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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Ugh. You're not even going through the motions of pretending to be concerned about the effect of the introduction of mesh will have on the economy. Enabling a professional class of higher-technology creators is even more FIC than the current FIC (which is why my new FIC list has "Beta Mesh FIC" as a separate category). It means these people -- and some professional 3-D content creators outside of SL currently -- can come in and step on the old prim craftsmen. Thousands of people, some of whom even make a living selling prim furniture and other prim-based items. Of course, your fanboyz are likely to kick up the usual Social Darwinist nostrums and "oh-you-Luddites" admonitions, complaining that we aren't "adjusting to the creative destruction of the market" or "realigning our business models" or "accepting innovation" or are "filled with FUD" blah blah blah. There's an even more important aspect of all this than the stomping on an old merchant and craftsmen class. And that's the concomitant feature of having anyone, any amateur, be able to modify the creations of others easy, or make very easy creations of their own. Not so with Mesh, that requires 3-D programs that can be expensive, and more skills than the creation tools of SL -- *which are now made obsolete*. and before we hear lectures about how Mesh represents advanced technology and we must always and everywhere make way for new technology "just because" (the fallacy of progress), let me point out that what was REALLY progressive and revolutionary was putting creation tools into ordinary people's hands, so that the "what about the people with no talent" question always had an answer. Sort of like the social media revolution and the open-ended virtual world concepts themselves took these media out of the hand of elites and made it possible for ordinary people to tell their stories, too, without dependency on Hollywood, etc. I'm getting pretty bitter about the way you are running SL lately. And I'm not usually bitter about SL, even being a critic. One feels as if there is no home here, as if we are always being squeezed out. If you want to address these concerns adequately, you'd have said in this post that LL will preserve the ability to make prims and the creation tools even as mesh is put in and not phase them out, and you would also indicate whether you've REALLY studied the impact on the economy. And that would mean having independent consultants, because you yourselves are an interested party, you have have always seem hell-bent on trying to make SL like some fantastic game engine of some other company you imagine you are competing against for the geek gamerz who are your peers.
  2. Again, this is one of those geeky affectations that comes out every time UTU comes up. Most people *don't* pass money back and forth on scripted objects or bots. A few might do this to be "amusing" and "prove something" but even they get bored. Most people *don't* "money launder" but they may pool money on one account to cash out or have a "business avatar" that handles most transactions. Most of the transactions are *not* corrupt -- anyone in business in SL who sees hundreds of transactions go down every day realizes that. Yet by flogging this edgecased exotic notion, the Lindens then get persuaded (falling for this edge case themselves) that we "don't need" UTU numbers and that these numbers are "flawed".
  3. I'm glad to see you're finally paying attention to the figure that you're calling "MONTHLY ECONOMIC PARTICIPANTS". This is basically the only true number, as everything else is very misleading, i.e. sign-ups or user-to-user transactions. But it used to be described as "number of people who spent more than one dollar inworld". That way it was only a number of those who spent, not those who received. So perhaps you could clarify why you'd changed that, and whether in fact the numbers of the past were both spending and receiving or only spending. I only have snapshots of that number, but it is slightly different than yours, it seems, because as I've been reading it, it has always steadily and slowly climbed, but had a crash around the time Viewer 2.0 was introduced. I don't recall the big spike in July 2009 at all, perhaps you can explain what that's all about. Was it the introduction of some expensive new continent, Nautilus perhaps, with its huge sinks in Linden sales on the auction? I think it's a terrible development to be retiring economic information. There was frequently a Linden lament that some of these numbers were too squirrely, but not all of them were and more importantly, they followed the trends over time. It makes no sense to hide the number that is likely most important to merchants: the break-down in user expenditures by category, i.e. $1-100, or $500-1000 or whatever. That number tells you potential what constituency you have in a market. If there are only 20,000 people who can spent $10,000 a month, can you expect to get any of their purchases? Or should you price down into the next rank below for 40,000? Another number that really is evasive and unaccountable to be hiding is the number of positive-Linden accounts. This is a figure that lets us know where people stand in the economy, and whether the $10 or the $1000 categories are growing. It's terribly important to watch. By hiding these numbers you can only look bad. I don't accept that UTU is some kind of garbage number, either, although I'm well aware of this deeply held geeky belief that there are people who sit there passing thousands to their alts all day. There can't be more than a handful of those, and they don't matter to skew the overall shape of the results over time. It's also not clear whether you are now going to hide the land statistics. The numbers of islands sold is an important number for land barons to watch too, and for all of us to understand whether "there's always another guy to buy the island" in the inimitable words of Kenny Linden. And finally, not publicizing the "Supply Linden" sales is just unaccountable. If you want the SL economy to be taken seriously as "not a game," you need to publish that number.
