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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. jwenting wrote: There was an economy. The only way for there not to be one is for nobody to make, share, sell, or buy anything whatsoever. As I know I did all those things almost (except selling stuff), there must have been an economy. There just wasn't a quarterly *report* of the economy (like we used to get).
  2. Casandra Kumsung wrote: I got a complaint from a customer that something I sold was missing a couple of textures. It happened to be something I sell a lot of and I IM the other customers and they said nothing was missing. I opened my copy and it was missing textures, I got the one from the magic box and it was also missing textures. I had to find the original texture file and redo it. And send the object to the customer, then put it in the magic box. What happened? I am now in direct delivery but I do not think it had anything to do with that since my copy was missing them too. Every now an then something is missing a texture. No it is not because I used a temporary upload. I considered that and that is why I im the other people some purchased after and some before and I made no changes to it in a long while. Seems to be ok now but it is a bother. I'd like to know what causes that as well. I had that happen with a hunt gift that I am 100% sure was all textured correctly when I boxed it and set it inside the hunt object in my store. This was not a delivery issue ie. not being sold on the MP. About halfway into the hunt, I rezzed the item to show a friend and was horrified to see one of the pillows was untextured. I had received no complaints so, thinking it could be a fluke, sent a copy to a friend who also got the missing texture issue. I retextured, swaped the new set for what was in the hunt item and notified the hunt organizer so he could notifify the hunters.
  3. Echo Hermit wrote: It's brilliant if you place yourself near to a sheer drop, like the end of a pier, and set yourself in phantom mode. Seems to temporarily put a griefer off his/her stride and is jolly amusing to watch. Now that's the way to defeat a griefer and enjoy a few chuckles myself. I myself am a proponent of this method.
  4. Casandra Kumsung wrote: Thanks. Just venting. I know Linden could not support a teen grid anymore but this has ruined the fun for us. I make money in SL and take it seriously. These kids just are messing it up for everyone. What is wrong with kids today! (cannot believe I said that). I wasn't a proponent of bringing teens onto the grid, but to be fair, there was a ton of griefing going on years before the kids arrived, so while some "may" be kids, all are not. I personally don't run into much griefing anymore because I rarely go to the main griefer hangouts - info hubs, sandboxes, and such. I realize some griefers target other sims for who knows what reason - easy target, vendetta against the sim owner or someone on the sim, or just for the lulz, which sounds like the griefer you encountered. Within my first month or two in SL, I was riding my new AKK horse on that sim and encountered some dude who wanted to trade his "protection" system for my horse. I said no thank you and this guy proceeded to follow me, continuing to ask for a trade. I didn't say anything else to him, and the next thing I knew I was way up in the air and had no idea what had happened. My first, and only, experience with being orbited.
  5. Echo Hermit wrote: Oh yes, you just made me remember "Phantom" mode, which is/was in the Phoenix menu. Rather marvellously it stopped people from pushing into you, and caused them instead to pass through an avatar as if it were a ghost. Absolutely perfect for welcome areas and sandboxes. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: Thanks, Echo. Was pretty sure there was something like that available in Phoenix (had seen in somewhere when looking through the menu) but so used to just attaching my Mysti. /makes note to locate Phantom mode. That must be a hoot to see people pass right through you...and confuse the "pusher."
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: I don't see how anyone makes money on renting land $L1 per prim? Sim only has 15,000 prims and the only equates to roughly $55 USD a week. 4 weeks is barely over 200 USD How do they pay tier? Must be grandfathered sims. But it seems that renting out land, the profit margin is pretty low. I guess mainland renting is easier and a bit more profitable than renting with private regions? I have always been curious how the land market worked with rentals and price standards Some people are only off setting their costs. Cost per meter/prim goes down as your land holdings go up. I have a few friends who do this. It helps lower their cost for the land they use personally. My current rental situation is a special deal and I am paying actual cost to my friend. But before that I was paying 550L a week for 2048 sqm. This worked out to being about $1.50US a month cheaper than if I went premium and owned my own plot. Linden homes have murdered the Mainland rental market. But that's a separate subject. Same here, Perrie. I rent an optimal Mainland parcel (water sim - corner parcel bordered on two sides by Linden Ocean) for a lot less than if I was Premium and paid tier for the same parcel size. I use it "vertically" meaning I have a small "beach" area at water level, my building platform in the sky, my in world shop higher yet, and my home at 4000m.
