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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Agreed. I didn't know it was here until yesterday.
  2. If your in your viewer you can set them under preferences>general https://secondlife.com/my/account/verification.php?lang=en-US Have you age verified? you'll need to do that first under your dashboard> account>age verification. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, Try the fixes one at a time. Avatar rendering problems. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail Also wait until all your inventory is loaded, sometimes it takes awhile. Hope this helps
  4. Billing issues; Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only And as a premium member you can use live chat
  5. which viewer are you using? Also LL is always working on Aditi it might have been on the fritz. I've been there and it works fine with many sandboxes.
  6. Might also try asking blenderartist.org that is the forum for blender.
  7. Have you tried uploading mesh in the regular grid? See if that lets you. I know it will cost but its worth a try to see if it's the viewer or the grid thats wonky. You migt want to post this in the mesh sub forum, here is the link. more mesh minds over there. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/bd-p/Mesh Edit; It is still a mesh related problem. Ask there anyway. We are only regular people here and don't work for LL. Sorry we can't help you more. If you are a premium member you can ask live chat. But a lot of good people are on the mesh board with more knowlege than us atm. What viewer are you using? any error messages? talk to me
  8. Have you been there yet? If so it's at the top of the veiwer.
  9. If your using Firestorm you can't upload mesh. You will have to use the V3 Secondlife veiwer. I'll try to find a link for you. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh
  10. Did you read the fine print, yes it is legit but youstill have pay the first month maintenance fee. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Private_island_special_promotion
  11. http://secondlife.com/land/sale/ Check this out it might answer your questions.
  12. Do you talk this way to merchants when your asking for help? Momma alway said you catch more flies with honey then vinegar...Get it? Vinegar mouth?!
  13. That was a crappy if not rude comment. but I'm not surprised. If you can't figure out that simple does not mean simpelton, or that country doesn't mean country music or she wouldn'd have wrote it. You need to get out of the city. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: I'm with Dogmouse on this one. What the heck are you asking about?! By "simple" do you mean simpletons? (like not very bright) Or do you mean "simple" as in uncomplicated? (no drama, etc) By "country" do you mean "country music"? Or, do you mean people, that actually live in the country in RL? (they live in a rural area) Or do you mean the Amish? hehe Celestiall Nightfire wrote: I'm with Dogmouse on this one. What the heck are you asking about?! By "simple" do you mean simpletons? (like not very bright) Or do you mean "simple" as in uncomplicated? (no drama, etc) By "country" do you mean "country music"? Or, do you mean people, that actually live in the country in RL? (they live in a rural area) Or do you mean the Amish? hehe
  14. Gooden Uggla wrote: The results of this sale will not end well, mark my words... This ^^^^ Here's to more yellow squares on the map!
  15. Yep we're gettin old...And TV sucks. Kitty kisses!
  16. Mayalily you can get your computer stats from your viewer. Go to help, about secondlife or what ever viewer your on. it shows you stats then you can post them here for us. Sounds like a slow framerate. ETA unplug router/modem for a minute then reconnect. that might help to. Make sure your in a low lag area and see if it still jerks. I don't think its your avatars health. Clear cache, restart computer. Some one will come rescue ya!
  17. It doen't matter if they gave it to me on a silver platter, the tier would still be to high. Thanks for the heads up though
  18. no. once you create an object you will export it as a Collada File.Then upload that to SL. This is if your making mesh.
  19. Here are some examples of prices. https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/land-detail.php?region_id=7cc35356-2d00-4cd1-a34a-df9a795b31b8
  20. This might be a SL glitch and you might have to wait it out. But you could try these suggestions http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting
  21. Calm down, first it looks like your wearing the box too, which we have all done! drag the hair box to the ground and right click it and select open, copy to inventory. Find your folder open it and right click on your hair then select wear. When it is on your head you can right click on it and select edit. A window will come up and you will see arrows on the hair. By clicking and dragging the arrows you can move the hair around on you head to adjust it. try to use a pose stand for this. good luck.
  22. open your map in world and put the cursor where you want to be and double click. Or you can go to this map and copy paste the location into your chat bar in-world, hit enter and double click it when it comes up in the chat window.
  23. Search marketplace for freebies, free, listing that are 0.00-10.00. Like that. there are many free things in SL to get you a nice avatar together. have fun! Oh you can go on hunts to! google second life hunts.
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