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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. 16 wrote: when did you decide to try flip the parcel for 4,000L given that it looks like you paid 2,488L for it? before or after the wall went up? we can get a better idea of why the wall went up depending on when you decided to flip the parcel Just upping the price for a parcel shouldn't have any bearing on the wall, imo. People buy land on the mainlaind sim where I live and try to flip for more all the time. To date no walls, or other ugly features, have appeared due to that.
  2. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Make a prim moustache and put it up on the skull ROFL!!!! Good one, Dilbert Alternatively, if not using Phoenix/Firestorm viewer, create a prim the same size as that one, keeping it inside your property lines - texture the side you see with a photo, scene, etc. of your choice. I don't get the neighbor's point as well. To the OP, I know this can be distressing, especially if this is your first house or first situation like this in SL. I do think LL will remove it though.
  3. Hi Arwen Are you referring to the email that lists the sale details or the email that states which MB (if it was sold from a MB) the sale was sent from? I've deleted the MB location notifications, but the sales details email still has no-reply@marketplace.secondlife.com on my notification as of this morning.
  4. phaedra Exonar wrote: Darkness Anubis wrote: I haven't looked into the direct delivery thing since it went live. I seem to remember back then hearing merchants saying htere were problems with it and non delivery of stuff. Does anyone know if it is working properly now? I've been 100% DD since the first day it came out I've had no failed deliveries, but some people are still having problems with switching to DD, it seams to depend on what perms your items are, what viewer, and OS your computer run on. There are other MP issues that LL is claiming are database related and not a DD issue. As with most things in SL, the MP and DD fallows the rule of works for some not for others. One of the huge issues why MBs are still in use is that DD cannot handle no-copy items for some reason. The niche I hear about this affecting the most on a wide-scale basis is breedables. There were reports of merchants who did list no-copy items on DD having the permissions changed upon delivery. Then there are the various hot jira issues, that no one can now see, about the mixed listings fiasco which many in the know are saying was not caused by DD, but somehow the institution of DD "exposed" already messed up listings. Still trying to understand that when these mixed listings were not showing up prior to DD. This is a fairly widespread issue and seems to primarily hit merchants who listed on Xstreet prior to it being bought out by LL and eventually changed to The Marketplace, which included another time-consuming migration in the process. Other issues affecting merchants that also had ongoing jiras were customers making a purchase -> lindens taken from customers accounts for said purchase -> customers receiving purchase BUT merchant never received payment for the purchase and the purchase does not show up on the merchant transaction record. This was first discoverd (or at least reported in the forums) by the friend of a merchant purchasing a product and mentioning it to merchant later, as well as a customer who contacted a merchant with a question on their purchase - neither merchant had a clue the item had been sold to the individuals in these cases. A support ticket to LL that one such merchant filed came back saying, in essence, "The TOS states we do not guarantee all services will work all the time" (paraphrased) and no money paid to merchant. This was still happening prior to the jiras being shut down. In short...DD, while perhaps working well for some merchants and in some situations, is overall....a mess.
  5. Deja Letov wrote: I totally agree, but I doubt the topic will ever go away because they will never fix it and LL will never correct it. It's funny, I just checked all my listings and with over 300 products listed I have a grand total of 18 reviews TOTAL for all products. AND for awhile there, I was even contacting everyone individually thanking them for their order and reminding them that if they felt so inclined they have an option to always review their order. I see what you mean though...18 reviews over 300 products and then you have some merchants who get TONS of reviews on a single product...total bull. Deja, when you speak of 18 reviews are you referring to the number of people who rated an item but didn't necessarily leave a comment, or are the 18 specifically comments left, not including ratings with no comments? This got me interested and I was in the process of counting mine - then the MP went boom. In the meantime decided to come back and clarify what you are counting so I can do an apples-apples comparison. I did find something rather odd before the MP crashed - I have one product that has a 5-star rating (in that all 5 stars are blue) but says (0) reviews. Okkkkkaaaayyy...how does that happen?
