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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. In order to "buy for group," you have to be wearing that group's tag AND that group has to have enough tier in it ALREADY for you to purchase with it. Notice the panel says you "will need sufficient contributed land use credits to cover this parcel." This is one of the most confusing and annoying things about grouping land. If you don't already have extra tier, how can you do this? You will have to deed the parcel then to the group, but that doesn't work either sometimes. I have a tutorial on grouping land here inside the little post office house. It may or may not help. The main thing is to have your wits about you, and not click through anything that will raise your tier needlessly. Make sure you see only green checks.
  2. Some of my rentals areas are what you might consider "highly populated" in that they have 512s or 1024s arranged around a commons area. Such as Tuliptree, Columbia, Jubata, Patagaonia, Grote and others (use the search/places function with the term "Ravenglass Rentals" or get the latest listings card from my office in Alston. Some areas have houses already placed that you can't remove; others have empty lots. The real question is why you want the "population". What I find is that oddly enough, the most densely "populated" sim I have, Ravenglass, seldom has more than 2-3 people on it *at any time* because people live on different time zones and they are spread out. Others seem to have more people but sometimes it is groups of friends who already know each other. But sometimes people do meet and make friends on my rentals, if that's the experience they want. I wouldn't say it is the most "efficient" way to make friends, however -- for that you might have more success going to clubs, events, etc. But if what you mean is that you want the "look" of a community, I have that, and my tenants who like that look are happy with it (particularly in the cluster of Zephyr-Patagonia-Grote-Slosser-Sikkima-Juanita around the Grote Pond).
  3. If you don't want to link SL and Facebook, then don't. It's that simple. Don't fuss and fume and create JIRAs, just don't link it. I am blocked from the JIRA, so I don't know what the gist of this "bug report" is, but it's not a bug, it's a feature. You are not required to "like" these pages via Facebook and you don't have to for any reason. If you look at a lot of the sites on the Lindens' Destinations, they don't have any links at all, or very few, even if inworld, they have a lot of traffic. So it's not important. It's not how people express their actual "like" of something in SL. They have other ways. Inside SL, the way you do that is by making a landmark, sharing it inworld, or putting a place in your picks -- you can rotate them as you don't have that much space. If you somehow must go outside of SL to social media, you can make a Twitter account under your SL name (Twitter doesn't care about pseudonyms the way FB does) and post to that -- why do the "likes" on the Destination pages even matter? They don't. A few times over the years I've startled some of my RL friends when they see me liking some virtual thing they don't understand, but so what? SL isn't for everybody.
  4. I'm a Russian translator by profession, it's how I earn my living, so I don't expect to volunteer in RL or SL unless it's some kind of emergency. And it isn't at all for Russians coming into SL, and hasn't been for 10 years. There is a Moscow island which all kinds of Russian tutorials and such and a club called Orange which has a lot of interesting activities and other Russian sites. As others have noted, Google retired their translator API that you could use inworld at one time easily, and since then, the SL translators don't work. But again, why are you chipping your nails? There is translate.google.com This is what I tell customers constantly. I used to do a lot more of help cards, translators, etc. but then I stopped when Google, which makes billions, stopped. People can not be lazy and just go outside their SL browser to translate.google.com and use that, and paste back and forth. Yandex.ru is better in some respects. Google translate is terrible, of course, which is why I still have a job, but it's easier just to go to the sites within SL and get the already-done Russian translations. One of the things I really find loathsome is this very pervasive notion throughout the tech world that translation is something that should be done for free, by volunteers. Why? Programming isn't done for free. Why should translation?! Google pushes this rah-rah let's-volunteer thing in developing countries like Kyrgyzstan and poor people come and do unpaid slave labour in the hopes that somehow Google might give them a real job somewhere. Every time I use Google translate and it asks me to suggest a better transltion, I type in "PAY FOR IT YOU GOONS". This isn't FUD, anymore than it is FUD for scripters and programmers to expect to be paid. Translation is not about strings of symbols that you can machine read and replace with other strings. It is about nuances, and cultural connotations and history and psychology. It's much better to send people to existing language islands within SL of which there are no shortage. I have a list of RL language and country sims called "International Bazaar" which you can get at the infohub in Ross called Memory Bazaar. And keep in mind that someone who has the leisure time, funds to cover an Internet connection, and access to a computer that can play SL is not a poor person and can afford the 50 RL cents or whatever it is that commercial SL translators cost.
