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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I would have a "wait-and-see" about such an offer until AFTER I see if all the customers flush out of old SL into the new shiny. It's crazy to buy land when the Lindens are about to pull the football out from Peanuts again, you know?
  2. I haven't seen that message. You should be able to click on that panel and unlock it for yourself. Maybe there's a packet loss issue or something. You could try contacting support which you can do if you are a premium customer.
  3. I personally made a rule of 500 meters or higher for sky builds, I used to have 250 but that really is visible and does block flight. People tend not to build over 4096 because teleporters don't reach up higher.
  4. Do you mean you already chose a Linden Home? You can dump those any time or swap them. Or do you mean you bought a house and now want to place it? On the Linden Homes, you have to take their homes, they are welded to the land. But if you buy your own land, then you can put your own house on it, but you have to make sure it fits, so check its footprint and prims to see if it will.
  5. He is another rentals agent and I believe he sells land too.
  6. Hi, Ravenglass Rentals owner here, 12th year in business. I specialize mainly in Mainland and small and medium parcels but I have some larger and some private island as well.
  7. Yes, they would return your build. They *might* leave it and seize the land, and then you could get the land back from them for $1/m. But likely it would be cleared. However keep in mind that if you wait too long -- not sure how many months -- even your inventory would be cleared then in that account if you don't pay premium.
  8. The Lindens recently put out an offer of grandfathering islands -- you pay $600 in advance and get a grandfathered sim. Then today, they had a present for the premium account. It's nice as far as it goes. But here's the thing. I want a present for the Mainland. I want a tier break on the Mainland. I think 512 meters per every year in Second Life might be a good idea. After 8 years, you'd finally get a 4096. After 16 years, you'd have 8192. That seems more than fair, and it would help soak up abandoned land and get it paying tier. This is why it needs to be done! The early Charter members got 4096 m tier-free for life. So something like that needs to be done. Maybe it's only an extra 512 on top of the free premium 512. But SOMETHING for having hung on all these years. As it is, I don't even get a birthday cake for my rez day anymore. The last one I have is like from 2012. Also, please don't tell me the 10% tier discount in group land is a present enough. It's not. If you need my explanation why, see my blog. The bonus merely goes to making areas look a little better by not having parcels smack against each other, or gives you a free extra prims. As it is, certain olbies agitate to have this removed -- crazy! Mainlanders need every incentive they can get. Premium gifts are ok as far as they go, once a quarter or so. But, you know we got stuff like this from {what's next} already. We need a significant present to reward our long-suffering endurance.
  9. I totally agree about auction snipers. This is why I seldom go on the auction unless I really have to in order to try to prevent flippers from buying land next to me. But it always ends in tiers. I think one way to end this practice is to PUBLICIZE the names of every purchaser of land who wins an auction. This USED TO BE DONE and the Lindens stopped it. A pity. But please don't pay $3500 for a 1024 when if you fly around with the "land for sale" box checked off on the map, you will have your pick. My God, it's a buyer's market. You can find good land for $1000 even. LL doesn't charge you $500 for 1024. They charge in tier $5.00 US, but that's different.
  10. Hi, I have a modest Coney Island type build with a Ferris wheel, some rides and fortunes and bumper cars and I think I probably need just about every one of the 1500 prims plus. So that means an 8192 or so, which has 1875 prims (I have a bit more there). I've seen other carnivals that seem to use about that. I tried to put a little circus on a 1024 and it was a bust quickly with not much on it. Rides and such take up prims, even the mesh ones. The tier is a "land credit" or a kind of mortgage if you will. You get 512 meters of free coverage of land -- that's not the same thing as the land itself. The 512 tier covers the 512 land. Tier implies steps or levels so think of it as a ladder, it goes up 1024 and such and then at 4096 it's already $25 US. So to have a 8192 circus you'd need $40 US which is what it costs on the "ladder". As for leaving it -- no. If you don't keep paying that $40 US every month, plus the $9.95 for the basic premium per month, the Lindens will seize it after X amount of time, I believe 30 days. In that sense, you might be better renting, but island owners will return your prims for non-payment too. So figure out how to make the build and then link it up so you can remove it after a month and come back later. But then you'll need to buy new land each time. That's not the end of the world because you could likely get it for as low as $4000 Lindens even these days. As for where to get the circus stuff, there are a few big makers who have been in the business many years, so look them up on the MP. You could visit mine in Baileya to see the makers and how they are lined out. I combined mine with rentals to pay the cost of tier.