  4. Stay tuned and you'll see how this evens out : ) I don't fear democracy and its "gaming" like the Lindens and their amen corner : )
  5. On the old JIRA, while I was banned from posting to it, I could still vote, and I could at least read the pages. Now, when I attempt to log in, it bounces me away and won't even let me *read* the JIRA. Shame on you! How do I know this isn't just a glitch? Because if I log in on an alt, I have no problem. You had a chance to dump your old malicious bans when you made a new edition of the JIRA, Linden Lab, but you couldn't see your way clear to doing that, due to the presence of a few Lindens with grudges over JIRA proposals they didn't like. Ugh, what a vicious system! And this is to be the future of our Metaverse!!!
  6. Right. And it's all good. It will be flashmobbed by those trying to "prove a point". That's ok. In time, more people vote. Eventually, it rights itself. And even if it never does, it still is able to show some very important correctives to the hegemonic minority -- a) some people won't even know what a minimap is; b) some people can now dissent and say they don't mind it, i.e. it's not so terribly important to them; c) and best of all, people can express the opposition view and say that they find it confusing and not useful. That's important. It's all good; it represents "nothing" in the sense that it is not "all people in SL" and "only those who read my blog," but given the persistent haters and flashmobbers, the best part of it is that it can still serve to express dissent : ) I won't even bother to answer Wishbringer's rant as it is all too typical of the kind of response you can expect on the forums to trying to speak out against minority rule. There's nothing magical or somehow "more valid" about the first 24 hours of the poll. If anything, it is flashmobbed from those in this thread who are already self-selected to respond aggressively. But if you really want to test SL opinion, my blog has lots of readers, and they will answer honestly, whether or not they saw this thread, and that's important.
  7. 1) That the majority of normal people attracted to this game are marginalized by the very development process and its fierce claque of geek cheerleaders -- even though they are in the majority! -- is proven by the very fact that NINE OUT OF TEN PEOPLE DON'T RETAIN. 2) The JIRA shows some important democratic achievements as anyone can tell who looks at them -- somebody's pet cause that sits "ignored" isn't the center of gravity. The JIRA is deeply flawed, but it holds the promise of these worlds if it were freed up from the sectarian restraints now placed on it. 3) LamdaMOO had anarchistic unaccountability welded into it just like SL did. So what? You're merely fishing some more to find reasons to install authoritarian power with yourself proximate to it. 4) Er, no, I don't "fight with everyone". I oppose a small sect of people who have a hammerlock on the dev process. They imagine themselves to be larger and even more influential than they are. The number of people who "hate" me could easily fit into a Volkswagen van. 5) I guess anybody who opposes the reigning egos is himself going to be called an ego -- so be it. 6) The famous forums fallacy is at work again, whereby anyone who opposes the prevailing geek hegemony is suddenly someone "not allowing others to express their opinion" or "imposing their opinion". 7) I'm not the one who needs a reality check here. The brave Q Linden put out a thesis that he swears by and was willing to wade into the very roiling waters of the forums on it. Good for him. His office hour transcript shows the *real* problem -- the extreme Stallmanites to the left of even the Lindens. Q's post here was a heartfelt bid to appease these extremists, but it only fed them more. Opposing them is a good thing, because otherwise SL will fail. You're objectively helping them with your own flogging of minority causes. 8) The poll on my blog will go on showing the artifact of the flashmobbing of online democracy. That's ok. Because if it were just a yes vote on a JIRA, they'd win, but what happens with the all-important "no" vote is that the hegemony can begin to be cracked. It's like the other poll that has had longer to go and has had less flash-bombing as a result. It shows very, very important dissent to the prevailing "wisdom" about Creative Commons. That's the purpose of democracy, to show dissent, to show minority opinion, and to evolve compromises. 9) All the work of the devs in creating a minimap that even has mouseover with names of avatars on the sims (!!!) is for naught, as the average user ignores the minimap, which is confusing and annoying, and uses a HUD -- a HUD!!! -- the Mistitool instead for $500. Go figure that one!
