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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I never took the Brown Acid. Since you were replying to my post...ummmmm....lost you with the Brown Acid??? Hi Czari. If you have every experienced or watched Woodstock, the brown acid was the bad LSD going around at the event. People were warned not to partake! Peace! Hi again, Hippie Love reading your thread about first memories of SL. Ah ok, thank you. I was trying to connect what I posted to brown acid and was thoroughly confused...a condition not uncommon for me.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: I never took the Brown Acid. Since you were replying to my post...ummmmm....lost you with the Brown Acid???
  3. Tiffy Vella wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: He is not commited to Second Life, he hates it here and it is apparent by his posts and actions. When do we get a new leader? we dont need a new "leader" !!! we need to take SL over & run it as a non-profit user owned cooperative this dom/sub mindset must be so deeply ingrained in the heads of people .. or are they sheep? .. that they cant even think beyond it ~sheesh~ Jeanne This is hilarious. As you so frequently point out virtual land is server space not land and if you don't pay your rent for your server space it gets shut down and the land goes poof. Even if this were not the case, forcing a company to turn over their major asset through intimidation and blackmail or ruining them this way is illegal. You are not an employee and LL provides a service that is strictly optional and not a life necessity. If you don't like it you can leave as no one is forcing you to be here. You have no basis for any sort of justification of this. Why do you never put your money and effort where your mouth is and start such a Utopia since the software is available for free? I'll tell you why. You would have nothing to contribute to such a thing. You have no skills You would have to rely on other people putting time and money into it just so you can be entertained for free. Even if such a thing was possible and SL became some communist utopia, you would still be ranting against and insulting the people who do contribute time effort and money who do provide all the things you have for free, just as you do now in SL. I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community as long as they are not hypocritical enough to turn around and bite the hand that feeds them at every opportunity like you do under the guise of some lala dream that all people have to do is think your way and all the problems would be solved. . Can I have your babies...this is what I tried to suggest 5 or so pages back, ineffectually, but I'm not good at this stuff. You do it way better. This person continues to **bleep** me off no end as she has no concept of community, or even endeavour. She invests nothing, and expects everything. She asks us to stop doing all the things we do to make SL what she wants it to be, and expects to continue to enjoy it for free. Hugggs to you, Amethyst. I think of Amethyst as the forum "Voice of Reason." *Adds to the hugs*
  4. Porky Gorky wrote: Yay.....another victory for the lazy! /me starts a mexican wave. /joins the wave
  5. wiked Anton wrote: I first learned of SL in a CSI episode, wondered about it, and after a year decided ti check it out, unfortunately my graphics card wasnt up to it and it took my another few months to get around to urgrading it. I have upgraded it a couple of times since then. Ooooo...I remember when that CSI episode came out (I never saw it) but the forums were buzzing with predictions of how many new people would come to SL based on that episode, etc. ETA: I just saw the date of the OP. Oh well, better late than never....lol.
