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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Melita Magic wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I've never read a single "Harry Potter" book nor seen any of the movies and have no desire to do so. Damn! That was mine—it was the very first thing I thought of when I saw this. Now I'll have to think of something else :-). Sorry about that. I was actually surprised when I read your post considering the flak I usually get when I mention that. Shows there are at least two of us in the world who haven't boarded the "Harry Potter train." *Grins* There is at least three in that club. I'm surprised at that too. What shall we call the club - Harry Potless? (Doesn't sound so good...) Willow: yes. Thanks everyone! You can go more than once, if you want; keep them coming. LOL - I was actually going to say in my post to Dillon that we should start a SL group around that. *Cue Twilight Zone theme* /takes out notepad - Ok, so three thus far for the group. Oh, and please add my name to the growing list of "Have never watched Grey's Anatomy."
  2. valerie Inshan wrote: I have never felt so lonely in SL so far. Sorry for putting a sad note in here. :smileysad: That's an awful feeling...been there. Gives you a *HUG*
  3. Dillon Levenque wrote: Okay, the cell phone reference reminded me of one. I have a cell phone, but I've never texted. I think we're on the same wavelength, Dillon. I've owned cell phones in the past but do not own one now; have never owned a "smart phone" and never texted.
  4. Dillon Levenque wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I've never read a single "Harry Potter" book nor seen any of the movies and have no desire to do so. Damn! That was mine—it was the very first thing I thought of when I saw this. Now I'll have to think of something else :-). Sorry about that. I was actually surprised when I read your post considering the flak I usually get when I mention that. Shows there are at least two of us in the world who haven't boarded the "Harry Potter train." *Grins*
  5. I've never read a single "Harry Potter" book nor seen any of the movies and have no desire to do so.
  6. The majority of that post made little appreciable sense to the central issue and none at all to the OPs post, which you stated others did not do (stay on topic). So instead of debating iPods vs. Android phones and SL business models, I'm going to address the second sentence of your post. "You and others assume that Gadget created the thread to bash some newbie creator, or some version of this." You're stating something as fact when that is not the case. I personally did not state nor "assume" that "Gadget created the thread to bash some newbie creator..." My first response on this thread was my assertion that Gadget apparently has some issue with people who own low-end computers. This post, in my opinion, was another example. I did not read any other responses that indicated the purpose of the thread was to bash a newbie creator. After re-reading (again) the OP, the only sentence I can find that supports your assertion that "The actual point, IMHO, has to do with creators understanding that things can look different on other settings," is near the bottom of the post: "So why do people build on lowest possible settings, then refuse to see what their terribad builds actually look like on decent settings (in my case, Ultra+)?" Everything prior to that described a particular situation and after that sentence ended with, IN MY OPINION, a rather arrogant statement. The OP also assumes the role of a mind-reader by asking why people build on the lowest possible settings. "People" is rather broad and since the OP has no possible way to confirm that assertion, let's narrow it to the build with which he took issue. Did the OP ask the creator what settings he built on? Did the creator offer this information? The information that we are provided in the OP indicates that the OP, upon seeing a particular build, asked in general chat if this was a freebie/s which was overheard by the creator. Creator said OP must have something wrong with his PC. OP took an inworld photo to show the creator at which point OP was ejected from creator's store. If I was going to read into this, I would say there was likely another exchange of conversation between the creator looking at the picture and ejecting the OP. It could have been during that exchange the OP was informed the creator used "the lowest possible setting" but from what is presented none of us can know that. IF that transpired, then the OP can state with certainty a grand total of one person builds using the "lowest possible settings." Including "people" (which by definition is more than one person) is a sweeping generalization. As to what you consider the point of the OP, comprised of one sentence, that has been addressed by several posters. With that said, I am going to bow out of this thread. Neither of us are going to change the other's mind. I don't agree with your point of view within this discussion, Medhue, but I have agreed with other posts you've written elsewhere on the forums. I think that makes us human, eh.
  7. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Simple answer: Undesired headache with irrelevant data and wich should be kept between the two persons the gossip is about, if the roles were around and the gossip was about the teller, they`d get angry for sharing personal information of their "lives" Personally i wouldn`t care even if it was about my RL neighbours, let alone about two avatars in a virtual world This^^ The way I generally hear the term "drama" used in SL is denoting a person who seems to enjoy stirring up some kind of brewhaha between others. That is not "talking about their problems" unless said problem is people not wanting to be embroiled in a gossip-fest.