  6. Sassy Romano wrote: Delivering folders? Delivering unpacked? Nice to have but not the compelling reason that was originally outlined that would require all MP resource. This comment made me think of a comment from a thread on General here: "yup, and many merchants are abusing direct delivery to send the very same boxes they were sending anyway. So people still need to unpack those boxes, something direct delivery was intended to do away with. May start making a list of lazy merchants doing that and reporting them all." So let me get this straight...this person thinks "many merchants" are "abusing" DD by sending their items boxed, which is a *choice* that is built into DD. Now that ought to be "fun times" when LL starts getting reports about all the "lazy merchants" using a feature built into DD. *Shakes head* As far as I can tell from checking the MP and online profile, the poster is not a merchant, thus very likely does not even know that a merchant can choose to keep items boxed, or not, in DD. She may not even realize some merchants, for various reasons, still use Magic Boxes, thus the boxed items. I read this as, "I don't want to deal with boxes and I'm going to throw a tantrum (making a list of lazy merchants to report) until everyone sends items to folders." However, the bigger issue here, as I see it, is the confusion re: DD that exists in the SL community at large. *In the Second Life Merchant group chat awhile back someone said they were having difficulty with failed deliveries and asked if anyone else was experiencing the same. The first response was, "You shouldn't be having that problem; direct delivery solved that." So, in addition to everything stated in your post...the confusion, misinformation, half-information, etc. that surrounds DD is rife. *ETA - That should have read the in world Second Life Merchant group chat...but you all probably picked up on that. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  7. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I've a friend who's fairly high up at one of the world's largest temporary employment agencies and he calls Facebook and Twitter ticking personal time bombs. I've also read that large companies are using Facebook as a way to weed out candidates, not weed them in. <snip> My teen neighbor, who is a music major and has quite a foul mouth when he's angry or excited, has a remarkably clean Facebook page, and has told me that he's already seeing friends get blowback from both colleges and prospective employers for Facebook faux pas. Like it or not, the internet does not distinguish between the public and private faces of its denizens. Very true. I listen to radio a lot and have heard the CEOs of two large companies state that part of their hiring process is to look at a prospective employee's Facebook. One of the two is a techie herself - Kim Komando. (komando.com) She owns the radio station over which she broadcasts, writes columns for various magazines, and is asked to troubleshoot new products by some of the top PC/software/tech companies, in addition to broadcasting her weekly radio program. As a self-proclaimed techie geek who has worked in the industry her entire professional life, she warns her listeners regularly to make sure their FB is cleaned up *especially* prior to looking for a new job and has stated this has become the norm for many companies.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote I work in the tech world for a very successful company, and I can't imagine one or our employees doing such a tweet, without knowing that they not only just burned their bridges, but also have burned many future opportunities. This is not some "dinosaur" thinking. It's real, it's current, and it will affect many people’s lives. While I agree it is 'professionally' dangerous to make a Tweet like that, we are still all guessing the intent. For all we know he could be quoting Rod. It could be a catch phrase at the Lab. They could even have banners with that saying up in all the break rooms at Linden Lab. P.s. Please don't try to tell me that CEO's don't cuss. Some of the most profanity laced rants I have ever heard have came out of a CEO's mouth. Based on another thread re: using this forum or SLU, I mosied over to SLU yesterday. I can see why the reception of how the announcement was phrased would be different there than here. Birds of a feather apparently do flock together. ETA: I didn't post this in response to Perrie - it was meant to be a general follow-up post.
  9. WADE1 Jya wrote: Only good Lindens left are Dakota and Sea in my opinion. I think almost all the good ones were fired or quit by now. And Torley!!! Torley is my alltime favorite Linden!!
  10. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: And that stock pile of batteries might have gotten you shot.......such a valuable commodity when there's no power (for flash lights only) Oh I was prepared for that too and ummmm, I'll leave it at that. Like I said, I honestly didn't have any fear at all that anything was going to happen re: Y2K but, since I live in an area thas is known for "weather-related emergencies" that have taken the power out for days at a time, I needed to have that stuff on hand anyway and it was a good time to get off my butt and do a bit of preparedness. I've used the crank-powered radio quite bit during power outages. Used the batteries as needed over the years. Ate the MREs - they actually weren't too bad. It's recommended to keep extra water on hand at all times in my area due to our storms. Really, nothing I purchased or stocked up on went to waste.
  11. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: ChuckBaggett wrote: Long term Linden Lab employee Yoz LInden (Yoz Grahame) is no longer with Linden Lab. Farewell tweet from Yoz I don't see an explanation yet. Good riddance. His "tweet" reeks of the trendy "lets use profanity to look cool" devolving communication skills. Since when does it matter if an middle-rank employee of a company moves on? In my RL job with a very visible company, other than the CEO and those at that high decision making level, the public was not aware of who we were, nor commented on our employment status. Who cares why he's moved on? I don't require an explanation. This ^^ Glad someone with his attitude is gone.
  12. Woo Hoo!!! A survey!!! We've *never* seen one of these.
  13. solstyse wrote: hahahaha y2k! I remember all that hype! It's like everyone in the whole world forgot that in 1900 we didn't even have computers. So if every computer went down... So what? Worst case scenario: A little inconvenience. Just like the world is going to end now because some overachieving Mayan finally got writers cramp! In 1900 the world in general wasn't run on a power grid via computers; that was the issue - if the power grid went down, all the services that we depend on that are dependent on the grid, which is pretty much everything, would have put us back to living life in the 1900s. I personally didn't think anything was going to happen but I did get a solar/crank powered radio, a stash of MRE's, stored water as well as purchasing a snazzy water purifier from England, stocked up on batteries, candles, and waterproof matches, made sure I had medical supplies, etc. Always a good idea to be prepared.