  6. I arrived in SL on May 1, 2007. Orientation Island had apparently changed a bit since Hippie's experience in 2006. I was sent on a "quest" of sorts. There was a path that wound up a mountain with an NPC at various spots. The NPC taught some aspect of SL and, after successfully completing the task given, I was sent to the next NPC and given instructions to say something particular to it, which triggered the next lesson. The final lesson and end of the "quest" had something to do with a volcano, but I can't recall what it was. Anyone recall this noobie avatar from those days? I took this photo a year later for a class I was teaching at a SL school on the topic of customizing one's avatar because I didn't know how to take pictures in SL when I started. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: After exiting OI somehow I landed on Help Island which had various areas to practice the SL skills we learned on OI as well as a huge freebie area. At the time I didn't have any idea there were items that could be purchased within SL since the only other 3D type program I'd used was EverQuest. Based on that game, at least when I played, I thought whatever changes I made to my avatar on Help Island were going to be what my avatar looked like forever. I got busy on the sliders and figuring out how to make system clothing which was how I spent day 2 in SL. I heard about SL on IRC where I had been in a rp channel for close to 15 years. Someone from SL had come to IRC to help a friend and ended up in my home channel as it was the same rp niche of the visitor. He invited our group to SL and provided contact info so that *if* we did (the leader of our group said we had been together for 15 years on IRC, were perfectly content there, thank you very much, and would not be going to SL *chuckles*) he would be happy to bring us to the rp sim in SL that he was from and help us to become acclimated to SL. A month later I was the first of our group to check out SL. So there I was working the sliders. The rp group of which I was a part had strict clothing requirements for women, which was the hardest part of my getting ready to enter SL proper, especially thinking the look I created on Help Island was the look I was going to be stuck with. This is my recreation (again done a year later) of how I looked after spending a day with the sliders: I thought I looked pretty good. Somehow, between the time I left Help Island and was teleported out by the person who had invited us to SL, I ended up with a Swiss Chalet, that I had acquired from the freebie shop, on my head. Some people wore boxes, I sported an entire chalet!!! Try as I might, I could not figure out how to remove the chalet so I sent a Yahoo IM to my SL contact (also didn't know how to IM within SL yet) and waited until he arrived and sent a teleport to me. My thoughts of how good my avatar looked quickly faded as I saw other women in gorgeous gowns with beautiful hair and seeming to glide on air as they walked instead of the awakard herky-jerky my avatar was doing. The friend, SZ, introduced me to another man who was standing by. In excellent rp style this man said, "A pleasure to meet you M'Lady. I must ask, though, you are wearing a quite unusual hat. Is this the custom of your lands?" I was so grateful for the way my faux-pas was handled but simultaneously absolutely mortified. The men helped me extricate the chalet from my head and then summoned a few female friends to take me shopping. I was amazed by the kindness shown by this group to basically a complete stranger. I was teleported from place to place. I did not know how to buy or acquire lindens yet. One person purchased a gown for me and another provided a very expensive (as I found out later) AO. The rest is history..... I was blessed to have been introduced to SL by a group of friendly people who took me in hand and showed me the ropes. If I'd entered SL alone, my journey would likely have been very different; who knows how long I'd have been stuck with a Swiss Chalet on my head!!
  7. Toysoldier Thor wrote: This was released just 2 hours ago.... Reply to CommerceTeam Linden- view message 2 hours ago The transition from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery has been extended indefinitely. We will be providing a 30-day warning before any shutdown actions are taken and will avoid doing this before peak holidays for the Marketplace (Halloween, Christmas/New Year's, Valentine's Day). We are aware that some Merchants are still having problems with the Merchant Outbox. We are are working with TPVs and our internal development teams to address this issue. The MB deadline has now been put off indefinitely. Kampu, do you want to shout "shall" at me again. *Chuckles*
  8. I never had my tonsils removed (in a time when that was the *norm* for kids...not sure what the current thinking on that is)... I never had an operation I have never used an iPod (or any other type of MP3 player)
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: i think they cut some unnecesary energy leaks, It's more like they completely plugged the faucet. This ^^ The recent shutting down of the jiras to public view was just another way to plug communication to/from Lindens - and each other.
  10. Innula Zenovka wrote: Plus, of course, SLU is, and has been at least since the death of the old Resident Answers (and probably before), a larger and more active forum than this one. (Bolding mine) That's the forum I miss the most, and from which I learned so much about SL when I was new.
  11. Darren Scorpio wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time? *Raises my hand and waves it wildly.* Torley is a true original, and was beloved largely due to that! Friendly greetings....
