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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Actually, no, Chic, it didn't work when all I pasted was my own avatar key, which I got from an old "name2key" script. You presumably got my avatar key from the descendent of the Emerald browser which scrapes data : ) Yes I know that the avatar key is "available" and "can be gotten" and that I publicized my own avatar key : ) I have a different view about this (actually, the same view most people have about RL but shed in SL). In any event, there's an important thing you've added to my key, these letters: 02da And you have a DIFFERENT key! A copy of your script is attached so you can see how they are added in the script. Did I drop something when pasting in my key? Yes, *here* on the forums I dropped a number, but inworld I had faithfully pasted it. Did I somehow not paste my entire avatar key? No, because this is the answer I get from the "touch for key" script: 9e89e99c-2106-e811-e105-4c45e4d66cfb It's different than the avatar key you got. Yet in order for the script to have said "Prokofy is offline" it must have had SOME relevance. Did LL change the way keys are generated in the last 10 years? You can see THAT script below too, pretty basic, and I don't think it has anything wrong with it. But notice that my avatar key is DIFFERENT. Or "how did you just know" to add the 02da? default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay( "My key is " + (string)llGetKey() ); }} key uuid= "02da98ac-3e2e-4e8f-bedc-d0e2a1c670b4";string name="Prokofy Neva";key request;default{ on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } }}
  2. Yes, I know how to put my key in between quotation marks. I know how to put my name in between quotation marks, too. Yes, reset is clicked -- and even the edit menu reset is used. Yes, I waited five minutes because of what Qi said about how it could be slow in scanning. And...it still says "Prokofy Neva is offline" although I'm online. key uuid= "8bfe96db-7e41-871e-0d8d-c79017aea063";string name="Prokofy Neva";key request;default{ on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } }}
  3. key uuid= ""; string name=""; key request; default { on_rez(integer times) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10); } timer() { request = llRequestAgentData(uuid, DATA_ONLINE); } dataserver(key requested, string data) { if (requested == request) { if (data == "1") {llSetText(name+" is now online.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} else {llSetText(name+" is now offline.",<1,1,1>,1.0);} } } }Perhaps someone can tell me what is wrong with this script, it doesn't work. It cost $600 on the MP but was actually made by a different scripter than the seller and is all perms. What I was looking for was a script that showed my online status NOT JUST FOR ME IN MY OBJECT, but for ANYONE who got an object I made and transferred to them. There are a ton of "status online" scripts out there and I have a ton and that is NOT what I need. I have that. I need a transferable script that can go in my prim I made and distribute to others so that when they rez it out, they can see my online status. What's wrong with this script is that it says "Prokofy Neva is offline" not only to me, but to anyone else I give the object to, even if I am online. Yes, I put my avatar key in it and reset the script. The maker promises this: "For ANY avatar indicator-text and color change Just set their name&key at top of script But something is wrong if it shows offline for me (which is perhaps how such scripts work even when working) but for anybody getting the object. And is that the issue? It shouldn't be, if it is all perms.
