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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Ashtyn Ninetails wrote: Porky Gorky wrote: At the very least they could offer instant cashouts to those of us that have premium accounts. I think at this time and age there's no excuse to take as long as it takes for them to send you your money, so instant cashouts should be the norm no matter what, but if LL must have conditions for it, I think the Premium thing is a great idea! Someone set up a JIRA or something for it (I don't know how!) and post a link here and it will get my vote! We can't see new jiras filed by others anymore. The voting has gone *poof*.
  2. Deja Letov wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: The label on the package has to say what is in the container. No if's, and's or but's. If the label says French Onion Dip and I find Guacamole in the package I will be pissed. Real men don't eat guacamole. You'd think so but I don't see people listing "prims only" or "sculpts" on vendor ads Ah well guess Ill have to list it then since it seems to be the majority consensus. Thanks all! Sculpts and prims are a whole different animal. For one thing, every viewer can see them but beyond that, mesh - especially mesh used in clothing if I am understanding this correctly - can be a bit iffy re: fitting correctly on various avatar sizes. I understand where you're coming from re: displayed furniture that can be purchased off the floor but, again, on the MP it is a definite *must* since there are all kinds of reasons people would prefer mesh (thereby indicating it as such is a selling point) or do not want mesh (beyond viewer issues; I am running into people who just don't understand the Li deal atm and don't want to fool with it; thereby avoiding angry customers if not designated). Even with furniture purchased off the floor, I generally see an ad in the vicinity of a furniture grouping that gives general info on the pieces/set. ETA: Ceera did a much better job of saying what I was trying to. /note to self: Read *all* responses prior to commenting. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:
  3. Marcus Hancroft wrote: Yeah, you are right, Rya! I'd like to see that too. I was just going through the report again and things are just scattered through it with no rhyme or reason and there's no way to sort them. Before whatever change the commerce team made to that report, I used it. Now...it's just useless. (Emphasis mine) That phrase seems to fit a lot of issues on the MP these days.
  4. Thank you for responding Qie and solstyse. Before I created this post I Googled any possible solutions and found another post by the same person as the author of the post you linked, solstyse, but this one looks like it includes a lot more info from the quick scan I just did. Thank you so much for the link and I will definitely follow the instructions. Qie, I don't think it's an attachment issue. This has been going on a long time regardless of what I'm wearing...or not. I just reached the "I'm really tired of viewing SL from a tilted perspective while walking" limit...lol. If the info in the referenced link doesn't work, I will try another viewer to see if I have the same issue. If not...will post on the Phoenix forum or in world group.
  5. And even if people *can* see mesh, for whatever reason they may not always choose to purchase it. I agree, the mesh implementation along with the half-baked DD implementation (ie. not trouble-shooting little things like...ohhhh...no copy items not able to use DD yet) has been lame. I read an article that interviewed Rod about the "new games" he is introducing. (Not sure if it is against TOS to link it in these forums.) It is very obvious in that article that SL has been pushed to the back burner. The comments to the article were about as depressing; mainly gamer types all enthused about the games Rod will be releasing along with comments like, "You mean that old game (SL) is still around??? It's so boring." (Paraphrased from memory)
  6. As pretty much everyone else has said, as a customer, I definitely want to see the word "mesh" somewhere on the ad image and/or in the description. Yes, in world it would seem obvious that if one can't see rezzed items they could assume it is mesh (if their viewer does not recognize mesh), but for some people it could also be a sculptie that hasn't yet rezzed in. Depending on how busy an area is and the lag, it can take awhile for all sculpties to rez in, at least for me. In the MP I for SURE want to know if an item is mesh or not. Most of the ad images I have seen will put the word "mesh" somewhere in a corner of the ad...large enough to be seen but not distracting to the ad in general - like many of us put the permissions someplace on our ad copy, usually in a corner. Same thing.
  7. This has been bugging me for a long time and there is likely a simple fix for it - I just don't know what it is. When I log into SL or tp to a new location my viewer angle is "level" - the view I would see when walking RL. The moment I start walking, the camera angle tips up so it appears I'm walking uphill on a flat surface. I generally walk, stop, use camera controls to bring the camera angle to level again while I look around. As sooon as I continue walking, however, I'm back to "walking uphill." I use the Phoenix Viewer v. 1185. If anyone can point me to how to correct this, I would be most grateful. :)
  8. Fastrez wrote: This is already excellent feedback thank you, as I'm willing to learn about the way you use Second Life. I'm coming at it fresh to better understand the culture of the user base. Is it a common trait for second life users to avoid the term 'player'? You've already seen that, especially among the target demographic you want, referring to us as "players" is not a good idea. The term Linden Lab uses is "resident" which is a good representation of what we are - residents living our "second lives." Also referring to SL as a "game" generally doesn't go over well with those of us who have been on SL 5+ years. I personally use the term "virtual world." Good luck!
