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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Reorder the freebies and notecard the rest as was suggested. Make sure you are in-world when you order items and you are not in busy mode.
  2. Hi Karraleigh, You can also use a third party viewer where you don't have to deal with that MODE button http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory I prefer Firestorm myself.
  3. In FS there is the winged logo button on the bottom menu bar of the screen. open that and go to the avatar adjust slider and raise it higher. She will move up. I forget the name of the slider but you will know when you see it.
  4. Adding to the great suggestions here. Don't use two different viewers you will end up wearing 2 sets of clothes. Also check and make sure you are only wearing one viewers bridge.
  5. If you are registered with the official Meeroo website you can go there and file a ticket to get your Meeroo back. Every Roo has it's own identity.There are also groups inworld for extra help. Wonderful World of Meeroo's http://www.worldofmeeroos.com/ Or you can file a ticket with LL and see if they can get it back. ButI would put my money on the Meeroo website.
  6. Yes, I think it is. My friend and I made a group in which we both donated our 512 sqm lots to put a small store on. This is great as now we have no tier. Plus you get a extra 10% of land when you do that. You can buy and sell land on the mainland. The stipend of 300L and sign up bonus 1000L or is it 1200L i forget. The math works out to about 3 dollars a month. I pay by the year so pay once and your done. Now SL has the sandboxes and gifts for premium members. Don't forget customer service.
  7. And hard to see! But very appropriate for the occasion hehe. :smileytongue:
  8. WOW! Everyone really has shown some of the most unique and creative Halloween costumes! This is what I wore for Halloween.
  9. My concern is that people will and do leave the boxes lying around, especially newbs that don't know better. I wish mechants would include a picture of the item. It is very frustrating to me to have a outfit name something like Betty and not know what Betty looks like. If you take a picture of your outfit for MP, how hard is it to include it in the folder. I usually have to wear the clothes, take a picture and put it in the folder myself. Which cost me 10L extra over the price of the outfit. It adds up.
  10. Didn't have time to read the posts but I did read the Phoenix/ Firetorm blog this afternoon. It stated that very soon Firestorm will be releasing it stable version, with upload mesh capabilities. Also they will be releasing Phoenix mesh viewer in few weeks. www.phoenixviewer.com
  11. OMG DON'T ASK!!!!!!!! ETA Imagines deep fried pistachio hulls....NOOOOOO
  12. I am, Bindweed Goblinwand She brings riches and wealth. She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows. She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover. She wears tangled multicoloured skirts made of petals and has gentle green wings like a butterfly.
  13. Hi! try doing these fixes one by one to fix the mist problem, Avatar rendering problems. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail What always works for me is to change my hair base.
  14. Hi! Please see this thread,it is similar to your situation. Sometimes SL eats things. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/How-can-I-find-a-missing-object/m-p/1195213
  15. Sadly sometimes this happens in SL. You rez something and it disappears never to be seen again. You can wait a couple days maybe it will show up but that has never been the case with me. Try control+alt+t to see invisible prims. Try filing a ticket is the only suggestion I have for you. Sorry you lost it
  16. Hi CrazeyBabyTee, Its probably really small look close. Control alt t all over the place Move furniture and look outside the door. It's gotta be there somewhere. If your inworld now IM me and I'll come try tohelp you. You should take back into inventory whatever you bought that caused this to happen.
  17. Belleza, Laq, Redgrave are good for skins and shapes. Sorry about your break up. I've been there
  18. Hi Cassendrea, Go to marketplace and at the top of the screen there is a drop down list in My Marketplace, then choose MY Account, Account History and there is a list of all the items you bought per order. Hope this helps. ETA. The account from your dashboard will only show the total of a purchase of many items. so to get the individual ones you have to go to marketplace itself and use what I listed.
  19. Hippie is always Happy, Helpful (more than once I have called on his expertise) Thoughtful and really handsome! I'm honored to be his friend. Cheers to Hippie!
  20. Hi! Right click on your texture and choose save as in the menu. Unfortunately it not possible to download whole folders of textures. But at least it's free.
  21. Did you register her in the" wonderful world of meeroos" website. Did you get a hud which gives you a unique number to register at the website. Useing this number they might be able to reissue that Roo if you file a ticket with them. If not it is probably a lost cause and you will have to tell your friend the Roo released. Your friend should have prepared you better for the care of your new Meeroo. Look in search for Wonderful World of Meeroo's go there buy food (berries) is most common and a stump which is like the control center, A free hud and join the group! Very friendly people to help you through. Get a new Meeroo and start your adventure over. This wasn't your fault, you were not prepared and I'm sure your friend will understand.
  22. Keep reporting it! Everyday if you have to. Ignore the griefer! Don't play into his hand this will only encourage more griefing. Make sure you document as much as you can, IM logs, pictures. And try what Knowl has said contact concierge service they can help you too.
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