  4. It's mainly Americans, but I've seen it with Europeans and even Russians, too. The phenomenon is worse in SL because of the mode of communication involving mainly not voice, but typed phrases that are sent and often not read while the other person is typing his or her own phrase. The Lindens exacerbate all this with their "G" and "M" and "Adult" ratings that are so crazy-quilt and poorly defined or enforced (those last two go together). They should convert every "G" mainland sim to an "M" and create a "G" region if they absolutely have to just out of the old teen grid sims which are contiguous. Another good idea would be to require that membership in SL is for 18 and older only and enforce with collection of ID. But the Lindens need to maximize the population, and they still have notions about SL for use by educators on the Mainland (which they should jettison) so this patchwork remains, whereby a 16-year-old only allowed on a "G" sim in theory can merely walk to the edge of the sim and peer into the "M" sim next door where racy activity may be going on. I think the Atlantic analysis is all wrong tho (like 100 other pieces on this topic that think the problem is over-sensitive kids). I think it's about hardened, seasoned cadre adults in extremist movements, such as the BDS movement jerking the strings of people on campus in various ways to ill end, and that's why it needs to be repelled. My comment at Atlantic: There's another name for "vindictive protectiveness" -- Bolshevism, other kinds of extremist sectarianism. It's become customary to explain the phenomenon on campuses -- which has seeped into life more broadly -- as somehow related to fragile, wilting under-experienced types who have not "developed a thick skin" and are finding it "overwhelming" to deal with different ideas that challenge their own. When I first heard my daughter bringing home from college this term "micro-aggression," I was baffled but then as the years progressed I figured it out. There is nothing fragile or wilting AT ALL about this organized, trained, cadre movement affecting campuses. It's not about weak youth but seasoned, sectarian adults who have found that the PERFECT cover for extremist, militant ideologies is "protection of the vulnerable." What's really at work here are Marxist-style identity politics and virulent sectarianism disguised as "concern". The cadres have figured out that the easiest way to disrupt a campus or the larger society is to inject these false controversies and antagonisms that somehow we must all accommodate. It reaches such insanity that right now, a girl on my daughter's Facebook feed is screaming about a notice put out by the NYC Department of Health warning women who are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant not to go to the countries where there is Zika virus. She finds this paternalist and sexist. It's outrageous, she even believes that by changing just a few words in their notice, the NYC department will convert from its misogynous statement to a statement that respects women's bodies and selves. What's really going on with something like that? Zealous, militant, determined, aggressive CONTROL or at least attempt at control. Far from being about the clueless or the weak, it's about the very conniving and strong who want the kind of totalitarian control over other people that Stalin or Mao had. This is why these sorts of things don't need compassion, understanding, various accommodations of "protection" but the strongest possible pushback that we can muster against totalitarian, rigid thinking and a battle -- because that is what it takes -- for the freedom of the mind. Extremists have taken their battle to language because they know that is the easiest thing to get nervous professors and administrators worried about losing funding or ruining their reputations to change. The professor who said that people would have to tolerate all kinds of Halloween costumes, even things they didn't like, such as parodies of Obama, was exactly right. This is the norm and the desired standard for an open society -- tolerance of expression. The idea that people who have to face such openness in fact are dealing with the patriarch's oppressiveness under the guise of liberalism is part of the whole Bolshevik scam. Nothing of the sort is going on, and the student who doesn't like certain Halloween costumes is just as free as the costume-wearer to put on another costume or start a petition-signing table. Unfortunately, with this kind of analysis about the "vulnerable" intruding on every debate of the subject, few are pushing back hard in the way we all need to be doing strenuously, especially so that this insanity doesn't spread from campuses. And the result is Trump. The result is Trump. Just keep realizing that: the result is Trump, and you asked for it by your inaction.
  5. Best thing I've heard the Lindens do in years. Good for them! Since they couldn't afford the staff to circuit ride these dens of miscreants, shutting off voice is at least some deterrence to the nasty wall-sitters.
  6. Um, I don't have any big black walls anywhere, big guy. Do you? When bad neighbours put them up *first*, I will sometimes respond in kind. I am not aware of any situations like this currently.