  11. That idea won't work because the Lindens do not want a Mainland or any kind of heavy input into infrastructure in Project Sansar. They want to have developers (third-party ones) make the world sim by sim, and us to be entertained by it but not edit it. So the public works concept is a no-go due to its ideology and structure. I have a better idea. Re-launch the Moles in the existing Mainland of the existing old Sansar (as they once called their first set of Mainland sims). Linden content is highly valued. The Moles actually do seem to still function to make/fix roads but for the most part, they don't do brand-new things like Nautilus. I think they should. Lots of them, to dilute the huge ridiculous prices for them. As for Mentors, no, absolutely not. Any system that privileges a group of residents over their fellow residents, with special access to newbies or powers that the rest of us do not have ALWAYS gets abused. In a matter of minutes these mentors turn into self-dealing monsters that take newbies to their own stores or pitch to their friends. They also become arrogant and abusive and nobody reins them in. Mentors are not needed. Newbies are not uneducated poor people from the third world, for the most part. They are highly--paid Silicon Valley programmers just not used to the app or retired postal workers in Ohio that at least have a college degree and can figure it out with some good will. Mentoring should happen by residential communities, clubs, games, art galleries, whatever sort of venue there is. New people should go to an area/theme/community of interest, and there learn the basics they need *for that activity or theme*. No newbie needs to learn to build or script to go to a club. He needs to learn only how to shop or socialize. A newbie who WANTS land might need to learn about land and groups and such. But most don't buy land. "Newbie helping" is a Silicon Valley software concept that grows out of their philosophy of consumers and pro-sumers. But it's not a good match.
  12. SL all the way. Firestorm has a history of griefing, abuse, and privacy busting in their original incarnation, Emerald. This was banned. Few remember this history of some years ago. Then they came back as Phoenix -- the same people, minus a few obvious griefers/copybotters. Then they reconstituted as Firestorm, after they set the leafs on fire with Emerald, then emerged from the ashes like Phoenix if you will. Today, they deny any connection to griefing and copybotting, yet it is in their DNA and we can't know if they "phone home." I personally find it criminal that Firestorm overrides certain group rules set in the Second Life regular viewer. I don't think any third-party viewer should have this much of a market. It just shows you all kinds of problems with the structure and governance of the world. Few consider these deeper issues. They only care about whether the UI is "easier". But the UI as it is now in the SL bog standard view is fine, I use it heavily. Can't really complain, although I was the last person to have my cold, dead hands pried loose from Viewer 1.0. Viewer 1.0 I prized mainly for its view of *search* and the VERSION of search it went with. But those days are gone. The search is worse now, and the Lindens still need to fix it. Here's a difference I see with my customers: 1. Those with Firestorm have to relog to make any change in their group membership or powers "take". That's annoying. 2. Those with the SL viewer just make the change during the same session without relogging. However, this is a rental or club managers' issue, not the end user's issue. So YMMV. Ask yourself why a company needs to have the overwhelming majority of their users have a viewer they do not code, because of their ideological adherence to the notion of open source code. Now, you may conclude then that the thing to do is to go with that popular third-part viewer. I don't.