  5. I don't know why people like you think this is a "solution." It's not. Go and look at the "mesh hills" available. Really look at them, go to their store and see them rezzed out or even risk buying them. They simply are terrible. Tacking some vines on to them will not disguise this.
  6. No, dear. A skybox is, er, a box in the sky. But it is also something that creators themselves like Felix (the best in my view) use to describe an item that is landscaped and enclosed or not but meant for the sky. I am looking for both good encloses "boxes for the sky," i.e. houses in the sky AND nature-terrain or landscaped skyboxes -- enclosed or not. The second is more of a challenge obviously. No, it's not enough to just buy a terrain and plunk a house on it. For one, very few makers leave a clearing in the nature field/forest for you to put a house. The terrain is too hilly or lumpy to do so sometimes. A few make a point of it but it's a challenge. Just having a globe or dome with sky and clouds isn't enough, either. That is, sure, that will do, and here probably Skye's dome is the best I've seen, but Turnip's dome is very good as well. but that's just a dome. To create a "look," and environment, a landscape such as Felix does takes more. Simply more skill, not necessarily more prims. I just downloaded a prim/sculpty skybox -- a box, for the sky -- for $5 called the Rivendell skybox which is adequate -- if only it were on mod. But like so many attempts, it isn't. I love Scarlett's stuff and I didn't know about the Rainforest Retreat -- that's exactly what I was hoping to get from this thread.
  7. This is a thread about *mesh* skyboxes. Sure, there is all kinds of junk in the sky -- I know, because I rent out the sky. Prims -- low and high -- and ugly sculpties are hugely common. The discussion is about the market *for good quality mesh skyboxes* which might be both expensive and high-prim.
  8. That "feet sinking through the floor" thing can be a function of what kind of shoes/boots you have on. I don't know why. Maybe there are invisible prims on some of them. But I sometimes add a floorboard on 100% transparent so I can walk without feeling I'm sunk to my ankles. Other people might be put up in the air, however.
  9. I totally agree -- the market is so hard to build for because it has no free press, no feedback, which is the only way that free enterprise can function. It starts with uncertainty or even fear of mentioning even positively certain companies on the forums -- but more to the point, the inability to criticize companies or call them out for shoddy building or fraud because of rules -- which removes not only an important deterrent of crime (which is why all online worlds suffer so) but an important feedback mechanism. Of course, without an independent judiciary, you can't function, either, to investigate and prosecute fraud or even libel properly. SL is a very imperfect system. But even a simple form of reporting we had years ago was withdrawn needlessly -- figures each month for how many people spent more than one Linden dollar, arranged in categories, i.e. 25L, 100L all the way to 5000L plus. This was important. Because while you could see that, say, there were 60,000 people who spent more than a dollar, only a group of say, 4000, spent the equivalent of say, US $25, such as to buy a 4096 lot on an island or pay ment on the Mainland and buy a house. That mean you were chasing a very tiny market. Seeing these numbers, I could easily determine that it was folly for me to buy more islands and try to compete for this tiny pool of people willing to spend $25 US. That is, I'd have to have capital enough to create my own market with heavy advertising, loss leaders, etc. If you have the patience of Job, you can sit on the MP and keep refreshing the page and you will see the things people buy. True, there's a lot of human and animal bits and fat lady avatars and whatnot that don't give you enough information except the obvious. But stick with it and you see what people buy, which is not only the most famous brands and the most expensive items but a lot of tacky stuff which bewilders you. Why? Well, as they say, there's no accounting for taste. But sometimes prims are the issue. I think the market for skyboxes is not large not because people don't use skyboxes -- they do -- but because they let rental agents buy them because they find them either costly, or confusing to try to put up in the air (although changing one number on the XYZ axis on the rezzer or the entire item is enough to do that, many don't know this trick or are afraid of it).
