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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Glad I am not the only one who noticed this. As others have said I mute and block but there does seem to be some workaround sometimes and the same store is appearing again to my alt
  2. When he said he keeps his socks on, that wasn't what I was imagining
  3. Take your socks off before walking in the rain
  4. maybe it's someone rushing to get that final "I know I'll do SL" assignment in
  5. You forgot my category - tries her best to help but with blonde moments. Can revert to sarcasm with snowflakes and likes a good laugh when people start to rant or when they don't get their own way or don't get people rushing to agree with their rant.
  6. I pay to advertise in legitimate places. I spend hours sending notices in legitimate advertising groups. Hell I even get twitchy if I have to send out more than 1 notice a week to my own store group in case my customers, that choose to be in the group, get peed off with it. I certainly would not want to be at my home with my partner obviously spending time together and have someone IM me trying to advertise.
  7. I notice the story started with finding groups with member lists to only spamming partnered people on the sim. Side note= I can't seem to do that multiple quote thing in my posts unless they suddenly appear when I submit reply, in which case this post is going to look a mess
  8. It does say this above the figures I showed in my other picture, which can be confusing. You would think you have to wait a week to stipend day and then it gets paid after search fees deducted but nope.
  9. This ^^ My mute list contains only people who have spammed me with store/event/anything I didn't sign up for. Did you actually read the group rules before spamming people? Imagine a group with 1000 members and even 1% of the group decided to contact everyone individually in one day. That's 10 IM's I am going to log into alongside the legit IMs from friends or to do with businesses. I would mute you too, ban you from my group too. Sorry you got kicked from your rental and lost money but a lesson learned. Advertise in legitimate and fair ways in future.
  10. It gets credited to the account of the person(s) set in the group to receive group fees on the following day. Mine usually goes in around 3 am slt the next day but that time is flexible. Once its credited that figure will 0 again until the next person pays to join and you will again see an amount and that money held until the following day and so on for a week. In this example, this week I have been paid 250L$ 200L$ was credited to my account already (yesterday) and 50L$ will be credited today probably about 3 am slt.
  11. Its just like those "Please lend me 1200 L$ to pay rent. I will pay you back tomorrow" beggers
  12. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Error_messages#Computer.27s_clock_is_set_incorrectly some advice to follow on this old thread
  13. I think all you can do is file abuse reports. I guess harassment is the only category that fits. I have been asked in many places for money, I just point out the buy L$ option and move on. Nobody is getting my money
  14. In preferences make sure you have ticked offlines to email. Also make sure on the website you have verified your email address. I have also had in the past gmail deciding all messages from SL are spam.
  15. Those goats were feisty but none of them have perfected the Neymar roll
  16. If I as a regular user wanted to sell my parcel, it would be to move to something else. Therefore I just want to sell it at auction and move on to my new plot. Not faff around waiting to relist it and possibly lose a parcel I wanted. I don't want to be a land baron or flipper, just auction my own plot and move on without messing about
  17. "Soon it will be possible for you to create auctions to sell mainland parcels you own (the parcel must be owned individually, not by a group)." Makes sense to me that if people are going to be able to auction their own parcels then bidders should have the money ready or that is going to bring a whole level of griefing when people just bid up land with no intention of buying. Not to mention the 1000s of support tickets and ARs that will come from it.
  18. Belongs in Wanted. You will have to report your own post and ask for it to be moved
  19. What I did/do on the bar at the top of the page under the picture is ACTIVITY drop down to my activity streams then create new stream I named it cindy default, ticked all the content I want to see then saved changes and set this as my default. Not sure if this is how you set yours up but I manage not to see all those advertising crap
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