  8. 16 wrote: i tell bl vampires that i am a blood virgin when they ask me if i got their bite request. sometimes they silly enough to ask me what is a blood virgin. jejejejjjee (: i tell them that is a new level in their game and that when they bite at me then i score points off them. if they say that they never heard of that then i say you must be newbie level then. is only for like level 16 and up. some people still dont get it and want to know if blood virgin is some kinda new blood doll in the game. oh! well (: /makes note of this That is hilarious! I bet the whole "level" thing would definitely work with new Steam players to SL who get into Bloodlines. I can just see them asking their "liege" how to get to level 16....rofl.
  9. Lindal Kidd wrote: One (count 'em, one) girl send me spam bite requests. I put on my Vampire Killer dagger, pretended to accept her offer, and drove a silver blade through her heart. She was not amused...but I sure was. Hi Lindal, good to see you. I wonder if we have the same Vampire dagger. The creator was offering it for free for awhile back on the old forums. (Still bummed I didn't get to use mine...lol.) Lindal Kidd wrote: Oh, I forgot...one really hot lady vampire with whom I did a pinup calendar photoshoot as Vampire and Victim...but she wasn't a Bloodlines player. HER request was of a ...um, different order entirely. And NSFW. I think I know who this is. (Not trying to be cryptic...just remembering the "good ole forum days" and keeping names out to protect...whoever. *Grins*) If it's the person I think it is, although a "vampire" herself, she didn't like the whole Bloodlines thing saying they didn't even know how to rp, which I find accurate with the few Bloodlines types I've seen. They're mainly wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers standing around spamming the bite button. I encountered a "vampire" at a dance venue once. He was standing off in the shadows and IM'd me, struck up a conversation, and was quite witty. I enjoy someone who can rp well. I visited his castle a couple of times - it was quite impressive and some of the special effects he had on his AV as well as within the castle had me wondering "How did he do that?" Alas, that connection was short-lived as I mainly enjoyed his wit but he was looking for a blood doll. To follow up on something I posted earlier in response to the OP: I recently spoke to my good friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and asked for clarification re: if one wore the garlic necklace would someone in Bloodlines be able to send that person a bite request. He said in the HUD it would show the person's name and say something like, "Don't bother them." I pressed this issue and asked if a Bloodlines player ignored that, could they still send a bite request. My friend said no. He also said that Bloodlines is not the only vampire game in SL (which I knew, just posting here for the OP) - and others are more insideous in how they get bites. The only other one I've ever heard of is The Hunger and from what I read when it first began, those players can somehow "bite" someone without the person's knowledge. I don't understand the whole thing, but I figure if I don't know about it, I'm not bothered...lol.
  10. Kampu Oyen wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: This is why I prefer people to buy inworld, our vendors check their purchase history and if they've already bought the item ever before, they are auto refunded. If the system can be coded to reduce mistakes, it's my view that it should be. That you will prefer to buy in-world is the whole reason this problem exists in the first place. I have tested it and it definitely is not explicable solely by user carelessness. This and many other things are clearly intended to push people back in-world where they are hoped to inflate the demand for land by merchants. Maybe, maybe not. I'm not debating odd things have been happening in the MP but, again taking the item that was regularly multiple-purchased in my store, I find a few things odd that I can't totally pin on MP weirdness: *Many of the people I contacted to refund the multiple-purchase money said the following or variations thereof: --"I was too embarrassed to contact you because it was my fault." --"I didn't think the order went through, so I ordered it again. (In my transactions records I saw the space of time between the two orders was less than a minute.) --"I was in a hurry and clicked twice before I realized it." Keep in mind that I never asked anyone for an explanation; I contacted the customers, said that my transaction history showed they purchased more than one of a copyable item and I was refunding their money for the duplicates. The people responded to my IM and either said, "Oh thank you" or one of the above statements. *The multiple purchases were only on one out of 60-odd items. It was the same item multiple-purchased, not even two of my items; always the same one. That in itself is odd and I suppose one could come up with a conspiracy theory on that. I admit that is strange - except - this particular item is the type that one *would* normally use more than one of in a home. *Here is the one I find particularly interesting - I was getting multiple purchases on this item at least once a week, if not more often. This is despite putting "THIS ITEM HAS COPY PERMISSIONS" at the top of the description in capital letters. When I made the decision after about a year that I could no longer keep refunding the full purchase price of an item when I was paying the MP commission, I placed a statement at the bottom of the item description stating I could not refund multiple purchases. The multiple purchases stopped immediately. I did not have another instance for a year, so I took out that disclaimer and to this day I have not had another multiple purchase. Not ragging on you, Kampu...just relating my personal "oddities" on the MP.