  10. Well, you need not feel any pressure from my quarter. The bigger question is: what good is mesh, if you can't use it to build the world?
  11. It's not about people "having" to do anything about what I complain about. It's about seeing what others know -- perhaps they have some good leads, and a few have come from this conversation. I'm *explaining* why creators lack the incentive to make skyboxes, large or small. So that also indicates there might be a MARKET for such skyboxes if some make the effort. What they'd need to hear from signals from the market -- which are impossible to hear through the funnel and noise of the forums, and there are few other indicators except anecdotal experience -- is that a lot of prims is not scary. That is, if a skybox has to have 100-200-300 LI in it, like an old-school prim or sculpty skybox "now being retired" does -- that's more than fine. Maybe that's not enough. Then go for 500 or 1000 and we'll find bigger lots to put them over.
  12. Sometimes people need to review their original post to see the problem, so I'll try once again. You responded to my OP with a fragment of the post and your comment: I can give you a reason why some don't... 1. Download questionable viewer 2. Take persons full perm item 3. Import freshly botted item through that persons full perm item 4. Copied item now appears to be created by the person who's full perm item it was imported through as opposed to the person doing the copying So you gave a reason why some don't without explaining that it is not a valid reason, as I did, when I said in my OP the sentence that followed: " It doesn't help preserve your copyright, or I might support it more." That's the problem. The end. Deep cleansing breaths, Ichi, as you post yet another retort. You're welcome to have the last word. The real point of this post is that there are few good mesh skyboxes and many skyboxes of prim, sculpty and mesh that aren't on mod which makes it hard to optimize them.
  13. It's not about fire or "needing to breathe". It's about science. Again: Having mod checked off or not checked off is absolutely no protection against a "questionable" viewer. SInce I had already explained WHY people do this -- because of a mistaken belief -- there was no need to explain THAT it happens once again without being clear what is NO PROTECTION AGAINST IT. The end.
  14. Having mod checked off or not checked off is absolutely no protection against a "questionable" viewer -- that makes no sense. Read what I wrote. I'm saying "no-mod" does not protect you against rogue viewers. I'm not saying "there is protection" against rogue viewers. There isn't. Which is why "no-mod" makes no sense. And copybots if anything WANT the original creator's name to show on the object rather than their own (with mod) so they can re-sell it authentically.
  15. I wasn't sure about that but if we are allowed to name names, yes, Onsu has some really great skyboxes, with changing scenes outside the window that really work well (and aren't a textured prim -- or if they are, they are sure more skilfully applied than I can do it, and I have done it). I have them. But I haven't seen any nature skyboxes from them which is what I'm really after now. My go-to is Felix vonKotwitz Alter -- he has great old-school sculpty items and newer mesh scenes. They are all on mod which is a deal-breaker for me with these things -- and they mod well. Maybe they don't texture so well but then that can't be expected. He mainly has sort of "European" or "Northeastern" scenes and not many "Cliffs of Dover" or Tropical type scenes so that can be limiting but I don't do tropical most of the time, which is overdone in SL. Headhunters' Island has really well-made tropical items. I always admire them and perhaps I'll get one some day. There are some unknowns like Meshtron which I find perfectly serviceable. One of my favourites for winter scenes is irResistable -- a French creator. Really great sense of place. I've just discovered an island maker called Leo Designs which I'm very happy with. The creator is KatoYouji. He doesn't do water -- so you have to put his islands with Skye Water which is the most versatile but I still use the old freebie Splash Water as well and there is a new free mesh water. Emma's ivy walled gardens are really great for low-prim skyboxes although they are sculpty which isn't for everyone. There are some more I'll add later. Milk Motion has some really great nature skyboxes.