  14. Ceka Cianci wrote: ok is right.. not a thing in this life can we take with us..so it's a waste being worried about losing what really isn't ours anyways.. we live..we get some stuff to use while we are here..then we die just as broke as anyone else in the world.. the only value is the life we live..and i'm not gonna spend it worried all the time about stuff..it's not worth the time i lose on it.. we can always get more stuff..we can never get more time.. I need to print this out and read it each morning!!! I tend to be a worrier. Thank you Ceka
  15. I think if a full scale war breaks out, SL will be way down on many peoples list of priorities.
  16. Spica Inventor wrote: From their web page.... 'To buy a full region in Second Life there is a $1000.00 set up fee (15,000 prims) To buy a full region in InWorldz there is a $75.00 set up fee (45,000 prims) Second Life tier is $295.00 a month InWorldz tier is $75.00 a month (I'm pretty sure this hasn't changed)' But she does admit that she really doesnt do much other than build things. If you like to explore the grid like I do, there really isn't much to explore over there in InWorldz and Avination still, so until that changes somehow, the much smaller costs arent going to make much difference in causing any sort of exodus from S.L. to the alternatives. I didn't say it would...in fact in one post in this thread I stated I am *not* advocating IW; just answering the OP as to what happened to this merchant and included the blog link so those interested could see what she said in her own words about making the move. The thread subject is about *one* merchant, not a discussion on any "exodus" to alternative worlds.
  17. Darkness Anubis wrote: There is just something about Second Life that brings people together and if we let it, brings the best out in us I think. So very true, Darkness. When I read threads like this it makes many of the "problems" in SL seem very petty. Thank you so much for starting the thread.
  18. Catwyn wrote: I am new to Secondlife so I maybe don't have any grand stories to share. I owuld like to share one small thing that I have discovered for myself in the few days I have been here. In real life I am painfully almost debilitatingly shy. In Second Life I am finding that I can talk to people without that almost panic moment. That is no small things for someone like me. Welcome Catwyn I have met many people in SL who have some type of social anxiety, shyness, etc. from moderate to severe and all have said the same thing as you expressed - SL is a much easier venue in which to interact with people. Since you are new, you may not be aware of various groups that address this and other issues. Some groups are formed on a peer-counseling model, others are more casual, but it allows people who are living with similar situations to get together and support/help each other - or just have fun. Please feel free to IM me in world if you would like some names of groups to check out. I can't recall them off the top of my head, but could find them in world. Thank you for sharing that with us and may you have an amazing SL.
  19. Heart Brimmer wrote: I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face after reading your post and I cannot tell you how much it touched my heart. I had a very good friend in SL, we talked everyday, and became like sisters. She had a lot of medical problems and SL was her escape from the pain. And then one day, she wasn't there and I recieved a message from her on Skype saying she was in the hospital and was going to have a routine surgery...she never woke up...she left behind a daughter in RL and a husband in SL. SL has never been the same for me. I still have her on my friend's list and everyday I think about her and how much I miss her. So, I DO NOT take anyone I meet on SL for granted. I treasure everyone of my friends and make sure they know just how much I do care. Never forget that behind that avatar is a real, breathing human being who feels and hurts just like you do. Thank you, Theresa. I'm so sorry for your loss Heart and I can truly relate. I, too, still have Evelynn on my friend's list, even though she deleted the avatar. I found out that if a person is either on one's friend's list or their calling card is still in our inventory (one of the other or both), we can still see the profile when others can't. I have a profile pick in memory of my friend, which will always be there. *HUGS*
  20. Maryanne Solo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: "This is the text from a notecard I got from White Tiger Help Island some time ago: **********"A TRUE STORY"******** Then a couple of weeks later I heard from someone, that Djduerer had passed away. This story is distributed with the full permission of the Real Life wife of Djduerer Zou. Treacle Darlandes." :smileysurprised::smileyindifferent::smileysad: Wow just wow. I need a break after reading that. So moving. Thank you for posting. I had that same reaction. There are likely many more Djduerers in SL than we realize, some interacting amongst us that we have no idea what trials the RL person behind the avatar is experiencing. After reading Theresa's post, I thought of my dear friend Evelynn. We initially met close to 20 years ago on IRC where we spoke online almost daily within a role play channel. Over time we began phone chatting and she became one of my very best friends, although we never met in person. We each came to SL not knowing the other was here until I was enthusiastically telling Evelynn about SL during a phone call. She laughed, said she was already here, and invited me to see her SL home which, not having seen many houses in SL at the time, looked like a mansion. I was in awe of clocks that actually worked and all kinds of other cool gadgets. We rarely saw each other in SL due to differing interests; however