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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. All bots have to be run by a program, correct? So the Lindens can have users register who use those programs -- or block them. Instead of making the account be registered, make the program be registered. Like the way you have to register to make Experiences.
  2. @Wulfie Animator - thank you, that worked perfectly. @ItHadToComeToThis I will try yours, thanks.
  3. float meters = 1.09; // Range of hover movement in meters. float delay = 0; // Delay in seconds between movements. integer steps = 9; // Higher steps mean smoother and slower movement but more server load. integer i; // Used to increment our steps. string upDown = "down"; // Keeps track of up and down state hoverPrim() { while(0 == 0) { if(upDown = "down") // If object is down... { while(i++ < steps + 1) { llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,meters/steps>); // ...move it up. llSleep(delay); // Allow delay between movements. } upDown = "up"; // Now it's up! } if(upDown = "up") // If object is up... { while(i-- >= 0) { llSetPos(llGetPos() - <0,0,meters/steps>); // ...move it down. llSleep(delay); // Allow delay between movements. } upDown = "down"; // Now it's down! } } } default { state_entry() { hoverPrim(); } } This script is by William Koba. It makes his superheroes and other figures hover. But this is just one of many scripts that don't have an "on" or "off" switch. The point is to be able to take any script, and just add another script to the prim to switch it on and off, the way you have "animate on attach" and things like that. But maybe it's not possible.
  4. I'm glad you mentioned that because I was puzzled -- why do objects inworld have only three positions for direction, X, Y, and Z, which could be at 0,0,0 or 0, 90, 0 or whatever. But this script has four positions. So what is that fourth position? the back of the prim, i.e. the face facing away from you? The fourth dimension...? @steph so apparently I mixed up the fact that you need integers under 10 for the first thing (how far above or to the left or right the item rezzes, which is going to be 1,2,3 or eve 0.5 -- and this other thing which you say you can use 90, 180 etc. for. Still baffled why it doesn't work. This isn't about builder's buddy or rez faux or anything like that. This is the script once discussed at enormous length, and acrimonously by some, which is "Rez object on touch" so you can "summon a spirit" or "make a rabbit come out of a hat" and so on. I kept noticing that no matter how you put the object inside the other prim with the right orientation, it doesn't matter, it will rez it automatically some other way. Which means you have to change the position. It's easy to change the position to get it further or closer to the original rezzing object. But this other bit just escapes me. So the rezzing prim has an orientation like this for the XYZ numbers: 0,0.90. So I want the prim rezzed out to have this: 0,0,270. I don't know why they are different -- I'm just reporting what the numbers say inworld if you orient both the rezzer and the rezzed object to be how you want them, facing you. So...what numbers go in the script here to make it do that??? What must be changed here: rotation DIRECTION = <-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0>; //Change the numbers here to change //the direction that the prim rezzed //from your rezzer will face. 0,0,270 -- the orientation of the prim as you want it inworld -- doesn't work. That leads the object to rez out a prim perpendicular to it. 0,0,0,270 doesn't work. And so on. I just don't get the principle of how this works. These photos show how I want it to be; how it comes out: https://3dblogger.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2019/03/why-is-rez-object-on-touch-orientation-so-hard.html
  5. Thanks, but no, I saw that, and it says "one degree change" but that can't be right because this doesn't seem to work by the usual degrees like "90" or "180" but by smaller numbers.
  6. So there was this neat "Wizard Train" at an event recently (by Kraftwork) and when you sit in the train, the scenery goes by, the way old Hollywood movies used to do things, so you have the illusion you are on a moving train. Great! says I, I will make something like that and have texture change for different options, so they're like moving through different lands. Well, fast forward through lots of experiments with different timing of scripts that scroll and getting the orientation of the scroll correct, there's still this persistent problem: There's always the edge of the photo or texture showing. You can't make it look authentic and sustain the illusion as the edge keeps interrupting. You can try to slow up or speed the script -- that doesn't help. You can try making a prim and putting two seamless textures on it, that doesn't help. Putting the prim partly on transparent -- nope. Then it occurred to me that the nature of the photo is the only element that affects this illusion, it has to be a photo that doesn't have, say, light on one edge and dark on the other. But unless you draw it yourself (as this author did) you can't make that happen. That is, you can cut up a painting and paste the original, and then repeat its middle at its edges, something I do to try to make big megaprim backdrops work, but on the train, you still keep getting that hard edge. Finally, I found some panorama photos that look rounded if you look straight on, but if you put on the moving train window, they more or less look ok -- but not perfect. So basically, is this something a script can fix or the size of the prim, or does it really depend on the nature of the photo itself?
