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Bitsy Buccaneer

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Everything posted by Bitsy Buccaneer

  1. Blender is overwhelming that way. Task-specific starter builds (focusing on creating static objects OR animating an avatar OR etc, rather than all of it in one package) could be really useful as learning tools for beginners. Would it be difficult for a coder to set up that sort of thing?
  2. I joined SL twice. Once was when I got a new computer and wanted to check out this interesting thing I had heard about. I got as far as getting some clothes from the Free Dove and wandering around and around and around. I didn't find much to interest me, and the prices seemed quite high because I had absolutely no idea how much 75 lindens cost in £. I did manage to find the Dublin Pub with people chatting away eventually but by then I was tired and cranky and needing my bed. Not quite a year later, a very good friend in another country got caught up in it so I made a new account, logged in and sent him a friend request. He'd joined because of a real life friend who very correctly understood SL to be something he'd love and helped him get started with building and other things. He bought some land about the time I joined and taught me about freebie places, so I had a unique house to decorate (it was a tall cylinder with floors), a massive world to explore and big poofy skirts to billow when I fell off of things. It was brilliant. Maybe that sort of approach - friends bringing in and guiding friends - would be a useful way to help our crazy madcap world thrive and grow. Not just RL friends, but perhaps people we've gotten to know elsewhere on the internet. Now of course this won't suit everyone, so those who want to keep their walls up go right ahead and do just that. But maybe if the rest of us thought a bit harder about who we might be able to draw in, we just might find some excellent additions to our communities.
  3. I like to see how something holds up through TPs and just daily slife. Does the hair's LOD fall off? How long does the dress take to show up after a TP? The front might look great but maybe the back view lets it down enough I'm not keen on looking at it while walking. Timed demos get in the way of this sort of thing. Not to mention the fact I'm usually distracted by friends and building and can take days to get around to buying something. Best one though was completely forgetting about a lovely hair in the push of getting a hunt prize finished until I logged back into the beta grid and there she was with the demo still on her head Maybe I'm missing something but in most cases I think timed demos are more of a comfort to merchants than actual deterrent to misuse. For slow, careful shoppers like myself, they're just deterrents.
  4. If you gifted them from Marketplace, they'll be in the Received Items folder. She might need to tick something to make that folder visible. It's an odd thing because stuff in it is hidden from search. Even if you didn't gift them directly from MP, it's worth checking the Received Items folder because it can be a bit of a TARDIS. Catznip viewer automatically puts all declined things in trash rather than disappearing them. It means more to purge but it works as a safety net.
  5. You can't mod mesh in this way once it's uploaded. Have you tried alpha-ing out the mesh body in that area and altering your body shape till the jeans suit you better? It might make more jeans workable. Depends in part on what you're aiming for as the outward appearance. I've had good luck with a flat butt shape but that's easy. With a thigh gap, it could be less obvious what you need to do and could well need a combination of changes. Good luck.
  6. December's always a bit wonky in SL. Christmas shopping, socialising, and tons of people sim hopping for Advent gifts. It puts extra strain on the servers and seems to bring out problems in whatever's been changed in the background. Things tend to improve after the midweek rolling restarts then get slower and glitchier from the weekend through till the next set of rolls. Just over a week to go so things should even out again soon enough. Until then, add in day of the week to troubleshooting
  7. It's against the TOS for anyone to disclose RL information about another person, including real-world location. I'm curious about the whys of this request. I haven't been able to think of a single reason which would matter in SL.
  8. Now doesn't that request for help have some bits which sound an awful lot like a bot advertising those two sites. It wouldn't be, would it?
  9. Advent and Christmas always seem to be a bit of a stress test on whatever changes have been made in the previous months. All that extra sim hopping will surely increase pressure on the asset servers and such.
  10. I don't feel the least bit guilty about it but I was absurdly pleased the day a friend and I maneuvered two of the Hyde Park horses down into the subway. Why? Because it was there
  11. I have octopus babies. They have been living in inventory since I moved to a smaller place. I will ask them how they feel about living inside my head 💜💛🧡
  12. When it affects your health it's not an annoyance or a peeve, it's a danger and it's only right to do what's needed to keep yourself safe 💝 Mine is seizures from flashing lights and animated full bright images. Fortunately it's not too hard to avoid them but I do miss out on some things. It's just necessary when your brain works a bit differently from the majority's.
