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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I suggest the next Lab Gab has the interviewer and the interviewee seated on a carousel so they're spinning and bouncing up and down for the entire interview... or the switch rides halfway through and hit a roller coaster for the second half. Pop the video camera into mouselook for the rest of the podcast. Those with vertigo issues will just have to turn off the exciting visuals. It should all end with all lab employees vomiting their cotton candy into virtual trash cans. Exciting!
  2. So... big hands AND talented, flexible fingers. *grins awkwardly and wiggles eyebrows up and down* Cough I'll send him some big gloves.
  3. The important part of lab gab is, of course, picking apart avatar choices, length of fingers, clothing choices, chair animations, sitting animations, speaking animation, the video production, and the choice to even use an avatar for SL news instead of the real life face.
  4. @Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobiaif my enjoyment of SL involved music production or video, I definitely would need a better setup. Those are specialized tech needs. My mid range computer does fine for photography and has a solid connection. I rarely crash and people (and their clothes) rez quickly. My fps is usually between 30 and 70. I normally run one notch below the ultra graphics setting and 200+ draw distance if the region isn't too crowded. I'll go for the higher settings temporarily for a photo. I consider myself an average SL user. One of the ones we'll need to encourage to increase numbers inworld. The forum has a lot of very tech savvy people, as it should since people come here for advice. I have a feeling, if we looked at the makeup of today's user base, that most residents are just like me. Midrange is fine for a large number of people.
  5. lol. Is this whole thread just a way for people to measure their...? A mid-range laptop will run SL just fine. No one needs to spend $3000 to login and have a great time. It's like those posts bragging about 300fps. To quote one of our frequent forum posters, "That's nice." Maybe we could argue about what's most important for a good experience instead of how much we spent. Video cards? Memory? Internet connection? Cooling fans?
  6. There are all kinds of people in SL. I hope you find your perfect match.
  7. I think the secret to SL is the 2 main reasons most people seem to be here. They either want to expand their real life for a while or they want to escape it for a bit. I do a little bit of both.
  8. I've owned 3 laptops over my 14 years in SL and never bought a new one. Definitely no more than $800. My newest used laptop runs SL just fine with all the bells and whistles and on wi-fi.
  9. /me reaches across her keyboard and triggers a gesture she hasn't used in a decade filling local chat with 🎶🎵I love this Thune!!! Ooh laa laa laaa🎵🎶 Too soon?
  10. I was hoping this discussion could be about some of the other topics, but the AP topic keeps taking over.
  11. There are adults that like having their diapers changed, but we aren't kink shaming. Also, plenty of obviously adult avatars act like children. Some are right here in the forum. I have no idea how region owners are going to police their own regions, but it should be up to them for those edge cases.
  12. You can post that in your profile now. I don't mind interacting with child avatars on G or M. I do it all the time. However, if I ever met someone on adult land in a child avatar, I would leave. No interaction. Not even a "hi." I think it should be the responsibility of the adult wearing the child avatar to not go to adult regions. They're for adults. Like anywhere else, if they want to go to adult regions, they should put on an adult avatar. Any (obvious) child avatar (and the account used) should be AR'd and restricted from adult areas for a while. If they try to go back after their "vacation" with the child avatar a 2nd time, the account should be banned. By "obvious" I mean they run their avatar only as a child. Profile saying they are 8, love their mommy, and have a bedtime of 7pm. Profile pic of a child in a toddler bed. That's probably harsh considering I have friends who exclusively use child avatars, but that is my opinion on child avatars in adult regions. They should not be going to them. As Rowan brought up, edge cases where you can't tell whether someone is playing a 16 year old or an 18 year old are a different story. No matter what rules they make to identify young avatars, someone will find a way around it. I guess that will have be up to the discretion of the region owner.
  13. Fun sound! I love the very physical dance, as well!
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Your pain is tangible. *hugs*
  15. By day, he's a mild-mannered -ummmm - secretary, but by evening he's a hardened freelance investigator and photographer for the National Blab. No one will ever recognize you now.
  16. Is it just the fact that they made contact first that these woman were considered "forward and flirtatious"? I reach out first all the time. However, I am selective and don't send something to every guy in the region like I'm on a desperate fishing expedition. A few times guys were suspicious about a friendly comment on their profile or something they were wearing. That's okay. I'd rather know right away if I mistook a friendly profile for a friendly person. I hope guys don't completely give up on reaching out just because some people are suspicious, paranoid, or just mean. I've noticed fewer and fewer people reaching out as my SL years have gone by. I don't know if it's because of changing cultural ideas and angry mistrustful people or because I hang out in different places and do different things or just my avatars age that might be intimidating.
  17. "LL is looking to improve policies relating to conduct both within the broader Second Life community of users and within the company as well (e.g. how staff interact with the wider community, and policies relating to potential conflicts of interest / the perception of favouritism, in the case of the latter)." This is the only part I care about. I want an enforced internal policy regarding how employees use their powers. Residents should not have to compete unfairly against Lindens. Permissions to access certain private account info like payment info, IMs etc. should be compartmentalized to certain departments only. Anytime god powers are used, should be documented. As far as the age thing, anything that puts the responsibility on the adult using the child avatar is a good thing. That way adults doing adult things don't have to be paranoid that a child avatar will TP in and start snapping pics. It's on the adult playing the child to police themselves.
  18. Tagged you in it. I wasn't even close with the title.
  19. This is the thread I was talking about @Love Zhaoying. I wasn't even close on the actual title of it.
  20. This belongs In the RL pics showing SL thread.
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