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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Unfortunately you'll need to contact the merchants and have them redeliver your purchases. Make sure the money was taken out of your account and send that info to the creator. Did you have more than ten items in you shopping cart? This often is the problem with failed delivery. Keep it under 10 items and it might not over load the system. You can also file a ticket with LL. It will be faster I would think to just get the info to the creator. ETA Also check your objects folder and recent tab.
  2. Can I use HTML code in my listing for the description?
  3. Now your just showing off. I don't find it applicable at all. Laying off the rum and diet coke might help though. This happens to my sister every time she drinks. Edited to correct typo.
  4. I'll be looking forward to Meshgate 2011 as it is new and a fresh topic to troll! :smileymad: /me pulls the snuggie up close and smells wood burning in the air along with hints of hot chocolate. ummmm can't wait for the big words. :smileytongue:
  5. What viewer are you using? Might try a different one. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third-party_viewers
  6. Have you tried other viewers? Phoenixviewer.com. Imprudence any other 3rd party viewers? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third-party_viewers Restarting router and modem?
  7. Try filing a ticket, here is link to some answers that might help. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home_Covenant http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-overview/ta-p/700103
  8. You get a weekly stipend of 300L, you get the choice of a house or a 512sqm land tier free. you get a sign up bonus of 1000L after 45 days. The houses are from LL you can choose which one of those you want. You get access to premium sandboxes and some furniture. There was a special running for 50% off a quarterly account not sure if it is still availible. You will also get support help. more info here http://secondlife.com/premium/?lang=en-US
  9. And nothing should happem to your linden dollar balance. Should remain the same.
  10. Don't give up, send IM and notecard incase his im's are capped. I accidentally bought a shark once while clicking to get more info about it. The creator refunded the money and let me keep the shark. The creator might have RL problems and can't answer. Give him a reasonable amount of time to answer. Then do what the others suggest. And please take the names out of your post by editing it. I don't want to see you in trouble too.
  11. You will also need to go in-world to try the dances out. That's the fun part! Henmations, animazoo,3FX, just to name a few.
  12. I have nPose now, just got it yesterday. I actually was able to get it working in no time at all! Very easy to use, Thank you all for your suggestions and help. Next stop animations! yay!
  13. This is true, there is a script out that you can drop in the prim to make it the length you need. Or you just have to use another viewer.
  14. Mesh clothes would be invisible, naked avatars, interesting :smileysurprised:
  15. If I have never spoken to them before and they just throw out a friend offer without really talking to me, they don't last long. But if I've talk and gotten to know someone and feel that they are good inside, even not hearing from them I keep them. I mean whats the harm. Not really taking up a lot of space. A lot of my friends I don't really talk to much, but it's nice to know they're there. ETA You could send a IM too, goes both ways.
  16. NOOOOOO! I just made it to Recognized Member! :smileyvery-happy: My member is officially recognized.......... ETA note sarcasm
  17. I don't want it on the web and wasn't asked if it could be put there.
  18. I don't want it on the web and wasn't asked if it could be put there.
  19. Thank you for your help Pamela, I'll always be a SLife long customer.
  20. Thank you PeterCanessa I would like the script very much. I am exploring all avenues and need all help I can get. I really want my new chairs to not be so generic and to have choices for the customer. If all goes well I wanted to put them in my store. Thanks
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