  12. Echo Hermit wrote: Do you really worry about no longer fitting in? Better to be a unique person than a sheep who follows the crowd. Here, here!!!!! *Applause*
  13. (Commenting before reading other responses.) Many regulars from the old forums, maybe two forums ago now...lol...I've lost track, were so disgusted that LL was shutting down the previous forums and went to SLU, many never to return. I get that and really miss some of them. As for me, the main reason I don't post on SLU is I simply don't like spreading myself out into too many venues. It is just how I'm wired. I'm a "uni-tasker" (did I just coin a new word?) and put full concentration into what I am doing at any given moment. Even trying to field two IMs in world can stress me a bit. I honestly have no opinion one way or the other re: the type of posts or type of people posting in SLU. I just prefer to be here.
  14. JohnMiddlefield wrote: Julala Demina wrote: The Four Winds Estates sims appear to be constantly offline or unavailable. All marketplace trading seems also to have stopped. Seems to have disappeared off of the grid. LL cant help with any information, the last blog entry was May - have emailed owner but no response. So wishing I have bought those houses when I saw them!!!!! Dammit! :matte-motes-crying: This is so sad. Four Winds was a major major player for Victorian builds in Second Life. For quality, few other builders could match it. In fact, Four Winds may have been the best when it comes to quality. I have a few of Four Wind builds, and now I wish I had more. I used to spend hours looking at their builds admiring the work that was put into them. Same. I spent most of my time shopping the Victorian builds since that is a key interest of mine in SL (Victorian sims/rp) but, the last time I was at Four Winds in SL, they had areas for merfolk, steampunk, elven, various fantasy type builds, and several others I'm probably forgetting. I found it fascinating to just wander around their sims because the builds were laid out and presented as actual cities/towns instead of just products. Haven't tried to log back into IW, but, from talking to a good friend who is now strictly in IW, I'm pretty sure Four Winds is there. ETA: I am not by any means promoting IW. Those who know me well understand. Just stating where I believe Four Winds to be for those interested.
  15. Thank you for the links, Sassy & Kimm. Re: Kimm's statement: "I tended to find that, as a store with a small amount of merchandise, I never really had the quantity of new posts/products for some of the more popular new product feeds. This details some of the other things I tried," I'm in the same situation as a merchant who prefers a smaller store. I was recently turned down by one of the newer "sales for the day" type group because I didn't have enough items in my store. The contact person said they loved my items (I had noted in my application I have more items on the MP than in my store), but they wanted to see more of the items from MP *in* my store. There are various reasons for that but at any rate, that cut off one potential marketing idea. It didn't really bother me though since, for the way I personally prefer to run my SL store, I find hunts more attractive and beneficial for me. I think there are some marketing techniques that are "universal" and others that are more advantageous to types, size, niche, etc. of the business.
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: My stuff stays in boxes (inside the DD folder) so I skip the rezzing and copying to inventory step. Oh good to know that, Pamela. I would prefer to keep my items boxed, but wasn't sure how that worked. Thank you.
  17. I hadn't seen that mentioned but I'm not surprised considering the current LL CEO, Rodvik Linden, came from a gaming company and many things he has done since joining LL has been to steer SL into more of a gaming platform, partnering with the gaming portal, Steam, being one of the most recent. Time will tell if SL continues to be the virtual world we enjoy or if it will become more akin to an MMORPG. I sincerely hope not.
  18. Jacki Silverfall wrote: I have never owned a Smartphone. That's a good thing. Smartphones make people do dumb things:
  19. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Leia36 wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Leia36 wrote: Does that bleep box come with canned emotes? Joyfully descriptions of totally improbable bleeps? OK mark me down as interested, I always did enjoy slapstick :catsurprised:..or was that "stand up" comedy.:matte-motes-big-grin:..hmm canned humor.. From what I understand about bleeping, is that we have to provide our own emotes if we want to have a productive bleep. Canned emotes might work, if they have the right level of decibel being dominantly overlaid onto a sub-woofer. Stand-up does work! With the correct synchronicity I can happily say I was soundly bleeped. *jots down Sol's (Leia) name in my Big Book of Bleep Box wanna-haves* Woofers? People are always telling me my bite is worse than my bark..Color me intrigued. You know if we puts these canned bleeps into a fancy box we could make some real Lindens..sounds xciting Stand up always was a favorite of mine, as the great man said "Timing is everything" A couple of years ago I answered an ad in the SL job section of this forum. Ad for a real life women who could do sexy voices. Their business plan was to have these canned emotes and sale them on the marketplace. Only they offered low pay, and one had to give up control of your own recording. But, the real turn off was the information they sent me was rife with typos and misspellings. Bah! Put some professionalism into your work people! You want good sexy-voiced real women to emote for you....use spell check! *laughing* A certain store has been selling sexy female/male voices that work in tandem with their HUD since at least 2008. Or so I've heard.