  8. "It is not for you, or anyone else, to dictate how someone should run their seconds life or what option they should or shouldnt have because you don't like it." Exactly, and that's why I push back, and tell the Lindens -- and their geek friends -- that the stuff they keep putting in the viewer to serve themselves and their interests are dictating to the majority what is not useable or viable, and that's why SL doesn't grow. You're using the same fallacious argument I've seen a million times before with this *legitimate* criticism: pushing back against a minority instantly becomes characterized as a) taking away their right to speak (!) and b) imposing my will. But...why do they get to impose *their* will? I warned of the problems of Emerald a year ago; why was I a bullied and harassed minority? Hello! If you want to go on seeing SL be unusable and not growing, Menolly, you can pick up the usual forums cudgle and blame me for pointing out the obvious. That's not an attack on people; it's a report on how governance is done over and over again -- and with the same disastrous results we all see again and again. It's not about "people I don't agree with". It's about people who are in a tiny, insular cult who "don't agree" with the majority of people, and who cannot concede that Second Life is made up of a wide variety of constituencies, and those with obsessive geek and dev concerns are in a decided minority. This IS the topic at hand: why the opensource clique keeps making the viewer unusable, making it impossible to retain NINE OUT OF TEN PEOPLE. If you want to keep pretending that problem is about me reporting it, and about me pushing back against this insular gang, you only illustrate my point. I'm not asking for the minimap to be taken out or put back or anything. I'm using that as an example (are you capable of reasoning by analogy?) of something that is a feature that the devs swear by, that some claim now they are hobbled by not having, but which is *NOT USED* by most people. Can you grasp that most people are not you? Come on my blog and fill out the poll on minimaps.
  9. That's right, Jopsy, keep finding more excuses and edgecases not to have democracy. Students don't make up a huge percentage of people in SL; they've run off to open sim with the educators, remember? And IBM has left Second Life for opensim. So why are you worried? They don't even have any JIRA on open sim -- say, maybe NO democracy at all is how you'd like it? Again, excuses about how something is gamed or how some special constituency isn't served are not enough to justify authoritarianism. There is actually some modicum of democracy on the JIRA, and it is actually less griefed by alts than one would imagine. Populism? That's ridicuous. Democracy isn't populism just because...um...some IBMers can't all vote because they are firewalled or because kids are voting from one university router. Please. The agenda that is suiting corporations now is the one you are ardently supporting -- no normal and fair voting so that only the corporation and their chosen friends win.
  10. Um, Jopsy? Newbies of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 years ago that I've helped wouldn't have this issue of "Viewer 2" obviously, and the mini map in fact would rez in their way, take up space, confuse them, and *not be used*. And...the Lindens, in their wisdom, took it *out* of the viewer view, and thank the Lord for it. Perhaps the Lindens were swayed to doing this by FPS issues, but if their cardinal mission was to *make the viewer easier for new people* the mini-map would be very low-hanging fruit because NEWBIES DON'T NEED IT AND DON'T USE IT, AS MOST PEOPLE DON'T. If it is an option and not an easily toggled option, great! But if there is a lobby now trying to put it into the backlog, not great. And I'm using it as an *example*. *Marginalizing* geeks? Jopsy, you have GOT to be kidding. The geeks are in charge here and have total authoritarian control of the development process. It's the normal people who are marginalized, even though there are lots, lots more of them. Labels? No. Reports. Rant away about my demographics -- it's a demographic that geeky game boys need to be paying far, far more attention to because there are lots of us, sometimes majorities in some games, and we have more discretionary income and time than the script kiddies.
