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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. There is an inworld avsitter group that are very helpful. Think what you are referring to is single sits for each which are POSE and work independently for each sitter. That is all set up via your AVpos notecard
  2. 10 outfield players plus the goalie (Though I think a fit Mo Salah in your team counts as 2 players)
  3. We need a World Cup thread. I vote Phil starts it
  4. 22 and I refuse to recognise the word soccer Did we derail yet? ?
  5. Today I learned that England learned how to win on penalties ⚽⚽⚽⚽
  6. I think you spelt Brazil wrong? (Us English don't really think it's coming home)
  7. Maybe Though when it was Henderson who missed first, I was in tears for a moment
  8. I am leaning towards Phil's thoughts on this. If it had been me who had bought something for someone this way (not that I would) I wouldn't be posting on public forums about it if I had second thoughts and worried. I would be covering my back by contacting LL directly and being up front about it.
  9. There is another post around telling a similar story. I believe they were told to contact support. https://support.secondlife.com/
  10. Marie's the name of his/her latest flame?
  11. I think its back to normal now. I blame England winning on pens. The world's gone loopy
  12. You are naming and shaming merchants I think in your post. Against forum rules and must be removed
  13. I have been able to log on and off with 2 accounts all day without any problems. Grid status is all ok https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  14. we are all residents like you. You have not told us how you tried to buy the lindens (Instant Buy or Best Buy). You should probably contact them directly with a support ticket. We can only tell you from experience what we assume has happened to your L$ https://support.secondlife.com/
  15. It will be sitting in your US$ balance. They will take it from there
  16. Did you use instant buy or Best Rate (Limit buy) ?
  17. Got it from where? We need a bit more information to help
  18. You would be better off looking in the employment forums https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/
  19. I just found 2 vendors and a halloween pumpkin when I went to look out of curiosity
  20. I have had this when my sim fell offline. Submit a support ticket and ask LL to reboot the sim
  21. I think you have to be premium for 14 days before you can use the auctions Edit - your account needs to be 14 days old https://usd.auctions.secondlife.com/faq#acct1
  22. BTW the missed connections forum is for looking for long lost friends not connecting to SL. If you report your initial post and explain its in the wrong place, a mod will move it and you might get more responses
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