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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Mother Road is an interesting place. Lots of desert. Big Redneck-looking community. I got hit on in the first 10 minutes... which I consider a plus.
  2. When a demo times out before I can finish checking it out, I simply trash the demo. No chance I'll buy the piece. However, after reading here, I may send a note card to the designer. There are times when I try a demo and think this might work with something else I have seen. I'll take the demo off and go chasing the 'something else' and similar pieces. It may be days later that I start trying the demo again. I may be trying a demo with several other pieces/demos. I can easily burn up 30 minutes. While I can unpack another copy of the item, it is annoying. I run out of patience. Screw it. DELETE. Timed demos are OK if I am given enough time. I can get by with 30 to 60 minutes. The non-timed demos using rings of text are often annoying too. Anything that blocks my view is annoying.
  3. @Jesiris Singularity and Cool VL Viewer are the two best for low-end hardware. Your easiest and cheapest upgrade is to add more memory. You can use CPU-Z (free app) to see what type of memory is in the computer now. You can also see how many slots are on the motherboard and how many memory sticks make up your memory. The third-generation CPU will use slower memory so it should be cheap. Adding memory sticks is easier than rolling your operating system back. You can watch a video on YouTube to see how to upgrade memory.
  4. Thanks all. Now I am set for the 'What did I learn today' thread. 😊
  5. No... that is how MY SL looks today... 😛
  6. Sailing in the Blake Sea on a Topless Tuesday Cruise. I missed the group sailing. I keep missing the first turn and hitting a ban line parcel. I remember being able to bounce off ban lines. This time I like a bug on a windshield. By the time I got past that MESS I was way far behind. Crossings worked well except for double crossings... 😕 I botched a couple and ended up on the bottom of the sea. I was surprised at the number of airports along the way with multi-level runways... I had great fun flying the cruise route later in a helicopter. I haven't flown for a while. Shergood's EC-135 is a touchy bird and I've lost my touch. True. It shows where people are at, who digs for facts and unbiased analysis, and who accepts the media's story. And it is kinda funny if one ignores the suggestion of violence. I suspect if it had been Biden in the pin and a shive were mentioned it would have been reported and removed. RL and politics leak into SL.
  7. With the Advanced Lighting Model addition how facelights work changed. EEP changed some of the controls in various panels but the lights still work as they did in pre-EEP ALM. This has resulted in re-designed facelights. I make some that use Projectors and the kit is an educational tool to teach people how to use them. HERE. There is a link to a video on that page which you can watch for free to see how they work and look in SL. The non-projector lights can still be used but the design is more complicated for them. Also, they still light things around them in 360. So facelights have become WAY LESS popular and now annoy many people. Older prim facelights often look like a supernova popped off when ALM is on. Those that are Mod-OK can be updated for use with ALM. And newly designed prim facelights work pretty well.
  8. This sort of thing happens at random times. I've had it happen at login and after being on for hours and passing through numerous regions. I think, this happens when the server sent "avatar wearing this" messaging fails and the viewer never gets the complete list. In Firestorm you can request the list be resent. Top menu->Avatar->Avatar Health->Force Appearance Update (Rebake) or Ctrl-Alt-R. Sometimes, the Top menu->Avatar->Avatar Health->Refresh Attachments or Alt-Shift-R is also needed.
  9. Priapism Education Association aka Pea Obviously for newcomers...
  10. Quite the flap... 😄 I hate it when it double-posts 🤔
  11. I often hear people talking about what people are like in SL. There are also those that say 'those on the Internet...' but in all these cases I find no actual hard data. Is the person you talked to expressing an opinion or do they actually have an analysis of the SL residents? --------------------------------- I think the support versus therapy group confusion has been handled. Always good to define words early in a conversation. --------------------------------- Trusting people on SL is always a risk. We have to make decisions based on what people say. There is no body language. Voice gives a bit more info but with AI that too is becoming questionable. So self-care in SL requires we understand how human interaction works and how it changes in SL. Many people's assumptions are simply wrong. Along with the Woke PC nature of gender these days, it becomes impossible to know much of anything for sure. --------------------------------- Builder's Brewery is a great support group.
  12. One of the Lab's security questions is to list 10 of the people in your friends-list, which you can only see when logged in. So it is a good idea to have a list of those people somewhere on your computer.
  13. Aaah... another returnee that came in looked around and didn't find what THEY THOUGHT should be here. Let's see, how long have you been back? Yet you know what SL should be and how it should work... and which virtual world do you run? Did you make it to the Content Creator's meetings? Did you explore the Bento armature and mesh prims that users had been asking for? Control... yeah centralized control from the top down always works so well for creative types. Make sure everyone marches in step. As to governing... Did you make it to even one of the Linden lead Governance Meetings in-world? Any of the Linden lead meetings? Economy.... how many people took money out of SL this past year? And how much? Bots... a violation? Yeah, keep those bots out. No AI is allowed here. That stuff is only for RL. Sheeeesh...
  14. If by turning it off you mean to have it stop extending your chat, no.
  15. Things are fine as is. I think you are being overly paranoid. For most people who don't know you AND your Alt, it is just two people on a ban list.
  16. Things Change... I usually use Firestorm. I have the Linden viewer installed for troubleshooting and for checking out the latest features. And I generally have one of the Linden RC viewers installed. I also have Black Dragon installed for when I want to do some serious photography in SL. At one time I had every viewer made installed. I did performance tests tracked crash rates and wrote reviews and how-tos for my blog. I learned that the performance leader often changes with each new release. Also, that performance is a combination of which viewer, which settings, and which computer one is using. The region one is in may throw everything off. A change in Draw Distance can change all the performance stats. I consistently found Cool VL Viewer faster on old hardware. I don't compete in combat games like I once did. If I were to get into that again, Cool would be my likely choice. But I would be testing viewers to make sure it was still the best choice. We don't hear much about crash rates or performance these days. Not sure where all the techies have gone. Once upon a time.... combat games were a BIG part of SL. There were many different types. So weapons makers were big and many players were interested in performance. We don't see that now. More people seem to be interested in viewer features. That may explain the lack of tech articles appearing about SL.
  17. When asking a question about SL it is always essential to understand whether "can" or "does" is the proper word. CAN - Yes, someday. DOES - No. The Lab used to tell us about their near-term (1 yr) and long-term (5 yr) plans. It helps people decide how to upgrade their computers. Tell as in they published the info on the SL Blog.
  18. When I was playing combat games like NOR, which was ~14 regions in its heyday, the lag was horrible when firefights broke out. At the time bullets were rezzed and sent on their way. So the rate of fire was limited. But even with the limits when 20+ people had their triggers pulled on full automatic, the lag was so bad a common tactic for players was to walk on the builets using them like a ladder. Things have gotten better, the viewer, the servers, and the network speed (well for some of us the networks are better). But just 20 people dancing in a region slows a region. In the SL places where numerous people are using their animated genitals and furniture animations, the region lags. 20 people firing weapons requires the servers to distribute information on what each of the 'ray trace bullets' is doing. The physics engine trying to keep up and calculate impacts is way beyond the load from dancers in a crowded club. Sailing with the Topless Cruise crowd on Tuesdays reveals regions where 5 or 6 boats have trouble sailing. Mix in some land with a navigable area and the scripts associated with dwellings and other stuff cripples boats. I don't see the generic general-purpose nature of SL will ever allow specific high performance for combat. I don't see Twitch Gaming in SL's future. I do think those who enjoy the laggy combat gaming of SL will find things getting better. But people coming from other games are going to think SL is WAY WAY too slow for combat.
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