  11. Actually, you've discovered *your own* main problem and why the Lindens never listen to you, and why ultimately no one perceives you speaking even for communities you claim to have led. And that's because you do precisely what you accuse *me* of doing: you extrapolate from your own private particularist experience re: the minimap. (You did this before, BTW, on a laggy sim, imagining that all sims are therefore lagging and lagging due to your analysis of your problem, which is a "shared sim" -- you obsessed about that for years and years and lost credibility because not all sims have that problem; even your sims couldn't always be said to have that problem given how they were constantly shifted around!) You imagine because *you* use the minimap, or some geeky peer of yours uses it, that "everyone" or "lots" do. You also make a sweeping generalization about "what's wrong with me" and claim it's becbause *I* make sweeping generalizations "not based in any fact". But...my sweeping generalizations are heavily grounded in real life field facts from constant interaction on the grid with my customers. That's particularly why you don't like it -- it runs against your tribal belief systems and disrupts those beliefs by coming from some completely different set of data that you refuse to recognize as valid (the Lindens also suffer from this same problem). I have customers. Do you? I help them all day. Do you? I interact with hundreds of people constantly. Do you? No, unlike me, as far as I can see, you don't help people all day. One of the things I do constantly is help newbies who have lost things, or even just older tenants who have lost things, or who are concerned about sims lagging from too many people. And one of the tips I give them is to look at the mini map, which shows their own objects in the aqua colour so that they stand out -- and sometimes things they rezzed and lost control of like a house or a pose ball or something can be found that way, and they can also count people, if they don't want to rez the whole world map, which can be grey and take forever to load. And when I give them this tip, they are confused and don't eve know about this map and don't use it. And that's how I come to the *valid conclusion* that many people just don't use it, especially non-gamerz and non-geeks. They tend instead to use third-party devices like the Mistitool to tell them about other people nearby, and don't use the minimap for that purpose, and they tend to use scanners that name all scripted objects quickly in a list with coodinates, that sort of thing, if they use it at all. Over and over again, I get complaints about ghosted avatars or stalking avatars that people get from their Mistitools or other HUDs, NOT from the minimap. So I have a valid sample of people; you don't. I don't propose replacing the minimap with Mistitool: I don't care for Mistitool myself, I find I don't "need to know" that some avatar is near me and if I have that burning need during spates of griefing, I put on the simpler avatar scanner HUD. What I *am* doing is providing *field data* from numerous real people who really use the viewer and don't use the mini map and use Mistitool. That may not fit with your orthodox views of "how things should work," sorry to confuse you with the facts. You and Jopsy using the minimap is a geeky and even oldbie affectation, and a guy thing, too I might add. Most people don't as I've learned *from experience* -- and you have not.
  12. Welcome to the actual practice on the Internet, where in fact voting dominates all over, including gamed voting, and ways are found to de-weight the gaming, including by the recent revision of Digg, which caused enormous howling from the regulars and the oldbies there. There are many ways you can prevent gaming of voting -- the Lindens already have a way of monitoring related accounts and blocking accounts from the forums, and it's a trivial matter for them to require that people chose one account per unique IP address (not even unique payment form) and help control this. It's not gamed anywhere near the extent that people imagine, and while alt-abuse goes on, any perusal of the JIRA's votes see that in fact people's alts are *not* on parade. It's just a geeky excuse to prevent democracy from prevailing, which would curb the power of coders. And that's why they invoke it, and that's why they imagine it is worse than it is, so they *can* invoke it to undermine democracy. HARDLY an argument!
  13. Q, once again you are doing something really quite evil in the long term, and which is ultimately very sinister in the project of Second Life as a prototype for a larger Metaverse in which we will all being having our lives 24/7 online. And that is to pretend that democratic voting will be "gamed" or "lobbied by special interests" and "can't work" and only "only random samples work," and therefore using those built-in problems of democracy to get rid of democracy entirely and keep your authoritarian system. SHAME ON YOU for doing that! Frankly, then the authoritarian system gets gamed and lobbied, far, far more by being a function of the heavily spiked and loaded JIRA and the skewing of office hour lobbying with the "tyranny of who shows up". Random sampling isn't the only legitimate sampling; don't be ridiculous. If real life were run like that, we wouldn't have elections or propositions. Oh, wait, I guess you'd be perfectly fine with having a wired elite decide everthing for the "masses" who can't be trusted. Given *those* terrible developments that keep hobbling SL's development, democratic voting, before or during features, is perfectly fine, perfectly good as a corrective, and its gaming isn't the horror you imagine. When you allow the community to vote straight up and down "yes or no" on propostions for features, you enable the community to *know itself*. That's what is so often missing in Second Life, which is an atomized amorphous mass of conflicting interest groups and an uninformed majority which don't have enough impartial information from the system to see what other constituencies really believe. Geeks constantly imagine that their preferences are "popular" and point to dubious projects like Emerald to "prove" this. Certain special interest groups imagine that the world should stop until the viewer satisfies their yen. But the mass of the public has no way of really seeing how much of a following these notions really, truly has because you don't create a fair voting system on the JIRA -- first of all the JIRA is too wonky to use, and secondly you constrain it with your weapons of banning arbitrarily and enabling a small clique to keep closing everybody's ideas or findings they don't like. If JIRA had "no" votes instead of just "double plus good", you'd have a much better idea of how much special pleading and edge-casing is going on there. If it were impossible to close proposals and if you stopped your arbitrary bans, real public opinion could begin both to be seen, and in turn be shaped through debate. If you stopped the practice of letting your fanboyz close JIRAs and get people banned, you'd have fair votes. Scientists should never cut off feedback loops in their experiments. By skewing and loading the game of SL constantly with the dumbing down or destruction of real democracy, you are constantly reinforcing the authoritarian -- and ultimately the totalitarian system. THIS WILL FAIL. This intervention of yours here is terribly discouraging. Because it means that even a thoughtful and considerate and intelligent Linden like you is not willing to understand that your own power, and the power of your little fanboyz in office hours, simply has to be curbed by democratic participation. Simple polls on subjects like "move by double clicking on the ground" would uncover how much usage there really is of such features that certain minorities began clamouring for and which you cave to.
