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Peewee Musytari

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Everything posted by Peewee Musytari

  1. Try using a different Browser & if that doesn`t work, try adding it on a different viewer if you are using 2.5.
  2. Check your connection, restart your computer and router and leave your router off for a couple of mins before restarting. You can also try clearing your DNS cache. Change your login start location to "Smith" If all else fails, check with your ISP that they are not experiencing any problems.
  3. Oskar has just posted this weeks: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Release/Deploys-for-the-Week-of-2011-03-07/m-p/731755
  4. My ATI Radeon HD 5700 series works great too....It is untrue that ATI cards aren`t good for SL, they sometimes need adjustments (like disabling VBO) that NVidia cards don`t need, but there are quirks with NVidia cards too that don`t affect ATI, so its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
  5. The issue is that when you create an "outfit" it includes everything that you are wearing, so that when you use that outfit you are ready to go without having to manually put things like AO back on. But unlike the old style outfits, it doesn`t actually move/copy items into the outfit folder, it creates a link to the location in your inventory that that item can be found. By creating a copy of the AO and editing it, then taking it back to inventory, the links in the outfit folders are still directed to the original (unedited) AO. At least thats how I read the problem hehe
  6. YW, I would definately try getting a nooby avatar if you don`t have one already & testing if you experience the same problems with that one. Aside from not wearing HUDS or anything significantly scripted they also have no inventory, so they are as basic as you can get for testing stuff to compare with. So if you do experience the same problems with a noob avvie, you can eliminate your avatar as being the cause of your issues.
  7. Here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Release/bd-p/Release And here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Release_Status_Whiteboard
  8. Duplicate post to : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/hello-can-i-play-SL-with-graphic-card-Club-3D-HD-3450-Radeon-HD/qaq-p/726151 Nyll already answered this question last time you asked it.
  9. Absolutely, I was just pointing it out as an option to save you from remembering to subscribe to individual threads in future if you wanted to get emails for ones that you particiapte in....A couple of people had already said to use subscribe in options to fix your current predicament so I didn`t repeat that too...Sorry if I confused you
  10. Your teleport_history.xml default location is: (XP) - C: - Documents and Settings - (USER NAME) - AppData - SecondLife - Nosnibor Zerundi (Vista) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Local - SecondLife - Nosnibor Zerundi (Win 7) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Roaming - SecondLife - Nosnibor Zerundi NOTE: You may need to go to Windows Tools > Folder Options > View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders, in order to see AppData folder.
  11. You could try looking at your teleport_history.xml which will be on your HD in the same place as your logs (unless you have your logs saved to a custom location). That will tell you the last few places that you TPd & could help you find your ghost.
  12. ?? Its to coverup the fact that you are wearing shorts not a skirt.
  13. Nosnibor Zerundi is still showing as online, as I said in my other post it will refresh every 15 mins, so if you know the last time it went offline you could start trying to get it about 13 mins after that. You need access to your friends list to give mapping rights to your alt, but they aren`t always much help with ghosts as they often show them to be out in the middle of the ocean or some strange location that isn`t accurate, but you can occasionally get lucky with it. A lot depends on how you got Ghosted, if it was a TP accident your more liely to be harder to find than if it was a crash crossing a sim wall.
  14. Nosnibor Zerundi wrote: @ Charolotte Caxton: your answer seems before people with Windows computers. CTL ALT DEL doesn't do anything on my Mac. I did go looking for a take manager or a SLPlugin but couldn't find any. @Couldbe Yue: Live chat could work if I could get log into SL & start chat. I've tried to log into a the sandbox you suggested but ever times I try to log into SL I get stuck at "Loading world..." but I'll still try to log into a sandbox a few more times. @Dil Spitz: I don't remember where my avatar was. I thought it was at my home location but my Alt has been there & my main account isn't there. I may have to wait for a rolling restart. I am open to more suggestions. You are not getting the normal message for a ghost, but the fact that you are showing as online would suggest that you do have one. You can submit a ticket and at least LL will be looking for your ghost too and hopefully get it cleared before you find it. In the meantime, assuming it is a normal ghost, it will refresh once every 15 mins & thats the gap that will allow you to login. Set your start location to "Smith" & just keep trying to log. If you do get in, you will be locked out again when you relog unless you confront your ghost with your real avvie, so in some ways its a bit of a pain if you dont` know where your ghost is. I would do the ticket & login with an alt (preferably one with a good radar) and visit all the last places your real avvie has been and see if you can find it.
  15. YW & hopefully it will fix itself, I can`t see that there is anything you can do to fix it as you have all the right requirements and settings already..Pesky gremlins
  16. LL will not discuss anyone`s account with a 3rd party, no matter how well your intentions are, it would be a breach of the privacy policy. If your friend`s account has been placed on administrive hold, it will be because LL are investigating some security issue and they will take whatever time they want to to do it & from what I have seen this can be a long or short time with very little or no feedback aside from the initial email, which usually tells you nothing very much lol Last friend I had with a hold on his account it took about a month.
  17. If you are premium or consierge level support, when you go to the help page you will see a panel on the right listing your support options, LiveChat should be on the list.
  18. You can check the setting in Settings>subscriptions to email you for threads you post in or for your posts and replies.
  19. The system requirements for video cards are not very up to date though if you check on http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/ the 4600 series don`t seem to score very highly. You can check here for your latest drivers http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
  20. Sometimes testing a few keywords on the marketplace...like Hunger or Hungry or Starve etc can get good results, I would recommend having mature search on because a lot of RP stuff tends to get flagged as mature content.
  21. Definately sounds like some alien glitch, see if it persists or resolves itself and if it looks like its here to stay I would submit a ticket (or have a word with LiveChat if you are premium). Test out a different viewer to see if its the same on the all. You do however win todays Peewee Prize for weird anomily hehe
  22. hehe thanks Nika, I had a feeling them Roleplayers would have come up with one lol
  23. What are your computer specs? Specifically Mac or Windows and what is your graphics card? Check that your graphics card has the latest drivers installed.
  24. Hmm that does sound bizarre, unless your searching for something really bad lol Even more bizarre that it was working previously, are you getting the same message for everything adult related or is it just a particular topic that its blocking. For example if you search for "Gorean" do you get results? That word is classed as "Adult".
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