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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You can use a service named: Bright Canopy. It runs SL in a web browser. So, you can use your iPhones web browser to run. There is a cost per month for the service. It is also possible to run Remote Access (names vary as there are a number of apps that do the same thing) on your Iphone to act as a terminal to your home computer. You run SL on your home computer and see it on your phone. This is sort of what Bright Canopy does, run SL on their computers and deliver it to you as an interactive web page. But, they change the UI for better control on small screens. I occasionally use remote access. It is awkward at best. You need a stylist, fingers are too big. There really is no good way to run SL on an iPhone. Android is better but, still a bit of a pain. I expect to see improved Android support in 2017 as VR and Sansar catch on. I don't see anyone developing for iPhone/iPad.
  2. Over the weekend a number of people noticed the slow down. It has come up at a couple of Linden lead user group meetings. It seems to have passed.
  3. Occassionally you will find yourself in a place where you cannot teleport. Generally the region is having a problem not you. You may not even be able to fly or walk out of the region. The fix for the region is a restart. Your immediate work-around is as suggested, log off then log into a different region.
  4. Computer time is complex, ...well the way computers handle it. You need to be sure your computer is set to the correct time zone as well as the correct time and date. Computers generally use GMT and convert for your local time zone to display time and date. If the GMT part is off you can still see local time and date as correct. But, the GMT mismatch will cause problems. Once the time zone is correct and time date set, the computer should automatically check network time and keep it self sync's with it.
  5. To give applicable answers we need to know about your computer and viewer. Get the detail we need from the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... Paste that information in your post. When all else is failing and when you and those helping have no clue, look in the viewer’s log files. The viewer has various log files you can read to get an idea of what has gone wrong. Look at the log immediately after you crash or exit the viewer. Logs are replaced the next time a viewers starts. You’ll find the logs in: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\ .crashreport.log – This log is generated when the viewer crashes, the previous version of the file is overwritten. Rename this file if you plan to restart the viewer before examining the file. Otherwise, just read it with a text viewer (Notepad is good). .debug_info.log – This file is internally formatted as an XML file. I never find it of much use. It is mostly the specs of your machine. .SecondLife.log – This is the main log file. I find it the most useful. Start from the end of the file and work toward the beginning. Search for ‘WARNING’ and ‘ERROR’. With any luck the messages there will give you an idea of the problem. Recent changes have added section heading to parts of the file that can identify the general nature of the problem. There are lots of performance stats included. At the end of a non-crash log there are secession stats; Run Time, Average Packet Size, Dropped Packets, Resent Packets, etc. The file is replaced and recreated for each viewer secession. .SecondLife.error_marker – I don’t know what information is inside. I don’t have a copy to examine as I write this. The presence of the file indicates where, when, and what error happened. I think this is a disaster backup file for crash reporting in which information about the crash is retained in the event the crash handlers are destroyed before they can create the other more complete crash files. .SecondLife.start_marker – There is no information inside. The presence of the file indicates how far into the start process the viewer has gotten. Whether the file exists or not is the pertinent information. .SecondLifeCrashReport.log – This is another file internally formatted to XML. It is created when the viewer crashes. I think this is the new version of the crash log. It is mostly text. .stats.log – This is a short file containing network statistics. Similar information is in other log files. It is an easy to read set of stats that show how many packets were dropped and resent in a secession. I find the SecondLife.log is the most useful file for tuning and troubleshooting the viewer. It is verbose and reasonably easy to understand. There is a Debug Setting that allows you to increase or decrease the level of reporting.
  6. Lexy's answer is good. Windlight is a collection of viewer settings that control how the viewer renders the environment. Those can be changed by using the viewer's Windlight controls in: Top menu->World->Environment Editor->[Water Presets|Sky Presets|Day Presets]/New Preset... These settings can be saved. When saved the viewer creates a file on your computer in the folder: C:\Users\[Win_Login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings\windlight\[days|sky|water]\ These files are collected and traded/sold. Copy such files into the appropriate folder, restart the viewer and you have new presets. Presumably, you could use the HUD you have and the viewer's Windlight controls to save your Windlight creations. See: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Windlight
  7. Well... until people like me make tutorials. http://blog.nalates.net/2017/01/05/tutorial-2017-how-to-make-slink-nails/ Still, it is enough work many won't try.
