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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Just take it into your inventory then rez it at the new home. Done! I'll change colors but go white again once its finished. ETA it won't mess up your market place. but it can't work while in inventory. so unpack asap.
  2. It's a lovely skin, looks soft and smooth.
  3. Nice meeting you at the hangout this morning Val!
  4. I got the black version and it's perfect! LOVE IT!
  5. The first 512sqm of land for premium is teir free, But if you have used that you will pay tier even though you bought the land. If you rent from estate you will pay rent so the owner can pay thier tier. So you never completely own land but you can terraform your bought land and resale it.
  6. Do you think this might be it? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/S-Elegance-II-Hair-Blacks/1677780
  7. You still need to post your computer statistics as asked in the thread in answers,It makes it easier to know what we are dealing with. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/My-viewers-wont-open/qaq-p/1154191
  8. And it would be a good idea to post your information in the regular forum as you'll likely find more help and discussion there than here in answers, it is a little confining. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/bd-p/SLViewer
  9. Can't you just MMB scroll it smaller so you see more area? As for the size of the square resize it the way you would any window. Drag the two ended arrow.
  10. I didn't know you shouldn't wear false eyelashes with painted on ones. Humm I just put em on anyway.Who knew!
  11. What do you see in your spyglass Kylie? Giggles
  12. Here we go again! but you guys are so good I thought I'd at least try. If anyone out there has seen this hair I 'd love to know! Thanks in advance, Jacki
  13. I have tried textures but they are flat or wrapped neither is giving me the result I want. If anyone has an idea I would greatly appreciate it. TY!
  14. Wow! Fantastic! Your an inspiration for me to keep trying and not give up. Thank you for your post!
  15. What!???? No matter if you buy mainland or rent from a estate you still pay weekly for tier or rent. Or you can buy a sim in another world. Good luck, Now STHU!
  16. Uninstall Phoenix and install Firestorm. You'll need it if you want to view Mesh anyway.
  17. This is one reason LL should put a cap on alts.
  18. My dogs name is Cheddar so I was thinking cheese. I thought Monterey Jack, then since I'm female I wanted monterey jackie. Nope that didn't work so I tried Jackie but no monterey. So I picked Silverfall but Jackie Silverfall was taken. I then tried Jacki Silverfall and got that. And oddly enough I joined The Forum Cartel group and there was a Jackie Silverfall! What are the odds? I now have a alt JackiMonterey. She is a horse avi
  19. Sounds like those accounts are gone. Of course he could have made another that you don't know about. But you really never know. LL will not give out any info on accounts.
  20. It's when something in SL materializes . When the world is or item you bought is forming inworld it is rezzing.
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