we talked on the phone at least once a week. Evelynn had multiple major health problems dating back to our IRC days, but few people online knew that, which was how she wanted it. I was impressed with how upbeat she always was, online and during our phone calls, knowing how very ill she was. Over the last few years Evelynn's health deteriorated quickly until she was essentially bedridden, but she continued enjoying SL as a DJ, mall manager, and merchant. Valentine's Day, 2011, I received an Angel Bear in SL from Evelynn with a note that said, "You are my Angel in Life, I'll be your's later on." I called to thank her for the gift and said something to the effect that she wouldn't be my angel for a long time yet. She was silent. That summer during one of our phone chats she said she had decided to "kill Evelynn" (her main avatar). Stunned, I asked why. She replied that she had quit DJing but still got a lot of IMs from people asking questions. I advised her to not delete the avatar, that later on she might regret that, and to just use one of her alts for SL or make a new one if she didn't want anyone to know she was online. She persisted in saying the best thing was to just delete the avatar. There had been no new health setback of which I was aware and Evelynn was still her outgoing, bubbly self on the phone but, looking back, I believe Evelynn had probably not shared some info with me, not wanting me to worry. We continued to talk on the phone regularly then, last November, a call came from Evelynn that went to my answering machine while I was out of the house. It was the first time in over 20 years that she sounded tired and "down." She said she wasn't doing too well and would call back that evening to "fill me in." I never heard from her again. I now kick myself that I didn't call her back but she slept a lot and I didn't want to disturb her, her RL situation made it tricky to call her sometimes, plus she ALWAYS called back when she said she would. A week went by without hearing from her. I became more worried by the day, debating whether I should try to call but always got a "feeling" it was best not to. One day I woke up literally in tears with Evelynn very heavy on my mind. I had worn myself out crying by the afternoon and finally took a nap. When I awoke, there was message on my answering machine from her husband telling me Evelynn had passed away. That was almost a year ago now. It still doesn't seem real. My main point is that I am 99.99% sure I was the only person among her SL friends/acquaintances that had any idea she was ill.
  21. Thank you for sharing that experience, Darkness - wonderful and heartwarming. When I first joined SL, not having any idea about building or even that everything in SL had been built by other residents, just about everything was amazing. One memory was when I was invited to see the new house a male friend of mine had just purchased. We met at our SL jobs and were in the "more than friends/less than dating" phase. We had begun SL within weeks of each other and were enjoying exploring this new world together. His RL job was in the computer tech industry so he caught on to things faster than I did. So I'm being given a tour of his house and we end up back in the living room. He invites me to sit down on the sofa. This was in 2007 and I had only seen pose balls for any type of seating, thus I was very surprised to see both our avatars moving when we sat down; mine with arms crossed, looking bored and his stretching his arms up. I'm staring at the screen thinking...how can our avatars be moving when - ZAP! the poses changed - to a kissing animation!!!! I about jumped out of my chair RL and typed in chat..."How did we do that????" I was doubly dumbfounded when our avatars flipped into another position all on their own - or so I thought. My first experience with an animations engine - or whatever the correct term is.
  22. Innula Zenovka wrote: A search in the Marketplace for "rug sculpt" with copy/mod/transfer checked yields a lot of results. Maybe some of them would be satisfactory. Right Just wanted to see if anyone had recommendations since I already purchased one sculpt via that method which didn't work for my particular texture. Since I posted I did receive a great recommendation from a builder and look forward to trying it out.
  23. This is likely a very elementary question, but it just started bugging me lately. So, the way I made rugs prior to sculpties was the flat prim method. I've been seeing some really nice, realistic-looking rugs I'm assuming were made from sculpt maps. I don't want a wrinkled look or scrunched up as some I've seen, but just something more realistic than a flat prim. I looked through the MP, since I'm not familiar with who creates this type of sculpt, and purchased one that was fairly inexpensive but looked nice textured in the photo. However, the rug texture I am using has a border and this sculpt rounded the corners to the point that it distorted the overall "look." I'm not complaining about this sculpt, but basically asking: 1. Is there a way to use regular prims for rugs and not get the "flat" look? I tried using a slight beveled corner, but that looks odd as well. 2. Not sure if it's against the TOS to recommend specific merchants here, but if anyone knows someone who creates nice rug sculpts, would love to know where to look. Can IM me in world or here. Thank you :)
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I never took the Brown Acid. Since you were replying to my post...ummmmm....lost you with the Brown Acid??? That was supposed to be a general reply. Stupid Lithium didn't heed the warning. Here is what Hippie reefered to. Thanks Perrie Very interesting video. Ok, I can also say I never took the Brown Acid, or any acid for that matter.
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