  8. I agree with Ayesha. When the Lindens come in today (probably tomorrow 1/3) they will be sorting out problems and fixing them as quickly as they can. The status page will be a distant consideration if remembered at all. Also, you write as if you are addressing a Linden... you know better. I am seeing lots of questions about failed MP deleveries. So, likely something is wrong. On the Lindex it is difficult to say. Too many people still fail to understand what a buy order is and the time it takes to transact.
  9. You'll find the third party apps in http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory The Pocket Metaverse is listed for iPhone. But, my understanding is the author no longer supports it. As to why the Lab hasn't does something... The SL development team has limited resources, time, money, people... and they are hiring. What they develop is a matter of priorities. In general they decide priority on the basis of what they believe will be of interest and benefit to the most users. Apple's market share of the computer market continues to decline, even with the total number of units sold increasing. iPhone market share is about 40% and this last year remained static. Also, while Apply used to provide the leading graphics systems they are only providing a distant 2nd place in 3D games. Many will say, unfortunately... Microsoft Windows and Nvidia provide the best support for games. Nivida undeniably provides the best game support for Windows and Apple when it comes to OpenGL graphics. Apple doesn't provide good OpenGL support. So, building for Apple puts the Lab in a labor intensive (costly) position. All these reasons and the few Apple users in SL means accommodating them is a lesser priority for the Lab. Especially since Apple has failed to fix issues with their system that create problems for SL users. The Lab does what it can. Consider: Oz Linden the director of SL engineering uses a Mac... Apple isn't ingnored from our side...
  10. You might also go to the in-world store and look for a 'redelivery terminal'. Use search to find Vista Barnes. Look in his profile to learn how to contact him. Most merchants have contact and problem resolution info there. Delivery failure is less common these days but. enough so that most merchants plan for it. Also search your inventory using the RECENT tab. You can adjust the time frame considered 'recent' using Filters, lower left of inventory window, gear icon.
  11. I suspect they forgot. We are in a no change window until Jan 2. But... the operations team is updating the operating system to a new verison of Linux. So, the restarts may have been to move that project forward. According to Simon this is an update just to get the latest Linux fixes and upgrades, nothing specific to SL.
  12. https://accounts.secondlife.com/lindex/economic_limits The settings are in your SL dashboard. Instructions for requesting a limit increase are there too.
  13. Alwin is being picky about language and concerned that you understand. Things get messy when you don't. To keep your current facial appearance is going to take some work. I doubt you will find one that looks like your current avatar. Because of that problem I use an all-but-head-mesh-avatar. I've kept my classic head. The classic avatar mesh is rendered differently than the new mesh avatars. It is a matter of how the viewer is designed and there is nothing to be done about it. Mesh things, like mesh body, feet, hands, and head and houses and stuff all run through the same render process. To be precise, attachments are rendered as any other prim in SL is rendered. But, classic avatars use a different render process. But, that is not necessarily a problem. The skin I have is for classic and mesh. So, the neck seam when properly sized is almost invisible. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nalates/31105122061/in/dateposted-public/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/nalates/31183435936/in/dateposted-public/ There are 'blenders' to help match mesh body skin to classic body hands,heads, feet or vice-versa. There is a problem if you use body sheen or drops. Those are a function of mesh bodies that use SL materials. Something that cannot be done with classic skin. So, at that point the difference between body and head is more apparent. I built my own shape and look long ago. I would like to avoid having to change. My look has evolved as I learned more about porportions and working with SL. So, I plan to find a Bento head that is close to my current appearance. then I'll modify shape to get as close as possible to my current look. I've learned as I upgraded skin that slapping a new skin on my face does not leave me looking like the same person. With each new skin I have to change shape to get back to something near my previous appearance. I have images of my self from years past and stick those on a prim, which I park beside my avatar. I wear the new skin and start adjusting shape to get my appearance close to what I want. I tweat on the appearance over time. I think in any picture since 2013 you would recognize the avatar as being the same. That is the era when I changed skin a couple of times. Before 2013 the skin I used made my cheeks look puffier.
