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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. This needs bookmarking for reference me thinks
  2. You need to wear a collar, enable RLV in your viewer and use the set up for outfits. Opencollar have an inworld group that should be able to point you in the right direction. I am not inworld atm to get you a link
  3. this thread is over 5 years old now. You are better off starting your own thread with your question
  4. Also support having issues https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/lxbwb09912c6
  5. I think they are aware https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/bmkntw5kbvx3
  6. Why is there no fingers down throat reaction button??
  7. My diva line from my profile " Please don't talk to me like a text message. U is not a word" ?
  8. Oh I got one this morning Hi how do we have sex here" Me: ""We" dont! and btw you are in a store naked"
  9. "Hi hru " will get the IM closed instantly without reply. I don't do text speak
  10. No idea. Depends how busy the support people are. This is a resident forum. You need to contact support to get linden lab staff to help you
  11. You will have to contact support https://support.secondlife.com/
  12. we are all just residents here. If you read the link you need to contact support https://support.secondlife.com/
  13. Not sure it is fixed. I just tried (and tried) to delete something and this happens each time It's still there. I can't delete it ETA Returning it to my lost and found worked
  14. If I could hug you right now I would. I have spent the last 2 weeks trying to work out how to get my mic working again across all platforms. (I am blonde when it comes to puter stuff) I was about to replace my headset at the weekend. Access to applications must have become disabled during the update I presume. It's working now
  15. Could it be related to this https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/hcjp7p3nh0z6
  16. Have you followed those instructions?
  17. In that case, do you have enough L$ in your account?
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