  7. This is a great snow lot in a quaint cove in Shimmer where you can come for a chilling vacation in August! There is an ice ledge on the shore and a polar bear enabled for you to dance a variety of dances -- it's really cool! Also one of the best alpine cabins in SL by {what's next} with a loft and fireplace. $900/850 prims. Management prims do not count on your count. If you like, you can ask to have the prims removed and reset the box to $1000/900 prims. Self-join group, no waiting! Free gift with every new rental. You can have a home here or a low-impact store and/or skybox in the sky. Pets welcome.    Teleport to Shimmer
  8. Summer Sale on Waterfront Rentals in Ravenglass! Why "as good or better" than Blake? Hidden Lakes is the name of the area of sims built by Linden Lab in 2004-2005 branching out from a newbie welcome center. It really a Linden Sea but because it has so many little mainland islands it is called "lakes". They are meandering lakes and coves that make for great boating, sailing and exploring. o Less expensive - prices substantially lower than Blake Sea. o On some sims, management prims of houses/furniture don't count on your count o More to choose from o More flexibility (refundable) o Not crowded o No ban lines or security orbs in areas where I am the owner o Public docks and recreation areas where you can hang out, explore, play games, get freebies or inexpensive gatchas Teleport to Ravenglass Waterfront $1400/1150 prims Also in this area you will find $700/600 prims, $800/700 prims, $250/250 prims.  
  9. PS I'd be interested to know why you abandoned your own big parcel, or one of your parcels and whether you could ask LL to give you back some of it and I could buy it from you. If I ask them, they will put the whole thing on auction and it will go to a land flipper.
  10. I would add a few other basics: o Take off "water" on the "Advanced" menu while also checking off "see property owners" and "land borders" under "world". This way you can see what is hidden under water instantly without worrying about "transparent". o Don't buy near sim seams. This can cause havoc at times when you rez things that might temporarily may need to go beyond the border of your property. Ditto Linden protected land. While Linden land adds value and helps the view it can also be a problem sometimes. o Take off "volume" on the "Advanced" menu -- unscrupulous land dealers often put strange builds or boards on the land that might hide the fact that a 16 m or 32 m parcel is still owned by them after the sale of the bulk of the parcel which they may then try to extort a price from you for to "save the view". Have had this happen EVEN WHEN I took off volume so look with "midnight" on to see the parcel borders carefully. o Check all your neighbours' claim dates. Neighbours with claim dates for years or even just a year are a sign of happiness with that area, whereas if they are all new, you can be in an infestation of land flippers or a place that has some hidden problem like a club in the sky where 40 avatars take up all the slots every night. o Yes, look in the sky -- go to world/map, type in the number 4096 in the coordinates and then "fall" through the sky to see what is above you -- it might be in the view or be a club or some problem o Don't buy land with nearby problems that you think you will get a neighbour to "fix". They almost never do, and asking them may inspire them to make it worse. The Mainland can be a very nasty business, but as Philip Rosedale once said, working things out with your neighbours is a magical thing. If you don't like your land, try to sell it for at least a $1/m well before tier date, or let bots eat it for $0.5 -- abandoning it may mean it sits there unused forever. And PLEASE do the world a favour and TAKE OFF your builds from your abandoned land so that we don't have to look at them for the next five years as LL won't remove thm. I recently had a newbie ask me if I could lower my price considerably on land that was worth a fair amount as it was waterfront in the Old World and actually next to my land which was like "protected" as I almost never sell land, especially rentals areas. I said no, I wanted to get back what I had paid for it, and take into account the devalued Linden dollar. He then came back a few hours and had a better offer, still not my price but I thought, why not, I wanted to solve a prim problem on another sim quickly. I set it to sale -- then the problems with this manipulative and troubled individual started. I didn't realize at first that he was a newbie, I don't look at people's profiles usually unless there is trouble. Then he said he may not have tier because he has other land, and did I want to buy it, so he could free up his tier. I said no. I kept asking me so I went to look at it again and said no again, I need tier elsewhere. Unexpectedly, he then said he would buy the original lot so I set it to sale. I offered to let him wait 24 hours or more to try to sell his land for $1/m, I thought he might because of the location, old world roadside. I go AFK, and then next thing I know he has purchased the land, and sent a request to buy the water next to it. His first communication on this topic seemed normal, can I buy the water in front of this. The reason there was a water patch wasn't any evil one -- it's simply that the previous person I had given the land to temporarily because I needed