  14. As Rolig explained LoD is the most likely reason for what you are seeing. There is a Debug Setting (renderVolumeLODFactor) you can change. But, it degrades your viewer's performance and places more load on the region servers. We prefer you NOT max out that setting except for special reasons, like getting a photo at distance. If you see objects changing 'drastically' as you approach, the designer of the item did a poor job of designing it. Some change is unavoidable, even in the best designed things. But, the Hi-Def and second down versions should show barely noticable change. The change in the last 50m, approximately, is where items change from LoD 2 to the higher def LoD 1. Some designers hammer on the polygon count for LoD 2 to reduce the Land Impact cost. These are likely the items you see not chaning until you are within 5 or 10m. There is a complicated relationship between reducing Land Impact and inducing peple to bump up their viewer's LoD setting. Those that care about others and understand LoD tend to leave their viewer setting at or near the default 1.00. Those ignorant of LoD, whether they care about lag or not, turn their viewer's setting up to clear the problem. Then wonder why the Lab has decided not to provide VR capable viewers for SL. The Firestorm peolpe used 2.00 for their default for a time. That created a controversy. But, it would likely reduce or solve your problem. I use 1.25 in my Linden Viewer and Firestorm. In the presets I have some sets where I use 4.00 (the max - you can put in larger numbers but the system doesn't behave different above 4) for photography and video. This was hot at 2 and 4 This was shot at 2 I see very little difference, but, I think the Dragons exhibit was VERY well done. There was almost no frame fropping/stutter. In Magical if you are watching close in the various parts you will see LoD changing. The fly through was done using 4. The system was dropping frames at 4, which is why the speed changes after going through the mountain. Quite a bit of stutter, some I editied out. Play with the setting and see what works for you. Please be considerate of others and set yours as low as you can tolerate. If you buy stuff, like a house, check that is well made before puchasing. ==== Connection problem... I doubt this is the problem. SL has changed over to HTTP protocol for downloading mesh items. HTTP has an error correcting process. So, you will always get the full complete download without missing parts. The connection may be slow and if packets are dropping, really slow. A scene will take longer to render in such cases. If you are close to something and it is still adding detail after a minute or so, it could be a connection issue. To test that, zoom the camera out and in on the object after it has fully rezzed. You can see its behavior after it has complete downloaded. If it behaves differently than when you first approached it, consider connection. If not, it is just poorly made LoD.
  15. Use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... before or after login to collect your computer and viewer information. As Syo said, without a better description of what is happening and what you are doing, no clue. So, if you want help... Are you using the text viewer on your computer or a phone? We assume because you login here, you have the right password. Aaah a picture appeared while I was writing... Not being able to log into a region usually means the regions is down or you are having a connection problem usually a network issue. Having a good Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. Test the connection to SL. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Your first step should be: go to the Destinaton Guide, pick a place and try to login there.
  16. I use ESET. We see people using Webroot having problems but, there are work arounds for it. Lindal is right. Most AV problems are resolved by white listing the viewer's caches in LOCAL and ROAMING and the file in the viewer program folder slplugin.exe. Google for Second Life and Anti-Virus settings. Lots of people have explained how to setup AV with SL.
  17. They are right, this is often a connection issue. Having good Internet does NOT mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. So, test the connection to SL. As you will see there are a number of things that can degrade your connection. Once those are handled you can move on to other troubleshooting steps. We are assuming you are using the Linden made SL Viewer. When asking tech questions click the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... before or after login and copy paste that info in with your question. Use OPTIONS in the upper right of your post to edit it. Third Party viewers are listed here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Pick one and install it. You can use it to troubleshoot. If it lets you edit your stuff, the other viewer has a problem. If not, your computer, connection, or region has a problem. Edit your post to tell us what you found.
  18. Your animations are having a problem playing. That is caused by a poor connection to the SL servers or conflicting animation overriders (AO's). You can check your connection to SL servers using this information: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Make sure you do not have more than one AO in use. Make sure you have the AO on that came with you avatar and that it is enabled. Also, busy sims can produce the problem of stalling walk animations. Visit a deserted region like Furball or Pooley. See if the animation play there. If you have played with (like EDITED or RESTARTED the scripts) your avatar's HUD's, you may need to contact the maker of it to find out how to fix it.
  19. There is an anti-grifing feature in Firestorm, Ctrl-Alt-P I think, that locks your avatar in place. It prevent people pushing you when you don't want to be pushed. When you press the keys you'll get a message in chat. You can chcek to see if it is your network by pressing Ctrl-Shift-1. This will open the Viewer Statistics panel. Look for PING time. If it is over 250ms you may want to check your network connection to the SL servers. REMEMBER: A good Internet connection does NOT assure a good connection to the SL servers.