  7. I have no earthly idea why griefers grief, but deliberate pushing most definitely is ARable. I'm not in world atm but there is someplace on the SL menu (I'm assuming this would be in most, if not all Third Party Viewers as well) that shows if you've been pushed and by whom. As a precaution against being pushed, there are several methods - rezzing a box and sitting on it is the simplest but not possible in no-rez areas. I thought the Phoenix viewer had an option for "locking" ones avatar so as not to be pushed, but not sure about that. Years ago I purchased a Mysti-tool (HUD) which I LOVE - the Swiss Army Knife of SL - it does sooo many things. I don't wear it all the time anymore since Phoenix has the built in radar system but I do use it for specific things. Mysti has a "lock" mode which prevents one from being pushed, it also has an option (again, I'm rusty on what it's called - something like "personal vehicle) which really isn't a vehicle in the car, motorcycle, etc. sense but, when clicked, it creates a bubble one can stand inside. The bubble is invisible but shields the person from everything including being pushed, orbited, caged, etc. (I used mine once when I saw a noob with a "freenis" hanging out approaching me. Stepped inside my bubble, which again cannot be seen, and watched noob try to push me and bounce off my bubble. I also have a "Point and Laugh" animation I activated.) To your point, it is sad that the majority of SL residents even need to have any type of precaution.
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: A sweater with Fall colors like this: In general though, it is kind of fun to have seasonal clothes. Not like it's done in RL, where you buy everything way in advance, but more in the moment. I know everybody gets into the act for Halloween and the winter holidays and we can have whatever weather we want year-round, but I kind of like the idea of dressing for the seasons, Fall and Spring especially. ETA I agree with Tako on wanting to see more vintage stuff, especially shoes. I love dressing for the seasons as well. /reminder to myself to pull out my Fall wardrobe. I especially enjoy the winter in SL - I wear a lot of coats, cloaks, furs, Victorian muffs, etc.
  9. sassychic777 wrote: I'll definitely tell my sister that , she loves vintage and she doesn't make anything because she doesn't know if anyone will like it or not There's a huge vintage market out there - I stick with about 3 vintage designers, but there are a lot more, so yes, that is a good niche. When I first began SL I was a Cigar Girl in a WWII dance club. The sim recreated the Pacific Islands during WWII. The Officer's Club had been bombed out (the remnants of which were present, complete with a Mah-Jong table) so dancing had been moved to one of the airplane hangars, which was decorated like the Big Band era dance clubs...GREAT BUILDS. There was a patio out back for dancing as well, complete with little Japanese lanterns strung up for lighting and ambiance. As time went on a wedding gazebo was added as well as an old-fashioned Boardwalk, including a ferris wheel and arcade games. Lots of places to relax were tucked in amongst the tropical landscaping. This dance venue had a strong core of regulars and was packed every night during the 3-hour events - a different theme each night. All the regulars dressed in 40's vintage attire. One small shop was located "down a short path" from the dance club for new patrons who would say, "Where can I get outfits like that?" The shop featured various dresses, hair, shoes, suits, hats, etc. from various vintage designers. I really miss that club and have never found another one even close to the theme, build and great owners/managers. Oh right...the thread is talking about types of clothes. I, personally, rarely wear "regular" clothes in SL and never wear what is often referred to as "slutwear." I am most always wearing a different era clothing which ranges from 1920s -1940s, Victorian, and Medieval with 40's & Victorian being the top two.
  10. Arwen Serpente wrote: No need to apologize! Good discussions are pretty rare. I just thought this thread has seen it's day and should probably just be left to fade away.... ACK!!! Last time someone said something similar on the old forums, it became The Undying Thread that lasted over a year and a half, and would likely still be active if LL hadn't closed down those forums. :matte-motes-sour:
  11. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: "Would you like to play a game?" -- War Games. "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?" Joshua in "War Games" I have one of my VKC dogs programmed to go fetch a ball, bring it to the person designated, drop the ball at the person's feet, sit, look over its shoulder (the VKC Chow is the only dog that can do this) and "says" - Shall we play a game? - the mechanized voice clip from the movie. LOVE that movie!!!
  12. Back in the day Lindens seemed to be "out and about" more. I would see a Linden in the audience of a build off, or out checking out land, etc. I can't recall the last time I actually saw a Linden in world. To me, the Linden who is the most engaged with residents is Torley Linden. I never saw him in world, but watched many, many of his video tutorials. Just the beginning, "Friendly Greetings!" always made me smile. In some of the videos he invited people to stop his home. Really wish I'd done that. I've seen Torley respond in some forum posts - generally on technical issues.
