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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. A privacy screen will not stop them either it is just another prim with a picture on it. I don't know of any shield that is available to stop it.
  2. Gonna check that out as soon as I'm in world. Yay thanks for the info.
  3. But they can still cam in? Still see all your stuffs...:smileysurprised:
  4. Privacy settings work on camming? Never heard that before.
  5. It's true, Unforunately if someone wants to see in they can. There is no real privacy in SL. An orb or banlines can deter them but even then they can cam in. But remember you a avatar. Personally I never cam someones place, makes me feel like a intruder. ETA Skyboxes are probably the best bet for privacy if they are far from any other skybox. Depending on the computer the better it is the farther they can cam. And if you use open chat they can hear you up to 96 meters.
  6. Were you able to get 100% mesh button to work? I just tried and it is fine on my end.
  7. I know you have a personal vendetta about MP, but leave me out of it. If you don't care for my answers keep it to yourself. ETA I don't see you giving a answer.
  8. Try these answers. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail
  9. I listed some a couple days ago and it was fine. Maybe it's a temporary glitch with MP. I hope
  10. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=firestorm_avatar_physics This link has a lot of settings to choose from. But like you I was bouncing all over the place so I just turned it off. There might be freebie setting on the marketplace.
  11. Yes friends, I'm looking for a rocking chair script. One that when you sit in it it starts to rock. Thank you.
  12. What's not letting you go?? Please be more specific
  13. AAK has a lot of horses that you can change textures on. Also Hoof It has textures. Maybe you could look up the creator and ask if they are willing to help you. Textures for horses are on display at the texture barn. Search for it. I know because I am a horse when an alt.
  14. Sometimes these thing just work themselves out on their own. Maybe tomorrow you log in and all is fixed, Happens to me all the time. Sl just gets borked and ya gotta wait it out. You said it never happened before? It's probably SL weekend borkfest.
  15. Jacki Silverfall


  16. I couldn't find any spoilers ????
  17. AC3D, 3D CAD, Maya, Sketchup Try google? I'm not gonna do it for you. But what's wrong with Blender? It free! okay ya forced me. http://www.google.com/search?q=3d+msdeling+software&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#pq=3d+msdeling+software&hl=en&sugexp=gsihc&cp=4&gs_id=4&xhr=t&q=3d+modeling+software&qe=M2QgbWRlbGluZyBzb2Z0d2FyZQ&qesig=OKuJ5D7Ivg4oth3hgOvpKw&pkc=AFgZ2tnGQDDA2ChjXIOkXxDSNHGNEPQH1Pu23-BwTWJAk_MOXmlDeaomd4wjFonAoaYf-IvX60grzTg8pP1gU2YcR-T01Mts3w&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&client=firefox-a&hs=jdx&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=3d+mdeling+software&aq=0l&aqi=g-l4&aql=f&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c7e5b3799a5d75c2&biw=1236&bih=580
  18. Stay out of it, he might have something set up already to cover his land finances. Good intentions and all that. It is sweet of you but if he needed you he'll ask.
  19. /me loves your little arrows! Thanks!
  20. I think she means those little floor sticker looking things, like foot prints for a path?
  21. Jacki Silverfall


    Does anyone know how to turn on the normals so I can see them. I'm using blender 2.5 and I can't find it anywhere. How can you flip or recalculate them if ya can't which way they're going? thanks :)
  22. Well, there were no uv maps and no textures on either item. I guess I'll never understand this aspect of 3D modeling. It's to complicated for just anyone like me. I need pictures.lol It still doesn't explain the differences in the price. Not to me at least. Sorry. Where is the auto-LOD? how else are you supposed to use the uploader. Sorry but my meds are kicking in.....wheeeeeeee
  23. The only thing that ever fixed it for me was changing my hair base. Haven't been a cloud since Changing you group tag might help too.
  24. I'm sorry I can't help with you problem but I'm sure someone will be able to. In the meantime have you posted your question on the blender forum too? Blenderartists.org They can help too.
  25. Why does this happen? Today I uploaded a item to SL, the price being 22L for 1200 or so vertices. I thought it was to high so I canceled and tried again. This time the cost was 23L so I got curious and canceled to do it again, this time 24L. I though I'd better upload it before it really got to high. The thing is, I didn't touch anything or change settings. So why does the price keep changing on upload. Another thing that happened I uploaded a mesh I made in AC3D that was to cost 22L. But I needed to do more work on it and decided to import it into blender as a obj file. After exporting collada I have made no changes to the vertices/faces count it uploaded at half the price 11L. It just doesn't seem right. :/ Any thoughts or answers?
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