  11. Tiffy Vella wrote: Hugggs. We all do this. Thanks, Tiffy, I needed that hug. *Smiles*
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: What? I get a buy option for my stuff set for sale. Right, that's what I was trying to do and knew it could be done but I wasn't seeing the buy option on the pie menu (at least the first level of the pie menu) with the creator avatar of the object like I did at other stores when looking at rezzed items.
  13. Claireschen Hesten wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: *Blushing* It just dawned on me why I wasn't getting the buy menu from the pie menu - the creator doesn't get that...only the "take" option. Tried it with an alt and it worked. *Slinks off now* if you click more on the pie menu on the second layer of the pie there is an additional buy option that everyone gets Ahhh, ok. So that's where my main/the creator would see the buy option I'm assuming. Gah...one would think I just arrived in SL..lol.
  14. Medhue Simoni wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Irreguardless of how Gadget presented or handled the situation, it does make sense to check other settings, besides the lowest. It would be extremely bad advice to only view your product with low graphic settings. A creator that makes items only for low-end computers, is guaranteed to sell less and make less money. Why? This should be obvious, but a person with a low end computer is going to have much less cash to spend than some1 with a high-end computer. Now, of course, there are exceptions for every rule, but on average, this will be true. First, it wasn't the issue of the graphic settings most of the responding posters objected to; it was Gadget's arrogant and rude comments. Second, your contentin that those with low end PCs will spend less in SL is absurd and totally unfounded; in fact, they may spend MORE. People in RL make choices about where they choose to spend their money. Choosing to spend RL money on something besides a "high end" PC does not necessarily have any bearing on how much they will spend in SL. Some of us prefer not to be in debt up to our eyeballs. In my case, I have spent quite a bit of money in SL over the past 5+ years. Now most of it comes from what I earn in SL, but for the first few years it was RL money I put into SL. On the flip side, I have a friend who just built a new PC for himself that is ultra-high end, he has a great job, BUT he refuses to spend money in SL because he considers it relaxation, like turning on the TV, and the only thing he does in SL is go dancing. He has been in SL since 2009 and, to my knowledge, has not put a cent into SL. He does not rent or own land (I currently rent land and have owned quite a bit of land over the years), does not own a home, obviously (I collect houses and have a small fortune invested in them), has about 3 outfits total (let's not even get into my wardrobe...lol), well...you get the idea. This friend recently took me for a ride, in a freebie vehicle. I own a gazillion types of vehicles - flying, driving, boating, horses, etc. Even the gifts this guy has given me are freebies!! I daresay these two examples represent many other people on both sides of the coin. Why don't you dredge up the old "If you don't have a Premium account you're freeloading" argument? It makes about as much sense. As I said, there are always exceptions. I have also never argued that if you don't have a Premium account, then you are freeloading. I'm simply stating the facts, as I see them, and giving sound theoretical advice. It doesn't make any sense at all to ignore people that have higher end pcs. Plus, it also comes down to the knowledge of the user. A high end desktop is extremely cheap at this time. You can spend $400 on an off the shelf pc, and then drop a $150 graphics card in. That's $550 for a pc that can run SL on High, or even Ultra. Of course, I understand that not every1 can even afford $550 for a pc, but the cost difference between a high end and low end is practically nothing, compared to 10 years ago. What I see going on in this thread is quite typical of many threads. Very few people concentrate on the actual topic, and instead want to respond emotionally. Although I would agree that the OP was not very sensitive or graceful about the topic, but this does not errase the point Gadget is making, which is very valid. Where did I say it makes sense to ignore people with high end PCs? That is not my premise at all. I was responding to your *opinion* that people with higher end PCs will spend more money in SL than people with lower end PCs. I have experiences to the contrary. They may or may not be exceptions, but until a poll is taken of the entire SL user base, the issue remains opinion, based on our best knowledge and experience on both sides. "What I see going on in this thread is quite typical of many threads. Very few people concentrate on the actual topic, and instead want to respond emotionally." Nice try. The "emotion" tactic to discredit dissenting opinions is a very common one. As for concentrating on the actual topic, I don't see that much of the content of your posts addressed the essence of the OP, which, in my opinion, was "emotional." OP was asked to see a build. Due to his "ultra-high graphics settings" (which OP states are the "decent" settings to have) he makes a rude comment in general chat to his friend, gets banned by the creator of the build, and comes to the forums to whine about this, ending with the statement that "It almost makes me wish SL disabled building unless you have your graphics settings at least set to high" which was an arrogrant and inflammatory statement - in my opinion. Did I miss something? Was there a question or positive contribution in the post that would be helpful to the merchant community, or was this another case of "My toy is better than your toy, and if you don't have a toy like mine, you shouldn't be allowed play on my playground." *Rolls eyes* Call the Waaaaambulance.