  20. The Q33 chip set was released in 2007. If it is a desktop, you may be able to add a video card... GTX780 cards are going for US$90 on eBay. You can get new GTX 1060 3GB video cards for about $200. GTX 1070 - $350+ and GTX 1080 - $500+
  21. As this is only your 2nd ever post here... we assume you are new. When asking a tech question include the information from you viewer's HELP->ABOUT... you can click 'HELP' before or after login. See: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 Make sure you understand how the buy-open-wear process works. It is very rare these days for things to not or incorrectly download. So, you should see them in inventory. If you have trouble finding them, click the RECENT tab. Also, there are filters in the inventory tools. Use the GEAR icon to get to the filters. You can set a time range to filter your inventory and reveal just items added in a specific time period.
  22. The system on the Lab's side handles the supply of those images. There is nothing for you to do to control the creation of the images. Add a Profile Picture and you have done all you can do. That you are not seeing the picture in chat & IM indicates a problem likely on your side. But... Ask a friend if they are seeing an image of you in chat. If so, it is on your side. If not, it may be on the Lab's side. Since you have a low post count, we assume you are using the Linden made SL Viewer. When asking a tech question include the info from your viewer's HELP->ABOUT... Otherwise, we are answering based on our assumptions. Basic troubleshooting in SL uses two different viewers. Usually; the Linden Viewer and Firestorm viewer. The Linden viewer is the cutting edge but basic viewer. Firestorm lags a bit but is the feature rich power user viewer. Others are in the Third Party Viewer List. To get help from Linden Lab you MUST use the Linden made viewer. Helpers here use a mix of viewer brands. I suggest you try a second viewer and see if you have the same problem. This will suggest whether the problem is viewer, computer, or server related. You may also want to change you Profile Picture. See if something went sideways when yuo uploaded it. Also, you don't say if it ever worked or has never worked... The SL system is amazing complex. To figure out where a problem is we need lots of information about your computer, viewer, and the problem. Good luck.
  23. The Firestorm people have an in-world support group and a wiki. You'll likely get better answers there. I use Firestorm and don't have a problem. You should have a version of the Linden made SL Viewer installed for troubleshooting. See if you have the same problem when using it. Then you'll now if it is a viewer specific or general computer problem. If you are not framilar with the various Windows OS settings, Google for info. Run through those settings. If you have an advanced sound system or a newer motherboard there are more features available than in the past. Your system may be trying to provide '3D' sound, controling which speaker and its volume a sound comes out. If you do not have the speakers intended for use with your current settings the computer may be sending most of the sound to a speaker that doesn't exist.
  24. If you were not the owner of the parcel, meaning paying tier to Linden Lab, there is nothing you can do. The Lab won't mix into arguments like this. Move. There is no point arguing with mean, lying, dishonest people. It is likely the g/f will start taking her issues out on the b/f once there are no other targets. Revenge will likely take care of it self.
  25. Cerise is right. I'll expand a bit on that answer. What you are seeing happen when clicking an SLURL is the computer deciding how to handle a server connection using the protocol named secondlife. You normally see URL's cause the computer to use the HTTP:, HTTPS:, FTP:, or mailto: protocols handled by your web browser. In Windows 10 in settings you can chose which browser to use for most URL's. (Settings->System->Default Apps->Web Browser) At the bottom of that page is an option to select: Choose Default Apps by Protocol. When you install a viewer it is changing this App by Protocol value for the protocol secondlife: telling the computer to use a SL Viewer when it sees a SLURL. Unfortunately the Lab and third party dev's do not add the protocol to Win 10 as MS recommends. So, we have no user-friendly way to change it from the settings page. Thus the recommendation to reinstall the Linden viewer to switich to it as the default handler requires we reinstall the viewer or dig into the registery and change it. There is a second level where the SLURL can be redirected, that is within the web browser. You can tell your web browser to use a specific app for a protocol. The browser will then stop using the Windows value and use the one you set. It will no longer matter which viewer you install last. The Browser will stay with your explicit browser setting. I haven't checked to see if Edge and IE will hold a protocol setting. They are made by Microsoft and typically have only used the Windows value. Google for how to set your browsers protocol.
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