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Well, I promised pictures. I hope this isn't called indecent exposure. Your Earth laws can be so confusing. Not even going to ask how the handprints got on the back of your pants. *Looks more closely* Ah...perhaps they are a design detail.
  10. Deja Letov wrote: Monti Messmer wrote: No they wouldn´t. LL knows about the problems with Marketplace. When shopping on the Marketplace do not use the shopping cart too much. Put 2-3 items in then close your order and start a new one. No perfect allways working solution but the best for now. Monti best advice ever here. I never put more than 1 item in my cart, it really doesn't take that much more time and I have yet to experience a failed delivery on anything I have bought by just checking out with 1 item at a time. Although because of all the MP issues...I typically only shop in world unless I'm just in that much of a hurry, which is hardly ever. I second this being the safest way to go with MP purchases atm. I don't even use a shopping cart; I just click the purchase item now selection.
  11. Deja Letov wrote: oh come on...who wears underwear anymore? Errrrrr....me Carefully matched to co-ordinate with my outfits, of course.
  12. Hi LiiliiAmore...for what it's worth, I've posted the URL to an extremely extensive thread about starting a new business in SL here. As you can see, this is an old thread within archived forums and is VERY long, but you might want to scan it for any pointers that could be helpful to you. This primarily applies to in world stores, but some of the suggestions include how to best present your product in the ad copy (that has been mentioned here) and similar comments that would translate to the MP as well. I would suggest joining the WomenSTUFF group in world. It is a part of a group that includes MenSTUFF and HomeSTUFF. The group is huge and is how many of my new customers found me - via one of their hunts. Again, this is not applicable without an in world location, but there is an area associated with the group where merchants can sell exclusive items (can only be sold within that group) which would help get your name and MP location out there. Good luck to you.
  13. Whew! Glad to hear you don't have to recreate a ton of listings, but to lose any is odd enough.
  14. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: I have occasionally had it happen - a mod/xfer item loses a permission or both. It's been going on since back into XStreet days, for unknown reasons. It happens when the permissions bits are changed in the part of a database that represents that object, but it's not a problem anyone has been able to duplicate yet, which means it's not fixable yet. As soon as someone can say, "When the moon is in the seventh house, and the bits are set in this order after having been in that order, and the information is saved on the 473rd clock tick of a millisecond timer, they change to nocopy/nomod every 17th transaction" ... then they can start checking what is strange about each of the conditions make it happen. The best you can do is make sure all perms are set on a rezzed object, then take it into inventory and put it into the box or send it to the marketplace. Too true, unfortunately. The bizarre (or more bizarre) part of this is that when I rezzed an item, set correct perms, sent it directly (unboxed) to my alt, when alt rezzed it the perms had changed. Did not take it into a box, put it into a vendor...nada.
  15. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: These are all items I converted to DD a while back, and there are NO magic boxes around to confuse things. I can see the listing names, but they do not show up as "unavailable, unlisted or anything ... just sitting there in the list of "All" If I click on the pale check-mark, some of them go active again, others don't. Those that do not go active again have lost the entire contents - no product image, no listing text, no nada. Geez, what next!!! :matte-motes-sour: Just checked the MP and I see 243 items/21 pages of listings...so it's not all of them...but some??
  16. Arwen Serpente wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I was going to submit a support ticket and file a jira (for whatever that is worth now) but decided to research a bit first to get all my ducks in a row. I discovered this is an old issue and, now that I think about it, I had heard of it but since I hadn't personally been hit with it, the info was filed in the back recesses of my brain. You're right, Arwen; it is not a MP issue or even an in world vendor issue, although it can seem like it due to the nature of this permission-changing bug - the permissions change when an item is rezzed. What piqued my curiosity was this occuring during a simple transfer to another avatar. Using Google I found this thread on SLU that covers the issue well. There is also reference within the thread for a way to debug permissions. This involves something called a "slam bit." I've read this wiki and the SLU threads a couple of times and still digesting it. I plan to go through all my items *sighs* and set permissions as suggested. In my case, it's not slam bit and it's not about the item being rezzed. I always set permissions inworld (to avoid slam bit). In the box, the permissions show as no copy, no modify, no transfer. It's something different...no idea why it happened, but I keep watching. So far, this is the only instance of it changing on its own. Well gah! After I read about always setting permissions on rezzed items (I think within these forums awhile back) I make sure I do that now, but can't say conclusively I've done that with all my items, especially those on the MP. But if this is a whole other animal...just hoping it's VERY rare. Thanks Arwen.