  13. I end up remembering the ones who do it frequently but because the information is then tucked away in the back of my mind it colours how I read everything they post. Mostly I give up trying to figure out if they're being snide in a post or if I'm reading it that way because of the sarcastic smiles and just move on. Oh well, not much more I can do.
  14. from https://www.etymonline.com/word/pet peeve pet peeve (n.): "thing that provokes one most," 1919, from pet (n.1) in the adjectival sense "especially cherished" (1826), here in jocular or ironic use with peeve (n.). It's also used in this way in "pet project", to indicate an undertaking which is given special status by someone because it's a favourite. It's not necessarily important to others though, so it does share that with petty (which comes to English from the French petit, small). Etymologically it's about an especially cherished, personal and special status given by an individual to an annoyance.
  15. This where I'm at too. I really don't understand getting peeved by these sorts of superficial things. It just seems like a waste of energy and emotions. Do people derive some sort of pleasure or satisfaction from the experience that they keep doing it?
  16. I'm not sure why you're repeating your points when all I did was offer myself as a counter-example to the idea that square menus are faster and superior. I'm also not sure why you're throwing in words generally regarded as insulting (like lazy) when you do. Did you think I was saying you were wrong or misunderstanding you or something like that? All I wanted to do was add a bit more to the picture.
  17. Individual chats can be separated out from the main chat window and positioned wherever. (Icon with a square on it near the x to close button.) It's handy for keeping an eye on a couple of conversations and also very good protection against wrong window oopses. I like it too because I can keep some group chats open but out of sight and then scan through them more efficiently and when it's convenient for me.
  18. It is for me. With the square menu I have to read the list then move the mouse to what I want. With the pie menu, my mouse is where it needs to be before I've read it thanks to muscle memory. That saves me time on the functions I use most often. I'll quite happily trade an extra click to derender something for this. If others find the square menu easier, that's grand. I just hope we always have a choice.
  19. But wearing the furniture folder is a gas. Try it for yourself if you don't believe me @Akane Nacht below: YES !! !!! !!!
  20. Several of the example pics you listed have well-covered bodies. Are you one of those who has to wear a mesh body underneath no matter what?
  21. $7.00 is the tier for a 1024. Did you get rid of the land first or did you downgrade to basic first? I'm not sure how it would work with needing a premium account to own land but other than that, losing the premium free 1024 allowance before getting rid of the land would fit. Scratch that. Thanks for setting me right Lil.
  22. The more I find out about the crap FB has pulled, the less I believe that runaway tech is to blame. I think it's more about Lookitwhaticando coupled with outright greed and tripping on power. Blaming it all on algorithms lets the people who made them off too lightly.
  23. Until proven otherwise, I'm going with the premise that halebore is agreeing with me and the disagreeing words are directed to a different mindset. If nothing else, it makes for a more pleasant evening
  24. Handing over our ability to reason ethically to technology means handing it over to the people who run the tech. Doing so has serious real life consequences, like the UK's decision to tank our economy because disaster capitalists figured out how to exploit data mining on the internet. Why should we go along with that sort of thinking and let them win? There are ALL sorts of things most of us don't do in real life because of social norms and respect. How hard is it to just come back to the shop on another day or go somewhere else for your new pixel fix? What's gained from disrespecting a shop owner's wishes is miniscule and fleeting, at most it's a sense of having got one over on someone you look down on. What's lost is part of a bigger picture where we are unwittingly handing over capabilities our societies depend upon. So here's an invitation to think about this ethically. Is getting one over on someone you disagree with worth dancing to the tune of someone who doesn't care about you or your needs? They're two sides of the same coin. What about relying on technological fixes? What happens when the fixes we're relying on are dependent on those whose ethical reasoning is detrimental to society? Real life examples make it clear we need to do better.
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