tier didn't have enough tier himself, so we carved out this little water patch of 352 meters. It was marked prims. Then, because I was AFK, the eyes went into narrow-slits and the hatred always ready to come to the surface against anyone in the land business boomed. Now he began to accuse me of deception, theft, etc. I said matter-of-factly that he could instantly buy the water plot for the same price as the other main plot -- which he himself asked for. Someone, this "newb" (I can't know if that's true) began bellowing that I was a thief and a liar because he suspected me of holding back this little plot to block or extort him. That I had instantly offered to sell it for a normal price -- his price! -- didn't seem to indicate to him my good will. Why it didn't is a factor of his own troubled soul or free-floating hatreds, common in SL. I persisted in telling him that I would sell him the land for the same price, but certainly not a lower price -- which he seemed to think he "deserved" MERELY BECAUSE of his own suspicions and his jumble about his own tier. If he didn't have the tier, he should have waited to sell the piece. If he needed water instead of road especially. Since I had offered to hold it for a day or two, he should have asked. While he continued barking that I was a low-life two-bit thief, I merely set the little parcel to sale to him. I pointed out that he wasn't in touch with the difference between good will and bad will in neighbours. Here I was INSTANTLY offering to sell him water -- or pledge to him it would never have a build on it, which it hadn't in the years I've owned it, it's prim water. I put out a glowing nuclear power station to show how it could go in the OTHER direction and he should appreciate good neighbours who dealt in good faith. I removed the station, kept the parcel on sale to him, and logged off to his rantings. When I returned hours later, he had abandoned his land. Who does that??? Instead of abandoning or selling for bot prices his other land, then buying my completely reasonably-priced water bit. It just boggles the mind. Yet this character is bad-mouthing me, ARing me to LL (and of course they don't get involved in disputes). I can only say that you have to think through your land purchases. Check the water, the lag, the air, everything so that you don't have any unhappiness.
  11. Laptops of any sort often aren't compatible with SL at all -- full stop. So there's that. Look on the specs page under HELP on this site to see what is required or Google it with the term "Second Life" to see if there are any forums or comments anywhere about trouble. I don't recall that particular one.
  12. Of course I haven't vanished. You've vanished. I haven't vanished. I am now in my 12th year, still in business on the Mainland which is a very rugged experience but has gotten better since the more copyleftist ideological Lindens left and instituted reforms punishing ad farms and the like. I don't think the features like avatar feet shadows or bones that move or whatever are important and in many cases you can't see them or use them anyway unless you have an extremely high-priced and complex rig with a very high-end graphics card. This will never be a Best Buy computer game as I have found out yet again. What's more important is how the economy has severely crashed with a 10 point loss on the LindEx since April for reasons which are murky -- possibly due to the hyping of Project Sansar, possibly related to the desperate offer to lower sim prices (but I don't think so) to grandfathered level, etc. I think it's capital flight. I think the most important development is the gatcha, the machines that sell random content that are featured at special events, and the merchant events where limited availability content is sold sometimes at a discount. These sales innovations have pumped a lot of value back into the economy and also involved the average user because now the creator class, which used to punish the consumer for their copybot problems by putting everything on "no transfer" (useless) has now emphatically made an entire big class of product that is no copy and on transfer -- the gatcha. So this has created economic opportunity for a lot of ordinary people and made SL more fun and more social as people have yard sales and special events of all types. There are also more limited edition items dealing with the problem of how to create scarcity in a highly copyable and gluttable world. It's quite interesting. Also mesh has gotten better although it still doesn't fit in the world as you can't place one mesh on another without a prim base.
  13. Child porn is big business in SL, that's why it's hard to eradicate. Everyone knows SMB = child. It's not rocket science. Drop in at any Zindra club and you'll get it. The ads say it all. All the word-salading going on here about how it's for slender people or females or fembois or whatever is just so much distraction. So AR it. I've found that child porn ARs in SL usually go *nowhere*. The notorious Hentai that is so hideous and vulgar and so clearly a child that forcibly opens up in search as an event if you have adult checked off is case and point. I've AR'd it a 100 times. It is child porn. It goes away for awhile, then comes back. As I said, too many people have content empires including in this thread that hang on this to eradicate it, there is no will. But AR anyway, and then move on.