  13. Inverse has some nice skyboxes and ground homes but why I put them on the no-buy list at this point is that their security/radio/relay system NEVER works despite being deeded to the group (and yes, in my 12th year of SL I do know how to deed to a group, guys) and they NEVER answer customer service requests. I noticed DaD design has a very nice cottage at one of the events like Collabor88 or something and it has nearly 200 prims but it has colour change, a nice porch, multiple rooms etc. But I don't believe the windows tint closed. My current favourite houses are from Doran. I love the textures, among the most skillful. They have colorable houses too. I love the room layouts. The stairs are climable without too much camera confusing. Walking can be a little stilted and not as good as in others but still acceptable and everything else works for me. But they also fall down on the tinting window issue. I think people want to live in their houses, and close their windows if they wish for privacy. I wish house builders would accept this. I compensate by putting in shades. BTW I have had a really torturous hunt in the last year for really workable, good, low-prim shades and curtains and have arrived at my two favourites: by Kalopsia and another one I have to look up but they are HARD TO GET RIGHT. Really, can't they just put in the old Ryan Linden "window opacity" and "window tint"? Is it really hard to do two extra swipes to a prim, guys? Answer: mesh may be what is stopping them from using this old solution, I dunno. I do find when I myself try to edit a house with window opacity, I risk messing up the texture for window bars or cross-hatches on some mesh. Annoying. I think a lot of the houses, especially the gatcha prize houses these days by some of the top designers like ionic, AF, etc. are really sculptures, not houses. They are intensely beautiful, I love them, but they don't rent and I myself couldn't live in them. Not only due to the windows issue, but the camera issues. So I would say on balance having looked at and rented out (or not rented out) houses from hundreds of architects to thousands of people, that Barnesworth Anubis [ba] makes the best houses for these purposes -- large, porches, multiple spacious rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and closeable windows on many of them, as well as doors, run by a admin controller. I don't always love the textures of his taste, I'd rather have Redgrave, Doran, some of the others, but you can't beat the liveability. Nomad has some nice houses; so does Post, although he fails on door lock sometimes. But his cabins and homes rent the most, after I would say Barnesworth's and then some of the boutique ones like LC.
  14. The tier and land thing is SO confusing. The Lindens tell you to think of tier as a "land credit" which you can use to buy land, or get the Linden House which is, after all, on land. I think it's more useful to think of tier as a mortgage which you can then use to acquire land. That's really the only real-life equivalent. You can't get land without a mortgage in most cases unless you pay outright cash. You could think of it as a deed, but a deed implies ownership is registered somewhere public -- and it isn't in SL and really should be to make the world work better. In any event, you got a mortage for 512 meters that enames you to either get a Linden home or a blank piece of land. The Linden home in some sense is a better deal because you get more prims per 512 as they add extra prims. BUT it is a worse deal in that you are stuck with their choice of design in housing. You could buy your own land dirt cheap these days, likely even for L$250 or less, that is half a Linden per meter or less. But you'd have only the 117 prims. So you have to weigh the choices.
  15. First and foremost, you need to abuse report this behavior to Linden Lab by pulling down the "abuse" tab on the viewer and filling out the report -- make sure to include a screenshot of the minimap with the stalker's name showing if you can and fill it out in full, in the region where you are. As others have said, you can uncheck the "avatars can see me" box but the minimap will still not only show green dots but their names. And while some find this annoying, it's also helpful in trying to deter griefing. If you have access to other surrounding parcels, or you can get your neighbours to cooperate, you can put him in the ban list of your own and others' parcels although that doesn't stop him from camming in and/or using the minimap. This introduces a long-standing issue I've often wished the Lindens would address -- the need for Governor Linden, the Estate Manager on our "islands," if you will, to introduce land bans to entire sims. The Lindens will likely never do this because it just means more work and attention for them. But it's one more area where Mainland is more vulnerable than islands. Introducing "noise" doesn't help because the minimap still shows your name and any of your guests' names. Also, if you don't have one already, you should put out a visitor tracker. I have a free simple one I can send you but there are more sophisticated ones you can buy on the MP that show the constant activity of avatars all around you in a radius you can select. I find these things noisy and laggy on sims, but you may want to use it for some time period and file a more detailed report to LL using the tickets system.