  7. So there are a number of scripts that don't have any switch put on them -- particles in particle, but also one called "float" that makes that trademark floating avatar or pet or thing go up and down. So I got a switch script on the MP which works great, you pop it into a prim with that non-stoppable script and you can now at least stop and start it on touch. But the creator didn't make an option for a third party to be able to click on the prim, and doesn't think it exists. Let's say there's a hovering creature, you as a visitor, not the creator of the object, want to come in, and click and making that float script stop. Is there any way to do this, i.e. a switch a non-prim-owner can activate. BTW putting the prim on share doesn't work; perhaps deeding might but the script is proprietary and not on transfer so I can't test this.
  8. So I am reviewing this thread: And I am still struggling to get a flat painting in landscape orientation to come out right, trying all kinds of numbers. So there are four positions in this particular as follows: rotation DIRECTION = <-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0>; //Change the numbers here to change //the direction that the prim rezzed //from your rezzer will face. Having the numbers as I've indicated here, with negative and positive, makes the painting face away from me, and tilted 90 degrees. Having this: rotation DIRECTION = <1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0>; makes the painting now face me, but tilted 90 degrees to the left. and so on. So I have been trying by trial and error but there are a zillion combinations and I'm not hitting the right one. How can this be done scientifically. So if you face the rezzer prim, you want the painting to rez above the prim and face you, with the right landscape orientation. I realize there aren't degrees like on obects, 90, 180, 270 etc. So what do the integers 1,2,3,4 mean, and what are the negatives and positives? 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 is not what does that -- that gives you a flat item like a map on a table, rezzing parallel to and facing away from you.
  9. You could also just log in an alt, for that matter, would be the same thing. That's not what I mean. Never mind.
  10. You don't even have to hire a scripter nowadays, you can take a rigged avatar and pop in some scripts and a menu and it runs. I have a few of those. But they can't go to another sim for you.
  11. Couldn't agree more. This will help flush out stores that use bots to up traffic as well. I see entire bot farms stashed in the Linden homes as well, taking up avatar spaces. They need a colour on the map. Maybe some other label also inworld when you mouse over them.
  12. I have to go to the dentist a lot and I always tell them that I'd rather have root canal than have the 80s music on. I mean, one round of "Happy to Be Stuck with You" by Huey Newton and the News might be tolerable, but 10 times as you are treated for 2 hours? No. Make it stop. The CVS has an 80s track too, and no sooner do I escape from the dentist to go buy some gauze, than I am treated to Huey again. Please, another root canal, anything!
  13. So I was hanging around on a lot waiting for a tenant to come back from being AFK to move something. And I got a notice from a group I am in that a sale was ending soon. So I thought, wouldn't it be great if I had a daemon (like in the Golden Compass) or a spirit animal or a sprite or whatever they could be called, who was part of me but could go to another sim with my view, and another little window would open and I could see him as he shopped or went to take care of a customer or something. He would be empowered to do all the same things as an avatar but might be different somehow, perhaps transparent, in a different costume or form. Sure, you could log on an alt and go to another sim but then you have to keep toggling the windows and it's a chore. Wouldn't it be better if that sprite could dart ahead. He could maybe have special powers, dart ahead in an auditorium and see if there is a seat, without experiencing lag. Ok just a thought I had.
  14. So what? Fortnite and other games can do things like that because they don't have user content so they totally control the content and the scene. What's the point of being concurrent with 9 million plus other people? It's not like you can interact with them. They are all on different shards or whatever it is. I'd much rather be at an SL concert with 40 people with whom I can talk, and the performers also can interact, hear requests and get tips and so on. Fortnite doesn't have that, I'll bet. Why are we raising Duran Duran? Who on earth or the Metaverse listens to Duran Duran anymore??? We have numerous performers in SL playing all the time around the clock and you can drop in any time and stay or leave as you wish, and if you tell a friend to go there, they will be on the same sim, not another shard. Serving the masses is not what every metaversal platform manager needs to do.
  15. Here is everything I found recently in updating my International Bazaar Compass which has hundreds of landmarks to sims with RL countries and languages. Quite a few Asian sims have disappeared in recently years, notably some really amazing Chinese builds, but there are still many good places. You can get a free copy of the compass here in Ross. I'm going to make sure that I have everything Kokonattsu mentioned. It's interesting that there are sims from Taiwan, Indonesia, and other countries you may not have known were in SL.
  16. Some of you may know the novel "The Magician's Nephew" by C.S. Lewis, from the Chronicles of Narnia. I have always loved this story and I decided to re-create it in Second Life. Start the adventure here at the Garden House -- find the item that will take you Behind the Cistern as in the book, then through the attics to Uncle Andrew's Study (photo below). You need to accept several experiences to be able to get the magic items to wear and enter the different realms. These were scripted by Fnordian Link. Buy the Magic Rings for $10 (or the Deluxe set for $25 with a shoulder pet) and put them on (yellow to jump in the ponds; green to return to the Woods). You jump into various ponds and get to different worlds -- some dying, some being born, some good, some evil. There are also a few ponds that lead to other realms from various beautiful places in SL. In each world there are several mini-quests and side paths. You collect souvenirs and prizes and ultimately you get the Silver Apple to take to Digory's ailing mother to cure her. I've still ironing out some kinks and there will be some areas built out more so I would love your suggestions. Special thanks to Skye, Y.B. Designs, Shultz Brothers, THOR, Pater Taurog, EBDesigns and many others listed in the credits on site who make beautiful things to license to others to use in their projects.