  14. This doesn't make sense. It's been 10 years since the Linden was worth quite a bit more than the 248 that it WAS worth for many years -- until this year moved it to 258 or worse. I have kept records for years of the Lindex and if you want to see them, IM me inworld. I agree that LL is likely doing something, and if they are still printing Lindens, that seems like malpractice. Maybe they have a great deal more sales on the MP, with people giving up land and moving to the MP, and maybe they haven't adjusted how they used those dollars which I believe are supposed to be sinks. It might be that.
  15. Ebbe Linden said in a Lab chat some weeks ago that Linden Lab does not interfere with the currency exchange and this is "the market." That's actually not true because Linden Lab has always printed Lindens and injected Lindens into the exchange through Supply Linden, to keep the currency "stable" which it was until these awful drops of 10 points or more. So really, he needs to be challenged by those who can get to him about what Linden's policy is. Have they stopped printing/selling Lindens at the Exchange? If the money supply is "too large," why can't they put on more land auctions or at least allow more abandoned land to be sold instead of queuing it up on the auction? Really, anyone who asks for a plot of land should be given it for $1/m. It's terrible that so much sits there and the Lindens dither and decide whether/when to put it on the auction. The other day I asked to buy a 16m square in the middle of my own land that was owned by an old obnoxious ad farmer that finally quit. I was told by a Linden that I could buy it as "a one time courtesy". Huh? A one-time courtesy on a 16 m square in the middle of my land??? I could understand if that were said about waterfront, but this? There are just so many questions. Do the Linden sales to the Marketplace count as sinks or sources? What rate do the Lindens sell that revenue from? Or is it in fact a sink, as all sales are "supposed" to be, i.e. the land auction or uploads of textures. We were always told these were sinks because they remove Lindens from circulation. But is the MP also a sink? Because LL has set their sites on having the MP and content exchange be a revenue generator to wean themselves from "land". So what's up? I see businesses quitting or moving to the MP so I'm inclined to think it's capital flight. I always have new customers even from very new residents but I also see some quietly retire and not log in and go away, unannounced or announced. The notion that this cash surplus is from people cashing out to buy the grandfathered buy-down is ridiculous, I've explained why so many times I'm tired of it but ask if you can't understand.
  16. No, Linden Lab does not get involved in disputes between residents. Read their TOS, it could not be more clear: Section 1.4 You acknowledge that you will be exposed to various aspects of the Service involving the conduct, Content, and services of users, and that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible or liable for the quality, safety, legality, truthfulness or accuracy of any such user conduct, User Content or user services. You acknowledge that Linden Lab does not guarantee the accuracy of information submitted by any user of the Service, nor any identity information about any user. Your interactions with other users and your use of User Content are entirely at your own risk. Linden Lab has no obligation to become involved in any dispute that you may have or claim to have with one or more users of the Service, or in any manner in any resolution thereof. Section 6 You are solely responsible for your interaction with other users of the Service, whether online or offline. We are not responsible or liable for the conduct or content of any user. We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or become involved in disputes between you and other users. 9.1 Linden Lab is NOT liable for its users' actions, and you release Linden Lab from any claims relating to other users. You agree not to hold Linden Lab liable for the Content, actions, or inactions of other users. As a condition of access to the Service, you release Linden Lab (and its officers, directors, shareholders, agents, subsidiaries and employees) from claims, demands, losses, liabilities and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any dispute you have or claim to have with one or more users, including whether or not Linden Lab becomes involved in any resolution or attempted resolution of the dispute. That may sound contradictory, but it isn't, because LL is merelyl saying that for the purposes of monitoring compliance with the TOS overall, they monitor residents and that means they may monitor disputes but WILL NOT get involved in them or settle them. This is truly a caveat emptor (buyer beware) experience, and it is the least virtual part of the virtual world. So you can try to abuse the person just for the record, but there isn't even a category for this AR anymore so you'd have to use "targeted harassment" or something that doesn't quite apply. It's just for the sake of making a paper trial. Expect nothing. Send an IM and notecard to the miscreant and ask him if he'd be willing to videotape your re-creation of your wedding if he won't pay you back, otherwise you will publicize his name everywhere. You can't do that on the forums, but there's no reason you can't circulate it in world. IM me about this. Only through publilcity -- inworld and on social media and blogs -- will you get justice in SL.
