity of pasted items to be suspect are entirely beside the point in -- may I say it once more -- a world where anyone in a group that sees the same thing -- multiple people! -- can a) paste chat to an abuse report, as far as it goes b) paste chat to a landlord. Public chat spam put in a group can HARDLY be the grounds for a TOS violation when related to a landlord for action. This is sophistry.
  19. No, Theresa, you are *still* not telling the truth about this obvious phenomenon that everyone knows about. Do you log into Second Life much? It is indeed IMPOSSIBLE to put mesh on mesh NEARLY ALL THE TIME. It's not a rare occasion or a small percentage of time. It's the main default with few exceptions. You admit that it's the majority of times. That indeed means it is IMPOSSIBLE. Your nit-picking and thinking there is some need for you to "intervene" here and "set me straight" about those *edge cases* where mesh does place is a typical forums caper but that doesn't validate it any more. Only applying binary yes/no code conceptions to the phenomena of real life could you come up with a statement like this. Real life -- the real experience within SL -- is that nearly always, mesh bounces.
  20. Records how many times you touch the prim it is in. I don't mean a visitor recorder that captures avatars. Or a script that records that an avatar touched it and gives you that avatar's name. I mean a script that an avatar uses to keep a record of number of times, like an MTA administrator counting buses that go by with a clicker. So the avatar clicks on the prim once, 10 more times, 3 more times, and the script will be able to tell you "touched 14 times". Perhaps daily. Even better, if the avatar could type in chat "$10" or "$25" and the script could calculate this and keep a running tab, so it would work as a simple ledger, so you type "10" then "25" then "15" and it keeps adding, showing a total of "$50". Is there any script that does this, and are these functions that LSL can even do?
  21. No, you're simply not telling the truth about this at all. I decorate dozens of units constantly and put down mesh constantly, hundreds of pieces day in and day out. The overwhelming majority of cases BOUNCE and give you the error and disappear into a kind of "lost and found" UNLESS you rez them on a prim. Everyone knows this and your pretense that it isn't true just boggles the mind. If occasionally some items don't do that, great, but that can also be due to the fact that some house makers now put prims under their floors to deal with exactly this issue. It's not "prior experience". It's ongoing, daily, constant experience with the very newest and best mesh creations from the latest events of even this week. There's no need to be contrarian for contrariness' sake. We all know the reality of the mesh placement problem.
  22. There's an alt renting the land from an unsuspecting landowner, there are a couple of alts who own the items for sale (more than one - you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket), there are bots filling up the place to make it look crowded and there are bots joining and leaving group after group. It doesn't matter. They can be tracked down. If the landlord is really "unsuspecting" (and I doubt that), then...they need to hear from you and get a strong message that you don't like their paying tenant -- or a bot related to that tenant -- spamming groups. When I first joined some merchant groups (I didn't use to join them) and I saw some of these "sales," I didn't realize at first they didn't come from the group owner/merchant. I followed them to their location and saw they were tacky yard sales. Yes, the spammer was unrelated to the owner of the objects, I quickly noticed that when I saw something not set for sale I wanted to buy, and IM'd the spammer, who kept angrily telling me to kiss off because they'd already moved on to their next victims and forgotten their last yard sale where other accounts owned the objects. Then I figured out the scam. And that's why it's more than fine to pressure landlords to stop renting to people who do this. You should not make your business at the expense of others in SL "just because you can." Peer pressure is the only recourse. Maybe the Lindens can make a technical solution to this problem which is their wont, and have an option to deny scripted agents membership in your group. How you'll then have the inviter-bot itself in the group will be a problem.
  23. In a world where you can cut and paste chat from a group that clearly shows a spammer, it's hardly some "he said she said" vague accusation. And the landlord is sometimes renting land *that is used for the yardsale or store doing the spamming*. So they definitely need to GET THE MESSAGE that their profit-making for themselves selfishly, at the expense of the rest of us who are in groups or run groups, is *just not on*.
  24. I totally disagree with every aspect of this post. I've never known LL to deal with spammers in groups, there are too many of them. I find it a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE way to deal with problematic spammers with some history on them (i.e. not a day-old account) to go to the owners of other groups and tell them that their member is misbehaving. Funny how spammers don't go into certain groups where they can't or don't want to (like a rentals group) but invade open merchants' groups. Unless other merchants feel the hot breath of pressure on this -- they make money from people who harm others' business and chase away their customers -- little progress will be made. There are several merchants' groups I have stayed in because either I paid for them or I value their messages that are constantly invaded by people selling cheap mesh heads and sales or other items like skins that even seem to be scams, and often the owner of the group simply isn't online to expel them. Yes, the group tools enable you to expel and ban people like that, but they can make alts or move on to another one of the jillion groups in SL. So sometimes the ONLY way to address this is with naming and shaming and community pressure. If the abuse system worked better and there were real sanctions for this, it might be different but the reality is, in an open group where you have turned on chat, saying that someone's chat is then objectionable falls into the grey area for LL as to "resident-to-resident disputes". Don't like chat and spam in your group? Turn it off. And moderate it. Some of the best merchant groups are those that have 24/7 moderators who don't just eject spammers efficiently, they provide news and answer questions. Even the poorest merchant can find a friend to help run their group in this way, or a long-time trusted customer. It's not "a problem of a third party". It's a problem of merchants *too negligent and indifferent to manage their groups*. It's especially outrageous when *we have paid for your group* to allow that to happen. Take responsibility for running your business which involves deterring and removing spammers not shifting the burden to Linden Lab or issuing punitive pronouncements against those of us who have a VERY effective method to get rid of them: making other group owners OWN them.
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