  16. I don't know about you, but I haven't lived inside a textured sphere since 2004. Yes, I realize we have megaprims now, but they don't look any better, those big textured balls. That is, there are a very few that work and I have them if they stick to strange skies but basically, you need something more than a prim ball. It's interesting to learn that roundness adds LI to mesh. There you go. But of course, the outside dome could be prim and inside a square with perhaps only a few rounded corners. I've seen landscape kits made this way. It's also important to note that the issue isn't learning that "trying to keep LI low" is "really complicated." That's not the point. The point is that there's this myth about mesh being low-prims -- and it's not. That is -- I have old antique SL furniture displayed in my B&Bs where there are like 88-prim tables, 57-prim teach pots, 86-prim jar of flowers, etc. -- enough to easily overflow, say a 512 with 175 prims (although in a group you aren't kept to limits thankfully). That is, if I run out of space, I can remove one breakfast table with antiques and someone will have a whole lot. Because the equivalent new mesh things are 3 or 5 or maybe 10 at most -- a fraction of the cost. Not so when landscapes begin to be made, flowers, hills you can walk on, etc. So let's not pretend that all mesh is low prim. It's not. But then, old-school skyboxes of 400 prims or even 198 prims are "retired" by creators and put on sale in the belief that there is something new out there that is better and low prim. There isn't. As for "trying to add backs," of course I've done that. I remember once spending an hour trying to match two copies of a fireplace together to make a kind of "see-through" fireplace in the middle of the room, with ensuing log and invisible prim issues, but I finally got it. But since not all prim things don't have backs, I'm not sure what the reason is -- perhaps, again, LI count. I am currently in the process once again of choosing, mixing, matching, adapting, shrinking trying to fit into a place where I am nearing the end of prims. It's a kind of poem I have chiseled at for years.
  17. You asked what made you wish to play a female in SL as a RL male. I have a little insight into this topic. But what I've found is there are two lines of approach to it. For some, it means that you "must" be a closet gay, unable to face your homosexuality, or a closet transsexual, also unable to face your reality. While that could always be possible, I don't think it's true. There are enormous numbers of males playing females in SL. Most of them do not define as LGBT in RL. There are so many that when voice was introduced, many of the leading designers and public figures went into total spasms, fearing they'd be outed as males. You might say that the m2f playing in SL defines a lot of SL culture. Another line of thinking comes from some of the most radical of this cohort who are LGBT in real life. And here you can find very Orthodox and even authoritarian trans rulings from on high that say that anyone who is not seriously pursuing actual sex alteration in RL is a phony or is in what amounts to sexual "blackface" or some other sort of politically-incorrect crime. Naturally, I dismiss this as hogwash -- but it is a troubling symptom of some authoritarian elements of trans culture that insist on "tolerance for me" but "hate on thee" for any variation of the prescribed Orthodoxy. There's an interesting subset of this cohort which is gay men, or m2f in RL, who absolutely loathe females appearing as males. Some are in denial that this is a reality. This is the most violent and cruel cohort in my experience. And I can only explain it ultimately as a form of patriarchy and sexism of its own -- that even in *this*, too -- changing genders -- the males wish to reign supreme. Some preach that gender is a "social construct" and therefore entirely fluid. Five blanks aren't enough on a hospital form to fill out what your gender is -- there might be 72, I hear. Others preach that gender is fixed by God and transgressing against it is a sin if not a crime. I can only say that in my view, gender is neither of those things. I think people are so untaught about the soul and the spirit in these times that they don't recognize that their souls or spirits may be different than their bodily sex, and their experience in virtuality isn't so much about changing their sex as it is about expressing their soul. They may be either more female or male for all kinds of reasons. If "inherency" were true, you would not have so many males wishing to play females in SL. If "social construct" were true, more people would be "constructed" and conform, but they aren't. I think people should be free to choose whatever gender they wish to manifest, in SL as in RL. If their relationships move into intimacy, it's the ethical thing to do to explain to a RL or SL partner what their "assigned at birth" gender is.