  16. I guess you're not very good at math. You might want to get more familiar with the harsh reality of rentals math before buying sims. If someone just bought 6 sims at the going rate and going tier, and gets this announcement, it's really nasty because they then can't earn back what they sunk into the sims to cover the purchase cost in a market suddenly bottoming out because others are going to get grandfathered sim. Perhaps by spending ANOTHER $600 they might then "compete" but it's Lucy moving the football. You don't get that because it apparently never applies to you. The original poster was right to complain. And Medhue is right that the Lindens should do something to incentivize the mainland. They never do. 10% tier bonus is hardly an incentive when you are forced to constantly 'buy the view'. A tiny thing they could do is just clear abandoned land completely every time it is abandoned and stop leaving the builds of their little friends there until they come back 3 months later when they feel like paying tier.
  17. My real-life name isn't Karen. And you know, using people's real-life names on the forums is not allowed. Furthermore, there's nothing "crazy" about reporting the truth of the past here. You're just an incurable fanboy.
  18. Here are some nice low-cost high-prim parcels in Ravenglass Rentals and related groups: $750/500 prims Waterfront Highly terraformable, boating to 7 Linden seas, beautiful area by Free Tibet community. Pets welcome, skyboxes too. Teleport to Cub Water Club Waterfront \ $650/500 Waterfront in Sutherland Dam Basin. Pets welcome, skyboxes, too. Sail to Linden Seas. Teleport to Sutherland Waterfront  Also $900/700 prims Teleport to Sutherland Waterfront  $750/600 Prims Ravenglass Waterfront. Sorry, no pets. Skyboxes welcome. Sail to Hidden Lakes Teleport to Ravenglass Waterfront  IM Prokofy Neva for service. Self-joining groups.
  19. Everything you say makes a lot of sense. Of course the wildcard really is whether Sansar will be the circus or the movies that people go to for some kind of special entertainment, but the old SL will be where they can fall back to in order to have land and content that they stored and which they can control better than they will be able to do in Project Sansar. Maybe the bottom will fall out, or maybe there will be a burst of individual end-users, and a boom in renters at new lower prices. It's hard to tell. SL can behave like that. But usually any change in SL means loss.
  20. The coherence of this debate is really hampered by the fact that no one knows how many grandfathered islands there are; no one knows how many $295 islands there are; no one knows the size of the population logging on every day or every 30 days prepared to spend the US $20 or so required to get a 4096 parcel on an island. We used to know more of that information, particularly that last bit. Let me suggest that if the Lindens stopped $195 sims in 2006 -- I was there, and documented it, so I know -- and started selling $295 sims in December of that year, there just aren't that many people with $195 sims. As far as I can tell, $295s dominate the market. The world expanded and then contracted, but I don't see any evidence that the number of $295s so fell as to equal or be similar to the number of $195.
  21. Few remember that way back in 2006 - nearly 10 years ago! -- I was the one who blew the whistle on the imminent plans of the Lab to start selling their islands for a higher cost - and their secret offer to their friends in a special developers' group to get the old price and stock up on sims before the new price kicked in. You can't put outside links in the forums but this article is findable on the Alphaville Herald and is about "Sticker Shock". At that time, Linden was then forced to sell sims at their existing rate to anyone who wanted them instead of just letting their friends enjoy the good fortune. They made up for this by the homestead debacle -- but that's another story. Naturally, those of you who came in a little later, and missed the deadline to buy the old "grandfather" rate had to pay the $295. Of course, at that time you got better sims -- faster, with more capacity. At first, there was great distress that some people would be forced to have to charge higher rent. That they made up for this by stocking up on zillions of homesteads that they merely flipped to new "estate managers" that they never had to do customer service for is of course long forgotten in the mists of virtual time. Linden then cracked down on that because they couldn't see why everyone should make money off their lands but them. Eventually, those with $295 instead of $195 islands made higher-end content, worked harder or created special themed communities to attract a higher-paying customer than the slower-speed $195s -- that creator-fascism solution sold as simply creativity that forces so many people into frustration and burnout and selling or abandoning their sims. But that worked, as the $295 sims took over the market. $195 sims still traded briskly, but the reality is, they didn't fill up any better than $295 sims. These are intended for the kind of person for whom it doesn't matter whether they pay $5 a week US for a parcel or $10 a week as these are people who drop bills in Starbucks or restaurants or at movies and it doesn't matter. Today, even $195 sims have trouble staying filled (and less than 80% occupancy means loss of money) and have to keep lowering their prices constantly (like me) or offering extra features like homes and furniture -- I see many homestead owners offering not just rock-bottom prices but lower prices than the tier they have to pay just to have something coming in. If YOU don't have to pay another $100 US on your sim every week, and can pass that savings along to your customers in the form of lower rent, I'm just not getting your agida. They will be happy and you will be happy to have less tier. The ONLY reason this would be a loss is if you have still not paid back your purchase cost -- your "set-up fee" for the island in the first place. Now that really bites. And that's why Linden should do the right thing for those who bought their islands only X months ago -- arrive at a fair number. Within three? Within six? And for those people, do not require the paydown fee but just start them at the lower tier. Something like that.