  15. *Blushing* It just dawned on me why I wasn't getting the buy menu from the pie menu - the creator doesn't get that...only the "take" option. Tried it with an alt and it worked. *Slinks off now*
  16. Jo Yardley wrote: We also use Hippo groups, but it i a bit complex and not very handy to use as a mass communication device if you want to allow other people to use it to send messages as well. And it costs money. As our sim is a complex community with all sorts of people and over a 1000 members in our group who sometimes need to use chat in a way not everyone else has to listen in as well, we just need more groups. OR... even better; more roles. Even if you only need a few groups, I think most people would agree that more roles (with a few more options) would be handy. Imagine having a shop, you can use a role for co-owners, fellow traders, customers, loyal customers, discount customers, people who just want to be updated when you make something new, etc, etc. There are many sims who at least need more then 1 group, just so they can send a note to just their customers OR just their sellers. If our current groups would allow us to use more roles and made it possible for us to send a group notice to just a certain role in stead to everyone and perhaps even start a chat with just people who have a certain role, we could get rid of many thousands of groups. My group list is full, but I reckon that at least half of those groups could be left if the above was possible. I agree with you - and used you as an example of the type of person who actually does need more groups than say the average SL resident. I too think that a better system of sub-groups would be a much better system.
  17. Charolotte Caxton wrote: No, I think you may be in the minority. I actually don't know, but I do know that me myself, I need more groups. If I have to leave one group to join another simply based on what they offer me as a member, I am essentially forced to rank the 42 most coolest groups that I know of and abandon all the rest. How will I know how cool of a group they are if I don't join them? And how can I join them without abandoning another? I am sure if I were a chipmunk and only needed two groups, one for hibernation and one for food storage, then it would be cool, however, as an avid shopper and grid traveler, I need more groups! lol We have unlimited slots for friends, as far as I know, why not for groups? Speaking for myself, I have to agree with Qwalyphi; I think it's a minority who "need" more groups, such as the situation Jo has in her sim. The "cool" types of groups are usually just "for fun" type groups. Many merchants have the Hippo-type groups in addition to the profile type so needing more groups available for VIP groups isn't really a big factor. ETA: I also use my friends list for just that - real friends I actually speak to; not acquaintances, customers or anyone who throws a friend request to me. I'm the type that likes to keep my groups, friend list, and inventory shored up....lol.
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: Irreguardless of how Gadget presented or handled the situation, it does make sense to check other settings, besides the lowest. It would be extremely bad advice to only view your product with low graphic settings. A creator that makes items only for low-end computers, is guaranteed to sell less and make less money. Why? This should be obvious, but a person with a low end computer is going to have much less cash to spend than some1 with a high-end computer. Now, of course, there are exceptions for every rule, but on average, this will be true. First, it wasn't the issue of the graphic settings most of the responding posters objected to; it was Gadget's arrogant and rude comments. Second, your contention that those with low end PCs will spend less in SL is absurd and totally unfounded; in fact, they may spend MORE. People in RL make choices about where they choose to spend their money. Choosing to spend RL money on something besides a "high end" PC does not necessarily have any bearing on how much they will spend in SL. Some of us prefer not to be in debt up to our eyeballs. In my case, I have spent quite a bit of money in SL over the past 5+ years. Now most of it comes from what I earn in SL, but for the first few years it was RL money I put into SL. On the flip side, I have a friend who just built a new PC for himself that is ultra-high end, he has a great job, BUT he refuses to spend money in SL because he considers it relaxation, like turning on the TV, and the only thing he does in SL is go dancing. He has been in SL since 2009 and, to my knowledge, has not put a cent into SL. He does not rent or own land (I currently rent land and have owned quite a bit of land over the years), does not own a home, obviously (I collect houses and have a small fortune invested in them), has about 3 outfits total (let's not even get into my wardrobe...lol), well...you get the idea. This friend recently took me for a ride, in a freebie vehicle. I own a gazillion types of vehicles - flying, driving, boating, horses, etc. Even the gifts this guy has given me are freebies!! I daresay these two examples represent many other people on both sides of the coin. Why don't you dredge up the old "If you don't have a Premium account you're freeloading" argument? It makes about as much sense.