  14. *Now* you can Cybin. But the very first iteration took that out, under the theory that "newbies don't need it". And that was fallacious reasoning, as lots of people at least do some casual rezzing of blocks and such now and then, and people like to experiment. So the Lindens got this one wrong and put it back. The options for the bottom bar don't fix the chat clustering nonsense, however. When you install SL for the first time, the grid view is imposed on you and you have to uncheck it. It's one of those many things that Lindens impose in the viewer, like putting land to default to "no safe" mode encouraging gamerz and shooting and killing instead of defaulting it to the "safe" mode that most people use, and then letting the tiny minority of shooters have to do the unchecking.
  15. Again: most people ignore the minimap because it's rotating is confusing and it's hard to orient because it contains no landmarks on it visibly like the regular map, which you can also pull up and also use to see if there are other people on the sim. Many, many people use Mistitool to let them know if another avatar is approaching or lurking. They don't use the mini map because it gives no names. It doesn't supply enough information. Certain oldbies, long-time gamerz, geeks, they swear by the minimap because they are people who like maps and directional interfaces in RL, too. But most people in America are poor in geography, especially women, and don't use maps. Googlemaps has spoiled them further; they don't have to read maps now, the map reads them... A simple poll will show this, so I'll do one inworld soon.
  16. No, there's no sizeable population that "needs" double-click to move on the ground or "teleport". That's a geeky gamerz affectation from MMORPGs -- Raph Koster rushed to put it in Metaplace, and it was only annoying and confusing. In the SL setting, it's double annoying as clicking on the ground now brings "create" or "about land" menu. Why are the Lindens working on this sort of thing without REALLY canvassing the *bulk* of the user population that has not asked for it and doesn't need it? It's a MMORPG hangover and the discredited Emerald geeks putting it in their now-banned viewer doesn't mean it "has" to be brought forward to 2.x This is exactly the sort of thing that I mean by asking Q exactly what is hiding under the hood of the idea of "more options". If all it is is catering to special interest groups like this, why are you doing it?
  17. Jopsy, I am not a builder, but I use the build tools every day anyway, to place and adjust houses, to make little things that are simple like decks, etc. So I'm as annoyed as anyone when I can no longer right-click on the ground and start the "create" process, but have to scroll through a menu selecting two or three options. That's what happened in the first iteration of viewer 2.0 in the name of "think of the children" (making it easier for newbies). That happened because the Lindens didn't seem to realize how much casual use there was of build. But in the name of de-cluttering the menu, they could justify the removal of the "build" button. I don't *have* to have the build button on the front page taking up scarce real estate, I can access it through some other layer of menus, or, if "right click on the ground" is retained, get it that way. I don't have to have "grid" imposed on me every time I build if I'm not a professional builder; that could be accessed through an extra click. And so on. That's the kind of mentality I mean -- framing the viewer so that it is not destroying functionality for those who need it but not imposing hobbles for those that don't. What keeps happening in SL is that the Lindens keep claiming they're going to make things easier for newbies but instead, they keep catering to a small faction of extreme coders and aggressive designers and builders who keep pulling the blanket on themselves through the "tyranny of who shows up" at office hours or through the politics of the JIRA. And the Lindens keep blessing this clique as "the community" and keep thinking this is "user feedback" and it isn't. They then claim that they do have all kinds of feedback from testers and commentators outside the office hour regulars, but the outcome never seems to show that.