  17. So here we go with the Loot Boxes again. There's been a lot of speculation that the law *in one country* (Belgium) against loo tboxes and possible legislation in other countries will spell the end of gachas. I don't think so. Not in the US, anyway. First of all, after reading the Verge piece which references a few American congress people I think -- not likely. Gaming companies have powerful lobbyists and they are not likely to let this by. There are also some important ways that gatchas are different than lootboxes, namely: 1. You must use "game currency" to buy them -- the "limited license to buy content" inworld. To be sure, those Linden dollars are purchased with real money, but there isn't a direct tie-in as you buy batches of dollars to spend inworld. 2. The amounts in the microtransactions are very small -- not US $30 for a "loot box" but perhaps less than a penny for a single gatcha. Even if someone buys 25 to get the special VIP ward or whatever, they still aren't going to usually spend more than about US $10. 3. There is no game play, so the gatchas are not required for "game play". 4. The gambling in gatchas arguably comes not from the randomness per se, but the possibility of getting a rare and then being able to sell that -- perhaps for as much as $10, or perhaps even $20 if you have a whole set, but this is rare. Then -- again -- you'd have to show that the seller of these rares cashed out their money into real dollars. Anyone who has played and sold gatchas knows that you never break even and overall, you lose, and don't make a profit. That's another factor. So I think gatchas are here to stay.
  18. I would go to some of the great historical builds in SL, like Machu Picchu. (Go here to get a free copy of the International Bazaar terminal which has regularly-updated lists of landmarks of real-life country sims. Or to some of the sites like the Human Genome.
  19. I don't think I've ever had a dream of being in SL. SL itself is like a dream.- I don't feel as if my character "is" me but is a kind of part of me, and while I'm inworld it seems "persuasive". Sometimes I will catch myself thinking that my living room in RL is overstuffed and might have "too many prims" which I can check by...right-clicking on the floor. That sort of thing.
  20. You know how you see something go by on SeraphimSL or one of the other event sites, and it's an ad for something and then no matter how many times you go back methodically and try to find that one thing you can't?! So in the last month, let's say no later than mid-January to present, there was an event with this futuristic skybox. The ad -- and the skybox, too -- were sort of light electronic blue. There were two women in the ad and they were swiping these screens (I think) that were sort of like Minority Report and the pre-cogs. Or maybe it was the matrix. Something with screens and globes and futuristic stuff. I wanted to TP to it and I couldn't, it was too laggy. You would think this would be either Collabor88 or something with builds but I can't find it. Now I am starting to think I dreamt it...
  21. That sounds like Starax's magic wand, it had those things. Then supposedly it was broken by the Lindens changing something about the way things rezzed. Or maybe not. Anyway, he left the world in a huff. The thing I'd love to have and I stumble on it occasionally is this magic Japanese rock, it says to rub it for good luck, you click on it and it spins. The person who made it is gone from SL.
  22. Linden Lab Marie Kondo'd me by losing 15,000 items from my inventory, many of them single-copy gatchas. The only thing I will do of this nature is that whenever I go to an event and scoop up the free gifts, or even get some of the gatchas, I have a ruthless unboxing session in a sandbox where I will delete anything that doesn't spark joy. That's something, anyway. More and more, I don't find it hard either to delete items i run across that are ugly or stupid or I don't mind selling even my last copy of a gatcha because I know chances are I may never see it again in my inventory of 104,000.
  23. It is not the local client that has vanished. It's the server -- the prim that delivers the notecard -- that has vanished. That's why a whole new key is needed, which is an annoyance because then all those terminals/clients locally that used to receive that notecard must now update the script with the new generated key, or get a whole new terminal prim if they can't figure that out. And as I keep asking, why is a delivery system contingent on the prim it is in, and not the script that runs it? Why can't the script just have any number in it, and the prims that receive it have a script with that same number? Then if the delivery prim is lost, you just put the same number in a new script, regardless of the prim.
  24. It's not about rental boxes and not about my own land. It's a notecard delivery system that people can use by putting the terminal -- an object themselves buy or receive and become the owner of -- out on their own land, set to their own land or group. That was indicated in the original post.
  25. What I can't help wondering, however, is why this notecard delivery system *has* to work on the principle I'm thinking, for example of systems like the Paskis key, which enable you to lock doors with one prim that is a "key" and has a certain code you yourself devise within a range of numbers, and a config card inside a door prim, into which you insert the same key you've devised. If you can do this with a "key" and a door, why not a notecard server? The server has a key of 1234, and all the terminals have 1234 in their scripts. Is it because it wouldn't work outside the same sim? Or?
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