  18. TED is a cult. A tech cult. Predominantly trans-humanist/techno-libertarian/techno-communist/cosmic engineer etc. Which is why it's a cult. If TED were really open to all kinds of schools of thought, allowing them to contend, it wouldn't be a cult. But it doesn't, so it is. TED talks take the place of religious revivals -- the format is very similar, I've written on this. We already have an awful lot of the TED culture in SL in various forms so I'm not for institutionalizing TED in SL. There's an awful lot of pseudo-science already on TED -- this fellow singled out for removal probably just didn't do the secret handshake right.
  19. Since I started offering skyboxes about 4 years ago, I have studied this field intensively. And recently I had some days off to spend hours pouring over the MP and visiting all kinds of inworld stores to study this problem again. I am always on the lookout for good skyboxes, but so few of them are mesh, and most are sculpty or even prim -- and that means there are some really bad ones out there. Yes, I do know there are a few very good mesh skyboxes -- I have them. This is a hard discussion to have with the rule that you can't name company names on the forums. Perhaps I'll try to have this discussion on my own blog. But meanwhile, in studying what makes a good or bad skybox, I've isolated a few reasons that may answer my question --- but I appreciate input. 1. Prims/land impact A lot of the market for skyboxes is for small parcels, which means the prims have to be kept down. So that means low-prim furniture that even changes like a holodeck or is removeable or changeable. And that means often the craftsmanship goes out the door. But there's another reason I think lurking underneath -- mesh isn't all that low impact as imagined. You may recall the worry about mesh when it first came out, that creators should not put it on "mod" because users would inevitably expand it, increase the land impact ridiculously, and get mad at the creator instead of their own ignorance. Fortunately, many mesh creators have braved that and put on mod -- and there is never any reason not to put your creation on mod. It doesn't help preserve your copyright, or I might support it more. It prevents users from being able to change textures or remove parts to reduce prims. If you can't stand how your "vision" is going to be distorted in the vasty wastelands of SL low-brow taste, then don't create for SL, as it will be distorted even with "no-mod". No, resizing scripts aren't a solution, as they add to script burden on sims (you either can't remove them or don't always remember to or it's single copy and you don't want to). But the issue really isn't about expanding prims which don't always become the horror imagined. It's about something else -- mesh takes up land impact, period. It is not a wonder worker. I have long been in quest for terrain that I can use to mix and match with skyboxes I tear apart that either have too high prim counts or ugly, planar trees and stupid waving grasses. Planar trees are a big factor in the ugliness of especially nature skyboxes -- few can make trees look good with this method (but even here, there are exceptions). So I got a few terrain bases that are good, resizeable, etc. but just one is 37 LI -- and you really need two x 37, because expanding it actually makes the land impact worse than two of them. I found one that was less finally -- but it's 20 LI. You can't expand it too far without messing up textures on it or adding to land impact so you need several. Why does something that looks like "a single prim" seem to take up so much "land impact"? Because it's on physics so you can walk on it, and even walk up and down as if on a hill. Sure, you can try putting an invisible prim underneath, but this is never as good (although a solution sometimes to this vexing problem). But if you've just used up 20-40 prims/land impact on the terrain base of your skybox only, you can see that it will start to get very high prim very fast after that, especially if you make furniture part of that. 2. Corners -- if you make the skybox square, it inevitable will look like, well, a box. Some creators figure out to make shades of darkness by corners, and disguise the angles with trees but probably those dispensing with squares and making ovals do better. Ovals distort pictures, especially photo-real panoramas, and few creators seem to know how to make those work (but there are some). 