  13. Cerise Sorbet wrote: Hi, they are not giving out the houses, but they do make the textures available, see this page in the knowledge base. That should be enough to make a good facsimile, if you have had the opportunity to learn some basic building. In the Elderglen hub there is also pie. If you had your heart set on Linden-built houses, there are some available here in Mosh Station. These are not the same buildings used in Linden Homes but some are kind of interesting. I never knew that re: the textures. Thank you for the link, Cerise.
  14. Darrius Gothly wrote: It was noted in another thread and on the Release Notes that the fix they rolled out earlier this week was rolled back. Apparently they realized their FIX was more "Minus I" and "Plus U" than expected. /facepalms Who's running this company - Larry, Curly & Moe????
  15. Ok, I'm still not following your logic... 16 wrote: OP buy neighbour then erect skull wall + question: did OP set to flip sale before or after wall went up? <snip> + as it turned out OP did buy with the intention to flip sell. motive of neighbour was to deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened OP is brand new and not understanding how the land flipping game works in SL thought to try to make a quick profit. Neighbour decide to take advantage of OP and make a quicker one The OP buys land that is already for sale. If the neighbor's motive was to "...deny OP any realistic chance of selling the parcel..." then, following that logic, the skull thing would have been erected by neighbor already, which it apparently wasn't. The second part of that sentence is, "...and coerce OP into buying neighbours parcel. which since happened." This makes more sense and is a high-pressure tactic used by, imo, jerks when they want to sell land, have offered it to a neighbor perhaps, neighbor says no, ugly something put up to pressure neighbor. Even though the end result was the OP buying that parcel, I still don't get why, if this person wanted to sell the land anyway, he put up the skull. The other common reason someone puts up some ugly build is if his neighbor put up something ugly. Maybe the neighbor didn't like the OP's original build. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to follow the logic of this and I could very well be missing something. To the OP: What Echo said - You have a nice house in a lovely area. I went over to check it out when you first posted but couldn't get too close before I got orb warnings, I'm assuming from the beach houses next to your land, but I could hover out of orb range and see how picturesque the area is. You're off to a great start in SL. Enjoy!
  16. Zaphod Kotobide wrote: What seems to me to have diminished over the years is the sense of community. It doesn't feel as socially engaging as it once did. We're less likely even to have someone take 4 seconds to type "Hello" upon a chance meeting than we once were. I think in the earlier years, the Lindens themselves inspired a lot of that kind of engagement, by being engaged with the community in-world themselves. I'm somewhat disappointed that they have all but entirely retreated from community engagement on a social level. I hope that in the future they will re-think those decisions, and realize the impact that their engagement has had on the larger resident community. Yes, this part is huge. I never spoke to Philip Linden or met any Lindens in person (that is such a cool part of your memories!!!) but I used to encounter Lindens just being "out and about" in SL. I took photos when I'd see them and definitely glad I did now since Linden sightings are very rare. The photos are some of my SL "nostalgia." Lindens do still attend various User Group meetings that are open to the public as far as I know, but the average Resident wouldn't know about most of them (or care as they're on the techie side), but it was so much fun to be walking along and..."Oh!!! There's a Linden ahead!!!"
  17. Maryanne Solo wrote: Lost? I don't think so. But I'm only mid 2009 or so. WaOh o! o! o! - O! O! O! We don't even have to try... It's always a good time! Hehe...you do seem to be having a good time.
  18. And you said your story wasn't as compelling as others. :matte-motes-tongue: Reading your post made me wonder if new Residents who come into SL today are filled with the same sense of awe as those of us from years ago. Hearing about how you watched plywood cubes being transformed into a house brought back a lot of memories. I've been in a nostalgic mood lately and honestly, for me, I wouldn't mind having the SL clock turned back a few years. Technology is speeding ahead at an ever-increasing rate to the point that sometimes I can't catch my breath long enough to enjoy a new update before another one is upon me. I enjoyed SL a lot more when building or creating didn't mean buying templates and slapping a texture on; going back to a time pre-sculpty and definitely pre-mesh (ugh!!! Can't stand mesh!!!) would, for me, be wonderful. Newer residents to SL will likely view this post as an "elder" in the rocking chair saying, "Back in my day..." I don't mean this post as a negative one - just reading some of the memories takes me back to my first days/years in SL...and the magic that was lost somewhere along the way.