  17. Darrius Gothly wrote: (Yeah, I have my personal quirks .. and I cherish them all. *grin*) I like your quirks.
  18. I was going to submit a support ticket and file a jira (for whatever that is worth now) but decided to research a bit first to get all my ducks in a row. I discovered this is an old issue and, now that I think about it, I had heard of it but since I hadn't personally been hit with it, the info was filed in the back recesses of my brain. You're right, Arwen; it is not a MP issue or even an in world vendor issue, although it can seem like it due to the nature of this permission-changing bug - the permissions change when an item is rezzed. What piqued my curiosity was this occuring during a simple transfer to another avatar. Using Google I found this thread on SLU that covers the issue well. There is also reference within the thread for a way to debug permissions. This involves something called a "slam bit." I've read this wiki and the SLU threads a couple of times and still digesting it. I plan to go through all my items *sighs* and set permissions as suggested.
  19. MuffinUnsane wrote: Ack, sorry about not searching first. I'm halfway glad to see others have this problem. Of course, that also means its something a tad more worse hahaha. I guess I'm lucky that customers have told me so far and have been polite about it. I hate promising and not being able to delivar. I'll do a search and see what I can find. Yes, this is my greatest concern - the customers who don't contact us/merchants and are unhappy with the purchase for good reason since, for them, it appears the merchant misrepresented their product. At least I've been alerted to it and can now do some checking on my other products. Another thing that is troubling, while this may be a MP issue, and both DD and MB users have indicated this happening so we can't narrow it to the delivery method: when I sent the second test item to my alt, *after* resetting the permissions correctly, I did not purchase the item from the MP with the alt. I sent the corrected item directly to the alt via transfer (dropped it into the profile of the alt, then signed in with alt to retrieve it). When alt rezzed the item, the permissions had fallen off...again. During an item transfer in world! @Pamela - I may be standing next to you at the bullseye in the shooting range if this is more than an isolated (ie. one or two items) issue.
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: The major problems with the marketplace are for sellers, not buyers. LL has made a right pig's ear of it. And yet another bug feature has surfaced. Some of us are experiencing setting our items with the permissions we choose, even double-checking them with an alt, placing them on the MP (DD or MB makes no difference with this) and a random item will spontaneously change permissions, which makes for an unhappy customer to say the least. I recall a thread about this happening (on Merchants Forum) a month or so ago, then last night someone posted this happening. Ironically, I was contacted by a customer this morning to let me know the modifiable item she purchased from me was not modifiable. Pulled it off the MP, checked it out...looked fine to me...sent a copy to my alt....the mod perm had dropped again in a simple transfer. What the heck??? I added my experience to the new post and another merchant who has a large store had the same thing happen, but with only one particular gown in one particular color. The other gowns in other colors were fine. The MP is doing one thing great - making merchants look bad.
  21. Deja Letov wrote: Hey you weren't supposed to notice those things darn it! Opppppssss...my bad! :matte-motes-tongue:
  22. Innula Zenovka wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: I see the 2 camps a bit differently. Camp 1 - Sees Emuna's side, and not Xavier's. Camp 2 - Sees Emuna's side and Xavier's side, but think Xavier could have handled it better. Camp 3 - Sees both sides, but thinks Xavier could hardly have handled it worse. I'm in this one.
  23. Ok, that issue is bizarre. I feel like I have to now check every one of my items. Thank you for sharing that you had the same issue.
  24. Arwen Serpente wrote: Hi All, So today, I bought a demo from the MP. I received it in world, no problem. It is reflected on my Dashboard and in my Order History as successful. It was a 0L (no cost) demo, so nothing to worry about there. The item was delivered by Magic Box. However, the email confirmation I received is titled: Delivery Failure: Second Life Marketplace Rather odd, huh? I've never seen that before even when a delivery has actually failed. I wonder what the Seller is seeing in their accounts (I'll have to contact her when she is online). Just a head's up to other Merchants to watch your transactions and email confirmations. Thank you for alerting us, Arwen. Some of the things happening on the MP are becoming "curioser and curioser" to quote Alice of Wonderland fame.
  25. MuffinUnsane wrote: This has happened twice to me and I'm starting to wonder. I've had two purchases sent out with no permissions. Since I sell fullperm its kinda a hassle. Is there any reason it could be happening? I've double and triple checked the permissions on the MP and they are all good. I do recall a thread on these forums about this issue - I need to research that as well. I was contacted by a customer today who purchased a mod/copy item from me. There is a no-mod animation in the item, thus the item will have the mod permission box grayed out, but the item itself is modifiable. The customer said that she could not modify the item at all. I pulled the item out of my MB, pulled the item out of the box, rezzed it and, sure enough, mod was unchecked. I put the mod perms back, took item into inventory - checked to see that the mod perms had "stuck" - then reboxed it. Boxing it seems to be when the mod box is grayed out. Before replacing the item back on the MP I rezzed a copy to make sure that I could, indeed, make modifications. To double check, I sent it to my alt. My alt could not modify it in any way, even though I had sent a mod copy to the alt. I've pulled the item until I figure this out and am in the process of assisting my customer. I am so grateful she made me aware of this issue. I sure hope every one of my mod/copy MP items is having this issue. Gah! ETA: ACK! I meant "I sure hope every one of my mod/copy MP items is not having this issue."
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