3. Rez-faux -- I've heard it told that mesh creators are reluctant to, or can't, put their creations into rezzer boxes. But surely that can't be true because I have some mesh skyboxes, including some of the very best, that did come in rezzers. So I'd like to understand the full story with that. I do find sometimes these don't rez right and require endless fiddling, but that's more likely because they often come in a standard 64 x 64 which doesn't quite fit a lot, or at least lots are irregular and not always perfectly those dimensions. 4. A secret to a lot of mesh stuff is that it has no back. Fireplaces, tables, cabinets of various types have a good-looking 3-D image when you face them, but if you look in back of them they are clear, or have curved edges. In a round skybox -- which looks better than square -- these are very hard to place to look good. 5. No incentive -- a mesh creator sells mainly avatar outfits and accessories and furniture and can make fortunes on gatchas, so why mess with a skybox which is just harder to make well? Let someone else bother. Or skyboxes in a gatcha as a rare will ensure people play them like rats pulling the pellet levers so keep them rare! .No doubt there are other disincentives. But I wish mesh creators would stop making all these ridiculous backdrops, which are good for photo shoots only, and add some walls and make the same things as skyboxes. They would sell. I'd appreciate it if anyone would IM me inworld with the names of really good mesh skyboxes, especially nature ones. Some criteria: - Not over $2000 -- I don't want some of those $15,000 paradise skyboxes with the Ming dynasty or Ottoman harems or whatever. $200-500 even better. - Walkable -- I not only want not to fall through it or be forced to add invisible prims, but I don't want my avatar to bob up and down with mesh problems. - Preferably non-rezzer -- just because these rubber band, return, don't fit, create headaches. - No planar trees - MODIFIABLE
  20. You're always looking to mind other people's business instead of your own, and always looking for ways to "improve" SL which in fact only improve it by your lights, not others'. My RL landlord bans AirB&B from our complex - and with good reason. Why should anyone else but my landlord make money from rooms that are not properly rented out? In NYC, AirB&B violates motel law, but more than that, it's notorious for slumlords grabbing a bunch of space and re-renting it with minimal care to random strangers for very short periods instead of to people who live here with proper leases and maintenance. As others have aptly noticed, even with a "room above a garage" not being the same thing in SL as in RL (due to land impact, streams tied to parcels, etc.), there are other reasons. In SL, there is absolutely no reason at all I want somebody else grabbing up empty rooms that he thinks need filling -- by filling his pocket -- and re-renting them. Again, if anyone is to be making any money off land THAT I PAY TIER FOR in SL, it will be me, not literal rent-seeking expropriators. If someone thinks they can manage and advertise property better, I have an idea for them: instead of hustling "unused space" from someone who went to the trouble to buy it on the auction or on the market and pay tier (unlike you) -- rent island servers from Linden Lab like I do, re-rent them to the general public as you see fit. Or spend the time, treasure and talent that I do on building a rentals business instead of grabbing it from someone else. The end. So I and many landlords don't allow sublets. Those that do get a hefty price to start with which means those lightly considering it are sifted out. SometimesI find stores invading land I have set aside for cheap newbie residential rentals and putting up stores in the sky to sell merchandise, often breedables. Why should you lag my sim and pay me only 85 cents equivalent per month and then make tens of dollars off that land yourself selling expensive breedables? At least rent one of my also inexpensive store fronts or store lots, thank you. Or, hey, go to one of the big rental companies and pay them what they ask for commercial lots, which will often be $2-3/prim or more. When people announce to me that they're likely to go sifting through my rentals and look for apartments they can scout out and re-rerent -- possibly without me ever noticing, as they may be smart enough not to put their rental box on my property (believe me, not everybody is!) -- I have a simple solution: I ban them from my properties. If I hadn't acquired reasons before that to ban them, which I have.
