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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. "Learn the new interface and please, stop whining." That`s a bit harsh, you are implying that people are either stupid or lazy when the fact is that it has nothing to do with "learning" it. The new interface is very user unfriendly for some users that have specific requirements from a viewer & there are alternate viewers available that cater better for their needs. They are not "whining" about it, they are just not using it. According to a previous post "over a 5th of people are using it" which means nearly 80% are not, hardly a good statistic to backup your arguement. Different strokes for different folks!!.
  2. You mean something with consequences, like if you don`t eat in time you die? I haven`t seen one but I would think if there is one it would be marketed towards the RP community. If there isn`t one you should consider making one as I can imagine it would be popular lol
  3. Its not totally clear what you are saying there....Your preferences have allowed you to set your maturity rating to Adult and your search allows to check the boxes for Adult correct?...But despite this you are not getting adult results? That sounds very strange, how do you know you are not getting adult results, is there a particular thing that you are expecting to see that is not coming up?
  4. Which Viewer are you using & have your tried stretching the box wider?
  5. Bonjour, Il existe de nombreuses classes et des tutoriels pour apprendre à script. Vous pouvez utiliser la recherche pour trouver des uns et ces 2 liens devraient vous aider à démarrer. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial
  6. Obviously the word Gorean has the same effect as Gor...I didn`t notice you had both there at first. I had a building classed as a Adult by LL on the Marketplace, when I inquired I was told that having Gorean as a keyword was the reason...When I removed that it went back to a PG rating.
  7. Magnus Brody wrote: Thanks, PeeWee, but I've tried that several times with no success. If I delete my payment information, then I'm returned to the old choice of payment methods - the expensive credit card or PayPal. The system will ignore any attempt to use PayPal. Does anyone know when the lab intend to carry out what they stated, "Initially, the new payment system will be available only to new Residents outside the US, and to those who do not have existing payment information on file. Soon, the system will available to existing Residents outside the US who already have payment information on file." ? Hmm...Thats a bit mean if its still logging that you used to have payment info on file....They do keep trying to find more and more ways to annoy us Eurpoeans it seems lol You don`t mention which country you are in, is it one that has a toll-free billing number? If so I would try calling that & seeing if you get a half-decent response. Or If you are Premium, try LiveChat. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  8. It is against the TOS to remove a product listing and then relist the same item - Obviously because in part some people would do that to get rid of bad reviews. It is not against the TOS to list an upgraded version of a product. From what you describe, your new product is significantly different from the existing one so a separate listing shouldn`t violate the TOS, especially if you use the related item setting and direct customers to the other variations.
  9. There are 2 reasons that I can see right away. First off its only coming up in places if you have Mature rating selected - Because the word "Gor" is in the description. The other, more significant, reason it won`t show in ALL search is because your description would be regarded as SPAM. You need to get rid off all the extra uses of the words "FREE" and "Animations". After you edit it, you will need to wait until tomorrow to see if its made a difference, but changing those 2 things will definately improve it.
  10. That`s interesting, I haven`t used Kristens but with Phoenix they have their own inworld support group and website supports such as JIRAs and forums, check out whether or not Kristens have the same thing, sometimes there can be viewer specific problems and they will be best able to help if they have had other users with the same issue. I just checked & there is a free to join Group called: The Official Kirstens Viewer Group! ....See if they have any useful tips for you
  11. Think positive!!...You`ll be spnding your hard earned Lindens before you know it hehe
  12. Merging with the Teen Grid is more a figure of speech than an actual event. All that happened was a 100 or so new residents came to the Maingrid, and I think they brought a few new sims online. Nothing significant that doesn`t happen every other day. Its more likely that your issues are related to either your computer or the Viewer you are using, as I haven`t seen any reports of SL being particularly worse than its normally bad self. Try troubleshooting by testing with different viewers and different avatars (if you have an alt).
  13. Upgrades are usually automatic depending on your activity, but you can submit a ticket asking for it to be reviewed if you suddenly have a huge change in circumstances. If you don`t have access to the Ticket, you could try calling the toll-free Billing number, at least its free if they say they can`t help. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  14. LOL well I could answer your first question but you won`t see the answer If you click on the "View All" link it is a bit easier to see whats what. Lag isn`t really a question anyone can answer, I haven`t noticed it being any better or worse than normal, you may just be visiting more laggy places or you could have more attachments on your avvie than usual. Lag is always caused by a combination of Textures and Scripts so it will always vary from place to place depending whats there & how many other avvies.
  15. You sell your Lindens for US$, which go to your US$ balance on your account & then you cash them out to Paypal. This is where you sell your Lindens https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/sell.php
  16. Ugg that`ll be messy...Square peg in a round hole comes to mind lol You are right that the way to do it is a sculpty, you could do the whole shape in one prim that way instead of what would be a jigsaw puzzle of prims the other way. You could find someone to make the sculpty for you if you are not able to do it yourself, though you should get Blender and have a go at making them, you might enjoy it
  17. Since you appear to have several Viewers on your computer, they could be causing some conflicts, especially if they all have your cache saved to the same location. You need to clear your cache manually. (XP) - C: - Documents and Settings - (USER NAME) - AppData - SecondLife (Vista) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Local - SecondLife (Win 7) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Roaming - SecondLife Find that Secondlife folder and delete all the contents. NOTE: You may need to go to Windows Tools > Folder Options > View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders, in order to see AppData folder. When you lgo back to the login screen, go to prefernces & set the location to save your cache at some other place. I would also try changing start location to "Smith" too.
  18. The changes for us non-US residents were not all good changes (such as no longer being able to use Paypal) but anyone that already had certain things in place could continue to use them, the changes would only affect you if you tried to change or update your payment info. As you quoted in your question, residents with no payment info on file will come under the new rules, so if you would actually prefer that, just delete your payment info. But having said that, if you currently use one that is no longer acceptable, you won`t be able to put it back.
  19. I use Phoenix 908 and can not only see other people`s multi attachments but can attach multiples myself. I assume you are looking at some old viewers.
  20. Firstly make sure that you are clicking OK after you have made changes and not just closing the preferences window. Your preferences and other settings are saved to a folder called User_Settings, you can check that this file has been created, if you haven`t changed the location to somewhere else the file should be in its default location which is: (XP) - C: - Documents and Settings - (USER NAME) - AppData - SecondLife - User_Settings (Vista) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Local - SecondLife - User_Settings (Win 7) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Roaming - SecondLife - User_Settings NOTE: You may need to go to Windows Tools > Folder Options > View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders, in order to see AppData folder.
  21. There does seem to be a significant number of Macbook users that are claiming problems with v2.5, they seem to be ok on 2.4 so you could try downloading & using that one or see if the new Development Viewer works better for you. Get Viewer 2.4 here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Supported_Viewers Get Development Viewer here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  22. If you are logged into the website and you come to the forums you should just be able to click sign in and it will automatically sign you in, you shouldn`t be taken off to the login page again.
  23. After you have checked all the previous suggestions and if you are definately not flying or wearing a shoebase. You can go to Preferencs >> Phoenix >>Avatar tab and adjust your avatar position on the Z axis in those 3 little boxes at the top and that will move your avatar down to the ground.
  24. Sometimes the Risk API message is just a temporary thing. You don`t say which Exchange you are trying to use, but this is what VirWox says about it: Why is my Linden dollar deposit denied by the Risk API? Linden Lab does not tell us (or anybody), why their Risk API passes or denies payment. They just say it is dynamic and has several variables. It helps that a resident has a Second Life account with 30 days or more with payment information on file. In our experience, this is sometimes just a temporary problem which disappears in a few hours.
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