  22. A decade of the rosary, followed by an Our Father and a Glory Be has been known to help.
  23. I am now in my 12th year in Second Life, and I have never seen this problem so fierce: lost inventory, things not rezzing. I often require 4-5 tries even to GET logged in and seeing myself as anything other than a ghost, with at least most of my outfit loaded. I then try to work on my rental tickets, and I see stuff simply isn't there. Sometimes it's just completely gone. Other times, it isn't rezzing. So if I see a rental box or a flower bed is missing and seems really gone, I rez another one. I relog that day or even another day and find TWO copies of that thing rezzed over each other -- I didn't see the one that was "there". And so on. Many things like this. I think a number of things could be at issue: 1. Inventories really can't be loaded and functioning after X cut-off point. Is that point 10,000 or 50,000 I don't know. I wish the Lindens would just establish this number and call it a day. Then we could either store things inworld (risky in its own right) or on alts (not idea either). 2. The asset server is broken, doesn't work, should be swapped out like a plane engine at 30,000 feet, whatever the metaphors are, but there it is, it's not asseting. 3. The links between the asset server and people's inventories are fragile, broken, a problem, in a database that is done in MY SQUIRREL or whatever it is the geeks call it, or not and done in some other thing that other geeks think is terrible, or -- what-have-you. 4. There are too many gatchas for sale. The system was never intended to handle this explosion. It's supposed to save the economy and help mesh adaptation but the reality is, it is killing the world. 5. Or maybe it's all those breedables.
  24. There is a long, long history of Nvidia graphics cards not working with Second Life and Linden Lab never sorting this out with this company for all kinds of reasons. This is why I avoid Nvidia graphics cards when buying new computers to play Second Life. I once tried discussing this and criticizing this years ago in my very first post to the forums, much like you. It was viciously and crazily denied. My life was never the same again, the harassment I suffered. But it's true. Google around with these search terms and you'll see. BTW, here's the official comment on it from 5 years ago, but don't assume it went away. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Graphics-cards/ta-p/700073
  25. Yeah, I know about that bug where if you rez items out -- no-copy or for that matter copy -- on to mesh, it says 'Can't rez object because the owner of the group doesn't allow it" even if you ARE the owner of the land AND you have the correct group title on. This problem is legion, and I even make special help cards and rez boards for tenants who have to live in the modern mesh houses and cope with this huge annoyance. But that's different. Those items do most of the time come back to your inventory or lost and found, usually just in your inventory. They may not display at that moment you get that message but you can relog (another annoyance) and they pop back in. This is different. This is a new and different message I've never seen before, and the stuff is lost. Of course, what's lost isn't the stuff, but the pointers from the asset server to your inventory proving that you had that stuff. It's that little fragile link that I wish the Lindens would bolster. I wonder if anyone has ever thought of starting an inventory loss insurance business. They could certify your possession of items inworld, taking the UUID numbers and such, and you pay them a monthly fee, then when your stuff is lost they would issue an insurance payment. Such a business might be very rich or very poor, it's hard to say which.
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