  21. So I bought a half dozen of the much-vaunted new Animesh items, and I can't see them do anything. They are static. It's my understanding that the viewer from the latest SL download enables you to see Animesh, and it is now the regular download and deployed on the main grid. See the Lindens' blog. So, first I tried in a regular premium sandbox and saw nothing, and thought, oh, maybe this is not considered "the main grid." I then went to several sims on the Mainland -- they remain static. What more do you have to do to see Animesh? I haven't read anywhere that there is a check-off box. I've tried putting back in inventory and taking out again (the objects I bought don' have "mod" so you can't reset scripts). I thought perhaps like "Experiences" there is some land menu check-off, but I haven't seen one. So what's up? I could remark also that SL was working terribly for months, and I had a whole thread about this, in which nearly everyone insisted that this was my fault, on my end. And then all of a sudden it got a lot better. This has happened so many times over the years that now I reach for the explanation "their softmare" instead of "my computer" each time, although I'm happy to see if Windows is incompatible or drivers need updating or what have you. But it wasn't and they don't. Now hey, I didn't change anything on my end. Same ISP, same computer, same graphics card, etc. One thing I did -- although this was a few weeks ago -- was to delete the chat notepad file. I noticed that this bad boy went back to 2016, which means it is a humongous file of everything in your room chat for 2 years. It's impossible even to scroll through it. Wow. I didn't know notepad documents could hold that much. Now, I don't mind this -- it's way better than what *used* to happen, which is that every new update deleted all your chat, destroying your records. Somehow, the Lindens for a good long time never cared about this really awful thing, deleting your files on your hard drive like that unnecessarily. Obviously, there's a way to do it otherwise because...now they do. Anyway, just in case the loading of that monster was at issue, I forced the system to generate a clean new file. It didn't seem to make any difference. But I just note it, just in case. So what made a difference? In the last but current viewer, named after the Ukrainian drink Spotykach, the Linden devs grappled with this uber annoyance which I had called out any number of times to great skepticism which is that you are flying around and the system keeps checking if there are updates needlessly. (They didn't put it that way, but that's the net effect of a feral updater.) You don't need it to do that in mid-session of a log-on. It would be enough for each log-in. It was getting really annoying, leading to stalls and crashes sometimes. It doesn't seem to have gone away completely, but something they did may be accountable for why, now, instead of ten minutes of frozen grey squares and inability to click when you log on, there is only like 3 minutes. Big improvement. Moving from sim to sim seemed not to have long grey-square waits, either. So something in THEIR SOFTMARE changed, as hard as that is to believe. When they then released Bug Splat, it seemed to improve further. Imagine, they killed bugs and performance improved, who knew. But meanwhile, I realized that I can't see Animesh, for whatever reason. UPDATE: So I'm wondering if this is a specific problem in the creations of some creators, they don't work, for whatever reason. I noticed that at an event, I could see the animesh on a thing working. Then I went specifically to Animesh1, the Animesh test grid. And there I could see the samples of things other people had made moving around as they were supposed to. I rezzed out all the things I had bought. Only one of them moved slightly. The rest didn't budge. So, I dunno, maybe there's an issue for them and not me, or both.
  22. You don't have to already be a member of the same group -- you can look up the list of their groups, see if any of them are open to join, join them, and see their last log-in time.
  23. Here's my recipe for people like this: 1. Ban them on your land so that they have to face your ban lines. Ban them anywhere you can. 2. Encourage your neighbours to ban them -- they must be unhappy with these eyesores. 3. Do try to return them -- sometimes things do encroach. Or they may not initially, but the owner moves them. So try again periodically. 4. Abuse report them as "targeted behavior intended to offend" every now and then -- perhaps the Lindens will act. It's true that you can do WTF you want on your land, but targeted behavior can sometimes rise to the test of Linden action. 5. If they have a store or rentals, get everyone to boycott them. I've found that many things in SL go away after 30 days. I've waited sometimes 7 years for them to go away, but then, that's for my flagship sim. In your case, I'd give it 30-45 days and then move. Put your land to sale at a very high price. If you can't keep waiting that out, then abandon it.
  24. No. We don't need more Linden-sponsored railroads in SL. We have BUNCHES of them that are mainly empty most of the time except for the nuisance unmanned vehicles that keep spawning. No one has asked for this except for a few diehard rail fans that have the Lindens' ear. That's not a reason to mar the view everywhere. It's especially wrong to inflict these view-killers and laggers merely for the sake of helping some resident business called GTFO (!) which has littered the map everywhere and which is also seldom used. Please, Lindens, let common sense and fairness prevail here.
  25. I think you should try it first in small batches and see how it goes. There is so much overpriced empty land for sale even in this "buyer's market" that you could only add value. Make sure that the build is transferable so it sells with the land, you have that option on the 'about land' menu. I sometimes see some very nice options that have sold in this manner but I see so much awful stuff that I hope you can improve the market.
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