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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. link? because it's never been an issue in all the years I've been here to REPOST them to the linden owned forum to get help with them. still going to wait for tommy to actually clarify what the labs position is.
  2. 12 years I have been here and have posted many things to this forum and first time anyone has said this to me, so if @Tommy Linden can clarify this for us.
  3. I'm having a bad blonde moment here. default { attach(key AvatarKey) {//give instructions for use and prevent item from being attached to avatar if(AvatarKey) {//event is called on both attach and detatch, but Key is only valid on attach llOwnerSay (" We hope you will enjoy your purchase, but if you really want to use this item properly, you should: 1) drag it from your inventory to the ground 2) Right click on it and select \"open\" 3) copy its contents to inventory."); llRequestPermissions(AvatarKey, PERMISSION_ATTACH ); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llDetachFromAvatar( ); } } } that's the script. for the life of me I can not figure out how to get it to work on a touch event, as I do not want it to deatch as it does, aka they put it on, it's taking it back off. and the other examples I've tinkred with that dealt with linked numbers refuses to even work. so help this dumbdumb out a little bit.
  4. Yep same here. I have to logout and log back in to teleport at all right now. ebbe knows, the team knows.
  5. @Tommy Linden Beth found a link to the old lithium hosted forum.
  6. Shudo is correct, I've learned if I reply to one, to make sure I back out the reply information or it gets sent. let me real life email address for my business slip in once. oops.
  7. going from a main channel to a rc sim I'm having to run my teleports twice or they time out.
  8. I'd rather this not become a thing. you'll get unsuspecting people that will get ripped off.
  9. Identified - Our engineers have identified the issue and are working to resolve it. Mar 25, 19:57 PDT
  10. That is the original Github for it, the creator of the viewer died some years back, there is a fork with the same name called Radegast life, but I think even it's last update was 2018.
  11. Investigating - Second Life is currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance. This may result in troubles logging on or using inworld services. Please watch this blog for further information. Mar 25, 19:44 PDT
  12. Unable to connect? any one else.?
  13. HW32.packed is the installer, Googling around shows me that people have from far back as 2010 have gotten it. I use this text viewer almost daily and have for many years. It is safe. Ran the same scan on another site. Scan result File is safe File size 9.63 MB File type PE32/EXE Scan date Mar 20 2019 11:54:42 Databases release date Mar 20 2019 17:41:04 UTC MD5 8fd34fa40c8f69909ece1952935911a2 SHA1 f287c17a4bae2624c09905a09976b720d2a639c8 SHA256 fbf7b52c39f4091b9b7e20964d5f68da8441bd8e2b4586153daab010b8f6d7c8
  14. FIRST couple of things we are going to need to know PC specs Internet specs.
  15. Rebooting might be possible if the script knows to look for what the sim state is doing, moving to another prim is not going to be possible that script will get a new uuid and will be restarted on the server side.
  16. I';ve been here 12 years and active all thsoe years. I hope they would have a grandfather clause if not, I'm out, simple. after thousands and thousands of dollars spent with them. nope.
  17. Figuring out how to teleport because of a griefer orbited me, I did not have a clue until I got knocked out of ambat, learned how to use the map and search and the rest is pure history. I'm an old SL fart now *shakes cane at you youngin's*
  18. It's not possible with the second life server software to self host.
  19. What we need is Snapzilla integration since it's made for SecondLife.
  20. and? thats a GPU, this whole discussion EVERYBODY is telling you, SECOND LIFE IS CPU BASED, the gpu only does a little, it's the PROCESSOR of the computer doing mostly everything else.
  21. if we go about locking them in mass, it';s going to cause more hiccups to our already derpy database.
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