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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. RC Magnum: llSetMemoryLimit, llSetLinkMedia, llGetLinkMedia, llClearLinkMedia, llSetLinkCamera, llSetContentType, PRIM_POS_LOCAL, llLinkSitTarget,llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget, llSetVelocity, llSetRotationalVelocity, PRIM_LINK_TARGET The Magnum link above is live, By reading this post, you have volunteered to fill in the red ones. ;)
  2. Donna Rickena wrote: Hello im Donna Rickena and i have Dylexia and was told all my life i would not ever be come anyhting or anyone and just be who i am a mum with Dylexia omg well i gees works like that cam mack you fight hard to be better and thats what im trying to do second life has given me that chance to be some one and lern and be who i want to be and in no way has it been a easy road but im here and still trying still lerning but in so much harder when you can not read or understand what your reading i need help all the way and im now stuck becuse im on xstreet and not listed when it says i am im not shoing in market plase and cant understand why can some one help me please Hi Donna, your stuff is on the marketplace, your store is at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/89245 The old Xstreet SL web site is mostly closed down now, it is only there so people can retrieve old information.
  3. At 31169 regions and 4096 4x4 blocks of land in each region, there are 127,668,224 blocks on the grid. Any of them can be joined, divided, transferred, renamed, etc. at any moment. Take the chronic stale data problems of land for sale on the map, and scale that up to include all the land, and there is the problem to be solved. It might work Ok to restrict the parcel information to the local and bordering regions, to be transmitted and displayed on the map or mini map. At that point it becomes a new way to display the parcel boundaries and owners that can already be drawn on the terrain. From there, it only takes someone who thinks this kind display is worth the trouble to patch it into the viewer. The displays on the terrain are good enough for my needs.
  4. There is a function for this in libopenmetaverse. There is a parcelinfo command that prints them all in the TestClient example, and many other text and bot clients have picked up the same command. Example output for the Radegast //parcelinfo command, in Dore -- [18:10] Parcel Infro results:Downloaded 18 Parcels in Dore Parcel[13]: Name: "Protected Land", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 294Parcel[48]: Name: "", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 11Parcel[9]: Name: "Welcome Area", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 14156Parcel[47]: Name: "", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 69Parcel[578]: Name: "Protected Land", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 0Parcel[577]: Name: "Welcome Area", Description: "Protected Land, Not For Sale" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 179Parcel[2]: Name: "Orientation Stations - in the Castle", Description: "Did you forget some SL basics? Did you miss some stations on Orientation Island? Duplicates of those stations can be found here" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 593Parcel[46]: Name: "", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 5Parcel[1]: Name: "Protected Land", Description: "Not for Sale" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 105Parcel[573]: Name: "Orientation Stations", Description: "Did you forget some SL basics? Did you miss some stations on Orientation Island? Duplicates of those stations can be found here" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 0Parcel[580]: Name: "Protected Land", Description: "Not For Sale" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 43Parcel[579]: Name: "Orientation Stations - in the Castle", Description: "Did you forget some SL basics? Did you miss some stations on Orientation Island? Duplicates of those stations can be found here" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 50Parcel[261]: Name: "A Change of Fate - Darkwood Themed Land", Description: "Themed Darkwood Land" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 21Parcel[262]: Name: "Empyreal Grounds", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 3Parcel[37]: Name: "Castle Romulus and A Step Through Time", Description: "Male and Female clothing and a variety of texture packs and more yet to come.. Mutant Lives, Everyman, Whispers by Zelinna, US and Remnant Goods" ACLBlacklist Count: 2, ACLWhiteList Count: 6 Traffic: 67Parcel[129]: Name: "Kitra Kothari's Land", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 26Parcel[320]: Name: "DV Designs - Dore", Description: "Low prim homes, houses, builds, platforms, shops and furniture with high prim style and cheap prices." ACLBlacklist Count: 1, ACLWhiteList Count: 1 Traffic: 49Parcel[260]: Name: "Dore", Description: "" ACLBlacklist Count: 0, ACLWhiteList Count: 0 Traffic: 0 TestClient has a parceldetails command to get more information about each, and so on.
