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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Thanks Nacy, I got the file in blender but I can't edit it. Maybe saving it as a blend file? I'll have to play with it. I wanted to do the texturing in blender on this model because I understand it better than AC3D. Thanks again
  2. Hi Pamela, I can't script, so I'm looking for a scrpit that I can put in my chairs the will give a menu of three or four animations. I' guess I'll need the animations to. Even the couch I have from you has it. Sigh. I like them because they are not static. Ty.
  3. I'm flying along enroute to SLIA and at 500 meters south I call for clearance, flaps up, gears down...And nothing. Just stopped in midair over open ocean, Then a notice that the plane has been deleted. What the heck is going on! The skies are turning into the Bermuda Triangle. Will this get better? Or should SL citizens give up on flying, boating. Will LL let creators lose revenue? This is sad, boating and flying is one of the joys of SL :/
  4. I have a object that was made in AC3D and would like to bring it into Blender to work on. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
  5. I have many chairs that when you sit a menu comes up to change positions and the animations are just the norms you see everywhere in SL. Yet I can't find what builders are using for these. Please any ideas would be much appreciated!
  6. lan Price Basic Account Free of monthly charge* Premium - Monthly USD 9.95 (USD 9.95 per month, billed monthly) ¤ Premium - Quarterly USD 22.50 (USD 7.50 per month, billed quarterly) ¤ Premium - Annual USD 72.00 (USD 6.00 per month, billed annually) ¤ 
  7. Mines LAQ, there is Curio too. It's really a matter of taste. Get a bunch of demos and find what ya like.
  8. Yes! That was a excellent movie. The pounding down the hallway at night scared the crap out of me. Faces in the woodwork. Shivers. Never saw a thing but it still is one of the scariest movies I've seen.
  9. Try changing your hair base too. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_do_I_look_like_a_particle_cloud
  10. Poltergeist and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte with Bette Davis. Funny it seems so lame now but I peed my pants when I was little.
  11. Write the creator of the bed and kindly explain your problems they will more than likely help you with it. We here at the forums have nothing to do with customer service of merchandise you buy. Creators are eager to help and fix what they can. They want to keep you as a customer --||-
  12. can't log in either. can someone send a message for me if they are online?
  13. There is a chat file on your hard drive that has your IM's in it. But you can not copy paste and give anyone someones IM's to some one else or post them in world it is against the TOS without consent. I don't know about out of world like faceook or something but I know I wouldn't want to see my IM made public.
  14. They both made mistakes. Her; Ooh I'll get him for this, I'll spread hate Him; I'll play the cad and mouse game and when that doesn't work I'll runaway. ETA sorry Jo this didn't reply to the OP
  15. I think taking a RL step is going to far in this case. He should have been honest. period My husband is no fox either but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
  16. So that's what happened... I wouldn't care what they looked like. It's the one behind the avatar that is the heart and soul. But then I'm not a man. I think it would be pretty shallow on his part. He should have stood up as a man and told the truth. Hey, I'm just not into you anymore.
  17. Oh this reminds me of one... Miracle Cars.."If it's a good car it's a Miracle"!
  18. This happened to me with the new FS mesh veiwer. go to Prefs>graphics > hardware> set antialias to 4X it fixed mine. hope I got it right on the dirctions lol.
  19. Hehe Storm those are good ones! People can be so creative! :smileyvery-happy:
  20. Driving around my city I see some funny, cleaver advertisements for companies. I thought what other cities might have. Here are my favorites. The roofing company that puts a sign out that says "They're always on top" The company that picks up your doggy droppings " We pick up where your dog left off" And my favorite. The septic pumper truck that painted a ugly brown and in yellow letters it says "We're #1 in a #2 business" So can you come up with some cute cleaver ads from your town?
  21. /me hides face. I'm afraid to watch EEP :matte-motes-mad:
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