  19. Ok, I'm probably going to feel really dumb when I hear the answer, but I've been trying this all night and can't figure it out. I've gone to furniture stores and, for example, a couch is for sale from the floor (ie. rezzed) by clicking it and selecting "Buy" from the pie chart AND I can also click to sit on it. I've been trying to do the same thing with the rezzed items in my store and can't figure out the edit settings to do both. Also, is this possible to do with an item that needs to be touched to turn on/off? I would love to be able to sell my rezzed items without a vendor, but I'm apparently missing something. Many thanks in advance for any help with this.
  20. Tamara Artis wrote: Yes I know that I can turn it off, but what we also use is.. huh atm I can't remember how to say it in english lol, lights that are like facelights, and you rezz them around avatar to light up some parts and have specific shadows or even colors in the scene. Oh no, Tamara...I wasn't suggesting you turn the light feature off. I'm sorry...I didn't phrase that well. I meant that, in my case with my current old PC, I often turn off "nearby local lights" if I'm lagging a lot. I actually like having that feature on because there are some items that don't look right without it, such as the light domes in my ceiling fans. It's just something I need to do until I get a new PC....which should be...soon!!!
  21. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Yeah Amethyst has that gift of tact that I sometimes wish I had (even just a little ). constructively critique. You and me both, Peggy. I do try to keep things positive but, being a redhead, that "fiery spark" jumps out every so often. :matte-motes-bashful: Out of curiosity, I wish I knew where the build was to which the OP refers. Would be interested to see how it looks on my PC.
  22. Tamara Artis wrote: Yes SL looks different to each one of us... I remember when I was doing wedding photos for one couple, think it was last spring.. and one of them was a close up photo of their rings, done in the studio. After I showed them all photos, they were not satisfied with how his ring look, said they don't like it beacuse it was too bright and shiny. I remember she said, his ring is black and not shiny! So I asked her to take a snapshot and show me how its supposed to look like. Well his ring was black in her snapshot, quite different than in mine, because they both were on low graphic settings. I didn't like it but it was their ring, their life and the easiest thing for me was to take a new snapshot (on low graphics) and make it how they see it. The world we live in is different to each one of us, but to be able to live together, someone needs to adjust... And about facelights... I am too tired of asking people to take them off lol. Great example, Tamara. Are people still wearing facelights? Back in the day I remember them being included in some new resident packages various people put together but didn't realize they are still an issue. OTOH, I often have "nearby local lights" or "local lights" or whatever that particular selection is in graphics turned off...lol.
  23. Aileen Zessinthal wrote: Anyone else experience this and am I forgetting something or doing something wrong? Or just file a ticket? which I will do anyway. thanks. My unassociated is up very high and I can't clear it and don't dare add more until solved and I am still trying to meet the Oct 1 deadline for migration. We're now inside the "four weeks advance notice" prior to closing down the Magic Boxes merchants are supposed to be given per the last CTL post on the subject. Unless the MBs are shut down without this notice, I suspect the Oct. 1 date will be pushed back.
  24. Tamara Artis wrote: /me gives you 10 kudos for this post. Sees your 10 kudos and ups it to another 10. You can express things so well, Amethyst, my thanks. Side thought - I recall a similar "debate" of sorts years ago on the forums re: face lights. One side was going to use face lights no matter what because they thought it made their avatar look better. The other side pointed out what Immy presented in her post (not going to delve into that as her post presented the local lights issue very well). This was right about when Windlight was introduced and no one really had any idea what their avatar looked like to anyone else; it was dependent on the settings the other person was using. One regular forumite at the time posted settings that would make an avatar look good without facelights. I'm not sure that still holds - again with all the various settings, but it seemed to quell the "Great Facelight Debate."
  25. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Life would be so much easier if everyone just stopped trying to second guess why anyone does anything in SL. A builder builder builds to a standard that the builder chooses. Who's the say that twisted mess with tie dyed textures is ugly or a work of art? If you don't like it then simply don't don't like it........and keep your yap shut! Move on. Why toss out insults just because you think something's ugly? I might not have ejected you but I sure wouldn't appreciate you mumbling negative comments.............how rude can you get? What I like you may or may or may not like too. And guess what.........I don't care. You can say you don't like it and I'm fine with that. Say "oh my god, I hope this stuff is for free" loud enough so others can hear then I'm not going to be particularly nice back to you. You were out of line. This thread is also out of line. One person's treasure is another person's trash. Grow up and let others enjoy what they want. I'm sure you would be up in arms if someone basically told everyone in chat distance that what you take pride in is junk.........turn about, fair play. *somehow I don't think would see it that way though.........so much for being polite, huh?* Thank you, Peggy. Gadget has been on a crusade to do away with people who have lower end PCs. I was "invited" by him to "find another hobby."
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