  5. Hi, the Dialog category is included on the front page now. Please don't put questions inline on regular wiki pages, they are too easy to miss there. The "discussion" tab is made for those. Or even beter, since you knew how to edit the LSL Portal page, why didn't you just add it yourself?
  6. Hi, about 2 weeks ago, there was a bug in the LeTigre RC software for a few hours. It made some rezzed sculpts lose their maps. The bug that made it happen should be fixed now, so hopefully you will not have to do this again!
  7. Hi, the "radians per second" in the llTargetOmega specification looks promising for a clock, but in reality that number is more like a limit. The viewer does not really try at all to maintain this rate, it is happy to slow it down when it has other work to do, and that happens often. You will get much better results with the conventional rotation nudge on a timer.
  8. Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The preferences check box to turn off gesture sounds took most of the pain away. :robothappy:
  9. That is residual style markup from the wiki, apparently Oskar copied and pasted from there. Most of us have an HTML filter run against our posts, but Lindens are exempt and the stray style information can be posted intact.
  10. It is intentionally hidden off to the sidebar because it was flooded with general questions about SL. The moderators were moving off topic threads almost as fast as they were created, but the flow did not stop, so off to the sidebar it went.
  11. Peewee Musytari wrote: They can`t be deleted as they will just come back after relog & some people have them outside of their inventory/library folders instead of in lost & found, so I agree, is probably best to leave them alone, so that they don`t end up in a worse place lol Oh, they are real library items and act like them, so they can't be deleted, folder contents but not the folders can be copied/pasted, etc.
  12. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Deletion works fine for me, I had been adding and deleting interests to peek at how the recommendations work. Take yourself up to 20 of them and then try it - but with the last one in your list. I've apparantly got a magic 8 of them that will not go away. Unfortunately one of them is something I only put in there as a test... Whatever bug you are experiencing, it is simply not affecting everybody. It would be good to take that straight to JIRA or support so they can look at the specifics of your setup and account.
  13. http://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/93752028299411456 adamburp adamburp adamczyk : @rodvik hey rod can you quash the rumour viewer 1 is 2b blocked rodvik rodvik humble: @adamburp No plans for that. Older viewers should continue to work. Obviously new features will be in the new code base.
  14. Come on, I know it was one of you!
  15. Thank you. It should be OK to ignore them for now and leave the library switched on, LL will get around to some cleaning after all the puzzled support tickets come in.
  16. They are in the library inventory and not really in the individual avatar inventories, the overlay effect is just a viewer display quirk. We can see this with a toggle of the NoinventoryLibrary debug setting followed by a relog. It is not related to direct delivery.
  17. Winter Ventura wrote: Ther latest viewers and web-based profiles use square images. Yes, and the max it likes to use is 600x600. The new profile system can deal semi-gracefully with 4:3 images with cropping, and use the extra width on legacy displays. They should be uploaded through the web site to work well, because the web profiles have no way to tell a really square SL texture from a squished or stretched 4:3
  18. Deletion works fine for me, I had been adding and deleting interests to peek at how the recommendations work.
  19. There is a little 'x' on each interest button. If I click one of those, the interest is removed from my list, no save button needed.
  20. I think you might know where it is in space, if you are providing a sit animation. At least the X and Y should be close enough, the Z might be a little off but a fixed offset fudge plus a little particle flash can hide little errors. You could get close to perfect if you could force the rider to wear a special shape, but that could be asking too much. If the main object knows the desired rotation then yes, it is probably fine to rez from there. You already know the size and base alignment for the turret prims, and there are other ways to get the avatar's position, so the child prim really has nothing new to tell you. I want to say that the attachment position stuff really is useless, but then the function looks up with sad eyes and says "please don't abandon me!"
