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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. Hey hey KItty, Just do it when they are offline, if they don`t notice your name gone from their list they probably won`t miss you....Though I am personally mortified that you didn`t miss me when I zapped you the other day LOL :smileyvery-happy:
  2. Try downloading viewer 2.4 from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers and see if the same thing happens with that one.
  3. They do seem to all still be there if you use search, but all my direct links to old useful threads are broken now ...Such fun lol
  4. As it is affecting all of you the same way and the group itself looks to be ok, you could try submitting a ticket or having a word with LiveChat if you are a premium member. The chances are that it will resolve itself before the ticket gets dealt with, as groups do tend to have some strange temporary bugs sometimes, but can`t hurt to have the ticket submitted as a backup if it does continue to stay broken.
  5. Everything Cinn said, plus you can also measure with prims, but that does require you being able to rezz there which isn`t always possible.
  6. I agree they aren`t the best Smiley set I`ve ever seen....frankly they are quite scary lol..... Maybe if you know of a good set you could suggest that they be added as an alternate set so that everyone can use them. I`m sure if its possible to do LL would rather have them installed that way instead of everyone filling their picture space with them. Good luck, sounds like a good suggestion.
  7. Check that it hasn`t moved outside of your Inventory. If you collapse all your inventory folders, do you now have Inventory, Library and Body Parts? Weird things like that do happen sometimes and the only fix is to submit a ticket asking LL to repair your inventory.
  8. I want to know something... with something as big as Second Life with all of it's users... WHY DOESN'T THEIR NEW STUFF WORK? You sort of answered your own question there, the reason that stuff doesn`t work for everyone all the time, is because SL is so big and there are so many users with so many different variations of computers and connections from so many different countries. Nyll is correct about how to get around the TOS thing, just accept it on viewer 1.23 and then go back to using your viewer of choice.
  9. Peewee Musytari


    Go here https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US to download the SecondLife Virtual world viewer.
  10. Depending on which country you live in, you could try adding different payment info until your CC is active again. If you are in US you can add a verified Paypal account. The only alternative to being Account Verified (payment info on file) would be to go through the age verification process.
  11. LOL we have only been back for a day so I doubt anyone has filled their up enough to know if there is a limit, try clicking the COMMUNITY HELP link, that seems to have the answers to most things if you dig around a bit. We don`t have a limit on questions either so you are still ok there, ask away hehe
  12. Sounds like the group is just being buggy today & hopefully it should resolve itself. Is there a group name at the top of the group info box or does it say ??? and can other group members still use their powers?
  13. If you are using 2.5, try logging in on a different viewer and editing it there. The changes will carry over to 2.5 & you may find that editing will then work on 2.5 too. No idea why, but it has worked for other people
  14. Did someone post with problems on IE9 and someone else that could only use Safari. I`ve tried Firefox and IE8 both seem ok for me.
  15. ?? She is showing as offline to me....If she had a ghost she would be showing as online.
  16. When you say you have tried a different connection what do you mean?....Same router, different computer?....completely different computer & connection? Try clearing your cache and restarting your computer, switching off your router too and leaving it off for a few minutes before reconnecting.
  17. After OFC, you can tell from the wild staring eyes and the look of sheer horror lol
  18. There is a thing in My Settings > Preferences > General that has the default as "mark as read when I read them", though the options aren`t great.
  19. OK, you should have a shortcut on your desktop to open the SL world again, click that and login using your username & password. Once you can "see" your avatar, you can right-click on it and you will then find edit appearance on the menu that appears. If you are wanting to change your avatar from the female one to one of the male ones, you can go to your Inventory (there is a tab for this on the right side of the screen that has an icon on it that looks like a suitcase) In your inventory you will find a section called LIBRARY, go there and find a folder called Clothing and a subfolder inside it called "Initial outfits". You can drag any of those outfit folders from your inventory on to your avatar and it will change its shape and clothes for you. Some are male and some are female, all are named accordingly.
  20. You are very welcome Maryanne, we are all stumbling around a bit here still hehe
  21. There were quite a few changes made to payment methods and on top of that there are now different answers depending on whethere or not you live in the US. For the best answer on a case to case basis you should call the toll-free Billing number on: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  22. Which ones do you mean? I don`t see that many and mouseover seems to work for me for the ones I do see. All the ones on this forum with the ? say stuff like: "question - you replied" "question with new content - you replied" "question with new content" and over on the forums they say similar stuff except discussion instead of question. Apart from the stickies that look like they have an arrow icon pinning them to the board.
  23. by CMOQ on 03-04-2011 12:21 AM I have no idea why you are asking me that. Of course I downloaded a viewer. How else could I be here asking questions? And why didn't you just send me the URL like I asked? This is not a viewer CMOQ, this is a website. Bee was asking if you had downloaded the Secondlife Viewer, logged in and actually seen the world and your avatar? If you have, the place you are looking for is in there, you right-click on your avatar (the little pixel person in second life) and you will find Edit Appearance. If you have not yet downloaded the SL world, you need to go to: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US & do that.
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