  18. An honest and full poll would show most people do not use the mini map at all. That a small sector of mainly male geeks use the mini map, and most other people either don't use it, or only rarely use it, i.e. if they have lost an object and need to see the lighted item on the map.
  19. Let's start with the facts that are often denied: The open source movement in SL has not brought benefits, but has brought only destruction (libsl copybot, Emerald/Onyx/CDS griefing, extortion, etc.). None of the costs have been overweighed by any benefits like ostensible "bug finding". Now let's look at that office hour you were in, Q -- toxic, extreme, off the rails, like so many, where you more moderate Lindens face extremist Stallmanites that are stealthily applauded and aided and abetted later on the JIRA. And the proposition is a misleading one -- too many preferences or too much toggling and too much variation *along what decision path to where?" If the decision tree is about "groups" that's one story. But if it's about "more and more exotic and unused use cases for builders" then it can't be endlessly supplied. There has to be a weighted curve of usage -- those facing the burden of the most clicks to their goal -- i.e. their offered option on a decision tree -- simply have to be those who have the least-used use cases. For example we're always hearing about the builder or merchant who has to set perms on boxes of 88 or 444 things and is full of resentment at not being able to do this swiftly with one click or with a few easy clicks en masse. But...That's an exotic use case. There are perhaps at most 10 people doing that kind of bullk merchandising per concurrency -- well, perhaps we might even find 50. It's not rational to supply WASD and the solving the focus loss issue just for that tiny use case. A key problem ensuing from options clutter and confusion is the failure to use parallel construction in the SL user interface narrative. This is one main points of dissonance in the story of SL. Did you ever learn parallel construction in English class or study literature, or did you only study coding? What this means is that to perform one function, you use a pie menu (now a list); to perform another function you check or uncheck a box or a line; to perform yet another function you scroll down a list look for a selection off a menu; for still another function you type something in and it saves (search places ad or land description or title or avatar) but for other functions you have to type in AND perform a "SAVE" click as if it were a Word document...sometimes you right-click; other times you left click. You are constantly fighting with this interface because it can't make up its mind HOW to do things in a consistent way. In short, nothing works like anything else. Some things tear off and push around; others don't. There is constant cognative dissonance and it tires the eye and mind. What is it so hard to put parallel construction into this viewer?! I'd love for you coding Lindens for once in your lives to meet with a group of 20 people who *aren't* the geeks. Who *aren't* the hacker freaks. Who *aren't* the JIRA lifers. Who aren't there to goof around with you, impress you, talk shop with you, suck up to you, or bond with you in tribal opensource ecstasy, but who are just there to tell you very, very simple stuff about how the viewer as it is now *hobbles commerce*. That's all. How it *destroys business*. By people who actually use these tools all day in their full glory, unlike you all, who use only pieces of them, and only usually to obsess on one piece of them or break them (Sorry, but Esbee telling us she shops and jetskis and all the rest doesn't cut it, because she doesn't *run a business all day* with group tools, land tools, communications tools, etc. Let her even do something fairly small like I do, running groups with 500 or 700 people in their and half a million meters of land on dozens of different sims with all the group permissions and issues, and then tell me the UI isn't broken.) It would be a very different conversation. I challenge you to do this. And no fair having land barons or merchants who double as JIRA obsessives i.e. weapons sellers. You know who you are. As for your premise, I support your general thesis that we don't need to have endless fungibility and endless flexibility. At a certain point, you make a decision and a decision tree, and you have to stick with it. You can hide some menus out of the way (debug) or make some functions less obtrusive (build) but the functionalties you've particularly broken in Viewer 2 are all about group permissions, notecard giving, communications -- the stuff that is even more basic than building and scripting that need create and debug. The breaking of functionality happened due to ideology about trees, and ideology uninformed with real *business* use for *inworld business* (something the Lindens have essentially neglected for 7 years, chasing after outworld enterprise, educators, etc.) I'd accept your premise IF the decision tree that flowed from that *led to real business functionality*. But...it doesn't. For example, arguing for 45 minutes about WASD is untethered from reality. Gamers are in the wrong place if they are in SL looking for WASD.
  20. Hi! I'm so glad we're done being told SL is "not a game". It has been very tiresome these last six years hearing that, especially given all the game aspects like "Lucy and Peanuts and the Football". Can you make SL a game now? Like for example group job objects like we had in The Sims Online. The dollars earned could show as credits on Xstreet and be a bonus to merchants they could use to pay tier.
