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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Garlic? I don't need no stinking garlic! Seriously, nothing will happen to your avatar if you are bitten. Any self respecting Vampire will ask you first if they can bite you. Just say no. Of course, there are bad apples in every bunch. Me I wouldn't do the necklace because I don't want to be in the Bloodlines database. It's just stupid, but to each his own.
  2. Numbers 1 and 2 I can agree on. 3 and 4 are unrealistic. Good luck finding clothes, cause I have never seen a demo of clothing or everything on a model.
  3. There is no returning after you have been muted by me. Your gone. I'd like to derender in RL.
  4. I check a objects normals and all were facing the right way then uploaded the object and one face is missing. Is this a bug? Also, someone please explain why when you recalculate fee on a object the pe and fee keeps getting higher. This makes no sense to me. Especially when nothing was changed. Doesn't anyone else see this?
  5. Yep, that is a problem in MP that I'm finding out.
  6. Dang it! I thought it was like a foreign funnel cake or sumpin.I was gettin hungry.
  7. So.plant a new sapling away from the stump and give it a new name. This is what the forest is, fallen trees and new saplings.
  8. Kewl! Always up for some worm zombie killin hehe. TY for posting
  9. Right, so if you take your store into inventory it is non operational. Who cares if it still exists in the LL world server. If it isn't physically there no one can buy from you. If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?
  10. The viewer should have joystick controls under preferences, mouse. Or somewhere like that. I'm not in world atm. Check it out.
  11. Wow I have no idea what can cause that and I hope some one here can help with it. Also, post this over in the Phoenix/Firestorm website. Might as well cover all the bases.
  12. Sometimes it takes quite a while for inventory to load. Be patient and check your lost and found folder for it. Also do a search and check the trash can.
  13. It is a .gif file.I looked at settings can't find a way to fix it. ty! This one doesn't work either, but the baseball bat one works. Sheesh.
  14. Any of them. 2.59 is what I use and I think it is the latest version. Good luck!
  15. If the letter said they took an item from you inventory due to it being in violation of the IP rules. don't worry about it. Some dances maybe that were given to you were in violation. It could be anything. They are not after you. Would need to know what the message said but if it is what I think it is, don't worry. A Lot of us has gotten it. Maybe you had a shirt with a logo, or a animation. Did they say you need to contact someone? If you can post the message leaving out any names. Go to options > edit
  16. A physical store? Or a store on Marketplace? A physical store just take back into your inventory. I heard you have to be in edit mode and click on everything then take the store. not sure though. Marketplace unlist your items empty magic box. I would guess.
  17. Upgrading to a premium account will get you 1000L after 45 days and 300L a week. You get a free linden home and/or up to 512 sqm land with the membership. You are also entitled to a premium member sandbox to build in and free gift.
  18. Here is a link to the system requirements. Hope this helps. https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US
  19. Although we are only regular members of the forum. My advice would be to check the lost and found folder and see if your magic box is in there. It should be somewhere in your inventory. Do a search for "magic Box". No one can take your box from you. If it was returned because you didn't pay your rent then it is in your inventory. please let us know if you find it. We don't have it. Good luck!
  20. I just gave 7 or 8 with no wait. Maybe they fixed it?
  21. EEK Squirrel stew! Ya know, at first I thought the pumpkins were the skirt of your outfit! Very festive, thanks for posting your latest.
  22. Hi, Here is a link to help you get started selling in marketplace. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
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