  17. It's not about piety or prudishness. It's about the TOS which bans child pornography. This is child pornography. In the EU, as you may know, even cartoons like Hentai are ruled as child pornography, not just RL children. And RL law isn't the issue here, as it is the Linden TOS, which was amended more than 10 years ago when EU prosecutors began to investigate Second Life. I'm well aware of how vicious, hateful, and obsessive those who justify child pornography are. I personally don't make it a "cause". I AR it when I see it, and I show solidarity to those who AR it as the OP did. That it continues is one of the worrisome facets of SL that costs them customers.
  18. The ad says "for boys". It doesn't say "teens" or "fembois". It says "boys". The end.
  19. These are not fembois, and the ads do not say they are. They are children. Just because the ads say that female avatars are used doesn't mean anything. Nowhere is the notion of "femboi" introduced here so it shouldn't be invoked. If the original poster could contact me inworld with the relevant information, I would be happy to help abuse report, as will others.
  20. You mean just because I don't like *your* answer. Do you rule the forums?
  21. The pictures you're invoking are nothing like those shown in the ads from the original poster. Anyone can see this. Having a few holes in a shirt is NOTHING like having half a shirt or a BDSM harness and loincloth. Ridiculous to claim otherwise. The ads are pictures of children, full stop. No where in the ad does it say anything about "teen" or "femboi" - using the female avatar doesn't mean that. Support for ageplay dies hard in SL, not only because of its devious and zealous practitioners, who are vicious against critics, but because of people who think it's freedom of expression. LL needs to step up, as they are a private company who loses new customers because of the visibility of this stuff, and they are not obliged to provide First Amendment level expression for deviants.
  22. So, any of those replying here themselves the makers of clothing like this? I think some of the famous child avatars could explain the difference between fembois and the *children* in these ads who are not fembois. Anybody who thinks any of this clothing is available in a real-life store, please send proof.
  23. I don't believe this is acceptable -- BDSM outfits for children! I think we need to get an answer from Linden Lab on this question, not just from regulars on the forums. I think if "ageplay" is banned (a euphemism for "child porn") then the props for them -- these awfully suggestive outfits -- should be banned as well. After all, you can't be claiming to dress up in a BDSM harness and g-string to go on a picnic with Mommy and Daddy, right guys? And the implication that RL stores have clothing that is sugggestive like this has no merit. I don't recall seeing any BDSM get-ups for kids in Machy's or JC Penny's, you know? That's ridiculous.
  24. This answer justifies not only "suggestive" clothing but clothing that is very obviously designed for "age play" (a euphemism which means "child pornography") with child avatars and as such, it should be banned. The claim is that in real life, there are very suggestive clothing options like this for children for sale in stores. I don't recall seeing BDSM outfits for children -- harnesses, g-strings, and the like -- in Macy's or other stores with sections for children. That's patently ridiculous. And truly, guys, you dress up in a BDSM harness and an evocative g-string in order to go on a picnic with the family in a G-rated sim? Really? I will go on abuse-reporting these offerings when I see them go by on the Marketplace as "what other residents are buying". It's wrong. If Linden Lab has a policy against ageplay -- which it does and should regardless of what people think regarding the application onf the First Amendment -- then it has to extend that to the props for this banned activity.
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