  21. Instead of driving people to the wonky, tendentious, hateful battleground of the JIRA, Ellen, where a bug that is actually stopping people from buying land gets a yawn from the devs because they hate land buying, and no votes from the largely geek population of JIRA users who have other arcane priorities, you should tell this user ONLY the workaround that the reporter of the bug found, and baby-step them through it if necessary: Namely, that you need to make sure that your preferences for content are set in ME to MATURE, and not GENERAL, or you will be unable to buy land in MATURE. That seems to be what is triggering this.
  22. Keep asking questions about the Emerald viewer, and do not be dissuaded by the propaganda. The issue of scraping the avatar key needs a lot more debate than it gets from the cheerleaders here. http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2009/12/the-key-to-avatar-keys.html
  23. This sort of harassment is unacceptable, and I take it seriously as a rentals manager and I don't trivialize it, as some do, by saying "it's only pixels" or "RL sexual harassment and rape are worse and therefore put it all in perspective." Well, we are supposed to be making a better world, and online people are supposed to have freedoms without being able to take them away from others -- which is what happens when you don't take this problem seriously. So here's my advice, in addition to what others are saying here, as not all products are configurable and when you are attacked in this way, you can't always get your wits about you to go into "edit" mode and start trying to fix things. Locked doors and security orbs can't prevent something like this from happening, as there isn't any true privacy in SL given the capacity of camera zoom. You can take a preventative measure by using a free avatar radar hud that will show on your screen whether avatars are in range -- and then you can see if strangers are approaching. You can also use a visitor list script in your home to see if anyone is using your furniture while you are away, and then ban them next time you are online. If you are attacked, while it can be hard to do and you feel angry and entitled to your time online, especially if you are paying for a rental, you must log off. Even five minutes will help break the chain of attention that griefers thrive on. If you are not there to react, they will move on. It helps you become composed and realize that while your avatar is an extension of yourself, it's under your control and you can use log-offs to stop an attack like this. Another option is to teleport away to a landmark in your inventory or to another place on the sim. When you log back on, change the log on place to a generic welcome area like http://slurl.com/secondlife/Waterhead/128/128/23 r ather than your own land so you don't land back in the middle of the harassment. Then approach your land and ban the person harassing you. Be sure to abuse report and include the chat history. Although sometimes griefers are day-old alts, if you find a sexual harasser like this who isn't a day-old then it's good to publicize the name in groups so that others can ban the person from their land and that some sort of community condemnation might work.
  24. If you see land inworld that appears to be abandoned: 1. Click to find the owner or group and its officers, and see if any of them are missing from the People List. That's an indication that they may be gone from SL. 2. If they are still in SL, they may not have payed tier for a long time and the land may be reclaimable. 3. File a ticket with Support indicating the exact coordinates and ask Linden Lab to check whether it is abandoned. Usually Lindens answer within 3-7 days on such abandoning questions, and if they can put it on the auction, they will. 4. Then be sure to keep a hawk eye on the auction, because the Lindens often get the land turned around quickly, i.e. in days and not months. Then you can bid on it if it is of interest, or perhaps buy it later inworld if a land dealer bids and gets it. 5. It's always a good idea to check with all your neighbours to see if any of them are bidding on the auction just to save the land for the neighbourhood, just to make sure you won't be bidding against each other needlessly.
  25. Even one second of usage of land tier over your current level will make you bump up to the next level. That's why you can't make an overage purchase even temporarily, with the intent of fixing it -- the Lindens will not help you on this (you can petition and beg, and sometimes on a first-time newbie mistake, they will fix it as a courtesy one-off offer, but it is not their default.) There is absolutely no reason why you cannot undertier your group temporarily to make the purchase, then purchase it, and then deed it to the group -- if you've done the math. The reality is that there is a window of about 24 hours before you will get messages from LL about needing to add tier to your group. Indeed LL does seize land (the latest land to be added to the group) if you are undertiered. But it is a process where you get a warning first, and there is a window. It is not worth risking more than a few minutes, in my view, but I've seen it go to a day or more when I've accidently had a group under tier. There is no stated rule about this anywhere, it is a discretionary and manual process. But you shouldn't be forced into upping your tier level, or renting tier at much higher prices, merely for a transaction like this IF you have determined that you can add the tier in through the group bonus or other residents helping you. BTW, you can "buy for group" to instantly make use of the group bonus -- again, if the math is working out.
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