  21. Hi, I will need to hammer on the llGetPos() documentation a little more, I tried to use the pelvis as a familiar point of reference but that is not really accurate either. The real reference location is the avatar's root position. This can be seen with Develop>Avatar>Display Agent Target. If the avatar is standing/flying/ground sitting, this location is the red cross hairs. This is usually a little bit little below the pelvis when standing or flying, near the head on ground sit. If the avatar is sitting on an object, it is the off-white cross hairs, by default about collar height and over the thigh. [ The red and white are both usually present, the one we can see is an artefect of their draw order. The visible one could change if that part of the viewer code is touched. ] There is a proposal for a "root" attachment point that matches this position, but since we don't have one it is virtually impossible to get a perfect match for an attachment prim's location. So, we can usually get a good value for Y, but X and Z will usually be a little off. Another complication is that outside mouselook, the avatar's rotation on the server will not perfectly match what is on screen. If we put away the idea of a perfect match to the attachment, and worry only about the avatar postition -- - From a child prim, llGetPos() - (llGetLocalPos() * llGetRootRotation()) will match llGetRootPosition(). - From the child prim again, llGetPos() - (llGetLocalPos() * llGetRot()) will match the distance to the root, but offset it by the child prim's rotation relative to the root (that is, relative to the avatar's nominal rotation plus child rotation). Is that enough to work on?
  22. Hi, here are some things you might try. Zoom out with the mouse when and get to edit mode with Ctrl+3. Drag the mouse to make a box in the area around your avatar, this should reveal if there is some kind of invisible cage trapping you. Ctrl+Alt+T is buggy these days. If you cannot find an invisible cage, there could be an object that has grabbed controls on your avatar. Advanced>Shortcuts>Release Keys will free it if that is the trouble. I don't think it will make a difference, but just to rule out problems you could also ask someone with land rights to freeze your avatar, and see if you are freed up when the freeze expires.
  23. Hi, yes this is possible with all viewers. Some third party viewers have an option in their preferences to disable viewer effects or camera crosshairs, the name varies. For viewers like the official one that do not have a check box for this, you can still do it if you are comfortalbe with jumping into the program diirectory and editing a text files. See the Show Look At wiki page for the format.
  24. LindsayLovely wrote: I'm sure many like myself have been in and out of the sl dating scene. I personally am looking for a better alternative. Is it possible in sl to have a bot boyfriend that interacts with you and that you can control? If anyone makes something like this I am willing to purchase one. :smileyhappy: and I am not making this thread as an analyses of dating, why I want to control a man, etc., I just want to know if the option is out there. That would be awesome if so!!! Thanks! Hi, it is possible, and it is not too hard too do these days. The software off the shelf is much easier to use than it was a few years ago! What you get will be closer to a talking puppy than a boyfriend, but maybe that is what you want to try? If you want to play with the idea, get a copy of the Radegast client. It is pretty slick for a text client, you will feel at home if you were used to viewer 1. You can play with the Plugins>ALICE Chatbot menu to make him converse, it may wirk better if you use "respond without name". He will not be a brilliant conversationlist, but he'll talk all about you and not use txtspk. There are some remote follow, sit, etc. tools built in on the client, but they are a little limited. Radegast has RLV, so you can put an Open Collar on him, those can be made invisible, and there is even an "implant" version that is made to be invisible.This could make it a little easier to get him to dress appropriately and follow you across sims, there is even a huigger built in. Both the collar and the client have functions built in to handle things like sitting on stuff, what is easier will depend on your preferences. There are some paid bot services for SL, their capabilities are pretty close to what I just described.
  25. In the Massively interview with Rod Humble, he talked very quickly about "new products" in the mobile segment. He did not want to name platforms, but he did say that it was probably obvious. He did not say what these new products would do. This is only a guess, but apps centered on a retooled Avatars United seem a lot more feasible than a full on 3D client for the mobile hardware available today. Scene snapshots with maplike navigation, and maybe interaction with individual objects and avatars, could maybe work as a partial inworld presence until the hardware catches up more. I would still guess that inworld presence would be later instead of sooner.
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