  20. Hippie Bowman wrote: I've never met a person in RL who spoke about SL. You got that right Pudgy. If SL is mentioned they look like deer in the headlights! SL? Whats that? LOL! Peace! I run into people who say, SL? Oh yeah, I tried that game; didn't like it. *Sighs*
  21. Porky Gorky wrote: I sent a ticket asking about the migration date this morning. I'll let you know if I get any response. Thanks Porky. Some info from "the horse's mouth" so to speak would be refreshing.
  22. I am in a designer group that received regular updates from Four Winds. I love their builds as well. In fact the build that houses my in world store is from them and I have several of their steampunk builds I collected from hunts. It came to my attention that Four Winds moved to InWorldz quite awhile ago. They operated on both grids simultaneously for awhile, but, over the last few months, maybe 6 or more, the designer notices from Four Winds in SL were advertising sales, noting they had scaled down their number of sims in SL, etc. After reading the OP, I realized I haven't received a Four Winds notice for quite awhile. I just popped into IW to double-check if Four Winds is indeed still there. IW's search is weird (seems to be the way of search) and I had difficulty looking up "Four Winds" so I did a search on the merchant, Koshari Mahana. Her profile listed locations to IW Four Winds in picks, but teleports were not working for me in IW. Will have to check back later today. I found this post: http://kosharimahana.blogspot.com/2011/07/economy-stinks-so-second-life-or.html which indicates Four Winds does not have a sim in IW at the time of that posting, but I couldn't find a date on it anywhere. The post does illuminate why Four Winds has chosen not to remain in SL.
  23. Kampu Oyen wrote: They also said they wouldn't deploy any DD code without notice, and yet that's exactly what happened on 13 September 2011. Magic Boxes SHALL be shut off on 1 October and the permissions problem will not yet be solved. More than likely, merchants will be told at that point to work around the permissions problem by selling their stuff in-world. This has been in the works since the change from Xstreet to SLM and all the signs have been there for many months, so please all don't be surprised by it when it happens. I would say it is "possible" the boxes will be shut off on October 1st, but I respectfully disagree with emphatically saying they "shall." That is your opinion, Kampu. Perhaps with some past experience behind it, perhaps pure speculation, but the OP asked for facts. The fact is...none of us know for sure beyond the last CTL communication that indicated Magic Boxes will not be shut off until the permissions are fixed and will give 4 weeks notice. Whether they adhere to that is anyone's guess, but at this point, it is not a fact.
  24. Darrius Gothly wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Is it a full moon already? Has it ever stopped being full moon when it comes to SLM questions/gripes/confusion/bewilderment/wtf's? Good point. If you haven't been in world today, it's lots of "fun." Went to a friend's sim to see new build for an upcoming holiday - could only see a bit of the ground and 2 people, although others were there. I then made the mistake of trying to walk, flew (without pushing the fly button) - "rubberbanded" all around the sim - and then landed back where I began but looking at the blue screen of death. Could not see anyone, including myself. Others in group chat elsewhere were reporting all kinds of wierdness. Rolling restarts today...fun. And welcome back, Darrius...missed you.
  25. Jo Yardley wrote: I agree with you agreeing with me Then we're in agreement! :matte-motes-big-grin:
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