  19. So sorry to hear about your fall and being in the hospital. Keeping you in my thoughts.
  20. Deja Letov wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Deja Letov wrote: I totally agree, but I doubt the topic will ever go away because they will never fix it and LL will never correct it. It's funny, I just checked all my listings and with over 300 products listed I have a grand total of 18 reviews TOTAL for all products. AND for awhile there, I was even contacting everyone individually thanking them for their order and reminding them that if they felt so inclined they have an option to always review their order. I see what you mean though...18 reviews over 300 products and then you have some merchants who get TONS of reviews on a single product...total bull. Deja, when you speak of 18 reviews are you referring to the number of people who rated an item but didn't necessarily leave a comment, or are the 18 specifically comments left, not including ratings with no comments? This got me interested and I was in the process of counting mine - then the MP went boom. In the meantime decided to come back and clarify what you are counting so I can do an apples-apples comparison. I did find something rather odd before the MP crashed - I have one product that has a 5-star rating (in that all 5 stars are blue) but says (0) reviews. Okkkkkaaaayyy...how does that happen? I don't think I have any old ones with ratings and no comments. Everything has a star rating moment comment as far as I can see. Thanks, Deja. Reason I'm a bit confused (par for this thread apparently...lol) is that I have some products that have *ratings* only - meaning stars but no comments and others that have *ratings* and *reviews* - meaning one or more comments as well. Must be from the SLX - MP migration to which Pamela referred. Will count actual reviews out of curiosity.
  21. Echo Hermit wrote: Hello again, Nedlloyd. Thank you for the updates. We hope, now your neighbour has sold you his land too, you will remain happy in your chosen sim. This is where I live on the mainland - my house is the retro-looking one in the middle of the photo. Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly, as you'll see if you are not a home body. This, for example, was the view from the first land I owned. As well as being welcome to bring up topics and questions here, please also know there is a mine of regularly-updated information on the Knowledge Base (see tab above). I would advise you look at this one, as you are a landowner already. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113 Cool photos Wanted to comment on "Not all parts of the mainland are so ugly..." I've lived on two mainland sims my entire time in SL, on one parcel for about 6 months until the owner sold it, and on my current sim for the best part of the last 4 1/2 years. Both were/are water sims. Someone built a meditation/Tai Chi area for public use on the first sim. Something I also found interesting, given the nature of mainland sims, all the builds/homes at "water level" were Japanese styles; it was the closest mainland version of living on a themed estate I've seen. I hadn't learned how to take photos without the UI yet. Not sure if this swan ride was part of the meditation center, but at any rate was provided for everyone by another resident. The generosity of people who build amazing areas for others to enjoy and ask nothing in return is the other side of the coin, so to speak, of some of the more annoying types we sometimes encounter in SL. The spooky looking house in the background was on an adjoining sim - I think this was taken around Halloween 2007. I've always lived in the sky so it's immaterial what things look like on the ground, or water, but overall, whenever I do go to check out any new builds on my sim, I'm usually pleasantly surprised. (Of course there was the little pavilion smack dab in the middle of the (keep in mind) water sim once that had a purple grand piano on it. That was it - pavilion with grand piano. It was a conversation piece for sure...lol.) I haven't taken any photos of the sim lately (makes note to do so) but this is one of my favorite photos taken at ground level on my current sim - taken years ago. No, that is not my house...lol. I lived in the sky and took the photo from a little piece of land I owned at the time.
  22. Melita Magic wrote: Building, buying land, rezzing a house, talking about renting to other residents. You are doing very well for being in Second Life only three days. Congratulations. I was thinking the same thing, Melita. After 6 months in SL I was still trying to figure out the difference between "buying land" vs "renting land" and what the difference was between Mainland and Estates. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  23. Darrius Gothly wrote: I'd rather they do something totally boneheaded than do nothing at all. But alas, I think your appraisal may be almost too accurate. They have not done anything on a giant laundry list of issues that are suffocating the Marketplace. If as you suggest the approach of "doing nothing" is their way of handling it .. (Emphasis mine) They did - they changed the MP notification to email "from" field. :smileylol:
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: Czari the ratings given on Xstreet without a reveiw show up as 0 reviews. If I'm understanding this correctly, you're referring to an item that was given a rating when the item was still on Xstreet but after the migration Xstreet reviews show up as 0 reviews? Ok that looks exactly like what you just said....lol. Need more caffeine apparently. And thanks - I was scratching my head over that one. A phantom review? Gremlins in the system?
  25. Ah, you said "after today's maintenance." My sales with the regular address were prior to the maintenance. I will make sure to check out the email on sales notices going forward. My examples were from this morning.
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